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Teen Pregnancy

  • 22
    • Age 34
    • Seen Jun 20, 2006
    Well, I was just wondering if you guys actually support this topic. My sister got pregnant when she was only sixteen. =/

    Do you guys not support this topic or do you guys think that teens are free to do their own choices?

    I hope this thread is allowed. ^_^
    Well if teens get pregnant let' sjust hope their husbands don't turn and kill them.

    Seriously though if you get pregnant and you don't have a plan or the money for the baby than you are an idiot. If you get drunk and have sex with another drunken guy and get pregnant that's a really stupid way to get pregnant.
    Use A Condom.

    They should improve their sex ed classes, so that students actually pay attention to the issues that are being hinted.

    I personally find nothing wrong with teenage pregnancy. I mean; maybe they were destined to be pregnant as a young age. If they don't want the child the option of abortion is always there. I'm not saying it should be encouraged or anything, but if you indeed have no plan as to how to care for the child it's better to let it go than give birth to it and make them misrable.
    Last edited:
    I totally agree with Seventh Petal
    I mean , you get so much education , just use a condom then o_0

    My parents are also going to kill me if I get home pregnant >_<
    Yeah, I know. ._.

    Um, someone can close this . . . if they want.
    i dont support such thing. if you get pregnant at that age maybe you would probably be forced to have an abortion and if you havent seen photos of abortion then believe me its not a nice thing to do. btw why are you asking about this?
    Marceline said:
    Yeah, I know. ._.

    Um, someone can close this . . . if they want.

    I'm pretty sure these sort of topics are allowed as long as it stays civil, and not too many people whine about it not being allowed.
    Marceline said:
    Well, I was just wondering if you guys actually support this topic. My sister got pregnant when she was only sixteen. =/

    Do you guys not support this topic or do you guys think that teens are free to do their own choices?

    I hope this thread is allowed. ^_^

    Getting pregant requiers doing something you should not be doing until you are married. Unless you were raped,(in which case you need some counseling to help you through it) I have no sympathy for getting pregant in your teens if you didnt want to. You did it, now you should be forced to bear the consequences. I do not support abortion or contraception in any sense. So either dont do it at all or just accept the pregnancy.
    Let's just say I'm not a big supportor of Teen Pregnancy.

    It's stupid, you go out to some wild party while you're still in your teens and you get drunk, have sex, end up pregnent and wind up having an abortion. If you're not going to keep the baby, use a condom or don't have sex. The human race is just blergh now.
    Getting pregant requiers doing something you should not be doing until you are married. Unless you were raped,(in which case you need some counseling to help you through it) I have no sympathy for getting pregant in your teens if you didnt want to. You did it, now you should be forced to bear the consequences. I do not support abortion or contraception in any sense. So either dont do it at all or just accept the pregnancy.
    I dont belive you should be married to have sex, but I do think there is some responsibility involved like:
    Finding out if your partner has an STD
    Using a condom
    Proper Pretection
    You should also consider the Pros and Cons.

    Now im not saying people should just go do it with everyone they see, Do it when it feels right.
    Also bear in mind 'teen pregnancy' is not only justified by wild parties and ignorance of the presence of drugs/alcohol.

    I neither love nor hate it. If the person is fully aware of the consequences and risks she is taking, then it wouldn't be morally unjust; however, if someone intentionally gets herself pregnant without ever touching upon the matters of future results, then that's another story. There's also the problem of unintentionally/forcefully getting pregnant..x_x
    hey, condoms arnt 100% garunteed to protect you from anything. Not doing it at all, however, is 100%
    Jirachi-master said:
    hey, condoms arnt 100% garunteed to protect you from anything. Not doing it at all, however, is 100%

    i think it's 99% protective. 1% could still cause a girl/women to get pregnant.
    I'm in 8th grade, and there's a pregnant girl in one of my classes. When I found out, it didn't really bother me that much. I don't know her exact situation. Even if she just made some bad decisions, it's not really right to judge her based completely on that. People make mistakes. I know some people who are the same age as me who aren't virgins, but they knew what they were getting into before they made that decision and were willing to accept the consequences. Even though I don't like the idea of so many children being born with ignorant teenage parents and I don't plan on ever getting pregnant at any age myself, I try to keep in mind that not every situation is the same. If this girl that I know were to get an abortion, that wouldn't bother me either. I think we should all just mind our own business, really.

    Oh, and for the record, I've got nothing against pre-marital sex as long as you're completely positive that you love and trust the person and you won't regret it later. I've got nothing against abortion or contraception in any situation either.
    I'm in eleventh and I know of two people that went to my school and got pregnant this year. One was in my year, one was a sophomore. What's more, the news of the pregnancies coincided with our birth control course, and soon we'll be getting mechanical babies as a curricular requirement.

    I don't support abortion as a result of incest due to the fact that it's become an excuse for many people I've known to have unprotected sex. However, I think that in cases of rape it is perfectly acceptable. Unfortunately, the government of South Dakota doesn't like abortion in any case. Good job I don't live there. :/
    Rayquazan said:
    i dont support such thing. if you get pregnant at that age maybe you would probably be forced to have an abortion and if you havent seen photos of abortion then believe me its not a nice thing to do. btw why are you asking about this?

    Because I thought it was an interesting topic. Besides, I can become popular with this thread~ 8D
    Well...if you wanna be stupid enough to lose your virginity at such a young age, then power be to ya...

    But I think its wrong. I dont plan on doing ANYTHING till im married
    Dashiel said:
    If you ask me,
    If your stupid enough to get yourself pregnant at such a young age you deserve it.

    Except the case is usually that the younger you are, the less wise you are. Therein lies a dilemma!