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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Ultimate Fairy Run
Y / FIRST AND FINAL / I'm a Fairy Odd Parent

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:

Fairy, overall, was fun. I'm actually looking forward to using the type again when I inevitably get around to Gens 8 and 9 and doing the mastery there.

Next up: Grass type. We're at the point after 1/3 of the types have been done that my daughter and I put the remaining types into a spinner and randomly spun it.

User: StenirRPG
Type: Grass
Game(s): Red, Gold, Sapphire, Brilliant Diamond, White, Y, and Sun
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard
Hey! It's been a long while since I originally signed up, and in that time I've reset and moved all my games/rom hacks to my homebrew 3DS since Citra is poof lol, and I wanted to do a fresh restart if that's ok?
Hey! It's been a long while since I originally signed up, and in that time I've reset and moved all my games/rom hacks to my homebrew 3DS since Citra is poof lol, and I wanted to do a fresh restart if that's ok?
That's completely fine. Do you want me to remove your Type Mastery challenge from the challenger list, or do you still plan to do that challenge?
Actually, that's weird to think about, right? In 5 to 10 years, there might still not be any good 3DS emulators, and with people eventually getting nostalgic for XY or (more likely) ORAS and (U)S(U)M, will we see a decline in Gen 6 and Gen 7 playthroughs due to the "one save file" rule and inflated "used" prices? We currently allow people to do "the ultimate run" without Paldea and Galar due to how expensive the Nintendo Switch and a copy of SwSh and SV are compared to the 3DS games (or an emulator/repro cart of earlier games). I'm not trying to argue for rule changes at this time, but it's interesting to think about (or maybe I'm just weird like that).
That's completely fine. Do you want me to remove your Type Mastery challenge from the challenger list, or do you still plan to do that challenge?
Ty, and I'm staying with Type Mastery :D! Gonna start with Fairy this time though, lemme format it right-

User: GhostMadison7
Type: Fairy
Game(s): Eternal X [Rebalanced Mode]
Challenge Type: Type Mastery
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard Mode
Actually, that's weird to think about, right? In 5 to 10 years, there might still not be any good 3DS emulators, and with people eventually getting nostalgic for XY or (more likely) ORAS and (U)S(U)M, will we see a decline in Gen 6 and Gen 7 playthroughs due to the "one save file" rule and inflated "used" prices? We currently allow people to do "the ultimate run" without Paldea and Galar due to how expensive the Nintendo Switch and a copy of SwSh and SV are compared to the 3DS games (or an emulator/repro cart of earlier games). I'm not trying to argue for rule changes at this time, but it's interesting to think about (or maybe I'm just weird like that).
I'm not certain there will really be any issue with it - there are multiple ways to play, and if you really are just crazy about doing an ultimate, you can still do the individual pieces. Like, I've got it set up now where once I do all the type masteries, I'll also have technically done the game mastery for each region. So, there are different ways to come at it. You could do an ultimate as seven singles and point out you've completed an ultimate (it would just be a backwards version of quitting an ultimate mid-run where the individual completed games become single completions).

I honestly think the one save file issue isn't that much of an issue - right now you can still throw your pokemon up on Bank/Home and do a restart. Whenever Bank officially kicks the bucket, it'll probably be even more of a moot point then - just delete the save file and restart.

I can't really argue on the used prices, of course. Good thing I'm not doing any challenge runs on games that cost hundreds of dollars like EarthBound...

Just as times can change, rules can as well. I think we have a lively group here that could put our heads together if it comes to the point that we see a sharp drop-off in runs due to those sorts of issues.

And I hope to have Gen 1 Grass done tomorrow...but Lorelai...c'mon...stop using Ice moves like I'm weak or something.
As someone who just played through an emulated version of X on Citra myself, it worked quite well, with the only technical issue being some minor audio stuttering in a couple places. I don't have experience emulating ORAS or the Alola games yet, but from what I understand they work well enough too.
I had no issues emulating XY or USUM, haven't done ORAS, but I have carts of all of these games too. Mainly just lag especially with USUM during cutscenes
As for my Fairy monotype run, I started with a fodder Fennekin (I wish it was Fire/Fairy), thankfully this hack has an early Fairy with Cottonee in Santalune forest as well as Petilil who is now Grass/Fairy. Although, we are very vulnerable to Flying and Fire types, and some trainers had Fletchling and Litleo 😓. Jigglypuff was available on route 3 though, but it's moveset early on is so bad lol. Route 22 has Azurill which is very weak now but a Water type will be valuable, especially Huge Power Azumarill. Haven't fought the gym yet, Viola is so buffed in Eternal X 😭gonna train to around lvl 15, not using hard level caps but I don't like to overlevel.

  • Petilil (Madeleine), Grass/Fairy, lvl 9
  • Cottonee (Beignet), Grass/Fairy, lvl 9
  • Jigglypuff (Profiterole), Normal/Fairy, lvl 9
  • Azurill (Chouquette), Normal/Fairy, lvl 9
Maybe you can guess my naming theme :woop:
Before I reply, I'd like to re-emphasize that I am not proposing anything be done right now. I was thinking about the Citra situation, and I hit "Post reply."

I have a copy of the Citra emulator because I archived the files in the "Local" and "LocalLow" folders, but I thought the creators of the emulator were forced by Nintendo to issue takedowns to Internet Archive (which might not exist in a few years due to legal issues) and other sites. I think a lot of younger Gen Z (as much as I hate generational politics) are unable to pirate things properly due to ease of streaming (or at least streaming was easy prior to the great television exodus of the late 2010s), so even though I'm sure plenty of people would know how to download old copies of Citra, the vast majority who are inclined to emualte the games simply will not bother/know how to find the files/etc. That said, there could be a big change in the future. "The only thing that's for sure about Nintendo is that nothing's for sure."

Sorry for derailing the thread by the way.
but I thought the creators of the emulator were forced by Nintendo to issue takedowns to Internet Archive (which might not exist in a few years due to legal issues) and other sites
Citra's developers were required to shut down all of their own websites by a settlement over unrelated charges regarding their other emulator. This settlement is nonbinding on anyone except Nintendo and the Citra/Yuzu team, the latter of which is barred from any new work on Nintendo emulation.

Citra itself remains legal in the United States, and will remain legal short of an actual law banning emulation and/or a federal court decision, the latter of which did not happen because a settlement was reached before the lawsuit actually went to court. Because of Citra's open source GPL license, anyone else can distribute or develop it without permission from the original developers. It'll eventually be worked on more by other emulator devs, though most likely under a different name since that's what tends to happen when an emulator's original developers abandon the emulator for any reason.
Ultimate Grass Run
Red / FIRST AND FINAL / Mowing the Gen 1 Lawn

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Place your bets (in PokéDollars) on whether I completely my Game Master Challenge before Stenir completes all 18 of his Ultimate Run challenges! The odds are 78-1 in Stenir's favor.
Pokemon Sapphire Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Water - Fisher Marina
Update 3 (Slateport City -> Mauville Gym)

I got another gym badge from my very slow-paced phone playthrough. It'll probably be a while until I get the next one, but not nearly as long as the wait between the first two. No new Pokemon this time, even though I could catch Marill now and Gyarados with a lot of grinding, but Marshtomp evolved and learned Mud Shot, Wingull learned Steel Wing via TM, Lombre learned Thief and Attract, and Tentacool learned Acid and Thief. My other two placeholder Tentacool also learned Thief, but they still haven't seen battle.

Brendan's battle was long enough ago that I don't remember how it went other than that I won first try, I think, and Wattson was a pushover thanks to Marshtomp. He 1HKOed Magnemite and Voltorb, and 2HKOed Magneton, all with Mud Shot. He was low on health by the end, though, since he got hit by a Sonicboom from Magnemite and its evo, and also a Rollout from Voltorb that did much less damage.


Place your bets (in PokéDollars) on whether I completely my Game Master Challenge before Stenir completes all 18 of his Ultimate Run challenges! The odds are 78-1 in Stenir's favor.
Well, I mean, you have to think I'm done 45 runs (40 that I'm counting because the other 5 I had to redo to get in line with Game/Type masteries so I do them all at once)...and there's still 6 more Grass, 6 Steel, 6 Dark, and 7 with the other 9. That alone is what...81 more? Each run is about 30 hours on game clock, but let's just a full ultimate is about 135 hours...and that takes at least 6 weeks...so you got about a year or more before I'm done.

I still want to do the game mastery for Gen 8 and 9, so there's that as well. Just wanna get it done before I have to add Gen 10.

My son and I had talked about writing up a guide, sort of a condensed walkthrough but point out when you can get new 'mons and any trouble trainers. Wish I would have thought about that before actually getting this far.

It's also a good way to destress after a work day. "What do I wanna do tonight? Press A repeatedly for an hour."
I probably could be done with 12+ different monotype playthroughs for the Game Mastery Challenge by now, but I haven't for various reasons.

There's a lot of different factors including some where I don't want to overshare on this forum (like my clinical depression). A big part of it is stamina regarding the Elite Four because for some reason, Gen 3 decided to make the Elite Four Drake's Pokemon ten levels higher than the final gym leader Wallace's ace (never mind Champion Steven Stone's team), so there's a lot of grinding on Victory Road. (I'd still argue Gen 2 is much worse for grinding on Victory Road, but anyway...) The point is that I'll get to a hard part like Gym Leader Wallace or the Elite Four and lose a lot of motivation.

Right now, I need to beat Gym Leader Wallace with my Fighting-type team, but I'm not sure when I'll get to finishing that challenge. I hope it's sooner rather than later, and I'll get around to making those monotype challenge videos for my YouTube channel. Nothing's for sure right now, though.
I suffer from severe anxiety and clinical depression, also. Hope you are surviving at least as well as I some days feel I am.

The Elite Four always stinks in each generation. It's like "oh, let's take the last gym, add 10 levels, and that's the starting level"...even if the previous gym was five minutes ago.
Pokemon Platinum QOL (Standard Mode)
Mono-Steel - PI Justin
Update 1 (Twinleaf Town -> Oreburgh Gym)

As you can see from JanP's recent announcement, I've been busy learning how to be a moderator, but I still had time to play some Pokemon today. I got a Piplup from Professor Rowan, trained her enough to evolve into a Prinplup in Oreburgh Gym, and caught an Onix in Oreburgh Mine.

My Rival was very tedious to beat since all I had was Piplup and he immediately lowered her attack with Growl twice with Starly, then, after 3HKOing that, spamming Withdraw with Turtwig. I had to slowly KO it with a not-very-effective Bubble of all things. Thankfully his AI was dumb and never used Absorb, or I'd have lost that battle.

Roark's battle went much faster, thankfully. Prinplup 1HKOed his Geodude and Onix with Bubble, then would've 2HKOed Cranidos with Metal Claw, but ended up 3HKOing because Roark wasted a turn with his Potion. Prinplup also took 12 HP damage from Cranidos' Headbutt in-between her first two Metal Claws.


Congratulations, Explorer of Time!

Pokémon Sapphire Type Mastery Challenge (Part 5) Fighting Monotype

I don't remember where I was last time I updated you guys, so I'll just continue from where my save file was a few days ago: I had just captured Groudon, and I was ready to defeat Gym Leader Wallace.

I did the ice tiles puzzle right the first time, but for experience, I decided to defeat the water-type trainers in the basement anyway. There weren't any problem trainers here, but I did level up Medicham once (maybe twice?) and Breloom once.

I sent out Heracross first, and I managed to knock out the Luvdisc (which seemingly always starts by kissing the opponent to confuse them) despite the HP being in the red. Then I battled the Whiscash with Breloom. I actually forgot about Amnesia, so I'm glad I didn't get cocky here. The second turn, Whiscash used Earthquake but still survived the 2nd Sky Uppercut. Wallace healed after this, but my Breloom was faster, and I ended up beating it with the next two Sky Uppercut uses. Wallace sent out Sealeo, so I used Sky Uppercut one more time to teach it a lesson not to mess with Grass-type Pokémon. Then, Wallace sent out Milotic early, and I was a little nervous about my Machamp losing. Machamp tanked Ice Beam and used Revenge to put Milotic in the yellow (but not the red, which would be bad cuz of the opponent healing), then Machamp tanked another Ice Beam and used Return. My Medicham attacked his Seaking first with Thunder Punch, and his Seaking used Rain Dance. Wait. Wallace's Seaking knows HORN DRILL?! Holy crap! Maybe I've been too harsh on his team. Well, anyway, I used Thunder Punch again to get Seaking into the yellow, but then Seaking used Water Pulse and made Medicham confused, so I took confusion damage. I click "Thunder Punch" and ... Hoo boy, Horn Drill is scary even when it misses (though I guess I still had the Grass-type and four other Pokemon in reserve, so maybe it wasn't as scary as I thought). Anyway, Medicham hit with one more Thunder Punch, and the 8th and final gym badge was mine. Beautiful!
Spoiler: Team Stats

Uhhhhh, that was weird. Can everyone see the team stats spread in the spoiler tag? The forum freaked out there a minute.