Nuzlocke Challenge.
Me: Blue
Rival: Gary
Starting out with Saurian, the Bulbasuar.
Suarian (M) lv 5
Mild Nature - Overgrow
Saurian learned Leech Seed.
Caught Yamaha, the Mankey in Route 22.
Yamaha (M) lv 3
Naughty Nature - Vital Spirit
Yamaha died while training on Route 1. Lost to a Pidgey. T_T
Forced to watch old man catch pokemon.
Caught Zephyr, the Pidgey in Route 2. Named in honor of my Zephyr.
Zephyr (M) lv 2
Adamant Nature - Keen Eye
Will go back to training.
Zephyr learned Sand-attack.
Zephyr learned gust.
Saurian learned vine whip.
With both Saurian and Zephyr at level 12, I feel safe taking on Gary on Route 22.
Success. Suarian leech-seeded them while Zephyr sand attacked and gusted.
Caught Victor the Weedles in Viridian Forest.
Victor (M) lv 5
Timid Nature - Shield Dust
Poison Sting
String Shot
After defeating a wild caterpie, Victor evolved into Kakuna and learned harden.
This is starting to effect me in weird ways. I'm starting to see 'opposing pokemon died' when I faint them, and I feel my stomach clench every time I think one of my pokemon are going to die.
Victor evolved in Beedrill and learned fury attack.
Made it to Pewter. Taking on Brock with Saurian. Easy victory. Saurian learned sleep powder.
Finally have running shoes. Onto Route 3.
Caught 99 the Jigglypuff on Route 3.
99 (F) lv 5
Quirky Nature - Cute Charm
Defense Curl
Had to cure it with an antidote after I caught it. Good thing too. 1hp left.
Victor learned focus energy.
Bought Magic the Magikarp in the Route 4 Pokemon Center.
Magic (F) lv 5
Jolly Nature - Swift Swim
Think I'll deposit it in the computer now as insurance. Besides, I have to raise 99.
Caught Snowball the Geodude in Mt. Moon.
Snowball lv 7
Sassy Nature - Sturdy
Defense Curl
Mud Sport
Suarian evolved into Ivysuar in Mt. Moon helping Snowball fight a scientist's voltorb and magnemite. Snowball learned rock throw.
99 learned disable.
Found moon stone, but I think I'll wait to evolve 99.
Won the final battle for the fossil, but Snowball's poisoned and I used up my last antidote. Hopefully my escape rope will work... success! Oh yes, Snowball learned magnitude.
Finally out of Mt. Moon. 99 learned Mega Kick from the move tutor. Should train before I take on Gary.
Zephyr evolved into Pidgeotto.
Zephyr learned Whirlwhind.
Close one with Saurian agaisnt at Ekans on Route 4.
Deposited Victor in the computer at lv 16. I feel guilty, but he wasn't gaining exp fast enough. Also, I believe he's too frail for this team at the moment. I'll make myself feel better by pretending that the computer is a wonderful place that becomes whatever it is the pokemon truly wants.
Snowball tried to learn self-destruct... but that sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
99 learned rollout.
Raised everyone to level 21. Time to take on Gary. Wish me luck... I'll lead with Snowball.
Between Snowball and 99, he was taken care of.
Beat Nugget Bridge.
Caught Cali the Abra on Route 25.
Cali (F) lv 9
Calm Nature - Synchronize
Onto the gym. Leading with Saurian again. And we won, easily.
Beat that team rocket member. Deposited Magic at the daycare.
Caught Milicent the Oddish on Route 5.
Milicent (M) lv 13
Relaxed Nature - Chlorophyll
Sweet Scent
Already have a grass pokemon, so I'll probably deposit Milicent in the computer and use him as an HM slave or backup.
Caught Mickie the Meowth on Route 6.
Bashful Nature - Pickup
His fate is mostly the same as Milicent's, though since he has the useful pickup ability, I'll probably keep him in my party.
Cali evolved into Kadabra and learned confusion!
Snowball's been poisoned, but we're close to the pokecenter in Vermillion.
Cali died to a Jr. trainer's Raticate on Route 6 (had a bad feeling about it too, even though her health wasn't bad). T_T 99 avenged her.
Received the vs. seeker, old rod, and bike voucher.
Entered the SS Anne
Mickie found a nugget!
Taught 99 Brick Break
Took a break from the SS Anne to work on Route 11
Snowball evolved into Graveler!
Killed the spearow I wanted to catch on Route 11
Saurian was killed thanks to confusion and further bad luck on Route 11 to a Gambler's magnemite. Sad day. Time to take out Milicent.
Time to take on Gary, but I'm still really feeling the loss of Saurian. We will fight with the fires of burning vengeance. Leading with Snowball... no other pokemon was needed. Snowball wasted them all.
Recieved the cut hm. Taught it to Mickie. Watched SS Anne leave.
I'm feeling particularly attached towards Milicent. Almost like he's Saurian's baby.
Milicent's learned Stun Spore and Poison Powder by now.
Took on Surge leading with Snowball. She absolutely destroyed him. Left to go pick up the flash hm.
Caught Darling the Diglett in Diglett's cave.
Darling (F) lv 15
Quiet Nature - Sand Veil
Will deposit her in the computer later. Meanwhile, switching to Zephyr as lead so we won't get caught in any arena traps.
Decided to head back to Cerulean through Mt. Moon, and picked up the Old Amber in Pewter. I can train Milicent on the way.
Picked up the bike in Cerulean.
Taught aerial ace to Zephyr.
Got Zephyr and 99 badly poisoned while fighting a junior trainer on Route 9
Milicent evolved into Gloom while fighting a Hiker on Route 9! Now don't die Milicent.
Caught King the ekans on Route 9... and unfortunately lost Mickie in the process.
King (M) lv 15
Lax Nature - Shed Skin
Poison Sting
It seems that I now will have two pokemon to train up in Dark Tunnel. I will also be making the journey without Flash. I don't have the space, nor pokemon for it.
*sigh* And the first pokemon I find is another geodude. I'll catch this one, if only for an hm slave. I'll name her Ginna.
Ginna (F) lv 16
Quiet Nature - Rock Head
Defense Curl
Mud Sport
Rock Throw
King almost dies when caught in a Wild Onix's bind.
It's two dangerous to keep King in the lead. This is the second time he's been caught by an Onix.
Just discovered what it is that sweet scent actually does by accident. This could be useful in the future.
Milicent learned acid and forgot sweet scent. So much for that.
Snowball learned rock slide from the move tutor.
Milicent's finally caught up to the others. King has a long way to go though.
Finally made it through Rock Tunnel. Kinda proud of myself for knowing it so well that I didn't need flash.
Going to try taking on Gary even though King isn't up to snuff yet. Zephyr and Snowball were enough to take care of him, though.
Moving on towards celadon. It's unfortunate that I don't have a pokemon that knows cut so that I can get to the grass.
King learned glare. He's also finally starting to win his own battles.
King evolved into an Arbok with some help from 99 fighting a Lass's meowth on Route 8! Now don't die.
Close call for King on Route 8 fighting a Gambler.
Caught Negative the Oddish on Route 7. Perhaps he'll be the backup to Milicent.
Negative (M) lv 22
Jolly Nature - Chlorophyll
Sweet Scent
Poison Powder
Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
Got the coin case. Considered getting the Dratini, but decided I was better off with the Eevee. At least the Eevee's free if it dies. I named the Eevee Jolt (foreshadowing).
Jolt (M) lv 25
Lax Nature - Run Away
Helping Hand
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
Bought a leaf stone and a thunder stone and I evolved Milicent and Jolt! Don't die you two.
Taught Negative cut to get the fly hm.
Lost 99 in a double battle right before the bike path! T_T
Taught Fly to Zephyr and Shock Wave to Jolt. Feeling really crushed about 99. I will catch that Snorlax and use him to crush the oposition.
Time to take out my anger on Team Rocket.
Lost King to a critical hit of a damn Raticate from Team Rocket!
Meanwhile, Jolt's proving to be a pleasant surprise.
Went back and caught Pidge the Pidgey on Route 8 before taking on Giovanni. Want to train Jolteon to learn Double Kick first.
Jolt learned Double Kick. Onto wipe the floor with Giovanni. Milicent will be leading.
Milicent took care of Giovanni's first two pokemon easily, but the kangaskan prooved to be a challenge. Thanks to some walling from Snowball, poison powder from Milicent, and double kicking from jolt, though, we managed to pull through.
Finally, it's time to take on Erica. Zephyr esily took out the whole gym, and learned feather dance in the process.
And here is where I think it's time to take a break.
First off, wow. Can't believe how long I sat and played that straight for. I think this is definately the most fun I've had playing a pokemon game in a long while. On the other hand, I slightly hate it and find it emotionally exhausting. I'm still unhappy about the pokemon I lost earlier, and the longer I play, the more I worry and care for the ones I still have. On some level, I'm sure that's not healthy. Oh well. Next time I pick up it will be at the pokemon tower. Here's my current team.
Milicent (M) lv 29
Relaxed Nature - Chlorophyll
Giga Drain
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder
Jolt (M) lv 30
Lax Nature - Volt Absorb
Double Kick
Shock Wave
Quick Attack
Snowball (F) lv 31
Sassy Nature - Sturdy
Defense Curl
Rock Slide
Zephyr (M) lv 34
Adamant Nature - Keen Eye
Aerial Ace
Feather Dance
Negative (M) lv 22
Jolly Nature - Chlorophyll
Poison Powder
Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
And a fond rememberance to 99 the jigglypuff, King the arbok, Mickie the meowth, Saurian the ivysaur, Cali the kadabra, and my poor mankey. May they rest in peace.