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The Nuzlocke Challenge

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Currently grinding for gyms/ Silph Co. Anyone know any good grinding spots?

Current Team
Norman/Snorlax Lv.34
Olivia/Vileplume Lv.32
Boss/Flareon Lv.37
Peter/Pideot Lv.37
Squiggles/Blastoise Lv. 37
Geode/Graveler Lv.38

Technically there are potentially good grinding spots right before silph co but the closest is at route 17 (bycicle road) &18 (small patch of grass right after bycicle road).. its usually good for level 30s because there's no dangerous pokemon here levelling between level 20 spearows to level 29 raticates..

Whatsup fellow nuzlockamaniacs

Been a while since my last update(due to my most intricate style of grinding(which is running back and forth with autofire on and playing guitar ;D))

So my spoiler should keep this page from slow loading O__O

Wait.. where did I leave off?

(Scans forum)

Oh okae

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Hello, I am Hothead.. I've come to warn you that in the following chapter there is words that reference to a matter people call indecency or in other words.. nudity.. please no immaturity for the following chapter.. Thank You..

Chapter 4


Chapter 5


That's all for now until my room is clean..
Well, time to update.

Chapter 4

After getting to fallarbor (spelling XP) town, I healed up and went on to the magmas in meteor falls. When I arrived, my brilliant figure scared the devious magma's away. (It was teem Aqua :( ) I continued on to Mt. Chimney, fighting my way through the trainers that I had previously sneaked past using my awesome ninja skills. I beat all of the grunts, and saved before Maxie. I decided to look at how strong he was on psypokes, and I realized that he was going to whoop my @$$. I decided to use my ninja skills again, and took a couple of steps back before jamming my thumb on the space bar and the X button, (equivalent to the B button) shouting, "Usain Bolt powers activate!" I ran off and went back down Mt. Chimney. Right now, I'm training my pokes.

Current Team:

Marshtomp: lv 24

Swellow: lv 24

Electrike: lv 20

Sorry about my bad narrating skills. I'm doing this with the 5 minutes of free time I get in between my other "duties"
I'm going to do a nuzlocke run on emerald. I will be using the fainting/release rule, and the catch the 1st poke in an area, since those are the required ones. I'll make sure to update and I'll hopefully be able to upload pics.
First Update of Shiny Gold(Yes, I'm doing this on a hack.Count it as Gold.
Yea, I played a lot earlier, but was not able to fit it all into one chapter, so I made sure to write it all down. This means the updates will actually not be where I am currently at. Here we go:

Ruby End

Heeeeellllllllllloooooooooooo Nuzlockamaniacs!!!

So as last time I think I mentioned I finished the game.. but if I didn't..


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10

The Elite Four

Chapter 11

The Elite.. one?

Nobody here knows how impossibly hard it is to get all the colors on here by actually typing all the codes and doing this all by a mobile phone.. terrible!!!!! ;D
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This is my first time doing a challenge and this was seems very interesting:

I will be using Pokemon Emerald and obeying only to the compulsory rules as well as the nicknaming and no trading ones.

My challenge so far:
-Started with Torchic and named him Ignis
-Defeated May
-Caught a Lv3 Wurmple on Route 102 and named him Pestis
-Pestis evolved into a Silcoon
-Helped Wally
-Route 104 Pokemon was a Wurmple. Killed it.
-Petalburg Woods Pokemon was a Silcoon. Killed it.
-Pestis evolved into a Beautifly
-Entered Rustboro City
-Caught a Lv7 Nincada on Route 116 and named her Bellator
-Ignis evolved into a Combusken
-Roxanne was defeated
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

-Caught a Lv7 Whismur in Rusturf Tunnel and named his Sonus
-Went to Dewford
-Fought Brawly
-Found and caught a Lv8 Abra in Granite Cave and named her Mens
-Brawly fell, but at a price. His Makuhita managed to kill Pestis...
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

In the cave

Current Team:
"image removed"
Level 18
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Docile
Double Kick

"image removed"
Level 11
Ability: Compoundeyes
Nature: Docile
Leech Life

"image removed"
Level 11
Ability: Soundproof
Nature: Relaxed

"image removed"
Level 8
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Relaxed

Fallen Pokemon:
"image removed"
Level 3-16
Killed by Brawly's Makuhita.
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Hey everybody, I am new here, so i doesnt know much here!

Anyvay I started Pokemon Silver Nuzlocke. Can you tell me where I should put my stats,team etc. ?

I curently do Pokemon Red and Pokemon Silver Nuzlocke! Can somebody tell me where to post team,stats, etc. ?
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-Started with Squirtle/Sago
-Delivered percel and got Pokedex
-Catch Nidoran M/Kohta on route before Indigo Plateu
-Catch Rattata/Splinter on route before Viridian forest
-Catch Weedle/Timmy in Viridian Forest
-Beated all trainers in Viriadian Forest
-Arrived in Pewter City


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Hey, I was just wondering... Can we still qualify for being a Nuzlocke champion if (through hacking) the Starter was edited? Or would that be too unfair?
Hey, I was just wondering... Can we still qualify for being a Nuzlocke champion if (through hacking) the Starter was edited? Or would that be too unfair?

It would be OK if you hacked for a Pokemon in it's lowest evolutionary form. For example, using A-starter to get Larvitar as your starter would be ok, using it to get Tyranitar, would not.
It would be OK if you hacked for a Pokemon in it's lowest evolutionary form. For example, using A-starter to get Larvitar as your starter would be ok, using it to get Tyranitar, would not.

So that puts all legendaries out of the picture as well? No problem, wasn't planning on using a legendary anyway. Thanks for getting back to me so fast! ^^
Okay, this chapter contains the seriouslu-epicly exciting battle with Fantina!


Ok ill try this, looks more fun than it sounds

EDIT: itll be in fire red

EDIT2: im going to make this an ultimate challenge

Okay update one:


Hopefully Misty will be destroyed by tommorrow or the day after.
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Hoping for a Jigglypuff, I actually
found a Nidoran (Female), but Thyer used his fury attack of death to
kill her. I instead made my route 3 pokemon a magikarp from the
pokecenter (Fishy).

Just so you're aware, that's kinda against the rules... You're only allowed to catch the first Pokemon you encounter on any Route, and if you kill it, you have to wait till the next Route to catch another Pokemon.

You're allowed to have your own set of rules in a Nuzlocke challenge, but that's one of the two rules you really can't change or ignore. Look at the original post in this thread; the rules in bold are the ones you have to obey. The rest are all optional.
Update 15:
-It's time to grind... *cues epic grinding music*
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
-During Grinding, Gasman became twice as cool

-Once I felt suitably grinded (or bored), I headed back to Cinnabar
-Having returned, I re-entered the Mansion
-I found a bunch of switches and pressed them all! I mean come on, who wouldn't?
-Found a key, and left the Mansion with my Escape Rope.
-Found that the key opened the Gym! What a lucky break...
-Ran through the Gym with zero difficulty.
-Blaine wasn't much harder...
-Oh well badge number 7 :D
-So with that done, just one more badge to go and... oh, it's Bill! Hi Bill...
-Hey... wait a minute... where are you taking me?
-Well... I ended up on One Island (real original name :/), anyway Bill and this guy Celio seem to want me to give some guy a meteorite... so I better go and do that so that I can get back to getting my last badge.
-Screw the meteorite, I'm hitting the game corner... time to win some monies :)
-The owner seems to have lost his daughter and won't let me gamble... the hell? D: Then, to make things worse a biker came in and seemed to be completely lost, idiot.
-Headed to Three Island to find Lostelle (its funny because her name has 'lost' in it :/)
-On Three Island I found some Bikers, who immediately all challenged me to a series of battles.
-That was fairly easy...


The Fallen Heroes:
Update 10 - The Elite Four


I beat the Challenge, please add me to the Champions list :)
Just so you're aware, that's kinda against the rules... You're only allowed to catch the first Pokemon you encounter on any Route, and if you kill it, you have to wait till the next Route to catch another Pokemon.

You're allowed to have your own set of rules in a Nuzlocke challenge, but that's one of the two rules you really can't change or ignore. Look at the original post in this thread; the rules in bold are the ones you have to obey. The rest are all optional.

Sorry I thought that it was the first pokemon you see or obtain, it doesn't really matter though, I kinda got owned by Misty and now I have to start over 0_o.

Im going to play in ruby as I know the Hoenn region entirely and I've completed the game mostly with just Blazekin already. I'll go back to fire red eventually
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Sorry I thought that it was the first pokemon you see or obtain, it doesn't really matter though, I kinda got owned by Misty and now I have to start over 0_o.

Im going to play in ruby as I know the Hoenn region entirely and I've completed the game mostly with just Blazekin already. I'll go back to fire red eventually

It is the first Pokemon you see/obtain. If you fail to catch the Pokemon, or the Pokemon dies, then tough luck, you have to move on and go to another route if you want another Pokemon. If you have any questions, or if you need tips on how to beat the nuzlocke challenge, don't hesitate to contact me.
Okay ruby update one:

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