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Tool: Text Hex Convert


Resident Programmer
  • 562

    Text Hex DecoderConvert Version 2.1.1

    What the heck is this tool?

    This "poorly-made" tool converts Text values to Hex value, and vice-versa. And it is now written in VB.NET! After I decided to part ways with Java. For example if you want to change the game's battle messages,(see smeargles' tutorial HERE) you can use this tool to aid you in converting text values to hex values, and again, vice-versa. And now added support to standard hex!

    If you're familiar with hex, converting is just a piece of cake for you. But what if not? Try to look at this:

    Let's try to convert the string, "Hello world" for example. Now, how the heck can we convert this to hex? Take note that every letter has it's corresponding Hex equivalent. You can look at this list if you want:

    Now, did you find yourself a pretty hard time looking for its hex equivalent?
    Worry not anymore cause this is the aim of this tool. To help minimize the work for you.
    Just input the text/hex you want to convert, push the convert button, and VIOLA! piece of cake, ain't it?




    This tool cannot convert specific characters yet, for "Text - Hex" only. They are as
    • [pk], [mn], [po], [k], [ké], [bl], [oc], , [D]
      [L], [R], [.], [""], "", ['], [m], [f], [$], [x], [>]
      , [d], [l]

    Future Plans

    • Add a "Hex to Text" feature DONE!
    • Improve GUI DONE!
    • Ability to directly open a ROM and change its battle messages
    • Fix all bugs - Getting there
    • And a lot more, I hope.





    Source Code

    Link is in the tool, in the about section.

    If you want to test the older versions, you would want to download Java 6 or higher since the v1 and v1.1 are both written in Java.


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    Why has no one commented on this yet? This is great, this can be really helpful for decapitalization, instead of having to use Advance-Text and then compare roms in a hex editor. Good job!
    Sometimes the tool doesn't work, like right now, I put STORAGE and it gave me CD CE C9 CC BB C1 BF and that's fine, but now I put Storage and it gives me CD E8 E6 D5 DB D9. It happens commonly so please fix :D
    Sometimes the tool doesn't work, like right now, I put STORAGE and it gave me CD CE C9 CC BB C1 BF and that's fine, but now I put Storage and it gives me CD E8 E6 D5 DB D9. It happens commonly so please fix :D

    That's just normal. Because the hex equivalent of BIG letter and small letters are different. Like BIG letter 'O' is C9 and small letter 'o' is E6 . ^_^
    Damn. Sure wish I came across this tool earlier. Would have saved me a tonne of time.
    EDIT: Seems to not insert the line breaks (FE in hex.)
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    That's just normal. Because the hex equivalent of BIG letter and small letters are different. Like BIG letter 'O' is C9 and small letter 'o' is E6 . ^_^
    I know about that, it's the number of Hex characters that are appearing xD
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    I know about that, it's the number of Hex characters that are appearing xD

    Ooohhh, you should have said earlier sorry about that. I'll go and fix this. Thanks for reporting :)
    EDIT: In addition to that, what other particular word(s) does this same error occur at?

    Damn. Sure wish I came across this tool earlier. Would have saved me a tonne of time.
    EDIT: Seems to not insert the line breaks (FE in hex.)

    Yeah, it currently don't work at the moment. Please insert it manually for the meantime. I'll add this when school ♥♥♥♥s are done. ;)
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    Ooohhh, you should have said earlier sorry about that. I'll go and fix this. Thanks for reporting :)
    EDIT: In addition to that, what other particular word(s) does this same error occur at?

    Not sure. Sometimes it just happens randomly, I don't think it depends on the words. Good luck in fixing this, it really has helped a lot ^^
    It was not able to translate the small 'o' in Dark Sneasal's case. When I type 'o' it gives a blank output. This is the problem. There might be more characters missed. Otherwise, the tool is very convenient
    Not sure. Sometimes it just happens randomly, I don't think it depends on the words. Good luck in fixing this, it really has helped a lot ^^

    It was not able to translate the small 'o' in Dark Sneasal's case. When I type 'o' it gives a blank output. This is the problem. There might be more characters missed. Otherwise, the tool is very convenient

    Yeah, sorry about that guys. It was a heck a lot of carelessness of me that I miscoded the small 'o' to big 'O'. BTW it is fixed now. Thanks for reporting :)
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    I can't open it, it says