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Silence is Purple
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 8,215
    I've been meaning to say this for some time. I'm the kind of girl who would love a suit of her own. I may be be a girl, yes. But, I just want to get into the suit fashion. Not much to say, but that's who I truly am. I've discovered what I really am/who I really am. The problem is, my parents are homophobes. They insult the LGBT community more than you think. It's uncomfortable, disgusting, and I can't even say I like girls to them due to fear of being verbally abused, disowned and insulted for it. Or my parents trying to force me to say I'm straight. Well, I'm not straight. I'll never like males that way.

    I know that Ellen DeGeneres wears suits. I don't plan to cut my hair as short as she does. As part of wanting to appear female, I will not cut my hair short. But, I would look good in a suit and tie. I just know it.

    If I get any suits in the future, I'll post pictures of my new look.
    You could get a female suit. I've seen those :) they can't really say anything for that lol
    Cutting your hair short and wearing a suit will not make you a guy. You're 16, right? You're so close to being completely free, and suits are crazy expensive, so start saving up and you can blow that banana stand when you hit 18 :)
    Oryx;bt99261 said:
    Cutting your hair short and wearing a suit will not make you a guy. You're 16, right? You're so close to being completely free, and suits are crazy expensive, so start saving up and you can blow that banana stand when you hit 18 :)

    17, actually. I haven't updated my custom blocks since Firefox doesn't let me. Ha ha, banana stand. xD