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The Nuzlocke Challenge

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Sorry again for being so inactive, lol. Digital art obsession.

Anyhow, I'm going to start on that comic because I got a tablet for my birthday. So that'll be coming up.

Also, expect an official update soon. I have no school tomorrow, so I'm free to play my Nuzlocked games.
This really sucks you in. I sat down to just play for a bit, and well, read my commentary.

Update 1
So, it says just the first pokemon you find in each area on the nuzlocke site.. is that rule observed?

Yes. Whatever anyone else says, there are only two compulsory rules to Nuzlocking (read the first actual Nuzlocke comic if you want proof). These are:

1) If a Pokemon faints, it's dead. Release it immediately.
2) Catch only the first Pokemon you see in each area. If you kill it or have no Pokeballs, tough titties.

Any other rules are optional, and you can include as many of these as you like. For example, you must nickname your Pokemon, you must not use healing items, you must only buy a maximum of 10 items per Mart, if you have a full team you must not catch backups etc.

There are rules that make the game easier, like saying if your first encounter is a Pokemon you've already caught, you can forgo that one and catch the first NEW Pokemon you encounter. I don't like these rules because they defeat the object of the Challenge, but it's up to you.
If a pokemon refuses to be released, does that mean it's come back from the dead?
Usually when a Pokemon refuses to be released, it's because the Pokemon knows a HM which no other Pokemon know. Just teach that same HM to something else and you can release it, or just stick it in a box and don't touch it at all and consider it dead.

Also regarding the rule about catching the Pokemon in each area, when I first read it, or in the original rules on this thread it does state that you can only catch one Pokemon per area, so I'm sticking by those rules as they're what I started using when I started this challenge. I know I should use the proper rules, but I've already started with thos rules, so I may as well stick with it.

Expect another update within the next two days from me. :D
third update on FireRed:

Also started a nuzlocke on yellow, but nothing too exciting has happened yet.
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Update 2
Platinum update time, finally.

If a pokemon refuses to be released, does that mean it's come back from the dead?

I know your question's already been answered, but just wanted to add something extra.

If a Pokemon refuses to be released, it means it's the only Pokemon that knows an essential HM like Cut or Strength or Surf. That much you already know. The extra bit is that if you don't have any other Pokemon that know or can learn an HM move you need to progress, then it's game over. You can't break the rules to catch any extra Pokemon. You can of course go back and find another Pokemon on a Route you've not used up yet, but you can't use the dead HM slave and you can't catch a second Pokemon on any Route.

Just to clarify.
I don't even release Pokemon. I just put the dead ones in a special box, just for updates and memories.

I've always felt like releasing something was a bit of a waste when you could just store it in a box and transfer it later on.
Hmmm... quite odd how a guy at college tells me how he is trying this on emerald and he's gonna put it online
and i find this
anyway i may try this after i take a break of hacking :3
First Ruby Update!! :D

My first update!

Okay, I'mma do this on my Acekard version of Japanese White!
I'll put it in spoilers so as not to ruin the game for some of you people.
The rules I'm using are as follows:
1. Only catch one Pokemon per area.
2. If a Pokemon faints, release it. It's dead.
I'mma start right... Now!

My team so far.
Ninja/Snivy Lv.8/Lv.5
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Vine Whip

Puppy/Lillipup Lv.6/Lv.2
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Odor Sleuth

Later updates won't be so slow, I just wanted the first update to really get into the feel of the writing.
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I shall try my hand at this!

Actually, scratch that, going to bed, since it *is* 318 am.
But I'll begin tomorrow.
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I don't even release Pokemon. I just put the dead ones in a special box, just for updates and memories.

I've always felt like releasing something was a bit of a waste when you could just store it in a box and transfer it later on.

Well, yeah. So do I if they die at a high level. Releasing them and putting them in the PC and never using them again are the same thing from a practical standpoint.
Fourth Update on FireRed:

Also, in yellow update 1: Spoiler: Pikachu dies

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My Nuzlocke Challenge has been completed. I think I'm going to try it on the ShinyGold Hack next.

Update 3

Scratch that, it's not an I think, I will do a Nuzlocke of ShinyGold (because I don't have access to any of the second generation games at the moment). Consider my next challenge started.
OMG a pokemon of mie survived a critical hit self-destruct!!!
That. Is. AWESOME. (It doesn't even have a brilliant defense stat or anything O_o)

Here's chapter eight, hopefully making up for the lasts ones downer ending.


Please forgive me for her nickname, its one of the rules...
Just started a Pokemon Brown Nuzlocke. Don't know if I'm going to follow through with it. I tend to be bad at Nuzlockes...


Got a Bulbasaur, named Palm. Gravel City check.
Got a Diglett, named Whacka. Merson Cave check.
Had several close calls in Merson Cave, so I'm going to grind to lv 10 before moving on.
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