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The Age Limit Has Been Lifted

Hey, I'm only 11, but I'm more mature than some older people I've met here. (I won't mention names.) :( I get the impression a lot that people think because I'm younger I can't do anything or be told anything mature, but I hold up mature conversations a lot, throguh the net and in real life.
Im not Mature XD Im PC's Childishest Member =p
Yayoyo! XD I can be mature while talking about those topics, but I dun wanna go to the T-Dome...

Mature- Fully devoloped mind and body, to be able to handle content that isn't of your age range; i.e. "MOMMY! They said the A-word!!" to being able to ignore such words (content) at a small age (Like me!), knowing that you can't abuse the privlige (sp?) of growing up, etc...etc..the end.

I wrote that just cause some kids ONLY go in there to see what IN for teens and such. (Not like I would know)
puni puni~
I don't care what's in, heck I'm usually out of date anyway. XD And I can take cursing, some kid was cuss' out people, and I was right next to him, didn't bother me a bit. XD
I can be mature or immature, depending on whats best for that certian time. XD I could handle that place, but if I'm not allowed under the rules than thats fine with me, I can wait.
Arcanine said:
I just wish that the members would read Kwesi's thread about the T-Dome. I mean before Kwesi lifted this 14 year old thing I would get lots of members asking "Can I get into the T-Dome" and they are only 13 or 12. So that means they didn't read Kwesi's thread and rules of the T-Dome.

The post by Lightning said your B-day had to be before Dec. 31, 1990...which mine is. My B-Day is Nov. 21, I'm still 13...just a little error there I think...just wanted to point that out...
P.K. Hammer 345 said:
The post by Lightning said your B-day had to be before Dec. 31, 1990...which mine is. My B-Day is Nov. 21, I'm still 13...just a little error there I think...just wanted to point that out...
Here is my quote from another thread.

You started counting on 1990, you start at 91 and count to 04 from there.
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04. That is 14 there. So it's 14 years from 1990.
it's cause his B-day didnt pass yet! so he should be able to be in the T-Dome
Well, I may think about checking that out once my account opens up. ^_~
