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The Book of Doom


A Pocketful of Rye
  • 330
    Instead of starting a new thread everytime I want to post a one-shot or a collection of short stories, I'm creating the Book Of Doom for all my drabbles, ficlets and whatnots. I'll give you the summary before each fic, as well as the rating.
    It'll contain a mixture of Manga-verse and Game-verse.
    Well, enjoy yourselves, reading the many entries in the book.
    Feel free to give me any constructive criticism.
    Thank you!
    DISCLAIMER (for all the stories): I OWN ONLY THE PLOT

    Summary: It's the Viridian Fair and the pretty girl Gold takes a liking to isn't what she seems. Shonen-ai, PreciousMetalshipping.
    Rating: PG13, but maybe higher(but the next rating is a bit overboard) due to the fact that it is boyXboy love.

    Between Silver and Gold
    A Pokemon Special One-shot by Yeo
    The Viridian Fair was a beautiful sight.

    Gorgeous flowers, intoxicating smells, bizarre sights.
    In Gold's opinion, nothing was better than the fair. There was food, there were games, there were happy emotions in the air.

    Not to mention the pretty girls running the stalls. That was the best.

    Gold tilted his head to the side when he caught sight of a rather petite and slender young redhead standing in front of the stall that sold ice-cream. She was dressed in a typical black Gothic Lolita outfit, her crimson locks pulled out of her face by a frilly black headband. She had amazing silver eyes, eyes that were filled with mystery and allure.
    Gold licked his lips.

    If asking a lady out on a date was like fishing, this gemstone would be a good catch of the highest quality.
    Gold sauntered over to the petite girl. She was fanning herself with an adorable pink fan decorated with Luvdisc, and she had an absolutely divine face.

    A slim face framed by scarlet locks, silver eyes that blinked in the same way a Noctowl's did, and pouty, cherry pink lips that formed an oddly familiar scowl.

    "Hello there, missy. I was just wondering-"


    Gold's hand flew to his head, shortly after the 'innocent' pink fan left his head, and his amber eyes flew open.

    "Oi! What was that for...Silver?"

    The Viridian-born trainer rolled his eyes, dusty metal-coloured orbs meeting with Gold's playful yellow ones.

    "Yes Goldie-boy, it is me."

    "What-who-why.....why are you dressed like that?" Gold spluttered in disbelief. Silver huffed.

    "I lost a bloody bet to that forsaken metro." The red-haired boy muttered darkly. Gold sniggered inwardly.
    Silver had lost a bet to Ruby? Now, that was interesting.

    "And because you lost, you have to dress up like a girl." Gold remarked, smirking. Silver sighed, leaning back against the counter, crossing his legs in a rather feminine fashion.


    "I see. Well..."

    Gold reached out to caress Silver's crimson locks, a small smile replacing the smirk on his lips. Silver coloured when he felt Gold's fingers brush against his neck.

    "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Silver hissed. "People are staring!"

    Gold grinned, pulling Silver into his arms, slipping his arm around a waist too slim to belong to a man.

    It was obvious what this public display of affection was doing to Silver. The redhead was blushing as red as his hair, and he was muttering incoherently. Gold smirked.

    "You're cute."

    With that, Gold closed the gap between them, his lips pressing against Silver's a gentle, loving kiss.
    When he pulled away, the New Bark-born boy was satisfied to see that he had reduced the normally stoic other into a blushing puddle of incoherent mush.

    "I'll see you around, Sil-chan." Gold purred, before striding off. Silver blinked several times, before he finally regained his senses, whirling around to yell at Gold's retreating back, his cheeks still a brilliant shade of scarlet.

    "You bastard!"

    Although much later, in the evening, Silver would return home to a beeping Pokegear and a fresh reason to curse Gold, albeit lovingly, to hell and back.
    To be honest, it seems kinda crappy towards the end. Eep.
    Well...I don't see many grammar problems...

    One thing.
    Try not to change the font too much :)

    Can't wait for the next one!
    Well, that was akward, in a sense. Anyway, I will say not to mess with the font...at all. And I don't think that every oneshot you post deserve only one thread. That makes it a little difficult to know when you have a new story up for people who don't know this is a thread of all of them.

    Also, this is quite a short little oneshot, but I'm used to having uberly long ones, so I guess I can't say much.

    She had amazing silver eyes, eyes that were filled with mystery and allure.
    Gold licked his lips.

    Kinda random that he would just randomly lick his lips, don't you think?

    the New Bark-born boy was satisfied to see that he had reduced the normally stoic other into a blushing puddle of incoherent mush.

    The Viridian-born trainer rolled his eyes, dusty metal-coloured orbs meeting with Gold's playful yellow ones.

    Do we really need to know where they were born? I find it a little uncessecary. But, I do like how you described their eyes. Lovely.

    Though I have a bit of a different perspective on PreciousMetal, as in I don't picture it quite like this, it is still an interesting concept. I'll still be here trying to figure out how Silver and Ruby know each other, though. But I would work on length, the font, and...that might just be it. Oh! And grammar. I'd like to tell you the rule on the commas and periods in dialogue, but I can't figure that out myself. So just check some stickies in the Lounge. :D

    Well, that was akward, in a sense. Anyway, I will say not to mess with the font...at all. And I don't think that every oneshot you post deserve only one thread. That makes it a little difficult to know when you have a new story up for people who don't know this is a thread of all of them.

    Also, this is quite a short little oneshot, but I'm used to having uberly long ones, so I guess I can't say much.

    Kinda random that he would just randomly lick his lips, don't you think?

    Do we really need to know where they were born? I find it a little uncessecary. But, I do like how you described their eyes. Lovely.

    Though I have a bit of a different perspective on PreciousMetal, as in I don't picture it quite like this, it is still an interesting concept. I'll still be here trying to figure out how Silver and Ruby know each other, though. But I would work on length, the font, and...that might just be it. Oh! And grammar. I'd like to tell you the rule on the commas and periods in dialogue, but I can't figure that out myself. So just check some stickies in the Lounge. :D


    Nah, I use different fonts to diffrentiate between my rambling and the story. and as for telling you where they were born, i just wanted to not use their names. Instead of Gold all the time, I'd like to chage it before it gets boring.

    And I don't know who's older. Silver, probably.

    I guess I'll go look up the thread. But I hate grammar. Seriously. Ah well....the computer tires to edit it for me, but most of the time I don't see anything wrong with it, so..(shrugs)

    once again, thanks for the constructive criticism.
    For the record, Silver's birthday is unknown, so all we know is that he's the same age is Gold. They could have the same birthday, for all we know.

    Just letting you know...it helps if you need his age when you write about him. I would know. ;D
    Number Two!
    summary: 10 Facts about Lucas and Volkner's relationship. Written for my yaoi-crazed friend, Maya Mak, as a birthday gift. (Her birthday is on the 9th July)
    Rating: NC17, possibly higher.
    A Pokemon One-shot by Yeo


    The first time they meet, Volkner is entranced by those alluring cerulean orbs, hypnotised by eyes so blue, nothing could compare to them. There's something, a small spark, in that brunette boy, in the adolescent twelve-year-old who stood at the entrance to the top of the Vista Lighthouse.

    Lucas Diamond.

    His name suits him perfectly. Lucas is a diamond, albeit a diamond in the rough, a stone that has yet to be polished to perfection.


    When Lucas first enters Volkner's gym, he is impressed by the complex mechanisms of the place. Yet he seems to be able to pass through the maze with ease, with almost no difficulty, and soon he finds himself standing in front of the electric-type gym leader, Lucario's Pokeball clutched in his right hand.

    The battle starts without much idle chatter.

    Lucario unleashes powerful blows on Volkner's Ambipom. The battle drags on for hours, until it finally comes down to Volkner's ace, Luxray, up against Lucas' very first companion, his Umbreon.

    Umbreon deals heavy damage on Luxray with earthshaking attacks. Luxray keeps up a powerful defence and deals equal amounts of damage to Umbreon, but Giga Impact knocks it out and secures Lucas' win.

    For some strange reason, Volkner doesn't feel so bad about losing to a twelve-year-old kid.


    When Lucas meets Volkner again, on the beaches of Sunyshore, he's already the champion of the Sinnoh League. He didn't accept the position, but instead, he let Cynthia keep it. He'd rather keep to being a freelance trainer. Being tied down at the League does not appeal to him.

    They sit on the beach and talk. They just talk, talk about everything. Their families, their friends, their likes and dislikes, their hobbies.

    Lucas finds out that Volkner's family lives in Solaceon Town, even though it's only his grandfather and his sister, since his parents and most of his relatives all live in Fiore.
    He learns that Volkner loves the sun and the sea, and that he has been friends with Flint ever since they were toddlers. He finds out that Volkner hates the cold, hates people who whine and complain, and that one thing the blonde man likes doing best is reading a good novel whilst sitting at the beach.

    Volkner learns that Lucas' dad has been away for years, that his mom is often away in Johto on work, or in Hearthome City, taking part in contests.

    He finds out that Lucas loves nature, and his favourite food is cake, that the boy hates inconsiderate people, that he enjoys fishing and biking through Sinnoh. He discovers that Lucas loves drawing and writing poetry, two facts that surprise him greatly.

    Most twelve-year-old boys prefer playing outdoors, but perhaps, Lucas is just...special.

    Volkner invites Lucas to spend the night at his mansion. Lucas agrees.


    Dinner is delicious, and Lucas is fascinated by Volkner's collection of exotic plants. The fact that the man's mansion is one with nature delights the boy very much, and Volkner cannot help but smile at the sight of Lucas cooing and gushing over the garden.

    At night, Lucas leans against the railing on the balcony, humming a lullaby to himself. Volkner joins him on the balcony, and they admire the stars together.

    After that, Lucas retreats to his room to read, but is interrupted by Volkner grabbing his wrists and pinning him to the wall, looking like he just ran a marathon.

    Lucas blushes red, and he asks why.

    Volkner just stares at him dangerously, and soon, he kisses Lucas so hard, the boy can barely breathe.

    When Volkner pulls away, Lucas begins to splutter and gasp, his cheeks flaming, but the blonde shuts him up. Words aren't necessary.

    They never were, and they never will be.


    When Lucas wakes up the next morning, groggy and confused, realisation hits him like a ton of bricks.

    He sees his shirt on the floor, his jeans flung across the room, and the feeling of a warm body curled up next to him tells him that it isn't a dream. It tells him that the night before, the night of passion and love, was real.

    It wasn't a lie, a dream his overly-imaginative teenaged had created. It was real.

    Volkner wakes up and smiles at Lucas.

    Lucas blushes red again. That seems to be his favourite thing to do when he's around the blonde- his cheeks are covered with a shade of bright crimson almost as red as his precious scarf and beret.

    Volkner kisses him, softly and gently this time, and Lucas is in heaven.
    He moves in with Volkner two weeks after that.


    Johanna doesn't seem to mind.

    She pretends that she doesn't know about what goes on between Sunyshore's superstar and her own teenaged son. She acts as if Lucas and Volkner are nothing but close friends, nothing more than mentor and student, when in reality, she probably knows everything.

    Once, over a meal of utmost simplicity, Lucas asks,

    "Why don't you care?"

    Johanna smiles the same smile she's been smiling for her thirty-nine years of life, and answers,

    "Because I want you to be happy."

    Lucas bursts into tears and hugs his mother tightly. Volkner watches this scene from afar and thanks the gods that Johanna has willingly accepted him as her son's lover.

    The ever-sharp eyes of a mother meets with his, and Volkner smiles warmly in response, before leaving Lucas and Johanna to share some time together.


    But over with Volkner's family, they aren't as accepting as Johanna Diamond.

    Indeed, Flint is incapable of keeping secrets, and soon, a very angry Amelia Raika turns up on his doorstep, hurling abuse at the blonde man. Volkner coolly side-steps every insult, and asks Amelia to please, have some dignity, before she meets with the young man whom she claims to hate very much.

    To say the least, Amelia's opinion of Lucas changes very much, and she no longer thinks of him as a gold-digging whore, but rather as a respectful and sweet young boy who calls her 'nee-chan'.

    She returns to Solaceon and assures her grandfather that Lucas is a perfect match for Volkner, and that they could always adopt a child if they wanted to.


    Flint has a habit of dropping by, and he makes it very clear that he approves of Lucas whole-heartedly and that he hopes the boy can get Volkner to stop acting like he has a 'stick up his ass'.

    Volkner is annoyed and tries, unsuccessfully, to chase Flint out. Lucas stops him, and tells the red-haired man that he's welcome in the mansion whenever he likes. Volkner turns to yell at Lucas, but is shut up by a quick kiss and a playful wink.

    That sends Volkner's rage flying into the sea, and Flint laughs at the remarkable power Lucas has over his lover.

    Volkner punches him in the face.


    The first time Lucas and Volkner have a fight; it rages on for days and Flint fears entering the mansion. The maids gossip, the butler sighs, and the house, for once, is silent.

    Neither wishes to be the first to apologize, but Volkner soon cracks.
    His attempt at apologizing is laughable, but at the same time, sweet and lovely. A Teddiursa doll sits on Lucas' bed, accompanied by a red rose and a small card, in which words are written in Volkner's beautiful handwriting.

    I'm sorry.

    Lucas runs to the man, who has just returned from the gym, and hugs him tightly, sobbing into Volkner's shirt. The past two weeks have been hard for the teenage boy, and now that they've both forgiven each other, laughter rings through the house once more.


    Nights together are never sweet- as a matter of fact, they're enjoyable but excruciatingly painful.

    Lucas sleeps till lunchtime whenever a night of passion rolls by, and Volkner simply sits in bed with a book and a cigarette, as Lucas sleeps, curled up in his lap.

    The boy is innocent, with his large sapphire eyes that sparkle like diamonds. But Lucas is a worldly boy, and nothing keeps him down for long, and by the time Christmas comes, their love is thicker than blood, water or anything else.

    As they sleep, two passionate souls wrapped up together in a blanket of silk, they really do feel that nothing can, and nothing will, come between the two of them.

    and that's The End!
    I hope you liked it. It was four pages long in Calibri font size 12, and it took me a couple of days to write.
    Once again, this is dedicated to Maya Mak. Happy Birthday, dear!
    Constructive criticism appreciated greatly.
    (p.S: I don't give two hoots about punctuation, but you can tell me about mine if you like)
    nice job ye-sis.
    nice job.
    nice job.
    nice job.
    I ran out of words.
    What the...? Firstly, this is practicly spam, and second, what the heck!? YOUR nine! Shouldn't you be doing what nine year-olds do or something?!(Yes, I now I'm twelve, but I'm also mentally older, FYI) Now that I've finish this rant:

    I like it, though, I think it should have been written using past tense verbs, but that's the way you roll.

    The first time they meet, Volkner is entranced by those alluring cerulean orbs, hypnotized by eyes so blue, nothing could compare to them.

    It's a Z instead of S

    Luxray keeps up a powerful defense and deals equal amounts of damage to Umbreon, but Giga Impact knocks it out and secures Lucas' win.

    With a S, and not a C.

    When Lucas wakes up the next morning, groggy and confused, realization hits him like a ton of bricks.

    Seems like you're mixing up S's, C's and Z's.

    The ever-sharp eyes of a mother meets with his, and Volkner smiles warmly in response, before leaving Lucas and Johanna to share some time together.

    That S shouldn't go there

    Nights together are never sweet- as a matter of fact; they're enjoyable but excruciatingly painful.
    A semicolon should go instead, and is that innuendo I smell?

    Also, how old is Volkner? How sexed up can this get befores it's considered real world rape?

    Now, closing thoughts:

    A nicely done one shot, a few grammatical errors in it, but very nice, I'm sure your friend will enjoy it, so happy B-Day Maya! However, If Lucas were my son, I will certainly mind and oppose to the relationship, but it's a nice change from the usual 'angry mom in denial about son's homsexual relationships' stereotype. I also love how you described 'Nee-Chan's' eye. Like last time, the font, as explained in the fanfic rules, should stay as is. My rating: 4/5
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    Just as a note, this really isn't a NC-17 fic. At most, it's PG-13. I will admit not to really reading the fic, but from what I've seen, there isn't anything that would qualify this to be NC-17.

    NC-17 fics are graphic. To get such a rating, the fic would have to have the following: a lot of graphic violence, sex, aberrational behavior, drug abuse, strong language, or any other elements which, when present, most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children and teens. NC-17 does not necessarily mean obscene or pornographic in the oft-accepted or legal meaning of those words.

    Just because you have the "after" of a night spent together doesn't mean that you actually described the night together. If you did describe what pulsed, throbbed, and what food stuffs was used in exquisite detail, that would be a NC-17 fic. But you didn't.

    Now onto another problem I have with the fic. The two moved through the relationship way too quickly. Volkner kisses Lucas, they eat dinner together, they sleep together. This happened all in the course of a day. While I can figure that you were just going for the "fluff" aspect, it just seems rather odd that Lucas, a twelve-year-old boy, would be so accepting of this relationship. At the age of twelve, children shouldn't be interested in sleeping together with someone much older than them, especially of the same sex. I would figure that Lucas would question the relationship, wonder what it is that he's feeling.

    And also, twelve-year-old boys really haven't finished going through the necessary physical changes to have sex. Never mind the fact that he really isn't mentally mature to be in a relationship, especially at the age of twelve.

    Plus, I find it hard to believe that everyone is so accepting of their relationship. Unless the Pokemon world is so open-minded that nothing fazes people at all, then I would figure that the two would face more hostility. Especially Volkner. If he's a "superstar", the public would be interested in his life. Imagine the tabloids, jumping over him for being in any sort of relationship. But instead, the relationship that he has with a twelve-year-old boy isn't even questioned.

    I know this was written for fluff, but it would be nice to keep these things in mind while writing any sort of relationship. Twelve-year-olds won't be running around, jumping into bed with one another, or with people older than them. They aren't physically, mentally, or emotionally mature enough to handle it.

    Oh, and Wizard-Wings, please read this thread before you point out that yeo101 is spelling words wrong.
    Thanks, to both of you.
    At WizardWings:

    I spell most of my stuff the British way. I do occasionally err to american spelling, but mainly I do British.

    At Astinus:
    Haha...I didn't really think through about all the stuff you mentioned. I was in a rush to finish it for Maya's birthday.
    I just called volkner 'superstar' because.....isn't his title the 'Shining shocking star'?
    anyways, gym leaders tend to be greatly respected and I sorta feel the sunyshore people like to keep personal matters private.

    and I think Lucas is much more mature than the average twelve year old.

    but that's only my opinion.
    Once again, thanks!

    Oh, and by the way....
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Book of Doom

    Just PM me or drop me a line in my Visitor Messages. I can do a oneshot for you, but I'll probably take quite some time with it...
    Rest assured, i'll get it done.
    Tell me whether its game-verse or manga-verse, what the shippings are, the rating and whatever else you want in the story.
    Big smile! :)
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    Well. That story was interesting. A little too interesting to put it exactly. I will agree that a twelve year old boy is way too immature for a...gee, Volkner looks twenty at least. As much of a lowly-loving person I am, this one seems...odd. Very, very odd.

    However, I do love the description, though I question the numbered sections and Johanna not minding her twelve-year-old-now-homosexual son to move in with some random gym leader, despite happiness. Parents worry like maniacs. Would she not question his orientation and quiz him about Volkner? I know I would if that was my kid.

    Apologies for not responding sooner. Busy at work.

    At Astinus:
    Haha...I didn't really think through about all the stuff you mentioned. I was in a rush to finish it for Maya's birthday.
    Hopefully you'll keep it in mind for the next one-shot.

    I just called volkner 'superstar' because.....isn't his title the 'Shining shocking star'?
    That might be his "title", but the idea remains that he's still a well-known figure. He's one of the main reasons trainers come to Sunyshore. He's a popular guy. His business is going to be known somehow by someone. He himself says that he's "known as the top Gym Leader."

    anyways, gym leaders tend to be greatly respected and I sorta feel the sunyshore people like to keep personal matters private.
    So, because he's a guy the public respects, they allow him to get away with something illegal? How does that work? Because Volkner is doing something morally wrong and illegal, no matter what way you cut it.

    You can say that Lucas is more mature than average. He might be, having gone through a journey to the Championships and winning said title. He might be able to make a decision better than an average twelve-year-old.

    But the fact is that he's still a twelve-year-old child. No matter how mature he is mentally, he's still an average twelve-year-old biologically. He's not ready for a relationship of the level that you wrote him in.

    And I'm really shocked at the fact that Lucas's mother didn't even care that her twelve-year-old son is living on the other side of the region with this random man she never met personally before. Parents are protective of their kids. I find it odd that Lucas's mother really isn't going to protect him from someone who wants to get into his pants...at the age of twelve.

    That's my main problem with this fic. It would have been less questioned if Lucas had been aged a bit to even sixteen. (Best would be eighteen.) But the way that this story is written, and how no one reacts to Volkner doing this to a child, it pretty much seems like it's okay to get away with anything as long as you're respected. It makes me wonder if Volkner could get away with anything else illegal, since he's "respected" and it's his "private matter".

    I don't know if Maya specifically said that Lucas had to be twelve in the fic. If she did, then I can't fault you. But I mean, Lucas is still Lucas at any age. So I don't know why you didn't just age him up. It would have made the story a lot easier to accept.

    One last thing: Mind changing the rating in your post for this story? I already explained why it's not an NC-17 fic, so don't rate it as such.
    Its Maya's fault(not really). She gave me the storyline, because, to quote Maya Mak: "I have all the ideas, but none of the writing ability! so you have to write it for me!"
    I couldn't change her mind......but thanks for your advice and such, Astinus. Will bear that in mind the next time I Maya's birthday rolls around next year.
    Or maybe even Christmas, if she really, really wants me to.
    I'm back!
    I decided to post a very short one-shot(maybe it should be a drabble, that is more likely) that ties in with Pokemon Journey-Kanto. It's been some time since I posted anything here, so here it is:

    Losses and Victories (also titled 'Naive')
    A Pokemon Journey One-shot by Yeo
    There she was.

    I lowered my head bitterly at the sight of my rival leaning casually against the bridge, listening to her walkman, unaware of the grief she had caused me. Grandpa was probably ashamed to even know me; the same could be said for Daisy.

    We, the Oaks, have always had a reputation as people who always came out top. But I lost. I lost what must have been the most important match in my life. I lost to her.

    I lost to Steel Kairi.

    She was simply gazing at the water, almost unaware of her surroundings, almost as if her victory at the Pokemon League didn't mean a thing. Her Raticate, that plump, squeaky little creature that just hated water, was seated on her shoulders, munching on a biscuit.

    They looked so serene, almost as if they were out of a painted picture.
    I picked up a pebble, weighing it. Yes, this would do. Ever since we were little, I always loved teasing Steel. That little girl never had the refined look of a true Pokemon trainer. She always looked like a scruffy little girl who was just so blatantly naive.

    I was the one who lost in the end.

    I've noticed the way she cares for her Pokemon, the way she seems to be able to calm down any Pokemon with that stupid lullaby of hers. Daisy asked her about it once. She said that it was a song her father used to sing to her when she was a child.

    I never cared.

    I took careful aim, before I released the pebble. It shot past Steel's head, grazing her ear, but it was enough to jolt her out of her reverie.


    "Oh. Hello Blue."

    I strode over to the petite girl, stroking Pidgeot. She cooed happily, from her perch on my shoulder.

    "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home with your mother? I'm sure she'd like to hold a party to celebrate your victory." I asked. Steel shook her head.

    "Mom's busy in Sinnoh. There's no one back home. Anyway, I could ask you the same thing. Why aren't you back home?"

    She tilted her head to one side in that adorably innocent way. I sighed, adjusting my jacket.

    "I'm not wanted there. I lost, didn't I? Grandpa and Daisy wanted me to bring glory to the family name, but I lost to you. I want to go back, but I...I feel that I don't deserve to go back."

    "That's stupid."


    Steel sighed, resting Rara on the railing. The furry creature squeaked and jumped back into Steel's arms, fearful of falling into the water.

    "You incredible scaredy-mouse." She admonished. Rara squealed again.

    "It's stupid Blue, because no one should be judged depending on how well they do. Love is unconditional. If people love you, and if you love them, you love them no matter what. Despite Mom's nagging and all, I still love her, because I know she cares for me. The same goes for you."

    She turned to face me.

    "Daisy and the old man care for you, Blue. They don't care if you win or lose, if you're the best or not. Nothing will change the fact that you're important to them."

    I snorted.

    "You speak of fairytales. Nothing in this world is like what you imagine it to be. You're naive, Steel."

    I blinked when Steel took my hand, resting it on her cold, tanned cheek.

    "Maybe Blue, you're the naive one."
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    Very nice, this last one-shot was. However, it seems that you switched tenses about the sixth line from the bottom, going from Blue's first perspective to the omnipresent third. Fix that (unless there is a reason for the tense swap, which ought to be way more clearer so as not to confuse us), and you'll be good to go.
    Very nice, this last one-shot was. However, it seems that you switched tenses about the sixth line from the bottom, going from Blue's first perspective to the omnipresent third. Fix that (unless there is a reason for the tense swap, which ought to be way more clearer so as not to confuse us), and you'll be good to go.
    My lord.
    I finished this after a four month hiatus and totall forgot about the point of views..thanks so much!
    My darling roomie challenged me to do this,
    I'm sure there are plenty of grammar mistakes, I wasn't allowed to go over the finished drabbles so I'm sure there are mistakes.

    [Fallen Sun] Music Meme
    Challenge: Set your music player on shuffle.

    Choose a paring/character/whatever to write about.

    Write a drabble for the first ten songs that come on – you only have the amount of time of the song. No going over!

    Universe: [Fallen Sun]
    The Killers- Somebody Told Me 3:17 [Lucas Lovestone, Volkner Electrique]

    Lucas Lovestone is very, very good at cross-dressing.

    It's become a sort of habit for him, to don a loose shirt and a pair of shorts, to stick several hairpins in his hair, cradle Delcatty in his arms and walk down the streets of Sinnoh looking more like Lucia, rather than Lucas, Lovestone, his 'other self'.

    Volkner isn't surprised when one of the trainers who works at the League remarks that Lucas 'looks a lot like a chick he met in Mt Coronet who had a heck of a Torterra'.

    It probably was Lucas- in female garb.

    Volkner never does understand why Lucas seems to enjoy cross-dressing so much.

    Flo Rida- Low 3:52 [Flint Blaze, Lucian Avery, Aaron Schwarz]

    It was never, never a good idea to go clubbing with Flint Blaze.

    For starters, he was wild and uncontrollable the moment alcohol entered his system.

    He ogled the ladies and earned himself multiple slaps and smacks.

    Sometimes he made the mistake of staring at a woman who was already romantically attached.

    And then he'd wind up looking like a hamburger patty in some alley.

    Lucian had long gotten used to Flint's antics- it came with spending almost three years working with the afro-head.

    But he particularly hated it when Flint went that little bit too close to Aaron Schwarz, the bug-loving green-haired trainer.

    Who clubbed in a more controlled way.

    Lucian hid his face behind a newspaper as Flint ogled and Aaron drank.

    It was a never ending cycle.

    The Killers- Mr Brightside [Brendan Llano, Wallace Mikuri, Winona Fortree, May Birch]
    "Damn you, Brendan Llano."

    "The same goes for you, Wallace Mikuri."

    May watched the scene between her master and her rival with dry interest.

    Winona peered worriedly over her shoulder.

    "Oh my god, what now?"

    "Consider yourself lucky, Winona. You've got two men fighting over you."

    "Brendan and Wallace? I thought Wallace outgrew this childish jealous phase a long time ago!" Winona exclaimed, sighing heavily.

    May rolled her eyes.

    In her opinion, men never grew out of anything. They just learnt to hide it better.

    Sugarcult- She's The Blade 2:58 [Gold Riverion, Silver Giovanni, Crystal Shiroka, Soul Chastity]

    Her words cut like a knife.

    Gold winced as Crystal's slightly shrill voice(oh god how it reminded him of that creepy Fantina lady from Sinnoh's Hearthome City) as she admonished her young protégé.

    "Crys, let her go. We all make mistakes when we're twelve and six months," Gold drawled. Silver nodded.

    "You're being harsh."

    "But still-"

    "Leave Soul alone. If you keep fussing and nitpicking, she's never gonna learn."

    "Experience is the best teacher. Ask the other masters, they all say the same thing."

    Crystal let out a frustrated sigh as Soul scampered off, thanking Gold and Silver while clutching her Bayleef.

    Dashboard Confessional- Stolen 3:53 [Cyrus Akatsuki]
    "Damn that Dawn Diamond."

    Cyrus lit his cigarette, watching the smoke swirl upwards towards the ceiling. He was alone in the room he shared with his student- though where on earth Blue had run off too was beyond him.

    At the moment, his thoughts were on eleven-year-old Dawn Diamond, not his sixteen-year-old protégé who could take care of himself.

    Dawn was pretty, and her innocence showed, especially when she and her master stood side by side.

    Their contrasts were amazing, but Cyrus was attracted to the radiant beauty and simple happiness Dawn emitted.

    He didn't want to admit it, he refused to say it out loud, but there was a voice nagging in the back of his head.

    Dawn Diamond had most certainly stolen his heart, and along with it every last shred of dignity.

    Evans Blue- Beg 3:43 [Blue Oak, Red Kingsley]

    "Cigarette again, Blue Oak?"

    "Blame Cyrus."

    Red smiled, sidling into the room with a mug of coffee.

    "You used to indulge in your vices when you had stuff on your mind. What is it?"

    "Damn it, Red, you see through me far too easily."

    "It's a talent, my friend, it's a talent. Has Leaf got you begging on your knees again? Or are you planning to ruin her once more?"

    Blue scowled.

    "She…she told you all about it, didn't she? How did you pry it out of her?"

    "I saw the child. And she's not one to lie."

    "You've met Verde? But Leaf's a liar."

    Red smirked.

    "Only to you."

    Blue swore.

    Chris Daughtry- It's Not Over 3:35 [May Birch, Wally Ivy]

    "This is not over, May Birch."

    "Is that so, Wally? Brendan's gone running to Winona. Norman's abandoned you."

    "He hasn't. He's just got…..issues."

    May laughed.

    "Delusions, Wally. What do you want?"

    Wally sighed, resting a hand on his hip.

    "Don't you feel upset, May? The guy you've had a crush on just ran off with his master. Steven Stone seems to be gay for his student. And your master is nursing a beer and a broken heart. Isn't your life tragic?"

    He was so nasty.

    May scowled.

    "It ain't over, till it's over."

    Toybox- Romeo & Juliet 2:55 [Red Kingsley, Leaf Lilianne]

    "This is a damn hell similar to that tragic romantic play."

    "Leaf, don't swear."

    "I say what I want to say, Red, bug off. Who's Romeo?"

    "Is it not obviously Cyrus?"

    "They're in love, you nitwit, and Dawn's the one whose chasing him."

    Red laughed.

    "Let's hope it doesn't end in tragedy."

    "I have high hopes for my protégé, I trained her for a reason. If she falters because of love-"

    "Love is immensely powerful. You know that first-hand."

    Leaf scowled, raking a hand through messy brown locks.

    "Aw, bugger off, Red."

    Vertical Horizon- He's Everything You Want 4:16 [Volkner Electrique, Leaf Lilianne]

    "Don't you think Lucas is so 'effing perfect, Volkner?"

    Volkner raised a brow at the drawling tone Leaf had used.


    "You're dating him, Blondie. He's such a nice sweet boy- why did he hook up with you?"

    "Ask him yourself."

    "Now, really, don't you know? Even the slightest, teeniest bit?"

    Leaf snickered.

    "Ain't he everything you've always wanted, Blondie? He's young, effeminate, sweet, nice- everything you aren't, for the record."

    Volkner scowled, snapping his book shut.

    "Go away, Leaf Lilianne."

    Leaf smirked, a wicked look forming on her face.

    "Don't take that candyheart for granted, Volkner! You don't want to lose him to…say, Riley Irona, hm?"

    Volkner flushed red, before hurling his book straight at the grinning brunette.

    Nickelback- If Today Was Your Last Day 4:08 [Leaf Lilianne, Dawn Diamond]

    "Have no regrets, Dawn. That's my best advice for you."

    Dawn cocked her head as Leaf skipped rocks, the wind tousling their hair.

    "Do you have regrets, Leaf?"

    Her master smiled.

    "Of course. I regret not knowing my Dad. I regret spending so much time away from my mom while I was on my journey. I regret not seizing the opportunities to enjoy myself when I was younger. I regret not making friends. I regret not spending time with Verde…"

    Verde was Leaf's child, a child who had been raised by his grandmother while his mother rushed about the regions, researching and training.

    "Dawn, don't make the same mistakes I did. Love, live and never regret."

    Dawn watched as Leaf threw a last rock.

    "In your youth, do things without fear. When you're older, never, never regret your past."

    That was the best advice Leaf could give.

    This is the reasoning behind why I wrote this random oneshots. You can always skip this part- it seems pretty incoherent to me.

    1: It's the line Somebody told me you had a boyfriend, who looks like a girlfriend I had in February of last year. What about Somebody told me you had a boyfriend, who looks like a girl I met in Mt Coronet.

    Lucas Lovestone cross-dresses in [Fallen Sun]

    2: The idea of Flint getting drunk inspired that rubbishy thing.

    3. Jealousy, turning saints into the sea….

    4. Crys' words are meant to be like a blade, cutting deeply

    5. Dawn, stealing Cyrus' heart as well as his dignity.

    6. Beg me, and tell me how to love you.

    I just thought Red and Blue could have a snappy conversation.

    7. It's Not Over is supposed to be a romantic fluff-luff, but I used it in the sense of 'It's not over yet, you jackass'.

    8. Romeo and Juliet is one of the sappiest, most tragically pathetic romance stories I've heard of. Really. And I thought it'd make for good conversation.

    9. Do not take the people you love for granted.

    10. 不要怕,不要悔. Do not fear when you're young, do not regret when you're old.
    Well, I hope you enjoyed it, even the teeniest bit.