I'm in 8th grade, and there's a pregnant girl in one of my classes. When I found out, it didn't really bother me that much. I don't know her exact situation. Even if she just made some bad decisions, it's not really right to judge her based completely on that. People make mistakes. I know some people who are the same age as me who aren't virgins, but they knew what they were getting into before they made that decision and were willing to accept the consequences. Even though I don't like the idea of so many children being born with ignorant teenage parents and I don't plan on ever getting pregnant at any age myself, I try to keep in mind that not every situation is the same. If this girl that I know were to get an abortion, that wouldn't bother me either. I think we should all just mind our own business, really.
Oh, and for the record, I've got nothing against pre-marital sex as long as you're completely positive that you love and trust the person and you won't regret it later. I've got nothing against abortion or contraception in any situation either.