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The Battle Against Snoring (Hozier, FoxTrot, WTF Japan: Eagle Dance) [Daily Bloggity Entry #217]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
  • 7,239
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    Date: 25 March 2015
    Time: 2:32 AM ET
    Mood: Annoyed about my sleeping

    I'd like each of you to just think for a second about certain aspects of yourselves that you might not like. Whether it's your personality or certain actions that you seem to take under specific circumstances, I'd like you take a moment of your time to reflect on this...when you're good, continue reading. For myself, I absolutely hate my snoring. My family has a horrible tendency to snore, and unfortunately genetics have not been too kind on me when it comes to this aspect of my life. Night in and night out, I have a large tendency to snore like Dory doing her humpback whale impersonation in Finding Nemo, which has become a huge problem especially with my longstanding girlfriend. One night I discovered that she went into the other room to sleep because my snoring was so bad, so I've decided to (finally) take the initiative and see what can be done to prevent future snoring occurrences from happening.

    Daily Music - "Work Song" by Hozier
    As what many people do when an issue comes up, I turned to the magical invention that is Google. With a unfathomably large database at my fingertips, I jumped right into my search and not surprisingly I found quite a range of alternatives that will hopefully create some results. So put on your thinking caps and pull out a pen and paper boys and girls as it's time for learning today! Well first off, it's important to figure out why we snore, which is normally a result due to our body positioning. There are two different kinds of snoring: open-mouth and closed-mouth snoring. Open-mouth snoring is a result of the tissues in your throat becoming too relaxed and thus obstructing the air pathway, resulting in vibrations making the sounds that is snoring. Closed-mouth snoring is a result of your tongue dropping and obstructing the air pathway, as well as the possibility of having nasal congestion. In either case the result is the same (i.e. snoring.)

    Daily Comic - "Dice Lessoning" by Bill Amend of FoxTrot
    When it comes to actual remedies, there a lot of natural ways in which one may be able to cure snoring (or at the very least alleviate some of the sound. As stated prior, positioning of your body when sleeping can have a direct result on the way you sleep. For instance, it is a lot more common for a person to snore when they are laying on their back as your throat tightens and your tongue drops by gravity, thus obstructing air to pass through. It is recommended that one sleeps on their side to alleviate that problem, where it could happen naturally or body pillows/anti snore pillows can be bought to keep yourself stationary throughout the night. If one has a stuffy nose which causes snoring, there are numerous ways in which one may be to fix that. Nasal strips or nasal decongestants can help you breathe more easily throughout the night, as well as a humidifier can moisten the air in order to prevent the membranes in your nose and throat from being irritated by dry air. Furthermore, alcohol and dairy products should be avoided before bed as that has been known to be a deterrent as well.

    Daily Video - "WTF Japan: Eagle Dance" by user WTF Japan Seriously!?
    It annoys me that it took me so long to look all this information up, but I hope that with this newly acquired knowledge that I may be able to kick this unintentional bad habit to the curb. The most important thing however is maintaining a routine sleep habit, as exhaustion plays a key role in how your body will respond throughout the night. Still, I hope things will improve! What about you guys? Do you sleep? What have you personally done to fix it, if anything? Are there any bad habits that you have that you wish to fix? Comment below as I'd love to here and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro


    I'd like each of you to just think for a second about certain aspects of yourselves that you might not like. Whether it's your personality or certain actions that you seem to take under specific circumstances, I'd like you take a moment of your time to reflect on this...when you're good, continue reading. For myself, I absolutely hate my snoring.
    It's okay. I hate your snoring too.