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Stranded [pg-16]

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  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013

    Stranded. [PG-16]

    [shipwrecked v.2.0]

    "It used to be, back in my day that we didn't have your pokegears and your fancy poketechs and your TV stations and your special pokeballs and your poffin cases and your tm cases and your multipocket backpacks and your pokenavs and your vs seekers and your battle towers and your fancy shmancy seals for your ridiculously overpriced pokeballs and your radio towers and your teachytvs and your Global Trade Stations and your double battles and did you know that when we left our towns with our first pokemon and headed off on Route 1 towards Viridian City that we did so in the bitter cold with the wind on our faces with Blk Apricorns in our pockets?!"

    "Back in my day, back in my day, all we had were the Pokeballs, the Great Balls and the Ultra Balls. If you got real lucky, maybe you'd be able to steal a Master Ball from Silph Co's greedy little hands. Why when we tried to move that god damn Snorlax from the route, we threw our Greatballs and smashed a+b down on our 8 bit grayscale pokedexs and prayed, we prayed that it would stay shut so we could get on with it and get to Cinnabar before the snow began to fall in Cerulean City. Now adays you people with your Heavy Balls and your Timer balls just throw it and move right on along. Tsh. Back in my day when we tried to breed our Pokemon we had to experiment and learn for ourselves what Pokemon can put what into who. Now you have your IV feeds and your sophisticate computers and your breeding farms... Hmph. Lazy children."

    "But now you little lazy children, now you got your pokedexes with your holograms and your GPS pokemon locators that tell you just where that pokemon you're looking for is located. You don't take your notebooks and take notes on the habitats of pokemon. You youngsters today do not hunt in the tall grass for hours, no, no you just push a button. A magic little button that does all your work for you while you take all the credit for being such an amazing trainer what with your eight boxes in Bill's PC all full up of Pokemon. When I was a lad, after the war, I went on my pokemon journey and I didn't have any of that fancy buisness. I had to work for the pokemon in my possession and we didn't have that unlimited space to store our pokemon. When we wanted to move a pokemon from box to box we had to do it by hand."

    "Back in my day, when the old man offered to teach you how to catch a pokemon, you didn't pretend to be on your damn pokegear. No, back in my day, you listened to him with respect because he was your elder and you watched him and you learned how it's done."

    "Now adays you have your confounded liberal PCP3 pact with its rules and regulations telling you all about how you can't go taking your confounding technology into those places of the world that don't know about it yet and you whine and complain and say 'oh, but there could be new Pokemon there or a new challenge' but you refuse to go there without all your bells and whistles and your skinny leg jeans. Tsh. Back in my day, we didn't fear the untamed world. We picked up a machete and we hacked through that grass and we did it without your fancy bikes with the shifting gears and we walked from town to town in that new world without your light up running shoes."

    "God damn whippersnappers, those little buds in your ears have gone out and murdered your sense of adventure."

    The TL;DR Drabble on What's Going On

    This story takes place about 5-10 years after the conclusion of Generation 4 in Sinnoh.

    After the industrialization of the world began to intensify, the legendary birds fled the land and settled on a continent protected for the most part by natural elements. Of course, the trainers followed the birds in hopes of capturing them and with them brought the technology of their homelands. In some of these places, inner turmoil in the land was already reaching a peak and the added technology was starting to swing things unfairly in one direction. Fearing an upset in the natural progression of history in these continents, the five Champions got together in the Hall of Champions at the Kanto Indigo Plateau and together with the backing of the Elite Four Members from each region as well as the Global Police Representatives set forth a series of rules to keep the continent safe from outsiders. They enacted, much to the overall dismay of the people, the PCP3.

    The Pokemon Continental Preservation Peace Pact [PCP3 for short] is a treaty aimed at protecting continents with civilizations that are not fully developed. Pokemon League Laws strictly prohibit any sort of contact with such continents and the reason for this is because this sort of contact with higher civilizations often greatly influences the path of the history for underdeveloped continents. All trainers with a trainer's license are required to adhere to this treaty unless there is a clear and precise danger to a person's life. This treaty is one of the most important sets of rules in the Pokemon League, and regulates how trainers must act in emergency situations if they find themselves in such situations. If such advanced technology is used and the champions become aware of it, the persons responsible will be immediately detained, their trainer licenses removed and punished to the extreme end of the law. Anyone defying these regulations forfeits their right to a trial and will be given the maximum penalty for their crime. In the most severe of cases, the offenders will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. The League made it clear with this announcement that they would not be merciful. No exceptions.

    There was initial chaos and uproar after the PCP3 was first enacted but it was soon forgotten and life went on as normal. People adjusted and got over the shock. Legendary Pokemon became Legendary. Time fixed itself and the problems on the underdeveloped continents settled down to the sorts of problems you'd expect to see. It fell once more into the lull.

    As technology continues to advance, the high speed ferries of old are beginning to be entirely replaced with Airships, with one major dock per region, to provide faster transportation between the regions. In the beginning it was dangerous, crashes, injuries, deaths; it was only for the strong of heart. Now a days, everyone takes airships to go from one place to the other. This day was no different. A group of people at the Airship Harbor in Vermillion got on the most famous of airships, the Albatross IV, bound for Olivine City. Everything was perfectly fine until a near collision with some dimwitted Lass on a Dragonite set them off course. The group entered in a storm cloud and anyone with any sort of idea on the effects of weather on planes would know that a direct lightning bolt strike to the right is very very bad. They managed to land somewhat safely but when the smoke cleared and the startled trainers crawled out from their mangled seats, they were grateful for their lives. However, with no power to any of the ships workings, it was obvious just how bad the damage had been. One flick of technology later, they would realize they were stranded in a place where their PokeNavs couldn't tell them a thing about the surrounding terrian. There was no signal from their PokeGears,

    They looked around at each other, hearing the comotion around the mangled plane begin to pick up in volume, there was rumblings as though something was trying to get inside the cabin.

    Someone, or some thing, was outside.

    The Rules

    1.0 Follow all PRP Section Rules as posted.

    2.0 Remember the PCP3 which yes, was inspired by Star Ocean 3. You can use your spiffy pokeballs and your pokedexs but only if you want to draw attention to your group of friends. All items Gen 2 + are banned in this particular continent outside of berries. This includes TMs and HMs. If your character pushes the rules they can dare to push that ban but they'd be putting the group at risk and other characters may not like that. This in itself can cause you all sorts of delicious drama.

    3.0 Stay Active. If you have real life issues, just keep me up to date and when you come back, please read any and all posts before posting in character. If for some reason you can't report your absence before hand, tell me asap what's going on BEFORE you post via the OOC thread [LINK GOES HERE]

    4.0 Respect your fellow RPers, it's just common sense.

    5.0 Character control. Don't do it without permission. If you're gone for a long period of time, you need to give yourself over to someone to control you until you return. If you don't make this decision within say a week of disappearing on us, I'll pick someone to control your character until you show up again.

    6.0 Character Interaction. Yes, this is a journey roleplay. No, this is not a chapter based roleplay. You must talk and interact with all other people involved. It's required and I promise, it's more fun.

    7.0 Got a plot bunny in your head? Shoot it at me, as long as it doesn't break the basic idea of this roleplay, we'll fit it in somewhere along the line. :3 Feel free to pm me at any time about this or post it in the OOC thread. Plot your bunnies together with your fellow rpers and see if they multiply. I'm all for random sub plots all over the place. Just run it by me first. ^^

    8.0 Seriously, have fun with it. This is more of a 7.5 but it's really important to me. This is an RP. It's not srs buisness. Just loosen up, have some fun~

    The Sign Up



    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    [basic history, occupation, in first person, goes here]

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    [basic idea of your pokemon party including personalities and how your trainer got them again in first person.]

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    [+ points of your character's personality, what makes everyone love you, in first person]

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    [- points of your character's personality. Everyone's got their faults, what's your character's? First person again.]

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    [Why does your character dress the way he or she does? Describe it for us and explain why your character wears what he or she does. In first person~]

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    [Why are you getting on the airship? Is it just to get to Olivine? Do you have a psychic sense that something bad could happen? Are you really freaking bored? You gotta have a reason here~ In first person.]

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    Accepted List

    [if you're coming from the original shipwrecked, don't worry I'm already looking for you. <3 I do not take reservations]

    Scarlet Weather
    Alter Ego
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    Take One Last Breath
  • 131
    oops, my bad i didnt read you didnt take reservations, i will have to see if there is room when i have time then :D
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    Scarlet Weather

    The Game is Afoot!
  • 1,823
    Name: Keith Hollis
    Age: 17
    Gender: Yubel (Okay, kidding, male)

    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Oh, um, hi! Nice to meet you... Jubilife people... um... wow. I'm not quite sure why you'd be all that interested in why I became a trainer... because, um, I'm not one really. I do contests once in a while and I do take part in the occasional gym battle, but I don't raise Pokemon for competitive circuits like most trainers do. So what would I call myself? Um... I guess I'm more of a Pokemon Breeder than anything else, y'know? You see, I used to have a part-time job taking care of Pokemon for people who couldn't watch them, you know? While I was doing that job I decided I wanted Pokemon of my own, so I managed to convince some trainers who didn't have any use for the eggs their Pokemon had while down at the nearby day-care to hand them over to me. All my Pokemon are hand-raised... we're like family, right? So yeah, I guess ever since they grew up, I've been running around and adventuring like this. I really don't have any sort of big, special reason for getting on the Airship- I don't want to catch wild Pokemon all that much or anything like that. I just want to see as much of the world as I can before I die- so an adventure like this sounds like fun. That's all, really."

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "...Jeez, do I really look that powerful to you? Are you sure you guys are talking to me? [laughs] I guess you could say these guys are pretty strong though. Let's see... I don't battle in big competitions, but I think Arf's the strongest. See, he's the Mightyena over there- no, don't worry, he doesn't bite! The big guy's just really playful most of the time but I wouldn't- AH, ARF, NO! DON'T EAT THAT! ...Sorry, Arf doesn't quite get the difference between 'mine' and 'yours' when he wants things... he's kind of a selfish kid. I've been trying to raise it out of him, but he's the youngest... I got him after I got my others, from a trainer who decided he was too much of a handful... he's tough though. Trust me, he's a good battler. Let's see... we've also got Maya- she's the Butterfree resting on the back of my head. Cute, I know. She's just a little sleepy right now. And Errol- he's the Xatu over there staring at the Airship, trying to figure out how it works. Elsie's the Raticate sitting on his head. She's cute, isn't she? She's the oldest one. These guys are like family to me- yeah, I raised Maya, Errol, and Elsie from eggs."

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "Um, wow, you TV guys are kind of pushy... and creepy... [nervous laugh]... um, my best traits... Gah, I don't like talking to people about stuff like this, it makes me feel like I'm bragging. Can you ask another question please?


    ...You're really just gonna sit here until I tell you something, huh. Right, I guess my best traits are that I'm not really all that self-absorbed... I think... and people tell me I'm a nice guy most of the time. Like, I take the time to look out for other people, for my Pokemon, and I tend to notice when people need a hug. People say I'd make a good Dad, but I don't know. Taking care of these guys is enough of a handful for now, anyway. [gestures to his Pokemon]"

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "...You guys are kind of starting to scare me. Okay, I'll bite. I don't like that I tend to get angry at people... like, I haven't shown it to you guys, and it doesn't happen often- but when I get angry, I just, like... wow, bam, you're done. I guess the other thing I don't like much about myself is that I'm kind of hopeless when it comes to getting things done... like, I'm not very good at setting goals for myself. I mean, I'm not even a very good battler. My Pokemon are the ones who do all the work..."

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    "...Hottest... thing?

    Really? You're really going to go ahead and describe me that way? I mean, I don't know why you would- seriously, I just wear this stuff because it's functional. Like, these hiking boots here- I've had them for two years and they haven't worn out. The blue jeans are just kind of standard, really. They do well when it comes to standing up to the elements... T-shirt's harder to justify, I just thought the caption was witty. I mean, I know the Magikarp saying 'I swear I'll kill you all when I evolve' is kind of macabre but... oh, and the jacket. I picked hunter green 'cuz it's my favorite color, plus the jacket's warm. And... why am I wearing a beret? Because I think berets are cool, that's why. It also helps distract people from the fact that I haven't combed my hair in a while, I guess. And... yeah, before you all ask, I'm five feet, eight inches tall, I weigh about a hundred and sixty pounds, I have blue eyes, my hair IS naturally blonde, and I could share my three sizes but I don't think ANYONE wants to know that. I mean... you guys are kind of creeping me out with how interested you are in me. [nervous laugh] Um... can we just wrap up?"

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "...I just wanted to see Johto by airship, is all. And I've never ridden on an airship. Is that too weird? I mean, I grew up in Kanto, so this is a good chance to see even more of the world... and none of my Pokemon know how to fly anyway, except Maya, and she can't carry me that far."

    The Gaurdian

    a change in your demeanour.
  • 278
    Name: Ling Hogerson
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    What, NO go away, go bother someone else, I thought as the Reporter started ranting at meYeah I am you nimwit, other wise I wouldn't be heading that way, "I became a trainer because I needed to in order to survive, I did that a long time ago." I paused trying to comprehend what the lady had said, "I wander because I must, I have no home." I stopped trying to see if that would make her leave me alone.

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    Stupid questions, "I have my Sandslash, Atin, he might be a bit stubborn but thats his strong suit, he wont budge under pressure so he works as our foundation. Then there's Werda, my Umbreon, dang she is protective, sneaky too, she normally does recon for us. Next up there Verd, he's a Gallade, he is the new guy of our pack, pretty calm though and thats good, you can't be hot headed trying to survive up there." I pointed at the mountain in the distance, "I guess last would be Kom'rk, an Hariyama, he is our brute force. Kom'rk might just be crazy but he has some guts, I respect that." I finished up the list, hoping that would make the lady happy.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    Lady, why won't you just leave me alone. "Ma'am, I have no clue why people seam to like me. Some times I am told I am strong willed, others tell me I take everything thrown at me and change it to fit my needs. What ever the case, people just seam to be interested by my oddness and guts." I said, praying that that would be all, "or maybe its just the fact that I will do as I am told. And I am a team player, one has to be to survive."

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    Fine, if it will make you leave "I have been told that I have an odd sense of likeing the old. Apparently thats not good, also I am a bit crazy." I stated, "I also have no care for the normal stuff, its boring."

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    I looked down at my combat boots, the red scarf like wrapings that went to just under my knees, leather greaves that covered those, my black pants, spring camo shirt that went down to my knees, the olive drap padded gambeson, a belt wraped around it so it wouldn't take to much space, a combat knife hidden in a sheath on another belt inside the gambeson, my gauntlents that looked like they should belong in a video game that everyone else his age was crazy about, my black finger-tipless gloves that allowed my bright white finger tips to show, then reached up and patted my black bandana to make sure it was still there. "Ma'am, I wear this stuff because this is comfy and everything I wear has ten uses. If it works, then I am happy." I told her with a grin, "And I wouldn't even be able to tell you any names of any malls, or how to work a Poketech, Pokedex, or anything electronic. I dont use them, I like good old matteral idems when I wander, not something that a magnet or electric storm could destroy."

    "And before you ask, I am around five foot nine inches, I think I weigh around one-hundred eleven pounds, and clearly I have blue eyes." I said before remembering to pull off my bandana to reveil my white hair, "I have no idea why its this color." I stated proudly before pulling my bandana back on, "But I think its cool."

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    I laughed, "Ma'am, if you didn't realise, I dont have any flying pokemon. Anyway, I have spent enough time here, it is time for this ghost to wander somewhere else." I said spreading my arms, "Besides, I need something to do other than wander this place."

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    I dont even have a Poketech...Wait, wouldn't know be live? I thought as I watched the lady and the guy with the bulky machine on his sholder walked to the next person. I simply shruged and got on the deck of he Airship... What could possably go wrong?
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  • 4,017
    Name: Aiden Emerson
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Woah there, toots. Got that microphone close enough? Let's back up a step or two, shall we? Now, I suppose I could tell you that my journey began way back when this handsome man you see before you was just a tyke. There was a poor, injured baby Pidgey on the ground with no way to make it's way back to it's nest. I picked the poor little dickens up and lifted him to his nest where his siblings awaited him. From that day on, I strived to be a great Pokémon trainer and to be kind to all living Pokémon. But, to tell you that would be a big fat lie. Let's face it, I'm in this gig for the same reason everyone else is. Chicks, money, power, and chicks. That's all there is to that, girly.

    As far as why I really got into this charade, that's a simple story. While I was stocking shelves for my Pops down at the PokéMart over there, my eye caught a glimpse of the local Pokémon match on the tube. I thought to myself, 'Man, they got it good. Anything their pitiful heart desires is theirs.'. And that's when I decided to join the ranks of this parade of Poké people. Over the next few weeks, I prepared to set off on my journey. And now, just a few short months later, here I am! Fulfilling my wildest desires and raking in the plentiful bounty of such a cush hobby. Life is good, dollface."

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "My team, you say? Well, I suppose I could inform you about the true stars of this show. At the start of my journey, the first Pokémon my wandering eyes encountered was a Whismur. Now, this puny little pedigree Pokémon seemed like a lost cause at first, but these things grow to be true beasts. And what better to help me rake in the gold and honeys than something that I can really show off? I caught the little bugger right then and there. After a few weeks of some healthy training, he up and evolved on me into the Loudred that occupies this Pokéball today. He's quite the trooper, this one. Up next on the roll call is my Wartortle. I found him in his current stage, along the coast near Goldenrod. he was just chilling in the water when next thing you know, BAM! Uproar from the East side delivered from Loudred! The little guy was out cold after that. Easy catch. He's a bit of a smooth sailor, like yours truly, but a toughie nonetheless. Finally, last but not least, is my Sunflora. Now, I know what you're thinking; 'Aiden, what's someone like you doing with a Sunflora? I thought you were after the best of the best!'. Well, sweetie, I was. But when I saw how the girls swooned over this beauty left and right, I just had to get my hands on one. After swimming through the sea of Caterpies and Weedles in National Park, I finally found what I was looking for. But this cute little flower was a surprisingly tough catch. Done went and put my Wartortle to sleep with its Grasswhistle and took it out with Razor Leaf before I could do a damned thing! After a bit of a bout with Loudred, though, it succumed to my barrage of Pokéballs. Good looking and tough? I think I caught a winner with that one.

    There you go, darling. Bit of a showstopping team there, eh?"

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "Well, you really think the viewers at home are interested in little ol' me? Heh, I don't blame them. Look at me, I'm stunning! Anywho, sweetcheeks, I just don't know where to start with me. Some would call me 'The perfectly chiseled man. Charming, handsome, dashing, and all around amazing!'. But I, being the oh-so-modest gentleman I am, just brush off the compliments that I'm constantly showered with. It's a tough life, being me, but you get used to it. One just can't live the life of a common man nowadays, huh?"

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "Parts of me that I don't like? Nothing comes to mind, cupcake. A few jealous faces have called me 'an insufferable prick', 'big headed', 'egotistical', and 'So damn annoying that I can't stand five minutes around you', but what do they know? They just want what they can't have; my near endless endearing qualities, of course! Jealousy is a sickness, they say. I sure hope those poor folks get well soon, you know? Hah."

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    "Look here, foxy, I only wear the highest of high class couture. From my suede jacket lined with only the finest Furret fur down to my boots made of pure Miltank hide. I've been raised to appreciate the finer things in life. A nice polo shirt with matching dress pants are a must for myself. Can't let these good looks be tarnished with beggar clothes, now can we? Hah, I didn't think so.

    I also strive to maintain a dashing physical appearance. My wonderful jet black hair is always slicked down to keep it from being blown astray by foul winds and such. My teeth can be easily compared to the whitest pearl from the finest IV bred Clampearl. I've been told many a time that my dark blue eyes are so deep that you can get lost in the sheer beauty of them. And it never hurts to take a trip down to Goldenrod and visit the tanning salon to keep this nice golden brown going on, is there?"

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "Well, aren't we just a curious one! If you must know, hotrod, I reside in Olivine with my Ma and Pops. I'm just over here doing a bit of searching for the honeys and the moneys, you know what I'm sayin'? I need to go back to Olivine to see the look on my Ma's face when she sees what I got for her birthday. Now, knowing your curious self, you're going to want to know what it is I have for her. But I'm not thick enough to show it on national TV where my Ma can see it before I get there! All I can say is this; Ma, if you're watching this, it's what you've always wanted. Love you! Say hi to Pops for me!"

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    "Adios, cutiepie."
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  • 4,293
    • Seen Jan 25, 2023
    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Hey what the hell! Get that out of my face!" I yelled, suddenly being bombarded by a reporter and her cameraman. A camera's light flooded my poor blue eyes.

    Finally comprehending as to what she asked, I had to laugh. Assuming I'm a trainer? How quaint... I'll play your little game... Woman...

    I put on a fake smile and answered her questions untruthfully. "Oh yeah, me and my team, we'll take the world by storm, we're passionate gym battlers, and won't stop! This airship is the beginning of said adventure." The truth was however, I wasn't a trainer at all, revoked of my license, I had just been recently released from jail for trafficking Pokemon. I'm not even sure why I'm going on the ship... I just figure that a new life somewhere else might encourage me to stay away from a life of crime. And I still have that journeyman's ticket for that Carpentry job they're interviewing for in Olivine City. Thinking of the ticket again, I unconsciously clenched my hand around the small certificate, I had worked hard for this in prison, and wasn't going to screw it up.

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "Might as well continue the rouse," I thought "seeing as I'm no longer allowed to keep Pokemon..."

    I continued to lie on the spot. "Well I have two Pokemon, a Lapras and a Steelix, but I'd rather not give out further information on live TV so that any of my battle strategies might get out."

    Easier than I thought... He smiled to himself.

    ((**note: My character will get pokemon from dead passengers to claim as his own.))

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    I again laughed at this question, and decided to be arrogantly truthful. "Well I tend to look out for myself, and am hardworking of course this doesn't mean you can't do without a bit of humour."

    Not to mention I'll take advange of people like yourself... It's just so damn easy, this reporter is so clueless...She doesn't even know the half the things I've done... I haven't even been convicted for the majority of stuff, because they couldn't find evidence for it. But I would like to move on as well.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    This time I was proud of at least one aspect of myself, "See this toned body, this comes from years of hard work and training," I flexed my muscles in her face. "I am like the man of steel."

    The truth was, I was still insecure at this time in my life. I was still unsure about my job, and what the future held. Even holding my tongue at times was difficult, I'm not used to my current position, just something I have to get used to I guess...

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    I looked down at my coat, "Well I've had this Taurus swayed leather jacket since I was 15, something I am proud has been kept in excellent condition. These new blue jeans are for the uhh... start of my new journey. Other than that, I'm the casual type wearer, comfortable is where it's at." I tusseled my semi long brown hair for effect, but it was still drying from the shower I had had not to long ago so it if anything, flopped over. I do look a bit plain don't I? That's okay, I don't really want to bring attention to myself.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "Forgot already?" I retorted suddenly, realizing that I wasn't putting full heart into the interview. "I'm starting my new trainer life." It was nice to neglect to tell the truth for once...

    Ah crap... I just realized something... They'll be showing this to everyone... Man I hope my parole officer won't recognize me, he'll have some questions now. Lets just hope I can still become a carpenter by the end of this stupid air ride.

    "Well I hope to obtain peace and quiet from you... Otherwise I don't really care for the trip." I was making it clear that I no longer wanted to be interviewed.

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR

    I hung my head in shame after the interview... That woman must have some kind of charisma about her that made it easier for her questions to be answered for the most part. I starred at her ass as she walked off.

    ((First person makes it a bit difficult and short... XD))
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    The Jewel of Life

    A Gift From Arceus
  • 434
    ((I was in Shipwrecked, but I'm not using the same character as before. Here goes my new one!))

    Name: Kayla S. Haddeson
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Well, I'm from Hearthome city, and I became a trainer quite the odd way, so please, bear with me. When I was little, my parents were never home; they had inherited a huge mansion and many nice things, but couldn't afford to keep it up without working their butts off. Thinking that I would like a companion, they got me a little duskull, but he was my friend and didn't live in a pokeball. Around the age of eight was when he reached his final form, and by then he was more my father than both my parents combined. However, my mom and dad didn't want a dusknoir taking care of me so the tried to take him away. In an effort to protect me from neglect and stay with me, 'Dusku' spirited me away to the Kanto region, where I eventually became a trainer- a little bit before I turned ten -and lived with my gaurdian (though he is not a legal gaurdian) Dusku. I caught a few pokemon and battled quite a bit but then I got the urge to travel to yet another region. Now, here I am, ready to go!"

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "Let's see... as I mentioned before, here is Dusku, but he doesn't battle or live in a pokeball- he just takes care of me by providing protection and cooking my meals! I have four other pokemon that are more formal trainers' pokemon, the first of which is Shale, my Sableye. I recieved him as an egg from some random guy who told me that the egg would hatch into 'an amazing and powerful pokemon beyond your wildest dreams.' Shale is quirky and can be quite odd at times, but he was my first pokemon and the reason I became a true trainer, so I like him a lot. Next up is Grace. She is a pretty masquerian that I cought as a surskit and took extra care to evolve. Grace is... well, graceful. Kind and understanding, she puts a lot of trust in those close to her. Don't call my next one, a buneary called Sam, girly- he will kill you for that. Sam is a mean, aggressive, and tough-as-nails male buneary who has a knack for battling and is constantly trying to learn fighting type moves. Finally I have Koi, my finneon. Playful, energetic, and fairly smart are words I could use to describe Koi, and I caught her in a cool way too. I got Koi when I was camping out by a stream when I realized that I was low on food. Dusku wouldn't stand letting me go hungry, so he grabbed a magikarp and a finneon out of the stream. I remember thinking that Koi was extremely pretty, so I didn't want to eat her. Instead, I caught her and kept her a permanent member of my team. So, that about wraps it up! Got any other questions?"

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "My good traits? Well, I'm full of ambition, and will do pretty much anything I set my mind too. In fact, if it wasn't for this part of my personality, I wouldn't have gone out to a new region at the young age of eight-years-old. Also, I am very trusting. This could be both good or bad, but since I have Dusku to back me up I can trust nearly anyone I want- he is very strong and overprotective. With trust comes kindness and friendship, two characteristics that I am very proud of. I like to have people enjoy me, so I always try to be a caring and thoughtful as I can.

    "Oh, but there are other good things about me too, not just in personality. I'm a pretty good singer and I love doing it, so often I will sing to myself or my pokemon- some songs have excellent calming effects on wily or misbehaving pokemon, though I don't have any really. In addition to that, I pick up on new skills quickly. It doesn't take me long to succeed at something new, unless of course that something is difficult. Everyone will meet their match at something, no one is good at everything.

    "Yes, and speaking of awesome skills, I have one that stands out. Me and Dusku share such a powerful bond that I can understand what most people hear as mere pokemon cries. Just for Dusku though, no other pokemon."

    "Dusknoir! Dusk-usk noir no dusk."

    "... Hey what do you mean by 'don't blabber out all our secrets' I've told them hardly anything!"

    "Dusk dusknoir, noir."

    "... Point taken."

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "Oh god, bad traits? Well, I guess that I can be a bit.. okay a lot of a b*tch when I'm angry, and that I am not proud of. I also admit that I don't take serious things all that seriously most of the time... like right now 'cause I'm just spilling things about myself out without thinking 'bout it. Oh yeah! I also sometimes say dweebish things that I think are funny or clever at the time, but later realize are quite stupid, so look out for that.

    "Now about those things that I don't pick up all that quickly... well, thats mainly sports. Sports and fitness have always been hard for me; I couldn't do fifty push-ups to save my life! ...And I often have trouble with things like baseball or tennis, or anything where you hit a ball really. I have pretty poor hand-eye coordination.

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    "I absolutely love wearing denim skirts- they are comfortable, stylish, and more girly than jeans. But of course I don't want anyone to see my underwear or anything, so that is why I wear my pretty leggings. I have a bunch of awesomely cute pairs that I put on to match my shirt, shoes, or both. I also love these boots I'm wearing. Their delightfully soft and fairly element-proof, as well as being shorter than your average boot so I still get some room of skin on my legs. As for a shirt, I usually put on a t-shirt with a pokemon design on the front, or even just a plain t-shirt. Over that I wear a jacket, but for style I only zip it up halfway. I wear this necklace everywhere- my parents gave it to me before Dusku and I left. My mom said that the ultrathin gold ribbon complements my very yellowy-blond hair, and that the jade teardrop hanging from it is a perfect match for my blue-tinted green eyes. If anything ever happened to this necklace, I would be devastated!"

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "Why am I boarding? Oh well that's easy! Last time I traveled between regions, Dusku carried me over the water, and on land I mostly walk. Since he is not a formal flying type and is more humanoid-shaped, Dusku tires more easily than your classic dragon- or flying- type pokemon. This time, I want us to be comfy so I decided to take and airship to Olivine."

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.
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  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013
    @Comet~*: :P SEEE? I put you first. Can't say I forgot you this time. Mm. ^-^ It all checks out. Accepted.

    @Scarlet Weather: Iseewhatyoudidtherewiththatarfname. Love the Daddy-man like character, love him love him love him. XD Can't wait to see how his Raticate handles Aina's Rattata. Tho I may instigate a leash law on your pokemon team. XD; Accepted

    @The Gaurdian: Mmm I don't like the thoughts and first person PoV narrative at all. This is sorta like an interview, script it out as much please? also, your character seems sorta flat. He doesn't like most people, not anyone at all? It's okay to be a recluse but all recluses have something that draws them out of hiding. You also have some English errors [some of which is as simple as punctuation] so for now, you're Declined

    @Sublime: Oh dear God Arian. xD; It's...a pimp? Not sure. But I love him. He's most definitely the lady's man or at least he thinks he is. Accepted.

    Editing in my app below tomorow, need to sleep now <3

    Name: Aina Sagara
    Age: 10
    Gender: Female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "A-awuu.... I....I.... I do I have to answer? I do? Awuu... *pushes up her glasses a little* I've been a t-trainer f-for almost six months now. Ma-mama says I have to go out and b-become a good t-trainer f-first before I take over the shrine. *swallows hard to try and takes a deep breath before forcing a bit more umph from her voice* I..I'm from Azaelea Town! My parents watch over Celebi's shrine or rather our whole family does and when I'm bigger I have to since Nii-nii isn't around anymore and stuff! I...I h-h-have to do this! B-but I'd rather be home... The forest is really really nice. Did you know? There's lotsa tress and a stream and a lake and it's really pretty! Sometimes I'd go play in the forest and stuff and stay there for hours! Uwahhhh.... I really really want to go home now.... A-ah! I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to get side tracked uwau!"

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "U-Um... I have my Tyranitar, it was mama's, his name is Voltaire and he's really really nice. Mmmuuuu. He's warm and he carries me if I hurt a lot from walking or if I trip and fall down. Lotsa people think he's scary but I don't. I don't use him much tho cuz he's mama's, you know? So I only use him if I have to. Sometimes he'll come out even if I don't ask him to. B-but it's okay. I have one more Pokemon like Voltaire, you know? I have Kraken. He's an octillary. He's sorta like my dad. He squirts ink at people and thwaps me or bonks me with his tentacle if he thinks I'm being too blonde or something. He also doesn't like stupid people and it's a really big mess! I have to say sorry and clean everything up and he just sits in the corner like a doody head. Muuuu. Yui's so cute. She's my Cheri-Cherrim. She's scared of stuff like me but I don't know why she's scared of trees and bushes, she's a grass type. She's really sweet tho and we snuggle alot. I also snuggle with Winona. She's a ratatta and she got PokeRus when she was little and it.... well it sorta messed up her brains. She likes to eat pokemon like pidgeys and caterpies and trails blood around. It's so messy uwah I get in trouble. Meeks sorta keeps her in line tho, he's my farfetched and... well he's a stinker. He thwaps Winona and she threatens to eat him and... yeah it's a mess. Last tho, I got Fried. He's so level headed and soft. Did you know Altarias are cloudy? They make really really good pillows!"

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "...Pa-pa-paparazzi? N-no! No I don't wanna be photographed uwah go away please! I... I.... Uuuuu..... *hiccup* Fine... Fine. I... Well mama says I'm really really nice and that I listen to people and I still have Winona even tho even tho she's sorta coocoo and I like to play with my friends and stuff and...and.... *blushes* ....uwah. I'm ticklish, Bugsy always liked that. Is that good enough?"

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "I-I.... I fall down alot. And... and.... and... sometimes I run into things. And I'm shy. I'm sorry! P-please move on..."

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    "Uwah? Um...Um.... I.... I wear pretty dresses. Lotsa layers if I can. I know it's kinda intricate this dress I'm wearing but it's one of my favorites, I made it myself. *blushes and looks down* U-um. It's a simple shirt and layered ruffled skirt, the shirt has cap sleeves with lace I sewed on and a pichu marking on the back see? *spins aorund once* I sewed the pichu hood on as well as put the pichu markings on the back, you know? I thought... I thought it'd be cute cuz i've always wanted a pichu. The skirt is three layers, yellow black yellow just like Pichu's ears and there's this white lace between them. On my legs I've got black leggings and stuff and then normal white tennis shoes. My hair, it's really light I know, Mama says it's rare because she and daddy don't have the same hair color as me at all but I like this lighty..whitey...blonde...hair....color...thing! It's long and I put it in pigtails but then people pull them and it hurts so I wear it down more but put this sort of black headband to keep it out of my eyes. Mama says they're pretty blue eyes, I'm not sure they're pretty but they're blue. And stuff. I just wish I could be tan like pretty girls but I can't. I don't even burn. I'm just pale. Mama wants me to use a parosel but it keeps poking me in the eye....so I don't use it. Don't tell my mama she'll make me take a cold bath!"

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "I GET TO GO HOME FOR A MONTH! U-uwah I'm sorry I didn't mean to squeak I'm sorry I'm sorry... I just haven't been home in a really long time and Olivine is really really close to Azalea and...and... eee I'm excited so excited.... I get to see mama and lay in the grass and eat good food and go bother Kurt and play with my friends and visit Bugsy and....and yeah."

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.
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    xX~Lord of the Storm~Xx
  • 263
    • Age 32
    • Seen Jan 27, 2016
    Here goes nuffin'. Third times the charm, Axel!

    Name: Axel LeRoux

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    Me? Jeez, uh, alright. Sure, I guess. Uh… when did I become a trainer? Um… if you want to get technical, I've been raising Pokemon since I was a little kid. I'm from Ecruteak, see, and back home my family owns an inn of sorts, maybe you've heard of it? The Pidgeot's Palace? If my life hadn't taken on the course it did, I would probably be still working there. Heh…

    Anyway, at the Palace, I used to work a lot with some of the birds that we'd handle and I got pretty friendly with one of the chicks of our matriarch. I guess you could call Zelda the first pokemon that I, myself, owned and raised. I never really became a real ruff n' tuff Pokemon trainer though. I got waaay into Archaeology and after a year or so of travelling, I was able to get into the Pewter City School of Archaeology.

    …and that's where I am now. So, I guess I'll be going now, b-

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    -huh? My Pokemon team? Listen lady, I really need to get going, I… ugh. This line isn't going anywhere. Fine. But as soon as this line starts moving, I'm moving with it, understand?

    Like I mentioned before, I've got my girl Zelda, she's a Pidgeotto. I've known her pretty much since the minute she was born, so we're real close. So close, we're almost like siblings. She's always yelling at me and nagging at me about pretty much every damn thing I do. It's kind of funny how much grief I get, actually. Actually, it's not that funny at all. At all.

    Uh, let's see who else we have here. I'm sure you've heard stories about Ecruteak City being a city of "Ghosts, Spooks, Specters, Wraiths, Ghouls, Spirits, OoooOOoo!", right? Well… you wouldn't be far off. Sykes, my Haunter, is another one I got in Ecruteak, and he's been a really great asset to me. I mentioned before that I'm an archaeologist, right? You'd be surprised at how competitive the field is. I've been forced to... do a little "unofficial reconnaissance" and... well, let's just say that Sykes has helped me into and out of a number of sticky situations. You'd imagine that it'd be hard to catch someone when they're invisible, huh? *wink*

    Hmm.. Oh, yeah. Stella. Stella's my Starmie, and she's a good ol' girl. She, uh… doesn't talk much. Doesn't do much, to be honest, unless I give her a direct order. I got her as a present from an old girlfriend of mine, and then I never saw her again, so I guess that might have had sometime to do with it. Either way, Stella's never let me down when I needed her.

    The last member of my "team", I guess you'd call it, it's this little fella here… c'mere, little guy. This is my Sandshrew. I haven't named him yet, I guess because I only caught him about an hour ago. He's young, but he's feisty, and I'm hoping that he becomes just as screwed up as the rest of us here on Team LeRoux. Heh.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    Well, uh, I guess I don't give up easily? I follow my ideals to the very end and I'm always eager to delve into the unknown, which is I guess why I became an archaeologist. I'm absolutely devoted to my science. I love every part of it. Sometimes, I can get off on a sort of tangent that doesn't really stop until I'm physically subdued. Um. I've been told I'm funny? Jeez, man. I dunno what to say. I'm nice to you as long as you're nice to me. That's about the long and the short of it.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    I, uh... heh. I have a bit of a temper sometimes. I once… um. One time I punched a professor in the mouth because he called one of my theories "childish drivel." I have sort of a foul mouth too; I guess I should control that. I've been getting better; I mean I've kept a fairly civil tongue throughout this entire conversation, haven't I? I don't listen very well. I just kind of do my own thing, and if I really want to do something, I'm probably going to do it, no matter what anybody else thinks or wants, or even if it's... uh, legal. Or not.

    …is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    I've never been much for diversity when it comes to clothes. I deal with extreme temperatures pretty well, so I usually just wear… this. Seriously, this t-shirt and jeans have gotten me through so many days… what are you looking at me like that for?

    D-don't get me wrong, I mean I wash my clothes and stuff, but I don't stray beyond this, really. When it gets cold, maybe I'll throw on this gray hoodie that I've got, but nothing that's not too constricting so that I can do the work on my digs as needed. These black jeans don't really show dirt, and they're easy to get around in and they're durable, too. When you get right down to it, it's all about movement for me.

    I'll tell you something, though. One thing that's taken me really far though, are these. My lucky tennis shoes. Yeah, I know they just look like beat up converse, but these babies are my lucky charm. Everything good that's happened to me since I was 16 was because of these shoes! Notice the neon green laces? Yeah. I know you do.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    Well, there's an Archaeologist's convention that's in Olivine City. I wasn't, um, strictly invited, but I think once I get there they'll realize that I play a vital part of their society and they won't have a choice but to take me in. It's always been my dream to be a part of the Olivine Archaeologists Society, and now's my chance to finally be a part of some of the most brilliant minds of this age! In fact, I-

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.
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    Kicker of upper thigh reigons
  • 110
    ((okay, let's try this AGAIN but without my computer inexplicably freezing...))

    Name: Joseph 'Joe' Kellen
    Age: 15 years, 5 months, 2 weeks and a day.
    Gender: Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    Woah, woah, what's with the fifth degree here? I'm not a trainer, my name's Joe. My mom's been pretty sick for a while, so my parents sent me to live with my aunt and uncle in Celedon for a while, along with my dad's scyther here, his name's Jato. Out of this trip, Jato got some training in and my mom got to concentrate on getting better for a while. I don't know why I'm getting brought back home to Mahogony town, but off I go...I hope it's good news though.

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    Like I said before, Miss Nosey, I'm not a trainer. Just because my dad's scyther gets some training in while I'm around, doesn't mean that I train pokemon. Truth is, I don't have any of my own yet. I mean, I've been offered pokemon before, but we just haven't clicked, y'know?

    Jato here's kind of like a big brother to me. Still, he can be a bit of a handful since he refuses to go in his pokeball when dad's not around, so he got a lot of outdoors time recently, not that he m-Jato! Stop chasing that guy around! Sorry, I'll be right back. He gets that way around the colour red and that guy looks like one heck of a tomato. Can you hold my spot for me? I might even tell you some of Jato's moves if you do! Thanks!

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    My best points? I might as well tell you, since you were nice enough to save me a spot. Well, as you just saw, I'm a pretty fast runner. I nearly caught Jato once, but I tripped and fell on a broken bottle, so I've got some nasty scars under my hair here, see? I'm a lot more careful about where I go now and if I see someone's trash on the ground, I make sure to pick it up if I can...hmm, maybe a grimer would help with that...

    I'm also willing to try new things. Mom says it's a virtue, but it doesn't make sense to not try everything life has to offer, y'know?

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    Okay, you're getting a little personal here, but if you have to know...some people don't like it that I spend hours on end just watching nature and pokemon working together. I get kinda ticked off when people interrupt me when I'm watching.

    Oh man, this one time? I was half asleep while I watched some pokemon drinking from the lake of rage and this kid steps right on me! I nearly floored him if it wasn't for Jato's timely interruption. I sure was lucky that that didn't get too out of hand.

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    Fashion sense? Me? Hey, Jato, why are you laughing? Quit it!

    ...er, anyways, Mahogany town can get kinda cold sometimes, especially if Pryce gets a little...enthusiastic with his pokemon training, but I've learnt to live with it. See these cargo pants? They've seen me through some pretty fantastic adventures. Heck, the grass stains won't even come off anymore, so they're my green an' tans now. My sneakers are a little worse for wear, but they've still got some sole left, so even though they've gone from red to brown to almost completely white, they're not going anywhere.

    I guess my favourite items of clothing are this t-shirt that I'm wearing, with the green scyther silloutettes, kinda like there's only one doing a double team attack in a ring. I reckon it's kinda cool, y'know?

    My scarf's an absolute must when I go out for whatever reason. It's just plain green and I reckon that it suits me pretty well, so I don't change it much.

    Other than that, my hair's the only thing I haven't talked about. As you can probably see, it's brown and I keep it short, just below my ears. I tried growing it longer once, but Jato went and cut it to this size again. Still, it's managable at this length, so I'm not complaining.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    We're at the last question? Oh, I was kind of enjoying this for a while...well, as I said at the start, I'm just going back home to see my parents again. 'Sides, Jato's probably missing a certain lady scyther, if you get my-hey! Quit it! You know I'm tickl-HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    Wait, what? Can you edit that last part out tv-people-who-may-or-may-not-be-part-of-team-rocket-or-something?
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    ♪Its Quiz Time!♪
  • 1,166
    Name: Raffine Andou
    Age: 16
    Gender: female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    Erm...I didnt say I wanted to but if you insist then I shall. I became a trainer when I was 10 years old, the natural age for becoming a trainer, yet I learned the basics of how to work with pokemon when I was 8, my father is a pokemon professor so he taught me everything I know. I was born and raised in Hearthome and my goal is to become the champion of pokemon like my father intended me to. Oh La-ti-da. I now seek some more interesting adventure, they also do say travelling is the moderation of seeking inner Beauty like my mother told me once.

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!
    Well if you must know, I am in possession of four of my lovely pokemon, My Pikachu, Sparky, hes quite admirable and loves taking the lead. I found him following me around from the contest hall in hearthome, even though I got a little annoyed with him I decided to let him stay on the condition of me being able to battle him, I defeated him using my Monferno, Blaze. Now Blaze was the very first pokemon i obtained from professor Rowan, I've had him ever since he was a Chimchar, and now hes a lovely monferno. My little shuppet, Yu can be quite the catch, I caught her at an old haunted mansion I once explored far off in Eterna forest, Yu just loves pulling pranks on people...including me which I still can barely get over.. I decided to teach her a lesson and battled her, I was able to catch her then. As for my Politoad, Kero, I found him at a pond while he was a small poliwag, I battled him and captured him and hes been with me ever since. Now if you will excuse me, I've got to get moving.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    Now that I can share, well for starters, I dont let people fight for me, I like handling things on my own, I usually work better alone, and I take down anything in my way, thats not to say I dont have friends though. Sure I'm a nice person but if you get on my bad side you shall get a never ending nightmare. I am absolutly strict about my fashion and as all should know, we proper ladies never let men stay superior above us, this journey may also be some solid proof too.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    Hey! Why would you ask something like that?! Why I oughta....oh wait this is still recorded...fine! Well I certaintly dislike others trying to disrupt my private time, I also can get violent if im assaulted, or if I see a friend being assaulted. I may be a little bossy sometimes but hey, when everyone is out of control someone needs to take the lead, am I right? right now IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME!

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    Well Naturally a refined question that is, my fine collection of clothing is clearly fit for only me, not one person has a style like this. As you can see this is an orange long sleeve shirt with a white collar having an indigo hankerchief hanging from under the collar. These sleeves are also striped with yellow and orange, naturally thats the way to go. And what better way to compliment this top with a nice plain orange skirt. I wear this yellow pouch around my waist as well, I store my goods here. These emerald earrings I have also match my emerald bracelets as well. You can have random jewlery in random colours, to be pure fashionable, it must match. I wear these striped yellow and orange knee socks to match my sleeves, and now my orange runners with indigo laces and ribbon. You also must love this winged hair clip I'm wearing, I see your staring at it quite intently, and my hair as well, just because my hair is pink does not mean you can stare, yes I know its long and curls at the end but thats why you must use proper shampooing and conditioning skills to keep it as lovely as this. Dont you think my pink hair also compliments my blue eyes? Ahh...that nod is a yes, perfect.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    Well thats an easy question. Traveling to see the world's beauties is always a nice, hence my reason of traveling to Olivine, I want to see what its like there. I have no flying type pokemon at all to simply fly all the way there. Plus traveling that long of a distance on just one flying type pokemon can do a number on their stamina and tire them out a great deal. Now if you will please excuse me, I must get going, very nice interview and to all you ladies watching this, remember we shall not let men treat us as inferior! Oh ho ho!

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    Thank goodness shes out of the way...
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    Procrastinator Extraordinaire
  • 1,559
    [[EDIT: I'm hoping these changes will be alright, I honestly didn't realize how long his original SU was getting. But I saw the original posting of Shipwrecked and was less than pleased to find the positions were all filled. Fingers crossed for this one.]]

    Korbin Roschel
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    Good afternoon, ma'am. I suppose I could participate, it's not as though I'm pressed for time.

    I did start out as a trainer, but after some time I realized that it just wasn't going to be enough for me. I completed the League in Johto, since I had already started, and took some time off to muse about what I wanted to do. I realized opening a trainer's school would be about right for me, since I like helping to shape young minds. I would help teach them how to battle effectively with empathy for both their Pokemon and their opponent's, how to use items effectively, and hopefully instill a respect for all living things in the meantime. Too few beginning trainers don't realize you shouldn't battle your Pokemon until they're in need of medical attention, and certainly not until they faint. I want to change that.

    But you asked why I'm going to board the Ship, didn't you? Well, when I completed the Johto League I came to Kanto to take this one as well. I thought having gone through two different Leagues in two different regions, I would have more respect and credentials to help open my school. I've won the League, I've got money, I'm ready. I've decided to go back to Blackthorn to visit my family, as I haven't seen them in nearly two years. I'll take the Ship to Olivine, then take a train to get back home. After a well-deserved rest for myself and my team I'll get started.

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    I try not to have favorites, as it makes the other Pokemon jealous. But my first was a Sneasel. I named her Helena a few days after she hatched. She's incredibly loyal, and highly tenacious. In most cases she's who I'll call on first to help me out. Were it not for the fact that a harbor is a dangerous place for a Pokemon, even one so calm as she is, she would be out at the moment.

    I would say one of my most valuable Pokemon is Azure. He's a Vaporeon I found a few years ago. I was staying in Saffron when I found him wandering the streets. In battle Azure has a strong desire to please, and will do anything I ask of him unquestioningly. He's still timid, though, and is terrified of loud noises, violent people, and abandonment.

    My Electrike, Joule, was sent to me by a friend in Hoenn. Joule already had his name when he came to me, but I liked it, so it was alright. His only real behavioral problem is that he bullies Azure. I don't know why. I suppose it could be because he feels the need to assert his dominance over him, as they're both males. But I'm trying to break him of it.

    My Venonat, I captured near Fuschia in a response to the gym there. Violette was a large help with defeating the gym, and she's been just as helpful since then. She's just slightly human aggressive. Her tendency to bite strangers has landed me in trouble more than once. I don't expect to be able to teach her not to, but at least she never injects venom, right?

    I caught a male Vulpix that I named Samrin near Goldenrod in Johto. It's been a long road with Samrin. He's a master of deceit and can get anything he wants by looking innocent one minute, then snatching something right out of your hands the next.

    Fab-u-lous! Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    I suppose out of everything about myself, I wouldn't change the fact that I have high standards for myself, and the people I associate myself with. I have far stricter guidelines set on myself than anyone else. I always at least try to carry myself with dignity, appreciate what should be appreciated, and I won't allow myself to be discouraged by a situation. No matter what, I can bulldoze through it if I must, though I prefer to find a logical solution.

    I've been told I ought to treasure my compassion. I can't stand to see a living thing in pain, and would sooner take the agony myself than allow them to feel it. I hold the miracle of life in high esteem and believe everyone should be aware of how lucky they are simply to be alive.

    I encourage tenacity in myself and my team. I prefer to see situations out until the end and walk away with my head held high, no matter the result. I will never give less of myself than possible. Though I don't necessarily believe it, I've been told I'm intelligent and mature for my age.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    I tend to give too much of myself. I pour my full effort into everything I do, whether it will result in positive or negative for myself.

    My least favorite trait is my temper. Though friends laugh and joke about it, I don't like how easy it is to set me off. Most of the time when I'm angered I can remain calm and collected, and handle the situation like a gentleman. But that isn't always the case. I've had problems with fighting in the past, due to my quick temper. As I've matured I've become more skilled at controlling it, though I'm nowhere near perfect yet.

    I can expect too much of people sometimes. I suppose this goes with trying to help them realize their full potential. Occasionally I'll find someone who doesn't want help, but I'll try to help them anyway. When they do something far lower than I thought they could I'm surprised, even though I knew that's what kind of person they were, at least on the surface. I haven't yet learned that not everyone can be saved, and not everyone wants to.

    I have a weakness for the innocent in appearance. Whether they be male or female, if someone looks harmless it's not that I write them off as harmless. It's that I have an instant urge to protect them, even if they double cross me.

    And I forgive too easily. I never forget when someone has wronged me, but I forgive far too easily, allowing room for things of that nature to happen again. It has left me wounded in the past. Though I've tried to change it I've never been able to.

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    I wouldn't describe myself as the next hottest anything. I don't believe in fashion, as far as I'm concerned it is a way for companies to make money. They release a new trend, reap the money of the poor fools who fall for it, then release another one only a few months later.

    I usually wear dark jeans or slacks with a dress shirt, a tie, and thick soled boots. I'll dress up for formal occasions with a suit, though I prefer to stay formally casual with the aforementioned wardrobe. I never know exactly what designer it all comes from, though it is of the highest quality I can afford. I don't intend to traipse around looking like a vagabond. It's slightly difficult finding clothes made correctly for me. I'm quite tall, about six feet and six inches the last time I checked, but I'm not that thick. I like to think I'm fairly muscular, especially since I work out every so often. I'm just not overwhelmingly buff.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. Either that or you're a really good liar. One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving, you're spreading your wings?

    I don't currently have any flying Pokemon, and even if I did it's quite a far distance for any poor creature to have to fly with a full-grown person, male or female, on its back. Besides that, it's safer. If a storm brews I and my Pokemon will be safe inside of a structure, instead of exposed like lightning rods in the sky.

    I must admit, I'm also slightly drawn to machinery. It interests me to a certain extent. If it did any more I might consider becoming an engineer or something of the sort, but I want to work with Pokemon more. I'm also hoping it will help me reach Johto faster. I'm eager to get home and see my family.

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    No, thank you, ma'am. Good day and good luck.
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    ☆ E N T E R T A I N E R
  • 6,493
    Name: Seth Taylor
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Don't call me a trainer. Call me a 'coordinator'. That's what I am, and that's what I'll always be. Battling shall never catch my interest. Traveling, however, does interest me, because life's short, you know? You don't know when you're gonna die or when something life-changing will go on in your life unless you get out of your comfort zone and travel."

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a fantastic coordinator. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "'Fantastic' least describes my skills. And this probably makes me sound like a hypocrite, but I had fun training some of my Pokemon in order to evolve them. Take Serene, for example. She was once a small, timid Eevee I found roaming Ecruteak, and now look at her~ A BEAUTIFUL and confident Vaporeon, but still a peacekeeper~ And let's not forget Kanon, my Dragonair. His cool demeanor makes up for his poor battling, but I still found a way to get him to evolve from a Dratini while I ventured through Dragon's Den. Oh, and here besides me is Mii. He's a baby Mareep, and has only been with me for a short while. He's quite the social butterfly~ Much unlike his Zubat companion, Kyrie. She prefers being as far away from others as possible. She's been with me as long as Mii has. They both hatched from eggs I won in contests."

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "People call me 'brilliant' all the time. To be honest, I think there are more people out there that deserve that title. People have also called me a rebel for how I've acted, but I can't see myself as one either. I know I'm not one of those 'sheep' that 'follow the herd', but that doesn't exactly make me a rebel, really."

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "I had bad acne two years ago. And man, was it BAD. Erm… I was teased a lot for being a 'priss' (first people call me a rebel, and then they call me a priss; make up your minds, already!). And no matter what, I never seem to have any luck at the Game Corner in Goldenrod. Unlike my twin sis, who seems to have ALL the luck. Can't say I envy her though; she's a pretty boring person."

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    "Hottest…thing? No way would I ever follow up on ANY sort of trend. I wear anything I can vision myself in, even if it is 'outdated'. Though apparently, because most of what I wear comes from Ecruteak, which is thought by many to be an 'outdated' town itself, I can see why others would think that my attire was that way. But would you really call this seemingly rundown punk outfit to be 'outdated'? I couldn't call it trendy, but it certainly isn't something the dinosuars wore way back when."

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "I've never been in any sort of vehicle before. Well, I WAS on a regular old boat once (you know, one of those rundown fishing boats that went out to catch Magikarp and Goldeen daily), but I got seasickness, so that didn't end well. And, even though I'm from Ecruteak, which is close by to Olivine, I'm kinda too lazy to just walk there. My boring sister's never been there either, for the same reason (ugh, to think we actually share something in common), so I wanna bring back souvenirs for myself just to rub it in her boring face.

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.



    Edit Number Two; hopefully it's better this time ^^'
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    Ringleader of Hell
  • 319
    • Seen Dec 26, 2009
    Name: Henna Antoinette St. Marks. (often times called Nettie, and Nana for those close to her)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Take a step back, hon. There we go, that's better. So, what, you want to know my life story? Well, I am a bit of a celebrity. I am pokemon fashion designer, and I've starred in many commercials advertising pokemon food. But of course you, and a majority of all your watchers know that. But, I suppose that I shall delve deeper into my past, after all, it is what the public wants. I started acting when I was a young child. Fashion didn't kick in until recently, when I was seventeen. I am eighteen for those of you who don't absolutely adore me...not that there is any of you... Anyways, my managers and producers and what not, that it would be better for my image if I got a few Pokepals. I don't battle much, it is too hard for me. I can't make good decisions. I mainly do contests, so you can't really classify me as a trainer.

    I recently started on a journey a few months ago. Why? I needed inspiration. My designs were becoming rather dull, and nature is just what I needed. Most of the people I learned all my skills from have all isolated them selves in nature. But, you see, this Kanto nature is what I've grown up in. I've seen it, it just isn't inspiring. "

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "The pokemon given to me by company is the cutest little thing ever. It is a little Igglybuff that just loooooooves to sing. I call her Boo. It is easy and simple to remember. Boo is so energetic; she is always rolling and bouncing around. Did I mention how cute she is? Oh, I did? Well, I'm saying it again, because, well, she is so cute. Often times she is tired by the end of the day, and her throat hurts from all her singing. Of course, I use special-made poffins to help soothe the pain of her throat. Boo is a little competitive, and doesn't like being pushed around. We are a match! We are both cute, competitive and won't stand for being pushed around!

    Secondly, and finally, I have the back bone of my team. A Garchomp given to be my uncle. He said that it was for protection against nasty people. Since his duties are to protect, I call him Baron. Why? Because he is my warrior and my protector. I don't think he likes to dress-up as much as Boo, but he still likes to. Of course, I don't make outfits for him as frilly as I do for Boo. I make him tough and fierce looking things. Things that compliment his toughness, and his coolness. I love him to death. Baron is a little bit on the quiet side, but still, him and Boo do their best to keep me happy."

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "Let's see. I've been told that I am absolutely beautiful. I am a pretty charitable person. I am all about the giving. You see, I've had some rough times, and I know how it can be. So, when I can I tend to give back. Also, I'm not afraid to get dirty like most would expect. I had four brothers, and they were always wrestling me and making me compete in their mud fights. I have to say, it was pretty fun. So in fact, you could say that I love to get dirty. But, eh, not that I'm dirty right now. Just that, I will get dirty and won't complain about it forever, ya get me?

    Here is a secret, even though I play the part of a snooty person, I am actually quite nice and caring. I believe that everyone is born equal. I don't tend to judge books by their cover, but let's be honest, everyone does. There is no way getting around that. It is a subconscious type of deal. So yeah."

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "This is even harder than saying good things about me. It isn't that I have no bad traits, it is just that I've never really though about them. I guess that you could say when I wake up, everything about me is bad. My breath, my hair, all of it. I even feel disgusting. Speaking of getting up, I usually stay up late, so I have problems getting up early, and hit that snooze button a few times. This has made me tardy to some appointments. This one might be a good or bad trait, I'm organized. Probably too organized. People say I have OCD. Everything has to be perfectly neat. OH, and speaking of things like that, I'm a minor Klepto. Yeah. Sometimes I can't just not take things. It gives me a thrill. I mean, I could pay for the things, but just taking them feels so, so invigorating!"

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    When I'm going out I usually wear clothes accepted by the general public. I care about my appearance, and try to make it seem so. My long brown hair is washed, brushed, and straightened every day. Sometimes I curl it to add a little flair. This isn't because I have to be clean, it is because I like to have people know that I care about myself. Bangs usually my left eye. Speaking of eyes, mine are a dark mahogany color. I stand five feet and six inches tall! I weigh 112, not that it is any of your business. I cannot believe that you'd even ask that! On my right ring finger is a purity ring, I believe in marriage for one thing. I still date people, I hug, I kiss, but ask to go any farther, and well then I'll decline. But my kisses are special, I don't give them out to any old joe. And by kisses, I mean the passionate ones, not that split second pecks. Oh, look I've rambled. Ooh, ooh, that's another bad trait of mine! When I'm not scripted, I ramble. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah. Dresses aren't really my cup of tea(for average everyday attire). I usually wear a light pink or purple. Over that is a small cotton jacket black in color; it goes down to to just above my lower back. I wear short shorts that cover what they need to. A rather perverted old man described me as voluptuous. "

    When I am going to more fancy things, dresses are what I wear. It is usually a slim, black dress. My hair is curled at almost all fancy things, it seems more sophisticated.
    I wear a pair of boots with some fake fur around where I put my feet in. It isn't that I can't afford to wear real fur, it is just that how it is made is horrible. I've seen it first hand, and well, I can't believe what they did to those poor little pokemon. Off topic again? Yeah. What else do you need to know?
    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "As stated earlier, I've lost inspiration for my designs. I'm going Johto to see the sights that they have there. I also think that it'll be fun. I've ventured out of Kanto except on business. I really want to see the beauty of the natural world. Also, I'm not using a flying pokemon because I don't have one. Plus, it is kind of wrong, when you use them as steeds, they seem like slaves, not our friends. Ya know? Besides, I have first class in this baby, it is more luxurious than flying on the back of anything."

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.




    Vibing with the music
  • 45
    Name: Israel Kasite
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    Well I became a trainer earlier in life then some at the age of eight years old since I was brought up around pokemon it was expected I'd be a trainer but I'm not just a trainer but I'm also a breeder, so since I was little I've always wanted to be around pokemon and got my first one at eight and then went on my journey early because my parents and those that knew me felt I was mature enough to start off earlier then most. It was hard for me at first as I started off in my home region of Kanto where I traveled around catching and trainer pokemon in till I felt I was ready to take on the gym challenge, which I did though not with complete ease but I ended up getting into the pokemon league and although I didn't win the competition I still came out as a close runner up and an honourable mention due to my young age.

    After I left the Indidgo Plateau I headed for Johto in search of new pokemon and challenges where I found out about pokemon contests which I have entered several of my pokemon in, and a few of them did come out on top though I never pursued any real fame in that area I still felt I did alright. So I continued my training and breeding in Johto for at least three years so I could bid my time and make sure I was ready for more challenges in other regions, but I didn't enter the league in Johto but I did acquire the badges all the same and then made my way to Hoenn where I continued my travels. And I stayed in Hoenn for another three years and didn't go for the league once again mostly because I felt I'd rather just become the trainer and breeder I wanted without the worry of status or labels, so I left Hoenn for Sinnoh when I was 14 and stayed there for a couple of years while I enjoyed the diversity of the pokemon within that region.

    After which I headed home to spend some time with my family for about a year where I continued my breeding efforts in the comfort of my family's large estate out in the wilderness, which gave me and my pokemon ample time to train ourselves so that we could go back and do all the things we didn't choose to in the first place like acquiring the badges of Hoenn and Sinnoh as well as entering the league in Johto thus the reason I jumped on this airship.

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    Well let's see I have numerous pokemon at my disposal but the team I'm carrying with me now is my strongest team and the one I often use if I'm in really big battles of on long travel trips, they consist of my Blaziken who can sometimes be a tad hasty but otherwise fairly powerful, my specially breed Salamence who although can sometimes feel lonely is really a big part of my team and one of my show stoppers, my Red Eyed Aggron is the serious battler of the group, my brave little Chimecho all of these guys I got in Hoenn but my Espeon I've had since Kanto as well as my Kabutops who I found as a fossil back in Kanto. As for my favourite I'm not sure I should comment on that because they're all my favourites and I'd rather not choose one over the other and I'm unsure what you mean by lap pokemon.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    Well I'm told I can be a fairly honourable person who puts others before himself and can be fairly protective of people and pokemon close to me, and when it comes to tactics I've found I'm not half bad as with my adaptability. Usually I prefer to plan a battle out from the start but that isn't always possible so I go by my observations and reading people/pokemon skill to get me by in a battle and sometimes out of one.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    Well I'm often fairly opinionated and can often express my opinion too much those initiating my argumentative streak which can infuriate many people because I'm a good arguer otherwise I little to quick to rush into help people or pokemon if I believe that they're in trouble and has got me into problems on a few occasions otherwise I think that's about as bad as I am aside from some physical injuries and partial asthma.

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    I'm not really one to care about what I wear and only wear things I feel comfortable in or clothing I may need in particular climates but through all my traveling I've gotten used to many climates so I really only stick to my usual casual attire, which consists of my three quarter black shorts, your basic blue muscle shirt, a black and cream short sleeve jacket, some sunnies and a pair of thongs or some people call them sandals. Though like I said if I feel I need to rug up I may put on my dark blue great coat, some black jeans and a pair of black sneakers but as for my reasons of wearing this is basically for comfit and maneuverability so I don't get caught up in some problem because of some fancy piece of clothing I'm wearing.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    As I stated before I'm on this airship to return and do some of the things I hadn't done previously like enter the Johto league which is waiting for me when I arrive in Olivine since I already have the badges it shouldn't be to hard to enter, after that I'm heading off to Hoenn and Sinnoh to go for the badges and leagues there as well though I personally don't care for the fame just for the personal accomplishments.

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Name: Evelyn Winshire
    Age: 14
    Gender: Trap Male


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    Ah, me? Well, I'm not really a trainer. I mean, I don't like watching pokémon fight each other or anything violent like that, and I'm not really a big fan of the contests either. I just like to travel, really, and being with pokémon keeps my family from worrying so much, so I thought it was the easiest way to do this. I mean, I don't really have any big, exciting reason or anything, you know?

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    Powerful...trainer? Ah, no, no, no, like I said, I don't think of myself as much of a trainer at all, really. I mean, I've fought off wild pokémon and a few trainers, but...I'm really really not that comfortable with all that violence.

    Oh, my team, right? Well, I guess we should start with this Mr.Mime here. That is, she's a female, so I guess that makes her a Mrs.Mime? It's a bit confusing...well, anyway, that's Quin. Short for Harlequin. She's my sister's, actually, but I get borrow her quite a bit. Quin is really good with hair and clothes, so she's a big help, even if she's a bit fussy sometimes. Oh, this little cutie of a Vulpix in my arms here? That's Kyuu, short for Marukyuu; she's my first pokémon, but my sister named her so I can't really explain what it means. She's the sweetest thing there is when she's tired, but she keeps getting into fights, so it's a bit of a hassle. I guess you could call her my battling pokémon? Not-not that I really battle that much, like I said. Then there's Gem, that would be short for Gemini, my Girafarig. He's in his pokéball right now. He's a dear, and a great mount, but he is a bit unpredictable so I don't like to keep him out in crowds like this. The last one here is Floo, the Drifloon here. Yeah, I know it's not a very good name. Don't know much about her, to be honest; she just kind of latched onto me when I was visiting some relatives in Sinnoh and has been sticking around since then. She keeps tugging at me sometimes, it's...I don't know, I really don't know much about Drifloons aside from the name.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    Well, it's-it's a bit embarassing to be asked like this, but...I...kind of get told I'm cute quite a bit, particularly by older women. I think the word my sister used was...ummm, moe-moe? I...I guess that's one of my good points, whatever it is. Umm...I can sew pretty well too, and I've been told I'm easy to talk to. Ah...can we switch topics, please? I...really don't like bragging like this.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    Ahh...nono, no bad breath. At least, I hope I don't have bad breath, and I know I don't have acne. Sometimes, I do wish I was a bit more of a fighter though. I mean, I still don't think violence is a good thing, but sometimes I end up in dangerous situations anyway and it...well, it feels kind of selfish to always rely on my pokémon to get me out of it, you know? That and...ah, well, I'm not that good at arguing with people I guess. I just...I just don't like conflict. Or messes. If there's too much of a mess around, I get this urge to clean it up. There are some other things, but...could we talk about something else, please? This...this is really getting too personal.

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    Hottest thing? You-you really mean that? Haha, I do get told I look cute quite a bit, but I can't recall ever being called 'hot' before. W-well, anyway, I prefer the latest Rustboro trends, actually. A lot of the things Celadon is known for are really pretty, but they're so...excessive, they're...not really something you can wear day to day, not when you travel around, and the Veilstone designs are too sporty. I...it's just not me. I prefer that practical but still cute approach, you know?

    This dress I'm wearing right now is not from any of them, though, it's...actually homemade. My...sister sewed this. Just for me. Pretty, isn't it? I-I like the ribbons myself, and the dress itself is actually a lot warmer than it looks. It's modeled on something she has planned for her manga project. I-I can't give too many details on that right now, but please keep an eye out for it. Mahou Shounen Vocal Akira; debute release will be at Comicon Sinnoh, just two weeks from now.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    Ah, well, it's...it's not really anything that spectacular. Like I said, I like seeing new places, but I don't really like all the risk and danger, so-so I thought an airship would be a good compromise? Floo seems kind of excited about it too. Oh-oh, and I wanted to get a nice scene. My sister is feeling a bit burned out with her work right now, so I-I thought I'd take a couple of pictures to cheer her up. That's kind of why I'm wearing this dress too; to help her get her inspiration back. That's...all there is to it, really. S-sorry, I'm kind of a dull person aren't I.
  • 7
    • Seen Dec 12, 2009
    Name: Hitori Senna
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "Huh? You're pretty nosey, ain't ya? Oh well... My brother is ten years older than me, and became a pokemon trainer just before I was born. He caught me an Eevee when I was five - for my birthday. I didn't battle with her 'till I was about ten - when I left home. I love to travel, and I wanted to raise a team of pokemon that I could count on and trust, and I could make strong."

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    Well - we have Tsuki who is my Umbreon. She evolved after we'd left home to travel. She's pretty quiet, and doesn't like being kept in her pokeball, so... I keep her out with me.
    I also have Bloon, who's my drifloon. Who can resist drifloon...? They're adorable! When I was little, I used to mispronounce the word 'balloon' into 'bloon', which is where I got his nickname from.
    And I also have Zenshi, who is my Aerodactly. Yup. Aerodactly. He used to belong to a close friend of mine... And he's really strong. I don't usually like to use him in battle unless I have to, though. It feels like I'm at a huge advantage... He'll fly me anywhere, and only listens to ME. Over the years, we've got a really good bond going on, y'know? I don't know what I'd do without him.
    And also, Shikai is my Absol. He likes to keep to himself, but he's really loyal and he knows flamethrower after I taught it to him with a TM.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    Umm... I'm not sure. I guess I'm pretty easy going most of the time? I'm approachable, too.

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    I'm extremely impatient. It's always been a flaw of mine, which results in me sometimes doing things without thinking, so I suppose it makes me 'rash'?

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    Oh, I just like wearing trainers, skinny jeans, and a hoodie. With a shirt underneath, of course. I like big baggy hoodies - I don't really like anything that clings to you. I like to feel free with what I wear, and it's comfortable too. If you're travelling with pokemon, who's got time to look their best? I don't really like all these designer things... I like being myself.

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    It's just a feeling, I guess. But I'm also looking for adventure - and opportunities to make my team stronger. I suppose I'd like to meet new people, too... I dunno! It just looks like fun. And I wouldn't make poor Zenshi fly me that high! It'd be a nice break for him, too.

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.


  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013

    As I've finished my own profile, and I got kicked in the seat of the pants by a very crabby shiny person who hasn't had his nap yet today here are your sign up evals. n3n

    @YoshiRiRu: Accepted. Much much better from last time, I'll go ahead and give ya your coveted seal-o-approval and all that ~jazz~

    @Cyndaquasher: lol what? I love him, I've never heard of a character in a pokemon rp who wasn't really a trainer person. xD Not to mention that Scyther sounds like a good source of comedic relief. And the Team Rocket Reference was Win. Accepted

    @Alter Ego: I'd copy a certain furry and playfully decline you but I'd rather get a hug at some point today so I'll just slap on this here Accepted and we'll call it good, yes? Btw, what's his weapon called? Raging Heart is already taken

    @Hitsukiyo: I like the idea but I need just a little bit more in a couple areas, it's just a little weak. I'm not saying you need to tl;dr, just want to see just a little bit more. Pending

    @Vigilante: Your character sheet is as good as always, I just need to know if you're going to be able to keep up with the roleplay this time? :3 I won't hate you if you have to withdraw but I'd prefer you do so now instead of later. ^^; Pending

    @Feign: My dear Feign, First person in this sense is meer dialouge. u-u I like the idea but please edit to match <3 Pending

    @Yu_&_Rei, Strikit, Lucciola, Natsu-kun: You all have the same problem so I'm adressing you all at once. First person does not mean Third Person with 'I' instead of 'his/her'. People do not drabble on an on about the exact details of their clothing nor do they go into huge detail about their strong points. It's an interview and for some of you I'm almost wondering if the interviewer fell asleep from just how long it was. Listen, the point of this app wasn't to hit 5000 words or anything like that. It's meant to show personality, history, and a hint of appearance in a casual format. You guys are free to try again but all of you will need to revamp and make it more personal instead of, again, 3rd person with a 1st person name plate. Declined.

    As far as sign ups staying open, I've got someone with extenuating circumstances on reserved but beyond that, you guys have got til Monday or Tuesday to finish up or post if you haven't already I see what you did there you little lurkers. Starting post will be up by Thursday or Friday at the latest.

  • 7
    • Seen Dec 12, 2009
    Name: Hitori Senna
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female


    Stop! You! Trainer! Yes you! We're from Jublife TV. Give us a moment of your time for an Interview Before you Step on that Airship? You will! Good Good. Now you! You're a trainer, going on an adventure on that there AirShip behind you! When did you become a trainer and for what purpose did you set out on this journey?

    "W-wait, I didn't say yes- Ugh. Oh well... So... Why did I become a pokemon trainer...? I guess I've always loved pokemon. ...Can you keep that microphone from being so close to my face? --Thanks. ...My parents were both trainers, and still are, so I grew up surrounded by pokemon. I grew up in Ecruteak, which is in the Jhoto region, and which is where I got my first pokemon.
    Ecruteak is filled with myths and legends of magnificent pokemon... And I want to see them with my own eyes - if they exist, that is. But there's no point in sitting around and waiting for something ot happen, is there? You have to make it happen yourself, so I decided that I'd travel and raise pokemon... See the world."

    What about your Pokemon Team? You seem like quite a powerful trainer. What's your ace in the hole? Your favorite Pokemon? Your lap Pokemon? Our viewers at home want to know all about it, every last little detail!

    "My brother is ten years older than me, and became a pokemon trainer just before I was born. He caught me an Eevee when I was five - for my birthday. I didn't battle with her 'till I was about ten - when I left home - like alot of kids did. I was determined to raise her to her full potential and make my brother proud. All pokemon have potential, right? Well - we have Tsuki who is my Umbreon. She evolved after we'd left home to travel. She's pretty quiet, and doesn't like being kept in her pokeball, so... I keep her out with me.
    I also have Bloon, who's my drifloon. Who can resist drifloon...? They're adorable! When I was little, I used to mispronounce the word 'balloon' into 'bloon', which is where I got his nickname from.
    And I also have Zenshi, who is my Aerodactly. Yup. Aerodactly. He used to belong to a close friend of mine... And he's really strong. I don't usually like to use him in battle unless I have to, though. It feels like I'm at a huge advantage... He'll fly me anywhere, and only listens to ME. Over the years, we've got a really good bond going on, y'know? I don't know what I'd do without him.
    And also, Shikai is my Absol, who I caught when I came to Hoen. He likes to keep to himself, but he's really loyal and he knows flamethrower after I taught it to him with a TM. He's the newest member to the team.

    Fab-u-lous~ Now, as a young person, you must have some traits you're proud of. Care to share them with our viewers at home? No need to be shy, I'm sure you're already used to the paparazzi!

    "...You guys are really.... Nevemind... Umm... I'm not sure. I guess I'm pretty easy going most of the time? I'm approachable, and I'll try to help anyone out with anything and everything... Oh, and I'm a keen battler. Also, I have pretty good survival skills."

    MM-MM-MM! Splendid, purely splendid! BEAUTIFUL! Now! Everyone has something they're not proud of. How about you? What are parts of you you don't really like? Bad Acne? Bad Breath? Spill it out loud!

    "The things I don't like about myself? To be honest, isn't that NONE of your buisness...? ...Oh well. I'm extremely impatient. It's always been a flaw of mine, which results in me sometimes doing things without thinking, so I suppose it makes me 'rash'? Sometimes, there just isn't time to think, y'know? And my team of pokemon... Their types don't match up very well. I have two dark type pokemon, and two flying type, which'll make me vulnerable to fighting, bug, and electric types- Wait, why am I saying this when it's gonna be broadcasted on everyone's televisions?! ...Anyways... We get through alright, though. And I supposed everyone has flaws, right? No body's perfect."

    That's it? Sheesh that's not so bad. Tell us about your fashion sense! What makes your look the next hottest thing to ever come out of Celadon City? Or are you a fan of the Veilstone designers? What makes you dress the way you do? What makes you pick the Clothing you pick?

    "Oh, I just like wearing trainers, skinny jeans, and a hoodie. With a shirt underneath, of course. I like big baggy hoodies - I don't really like anything that clings to you. I like to feel free with what I wear, and it's comfortable too. If you're travelling with pokemon, who's got time to look their best? I don't really like all these designer things... I like being myself. But then again, when it comes to climate... Sometimes I get into a bit of trouble. I mean... I don't have anything waterproof. And my clothes aren't the warmest when it comes to snow... But we have Shikai's flamethrower for heat issues.Hehe."

    I'll have to remember that. You certainly know your stuff about the fashion industry. either that or you're a really good liar One. Last. Question! Why are you getting on that airship? What do you hope to obtain by flying up in the sky on a machine instead of a Pokemon? What's your intent, your goal, the reason you're moving you're spreading your wings?

    "It's just a feeling, I guess. But I'm also looking for adventure - and whilst the opportunitie's there, why not grab it? My team might get stronger because of it, and I might learn something. I suppose I'd like to meet new people, too... It just looks like fun! And I wouldn't make poor Zenshi fly me that high! It'd be a nice break for him, too."

    Thank you thank you thank you! Please check your TV soon to see this interview LIVE AND ON THE AIR.

    ((Is that any better? .___. If not, could I have some pointers...? XD))
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