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[Gen 6] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!


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  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 1,817
    Hey there, welcome!

    This is gonna be a log of my journey through the Kalos region in Pokémon Y! I've never played any Gen 6 games before, and know very little about the games so I'm going in mostly blind! So excited to finally play Gen 6!

    This will be a normal play through. No special rules or anything, except for playing in Set mode!

    Okay, let's get started!
    Hey me, remember when you started this?

    Me: oh yeah, those were good times... wait, I should probably continue this! :O

    ...right, let's get to it then!
    Superjolt's Kalos Adventures Parts 1 & 2

    So uh... I did have an update partially written, but I can't seem to find it so I'm not sure what I did with it D: It's a little disappointing, but that's ok, I'll just give a quick recap and jump in to where I'm up to currently

    Started the game and chose Finn the Fennekin as my starter (since I just can't resist using a Fire starter). Along the way I caught Sere the Scatterbug (who evolved into Spewpa and then Vivillon shortly after) and Fiona the Fletchling. I made it to Santalune City, got roller skates, and defeated Viola and got the Bug Badge (which is kind of a boring name for a badge, isn't it?)

    And well, that's the short-short version of what the first update would've been lol. Now to move on...

    I caught Lana the Litleo on Route 22! Probably won't use her on my team since that would end up being a lot of Fire types (even though Litleo is adorable!) Proceeded to Route 4 and battled lots of trainers, and also caught Florence the Flabébé! I was directed to go to Prof. Sycamore's lab, so I head there when I entered Lumiose City (and oh no... this place is huge! I thought Castelia City was bad enough to get around...) And then I battled the professor (didn't expect to actually battle him!) He gave me a Squirtle afterwards. Then I meet Lysandre downstairs (who I can only guess is part of the evil team) and again at the cafe.

    Next I went to Route 5 and met Korrina. Battled the trainers, skated on the rails (that was cool) and made it to Camphrier Town. Met Shauna at the castle, found out Snorlax was blocking Route 7 and we needed the PokeFlute to wake it, went up Route 6 to Parfum Palace and helped find the owner's darn Furfrou in the garden and got the PokeFlute. On the way back I caught Kit the Espurr and Hilta the Honedge! Finn evolved into Braixen and Fiona evolved into Fletchinder on the way as well!

    You know, this feels like such a long stretch between the first and second Gyms, doesn't it? Anyway, I woke up Snorlax and managed to catch it. Continued on Route 7 and met Tierno and Trevor here and had some battles in the Battle Chateau. Teamed up with Serena to battle Tierno and Trevor. Passed through Connecting Cave and made it to Ambrette Town, and apparently the next Gym is still in the next town over... why does it take so long to reach the second Gym? D:

    Met Serena again at the Fossil Lab and went off to find the researcher in Glittering Cave. Got to ride a Rhyhorn to travel Route 9, which is a cool idea but it's also painfully slow to move around. Glittering Cave was kind of weird to travel through. I met Team Flare for the first time here and... well, the whole concept for them felt kind of dumb lol (at least so far... do they get more interesting later?) Their battle theme is also kind of underwhelming!

    Once I took care of Team Flare with Serena's help, we found the researcher and he gave us fossils (I picked the Sail Fossil!) On the way back to Ambrette Town, I caught Holly the Helioptile! I returned to the Fossil Lab and revived the Sail Fossil, which turned out to be Amaura! Aww, so many cute Pokémon introduced in this gen so far <3

    Next it was time to traverse the rest of Route 8 and get to Cyllage City. I got the Old Rod at the aquarium and proceeded out to the beach. There was a Sky Battle trainer here and... wait, WTF this trainer has level 28 Pokémon??? Ahhhhh what the heck?! He had a Mantyke with Water Pulse, Fiona and Sere were no match... Went back and just skipped that one.

    Finally made it to Cyllage City! I like the music here. Got a free bicycle! :D Went to the Gym. Starting to feel a little underleveled... Tried to use Samuel to battle Grant the first time, didn't expect the Amaura, lost. Ultimately decided to just train up a Pancham I caught earlier named Pogo. Went back to the Gym and easily won
    the Cliff Badge!

    Current Team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Pogo ♂ Lv. 22
    - Comet Punch
    - Karate Chop
    - Slash
    - Work Up

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Finn ♂ Lv. 24
    - Scratch
    - Flame Charge
    - Ember
    - Psybeam

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Samuel ♂ Lv. 23
    - Take Down
    - Growth
    - Razor Leaf
    - Leech Seed

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Fiona ♀ Lv. 24
    - Ember
    - Agility
    - Quick Attack
    - Peck

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Holly ♀ Lv. 18
    - Quick Attack
    - Thunder Shock
    - Charge
    - Mud-Slap

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Sere ♀ Lv. 20
    - Psybeam
    - Struggle Bug
    - Stun Spore
    - Protect
    Superjolt's Kalos Adventures Part 3

    Moved on to Route 10, ooh this route is pretty much Stonehenge :o and Team Flare is here! (Definitely not a red flag that they're hanging around Stonehenge right?) I know I said before that I thought their battle theme was underwhelming but it's growing on me. Made it to Geosenge Town and followed the grunt who definitely didn't suspiciously disappear into a stone fortress or anything! Battled Korrina and her Lucario duo before leaving for Route 11. Also caught an Eevee on Route 10 before moving on!

    Made it through Reflection Cave to Shalour City and went to visit the Mega Evolution guru in the Tower of Mastery. Defeated Serena there, then went to battle Korrina at the Gym. Things went mostly okay until her Hawlucha took out everyone with Flying Press except for Sere! (Good thing that move wasn't very effective against her!) After waiting through two Hyper Potion heals, Sere finally took out Hawlucha with a combo of Psybeam and Draining Kiss!

    Off to face Korrina again at the top of the tower. Debating whether to evolve Eevee to use a Sylveon or use a different team member, we'll see! The section between these Gyms was way shorter than the previous one lol

    Current Team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Pogo ♂ Lv. 28
    - Vital Throw
    - Karate Chop
    - Slash
    - Work Up

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Finn ♂ Lv. 30
    - Light Screen
    - Flame Charge
    - Ember
    - Psybeam

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Samuel ♂ Lv. 26
    - Bulldoze
    - Growth
    - Razor Leaf
    - Leech Seed

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Fiona ♀ Lv. 29
    - Ember
    - Agility
    - Roost
    - Aerial Ace

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Eevee ♂ Lv. 27 (forgot to nickname oops!)
    - Swift
    - Covet
    - Bite
    - Refresh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Sere ♀ Lv. 27
    - Psybeam
    - Struggle Bug
    - Stun Spore
    - Draining Kiss
    Seeing this makes me want to replay gen 7, it's been such a long time. Can't wait to see how this turns out and who you decide to use!
    Superjolt's Kalos Adventures Part 4

    Battled Korrina at the top of the tower and got to see Mega Evolution for the first time! And after the battle her Lucario just decides to come with you? wow ok lol (probably won't be using it since I'm trying to stick to new Pokémon only)

    Next I headed to Route 12 and crossed the water after teaching Surf to a Sentret I had caught earlier on. I visited the ranch and rode the Skiddo around! Explored Azure Bay where Sere and Fiona kept getting crushed in sky battles (maybe I'll just avoid those from now on...) Found the Sea Spirit's Den but it was empty i came all this way for nothing!

    Found my way to Coumarine City, which has some nice peaceful music! :D Battled Serena in front of the Gym, her team was only a couple of levels higher than the last time we fought so she was pretty easy to beat. With Fire types and Flying types on my team I'm sure you can guess how the battle against Ramos went xD

    I ended up going back to Route 11 and after searching for over half an hour I caught a Dedenne named Dom!

    Current Team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Pogo ♂ Lv. 30
    - Vital Throw
    - Karate Chop
    - Slash
    - Work Up

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Finn ♂ Lv. 33
    - Light Screen
    - Flame Charge
    - Ember
    - Psybeam

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Samuel ♂ Lv. 30
    - Bulldoze
    - Seed Bomb
    - Razor Leaf
    - Leech Seed

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Fiona ♀ Lv. 31
    - Ember
    - Agility
    - Roost
    - Aerial Ace

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Dom ♂ Lv. 24
    - Charge
    - Charm
    - Parabolic Charge
    - Nuzzle

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Sere ♀ Lv. 29
    - Psybeam
    - Struggle Bug
    - Stun Spore
    - Draining Kiss
    Last edited:
    Superjolt's Kalos Adventures Part 5

    Time to check out the Power Plant on Route 13, maybe I can see what's up with the blackouts in Lumiose City! I traveled down Route 13, where avoiding the burrowing Pokémon was annoying D: why do all these Dugtrio and Trapinch have to have Arena Trap!

    I keep going and... wait a minute, is that Team Flare?! Of course, they must be the reason for all the blackouts! I defeated the grunt outside and found his card to access the Power Plant. Pogo evolved into Pangoro and was ready to teach Team Flare a lesson! He handled most of the grunts' Pokémon (though it was annoying that like every grunt also had a Golbat so Dom switched in to take care of them). Eventually I faced the bald guy, who is just called Team Flare Admin, and doesn't get an actual name I guess? xD Then I defeated the scientist Aliana, and kicked Team Flare outta there! I wonder what they needed all this electricity for though :o Also lol at the one power plant worker that got stuck between the machines xD

    After that I continued on toward Lumiose City and... oh? Who is this strange guy mumbling something about "the flower Pokémon" (don't remember the exact thing he said) and suddenly he's gone :o Well that was weird but I made it Lumiose and met Shauna there! We watched Clemont light up the tower. While heading toward the tower, I saw a Team Flare member standing outside of a cafe named Lysandre Cafe, this is definitely Not Suspicious at all!

    Before battling Clemont, I took the time to explore the rest of the city. But whyyyy does Lumiose City have to be so big, whyyyy... While battling trainers in the back alleys, Samuel evolved into Gogoat and Fiona evolved into Talonflame! Once I finished exploring, I went to battle Clemont. His Emolga was a little tough to deal with but Pogo easily took out his Magneton and Samuel rolled over his Heliolisk with Bulldoze. The Voltage Badge was mine! :D

    Current Team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Pogo ♂ Lv. 36
    - Vital Throw
    - Karate Chop
    - Body Slam
    - Work Up

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Finn ♂ Lv. 34
    - Light Screen
    - Flame Charge
    - Ember
    - Psyshock

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Samuel ♂ Lv. 36
    - Bulldoze
    - Seed Bomb
    - Razor Leaf
    - Leech Seed

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Fiona ♀ Lv. 35
    - Ember
    - Fly
    - Roost
    - Aerial Ace

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Dom ♂ Lv. 30
    - Charge
    - Volt Switch
    - Parabolic Charge
    - Nuzzle

    [PokeCommunity.com] Superjolt’s Kalos Adventures!

    Sere ♀ Lv. 31
    - Psybeam
    - Struggle Bug
    - Stun Spore
    - Draining Kiss