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Starting 2016 by grieving...

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 27,894
    For a long while now, I only told this to people I was close to, but I guess I'll go ahead and come out and open up about this, although it's a little sad for me to have to post about this as well.

    In January 2015, my mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 multiple myeloma, which is a rare cancer to the bones. She stayed strong this past year, and unfortunately the worst thing to happen had happened.

    My mom passed away. On the morning of New Year's Day this year, at 3:58am.

    I'd spent these last few days grieving over her loss, which is why I haven't been around much. I had family down from up north as well to be with us so that me, my brother, my father, and my grandmother (mom's mom) wouldn't be alone in a time like this.

    It hurts for me to write this entry as well, even though losses like this happen to many people. I've managed to cope better emotionally about this more than my father, but at least mom is resting in peace and not living in constant pain, especially considering how she was bedridden.

    I will miss you mom. <3
    Aaaw, I can relate to that. My mom is sick as well, and I went through it with my grandfather a few years ago. Best wishes to you and your family, and I'm sending good vibes in your general direction. <3 I'm sorry this happened.
    Sorry about that . Be fine and take care of yourself. Best wishes for you as well as your family