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The Dark Heart (My game's demo)

Rainbow Chara X

Impossible to gauge!
  • 129
    (Edited to make fancier looking)

    Sorry for not doing any LP chapters lately, but I've had serious computer problems for months now. Thankfully I did get a desktop from my cousin for free (he just... wasn't using it) and managed to continue all my plans without much of a hassle.

    Today though, I bring you something more... special than just an ordinary let's play. My own indie game. (Well an incomplete demo of it, anyway)


    "I've been waiting for you..."


    The dead slowly grow restless as devils crawl out of the shadows they call home. Something evil under the ground starts... stirring, inviting ghouls to your otherwise normal city simply by waking up. You, a relatively brilliant youth blessed with the power to control every element, have to go all across the globe to gather special keys so you can re-seal this evil force.

    In the process, you discover truths about the world that had been erased from history and meet all sorts of interesting individuals; some of which become your new friends. Oh and one major thing: your choices matter.


    This is The Dark Heart, a hybrid blend between an action game like Zelda and a traditional RPG, although more in the line of Earthbound or Undertale than anything else - both in the utilization of a modern setting, witty dialogue and meta elements. It'd also be accurate to say it's like Secret of Mana with how you can attack enemies on the overworld and complete puzzles using your equipment.







    WORLD & LORE (i promise it's short):


    Current Staff:


    And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...


    [Currently removed as I'm sprucing it up. Sorry.]


    Oh, and for those interested, here is a playlist of all the major things I've done while testing things out and making the game. The stuff in here dates as far back as 2017, back when I first started getting serious with the engine.
    Oh, very cool! Is there a YouTube video that shows off a couple of minutes (or more!) of game play?
    Thanks! That's a really interesting combat system you've got there, I was totally unprepared for the switch to a close-up, more turn-based view after having seen the attacks in the overworld :)
    mgriffin;bt107587 said:
    Thanks! That's a really interesting combat system you've got there, I was totally unprepared for the switch to a close-up, more turn-based view after having seen the attacks in the overworld :)

    Glad you like it. The idea is that the overworld combat and turn-based combat are intertwined in several important ways. Knocking out an enemy on the overworld would give you an advantage like a free turn in the case of most normal encounters. (I messed up in the footage)

    It would also give weapons more unique properties than just "stats are better", cause one weapon could be strong but have a slow swing. That kind of thing.

    There's also different kinds of behaviors for overworld enemies: ones who back away and cast magic from a distance, etc.
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