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The Bloggiest Blogg Ever!


[b]Long time no see![/b]
  • 5,641
    Haha, so I can finally use this nifty little feature! =D

    I usually use LJ to post bloggy stuff, but I suppose this would be an interesting place to do it too. So how should I start, eh? ^_^

    I know! GO TEAM CANADA!!!

    Or just Asutujilli! :D

    XD Expect more sanity in the blogs that follow.

    Asdfghjkl When did you become a supporter? I swear a few minutes ago when I was posting in DCC you were still a regular member.

    Anyways, welcome to the world of blogging! Use wisely. Or not, it doesn't really matter XP

    I can't watch the Olympics D:
    I hate to break it to you Zam but USA might have your number in hockey ;D

    Also congrats on the blog \o/
    Alright, you are finally a supporter. Congrats! Welcome the world of blogging. Hope you have fun. Of course you will. XD