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The Beach Challenge

Update 1:
Currently in Cold Storage, proper update unavailable due to how far I've got.

Wow... I was about to join this challenge and so, I started new game and I played... and played... and played... and won :D So, it was really nice speedrun :D

Here is my sign up:

Name: Janp
Game: Pokemon Sapphire

And here is my "final update":

[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

and team:

The Pelican
Pelican, the Naive Pelipper
[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

lvl. 52, M, Keen Eye
- Surf
- Fly
- Supersonic
- Wing Attack

The Fish
Dan, the Naive Relicanth
[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

lvl. 50, M, Rock Head
- Surf
- Ancientpower
- Yawn
- Earthquake

The Sand Plant
Jessie, the Impish Cacturne
[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

lvl. 50, F, Sand Veil
- Needle Arms
- Pin Missile
- Leech Seed
- Faint Attack

The Dog
Cat, the Gentle Manetric
[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

lvl. 50, F, Lightingrod
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Quick Attack
- Bite

The Human
Stein, the Relaxed Kadabra
[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

lvl. 50, M, Synchronize
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Flash
- Recover

Playing in the Sand
Chick, the Quirky Blaziken
[PokeCommunity.com] The Beach Challenge

lvl. 61, M, Blaze
- Blaze Kick
- Peck
- Cut
- Sky Uppercut​

Well, for few notes about Gyms:
- First two Gyms were piece of cake... Pelican beat both Leader almost alone
- Third Gym was a little problem, but after short training, Chick beat that annoying Magneton
- Next Gym, the Fire one, wasn't hard, thanks to Palican
- Fifth Gym, the "Daddy" Gym was hard as always and it took me three tries but after all, beat that King Kong
- Last three Gyms... Well, I don't have anything to say... I already had all members of my team and they were trained well, so there wasn't problem...
- It was same with E4
- And finally Steven... Metagross beat Cat, Dan, Jessie, Pelican and Stein... And all was on Chick... And it was epic :D
Trainer Huntres
Badges: Boulder, Cascade, Soul, Volcano, -
Currently: chilling on Two Island
Pelican the Gyarados
55, M, Sassy, Intimidate,
Tackle, rain dance, bite, twister
I- HPFlying.
II- No, seriously, I need to go over his moves

Parrot the acranine
55, F, Quiet, Flash Fire,
Bite, extremespeed, flamethrower, odor sleuth
I- HPFire
II- The name is an in-joke, actually

Macaroni the seadra
55, M, Bashful, Swift Swim,
HPIce, smokescreen, surf, twister
I- still don't know if I am allowed to evolve him??? Gonna just evolve him at level 60 no matter.
II- I decided to make it a name-theme (birds) and called him 'Penguin', but switched to 'Macaroni', which was actually my first impulse. He's a Macaroni Penguin.

Grebe the poliwrath
55, F, Brave, Water Absorb,
HPFlying, body slam, dig, Hydro Pump
I- grebes are cute. Grebe is also cute, like her namesake.
II- Still don't know if we'll replace Hydro Pump with Brick Break, likely will later.

Egret the kabutops
55, F, Serious, Swift Swim,
HPFlying, sand attack, slash, mud shot
I- because how they hunt is a bit reminicent
II- first kabuto was a girl, amazing.

Cassowary the tangela
57, M, Quiet, Chlorophyll,
HPElectric, vine whip, sleep powder, growth
I- Now, tangela aren't really what anyone would say as badass, but cassowary WIPED THE FLOOR with Blaine's whole gym... so... the name is a pretty good match as 'terrifying devil beast that lives amongst the vines'
II- We don't know whether to replace sleep powder or growth with ingrain... probably growth?

Entire team, as it currently is, either has Amulet Coin or Leftovers. (depending on who is in battle and backup and what kinds of battle and such)
Might need to come up with more items to give later, but eh. (1xAmulet coin, 2xleftovers does not a whole team cover)
I finally freed my Platinum rom so I can start playing ~ I have one question before I start though -Since I am not sure weather there is Pelipper in platinum or not can I pokegen one in? I really want to use one and it's the only pokemon that resembles Pelican - it will be legit don't worry- I won't make one with insane moveset or something like that.
AoTora, in Platinum wingull can be found pre-League in the following places:
Routes 213 (grass/surfing), 219 (surfing), 220 (surfing), 221 (surfing), 222 (grass/surfing ), Fuego Ironworks (Grass), Sunyshore City (surfing), Iron Island(surfing), Pokémon League (surfing)

Wingull and/or pelipper can be found pre-league in RSE, DPP, B2W2 and XY, and pre-Red in HGSS (and also if you got the Event Course Sightseeing on the Pokewalker, but it was only in Japan and Korea, so unlikely)

Decided we may as well put ingrain over growth, even though growth is potentially really useful- sleep powder is useful for keeping opponents off Cassowary's back for a move or two, so...
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Thankyou! I just remembered that (: So my team is going to be really interesting :3 I will probably go with Tangrowth (Ingrain), Pelipper, Houndoom and one of the eeveelutions, not sure about the rest of my team just yet :3