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lover of milotics
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 11,151
    by Ashley, so, I gotta do this!

    1) What is your name (first, whole, doesn't matter)? If you're uncomfortable disclosing your name, then tell us where your username came from.

    Name's Shawn, but you can call me handsomeeeee. Mmm, Dragon was just a username I conjured up long ago from being indulged by so many dragon related things like from pokemon, or that kids show, Dragon Tales.. and so on! Plus I do have a habit on liking more simple names, so, Dragon was born. :3

    2) How did you find the Pokecommunity, and why did you join?

    I was sent here by the gods to defeat the giant monkey lord and save the 13th dimension. Actually, found it randomly on google, since I wanted to expand some forum horizons other than my usual Marriland forums. It seemed quite interesting, so, I gave it a go! Basically it was just for fun, really; nothing quite special!

    3) What is your current stance on Pokemon, the franchise? Are you still in love with it, or is it something that you consider part of your childhood?

    I played it a lot in my childhood, with friends from elementary school, and from the apartment building I was from! First game was pokemon Yellow, and so I worked my way up the series. Today, yup, I still consider the games fun, but, don't play it as much because of you know, the new games! Plus I was a Fire Emblem fan when I was younger too, so, Fire Emblem alongside pokemon were conflicting obbessions. *_*

    4) If you could meet one person from PC in real life, who would that be? Name others if you want, but who is the main person?

    Probably Peitharchia would be the main one, since we get along so well and I think she's the person I get along with the most, but, meeting Zekrom, Lilith and Anna would be fun too! Loooads of things in common, and stuff we can do!

    5) Tell us a little bit about yourself. Not too much, but enough to let us know you a little more. Afterall, that's the point of this!

    Hm, okay. Well, I'm 21 years old, born and raised in Canada, with my family background being part Jamaican, part British! Right now I'm in university studying to be a Chemical Engineer which my profession will hopefully come shortly! However, of course, I'm not one who finds himself to be studying a lot, haha. Mostly I just love to play video games and relax, and just generally have fun with people I like, because having fun is awesomeee. I don't take things too seriously I must admit, but, only of course when it comes down to it!

    6)And lastly, which two people are you going to tag?

    Sydian & El Héroe Oscuro!