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The Legendary Guardians

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BigfootTheUnbeatable: I replied to your PM; your legendary is now Giratina. Good thing Brad quit, eh? You will be accepted as soon as you change the Legendary in your signup to Giratina, so people won't be confused. Don't wait for me to accept you--just change your Legendary and go post.

Lucien Lachance: Accepted! Thank you for following up on your reservation, unlike *er-hem* three other people in this RPG I won't name...

d-disaster: Accepted! (Drat--if Latios wasn't taken, I had a perfect idea for NPC's for Latias and Latios. Oh well--you can keep Latios anyway.)

Chabz: As I just said a few minutes ago in a PM to Bigfoot, having two legendaries would make a character overpowered. Besides, it seems awkward for two legendaries to choose the same person, and there's not enough legendaries for every character to have two. The remaining legendaries (there are only five at this point) will find NPCs--no, of course they won't die. If I'm feeling more evil than usual, I'll have Team Alpha capture them (like they did the Regi's), but chances are that won't happen. Or... well, you will just have to see in the RPG.

Hmm, I'm going to assume Darkly walked out upon being "rejected", so I'll make Dialga available again.

Legendaries Available: Articuno, Zapdos, Latias, Groudon, Dialga, Heatran

Signups are still open, but today (and maybe part of tomorrow)'s the last day! I said I wasn't going to close signups until I do my next post in the RPG, and, well... 3 AM's not a good time to post in a RPG...

Also, if the people who reserved spots but didn't complete their signup don't signup soon, well, first of all, the RPG will soon advance too far for you to catch up, and secondly, the legendaries you picked won't have anything to do for a while. No worries though--I know at least one of you has a habit of being late to sign up...
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Oh okay, sounds like a plan. And I'm SUPER excited for your next post, because I can't wait to move further in the RP. Its one of the better ones I am currently in.
Okay, can I consider myself in on the buzzer maybe? If yes, I want to reserve me a spot for Heatran please. (Is going to be interesting in a water team, to bad kyogre is already occupied, oh well =3) Thank you.

Name: Xiapher Sparrow
Age: 17
Gender: Male.


If you can picture yourself a simple fisherman, with the orange vest, a red cap with white print, and water proof boots, that's about him, though, in a way he's nothing like that. Like a bug catcher with his straw hat, shorts and sandals. But yet Xiapher isn't like that either. Unlike both of these examples he has no head gear. He has long, curly, and a bit messy dark brown hair, growing down to his shoulders, or a bit above them, in between, doesn't matter. His eyes are as brown as his hair, with a little green touch of colour swirling through them, unnoticed by the mass. Around his neck a iron ring, the gold paint vanished from it's surface, on a silver necklace, thin but strong, the ring containing a jewel, or with a closer inspection, two pressed together, one Sapphire, one Emerald. Wearing a green T-shirt, under his Black and white jacket. Sleeves and random parts of the whole thing black, the rest white. On the back of the green shirt is a black print of Kyogre, for no special reason, never seen because it's hidden underneath the jacket.

His trousers, or pants, white, with blue strings running down to his knee's on the sides. Seemingly connected to the inside of the pants, on the side where the button attaches. He has beige hiking shoe's, Waterproof, with black/blue laces, and blue patterned undersides. He has uneven socks, one black, one dark brown. Unnoticed because, their close in colour, and their always hidden underneath the pants. On one hand a black fingerless glove with the sign of the pokécenter on it, found somewhere, and it fitted so he snatched it, on his other hand, a leather glove. He never takes it off, because of a scar underneath he isn't to proud of showing to others. He always carries a backpack again Black, with all kinds of water pokémon stitched on it in blue wire. On the sides of the bag, two straps, one holding his fishing rod, the other a small bug catching device, never used.


He's kind to most people, he loves to hang with fisherman and bug catchers, and hates to be around anyone with a fire pokémon. To his pokémon, he's to most kind friend, and the most reliable companion in battle, or so he thinks himself.
He never talks to much, against other people that is, thought speech against pokémon is useless he still does it regularly, you could say he's a bit shy, and found a haven of trust with his pokémon. As noted, he dislikes fire trainers, and the pokémon in particular. (The reason you'll find in the history) In Crisis situation he always one of two, the leader of it, or the one that stays on the background. He rarely gets mad, or even the slightest of agitated or annoyed, he can take a lot of critics and insults in other words.


Xiapher, born in Lilycove city, spending 12 years in his home town, living with his mum, being a caretaker of any pokémon with her Chinchou's Aqua ring, and other water-based healing treatments. And his dad, being a former Bug Maniac, now being a 'Insect Scientist' is trekking through Sinnoh, to discover the bug pokémon habits in there. He comes back home regularly, but that's not of any importance right now. Bug pokémon were not quite easy to get on an island surrounded by water. Bug this changed as soon as His family moved to Eterna City. In the region of Sinnoh.
There, he began with being a trainer, like he wanted all these years, where most started at the age of ten, he had to wait, he wad some school work to finish. On venturing he ran into a Ponyta, and wanted to catch it, but it was unfortunately knocked over, falling on him, and severely burning his right hand. After some time in the hospital, he didn't care what the reason was, that Ponyta burned his hand with the blazing flames on it's back intentionally, he kept repeated, making him develop a hatred towards fire pokémon. But on his journey, he also started to really like the hardness of the steel pokémon like his Lairon right now. On the age of 15 he really left Eterna city and his family to train his pokémon and go where-ever his heart would take him. Kricketot being his first catch, without any pokémon, one single pokéball.

Legendary: Heatran


*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Nickname: Meastina [Female]
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Nickname: Crush [Male]
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Nickname: Marshmallow [Female]
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Nickname: Clamp [Female]
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Nickname: Johnathan [Male]

Boxed pokémon:
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Nickname: Shimmer [Female]
( Boxed in order to train Johnathan)
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I'm gona be away for a few days, School Stuff. I am allowing God-moding of my Character as long as he doesn't get killed. Please add him into some of your posts. Much Appreciated. I will make one more post before I go.
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I finally made my first post, which means that SIGNUPS ARE CLOSED. (With the exception of people who reserved spots in the RPG--you can still sign up.)

Eletj: Accepted! See? That wasn't so hard!

BigfootTheUnbeatable: Hmm, I read over your history, and it says your character was given an egg by two of the Uma Sisters. That's okay, actually--adds a nice plot twist. I can even give you suggestions on what hatches from the egg. However, I know I didn't mention it, but there are three Uma sisters. Ah well, maybe one was sick while Ryan received the egg. It's still perfectly okay--you don't have to change anything.

Xiaphear: Reserved! You got really lucky--had I posted on Sunday like I had originally intended, you would not have gotten a chance to sign up! You just barely made it into the RPG!

I would like to again remind everyone who reserved spots to please post your signups soon. Especially Nii-chan, Trainer Kat, and Kaishin, who we haven't heard from at all since they reserved. I'd hate to see Manaphy, Darkrai, and Kyogre go to waste...

Now, onto the RPG itself. As I was reading your posts, I took some notes on it, and... well, here's exactly what those notes said:


As you can see, in some cases, I was really pleased with what you posted--most notably the two boys who thought the legendaries were holograms. XD But, in other cases, I was not pleased, as two people did not follow the directions at all. SOMEBODY needs to pay more attention here... *coughjirachicough*

From now on, you're pretty much free to post whatever you want in the RPG! I already set up some things you can do--head to the Power Plant to find out what Team Alpha's up to, head to Indigo Plateau to find out what's causing the killings there, hunt down that weird Mime Jr. who just appeared, try to battle the Wobbuffet that just appeared, etc... Speaking of the Wobbuffet, these are not normal Wobbuffet... they seem to have very fast reflexes, and their Counter/Mirror coat attacks deal five times the damage rather than two. Gee, I wonder where they came from...

Obviously, you won't be able to go anywhere without getting past the Wobbuffet. Fortunately, in my post I gave you a hint as how to get past these Wobbuffet quite easily... Just know that fighting isn't the way to get past them; you don't have to wait for me to post to see if you cleared the Wobbuffet, as the solution is pretty obvious at this point... I think even a Bidoof could figure it out! *quoting Professor Willow...*

I apologise for the craziness of my post... But that Mime Jr. has a deeper purpose than you think.
Hint: Mime Jr. can't create illusions to make signs appear differently, it's way past their psychic level...
I AM SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote my reply..i had this cool fight scene and everything..and the ONE TIME i didn't copy & paste the reply, it didn't post it and I lost the entire thing. KILL ME NOW!!!!

Ughhhhh i'll repost later, I just can't do it right now.
(Sorry for not getting this posted sooner)

Name: Ethan White
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Appearance: Ethan is 5'6' weighs about 141 pounds and has tan skin. His long brown hair goes to right above his sapphire eyes which is usually combed down or covered by a old team aqua bandanna that he found washed up on land.He wears dark blue carpenter pants and a light blue shirt that have that wore out feeling he also wears some blue shoes that has some small holes here and there.

Personality: He is very shy and likes to keep to himself most of the time and he almost never talks to people, if he does start to talk then its hard to make him stop. Since he is shy he always has alot of time to think and never does anything unless he knows what could be a possible outcome.

History: He grew up in the country and never had anyone to talk to or hand out with also because he is an only child. His dads job makes the family move place to place so even if he does get friends he looses them just as quickly so he doesn't bother to make any new ones. Ethan hates water because of its deep dark depths and its shrouded mystery, he also can't swim but he is drawn to water which leads to many problems and near death experiences. One of them was when he was 9 Ethan and his parents went on a boating trip for a picnic on some islands, but there was a large storm that destroyed the boat. Since Ethan couldn't swim he was floating on some of the wreckage from the boat, soon a large group of Sharpedo attacked Ethan and his parents and one of them dragged Ethan under water he couldn't reach the surface and he was running out of air (which led him to be afraid of water) just when he thought he was done for something large scared away the Sharpedo and took Ethan up to the surface, when Ethan asked his parents if they saw what saved him they said no and since then Ethan has been trying to find who or what it was that saved him.
Ethan first started his Pokémon journey when he was 10 to solve the mystery behind how he was saved.

Legendary: Kyogre the creator of oceans.

Pokémon: Azurill
Gender: Male

Pokémon: Eevee
Gender: Female

Pokémon: Kabutops
Gender: Male

Gender: Male
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Xiaphear: Accepted! Your signup looks really good--just remember to spell "there" correctly and you should be fine!

Chabz: I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!! What's even worse was when for some unknown reason, a week's worth of posts here on PC disappeared. This included all RPG posts, which many people didn't save. Much frustration occurred, and a few RPG's even died because of all the frustration. Not to mention I got into trouble for posting something incorrect about a character, whose signup got deleted in the disappearance. ARRGH!
*The best thing you can do is try and remember what you posted, I guess... What can also help is if you make a habit of typing each of your posts in a separate application, like Word or even Notepad. You don't have to save every post, but when the post is done, just copy and paste it into the reply, and if something goes wrong with the internet, you can just fix the internet, and recopy-and-paste the post later.

Kaishin: Pending. Most of your signup looks pretty decent--nicely short and sweet. However, I see two things in your History that don't make much sense. First, it says that Ethan both hates water and is drawn to water. It sounds like Ethan may have had experiences where he had to go into the water, and maybe that led to the near-death experiences. Explain that and you should be just fine. It also says that Ethan left on his journey because his father was finally able to keep the same job. Why should keeping the same job matter if Ethan's leaving home anyway? Either you can expand on that, or there must have been another reason...
*So your issues have nothing to do with writing skill; just some points in your signup that need clarification. That's why you're Pending instead of Rejected.

I don't have time to post now, so I shall do it later...
W00t! Someone volunteered to join Gon! Thank you! You know who you are (hint: PM)

Also, the sections in my posts that are in red are about my character, Gon. The parts in black apply to everyone, so they're definitely worth reading. If you're too lazy to read my posts, at least read the black parts.
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Yeah..it did it to me all the time, and thats why i started c&p but it hadn't for awhile so I thought I was safe. Biggest mistake of my life. I've been trying to rethink of everything I wrote, and tried to start a couple of times again but it went no where. I'll get back into it, I promise. Maybe the Wobbuffets will knock an idea into Jacob's head while I ponder. (3 <-- Smiley just fyi haha
I'm back :D. I've had alot of stuff to do, but I'm back! I was wondering if I could have a history with somebody elses character? Please PM.
Hey, I've posted, but in my cp it doesn't show up. Is this just the fault of my own computer or what?

Well, I can't wait to see what happens next. *hums*
@Sweet Dreams: The random n00b who just showed up thinks it might be because you're viewing a page that's in your web history, and it's not showing up with the updated version--she can see your post. Try refreshing or deleting your browser cache if that doesn't work.

Hey, I remembered to introduce myself this time before hopping straight to the roleplay section! Personal best.

The n00b would like to reserve Latias, if that's alright. x.x; Because the n00b needs time to actually put together the profile before posting it up.

The n00b is also of the opinion that this roleplay is a Pokemon roleplay with Digimon ideas added in. Which is cool. And the n00b is probably stating the obvious.
Just saying, I apologize for not posting but I have no idea where to go or what to do in the Rp at the moment though I would like to stay active as this is one of the most interesting RPs I have joined.

If anyone has an idea for where Isaac to go, just tell me in some fashion and I will place him there.

Thanks in advance to whoever gives me a suggestion or direction.
I'd suggest maybe the Power Plant, or maybe you can start roaming randomly and come across someone who works for Team Alpha and follow them to their base. Everyone else seems to be going to the Indigo Plataeu, so something different would be good.
I agree with Chabz. something different would be a good change from the rest of us that jumped on the bandwagon to the Indigo Platuea. I like the idea of following a Team Alpha member to the Power Plant. This is going to be interesting...
Kaishin: Accepted! Your bio makes much more sense now.

Paper_Thin_Hymn: The n00b failed to notice that the signups are closed (I said it in my second-to-last post). Sorry... but we have more than enough people in this RPG already.

Got-a-Plan-B: I agree that we need something different... There are already six people going to the Indigo Plateau, and they're planning to meet up with a seventh. However, you have two options. So far Bobby is the only one who's going to investigate the situation at the Power Plant--maybe you can help him out. Or, try heading to Cinnabar Island, for something will be going on there that I will reveal in my next post... Hint: It has to do with the "Muffin Clown" that appeared shortly after everyone received their Pokevices.

I'm working on my next post; it should come in a day or two...
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