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The CCS fan club!

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Weirdly enough, I hated the show to death even more than I hated Kenji. I even made my alternative version called Cherry, Cardcaptor and made it take place in America and they went all over these countries in search for other cardcaptors.
The story actually has potential now that I think of it.
Um, so I guess I am in, what is the current topic? By the way, Hikaru-chan I love thew moving chibi sprite!^^
Welcome Akio123! =D

I like the animated gifs.Wish I had enough room in my sig to fit it in but meh..^^;;
To be honest,I didn't hate the show,I just thought it was annoying(my sister realted everything to the sho and they tend to annoy you quite quickly)But after watching it more,I finally understood the staory and found it quite the stunner.So that's how i came to be a CCS fan:)
Yay! Got some more CCS fans here! Okay, I'll put ya in da list..

*does it*

Great pics from everyone, by the way! XD
Uh can I join?
Uh!!!Can I be Tomoyo!!!?^^
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