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The Nuzlocke Challenge

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Question and Update 1

got another question if i go to a new area and the first pokemon i see belongs to a trainer, does mean i can no longer capture pokemon in that area? might as well update while i'm at it.

nuzlocke challenge progress

started new game

named myself Element

chose bulbasaur as starter named him Plant

killed gary's charmander with 1 HP REMAINING

killed a pidgey in route 1

killed a weedle in route 2

captured pikachu in viridian forest and named him Mouse (lucky first pokemon huh?)

locked out areas(means i can no longer capture pokemon in this area)

current pokemon

deceased pokemon
none yet
It's the first wild pokemon you encounter. Or gift/prize pokemon. Basically, unowned ones lol.
Pokemon Silver Nuzlocke

Update 4

-CLAIR defeated with JESSICA, FEI and PETER heavily wounded
-FEI (39) killed by Cooltrainer REENA's Starmie's Bubblebeam (31)
-NICOLE (36) evolved to Nidorina on Route 26
-ETHAN (40) evolved to Espeon on Route 37
-CLARA evolved to Dragonair on Route 27
-OINK (46) evolved to Piloswine on Victory Road
-WILL solo'd by ETHAN
-LANCE defeated by ETHAN, OINK and KANAKO

After reaching Indigo Plateu, I spent the whole day training everyone until Lv. 50 except for CLARA, trained her to Lv. 44. It was a long task, as NICOLE, OINK and CLARA were low level. NICOLE was Lv. 12 when I started training her. Why did FEI have to die, why? :<

Elite Four wasn't that difficult with a team of Lv. 50. With this, the first half is over. Now to Kanto~

Encounter List



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Update 1:

Got my Starter Cyndaquil and named him Blaze.
Did the usual boring quest for Prof. Elm
Beat Rival.

Beat Bellsprout Tower and the Gym leader.

Went to Azelea Town and beat Team Rocket and the gym leader as well.

Now im at Goldenron City training my pokemon.

Encounter Pokemon

Boxed Pokemon


R.I.P Pokemon
Right, I kinda already started this, but oh well.

Name :docowocool
Game :Diamond

Caught pokemon, excluding dead.
Turtwig lvl14
Starly lvl11
Starly lvl10
Geodude lvl 5
Shinx lvl4
Zubat lvl7
Magikarp lvl9

Starly lvl3

I just beat Roark.
nuzlocke challenge progress

a big but sad update today because two of my pokemon died
i defeated brock and had several close calls throughout route 3 and mt. moon, i caught another spearow in route 4(not currently knowing i could trade for a far'fetched in vermillion city) but i did not name it since i did not plan to use it, then i got to cerulean city beat the the nugget bridge, caught a pidgey in route 25 and named it Pidgen, and got to bill. then i went to go defeat misty.
sadly after my victory in the gym i went to go investigate the people who got robbed and my first pokemon got killed by a team rocket grunt. R.I.P Rock... after mourning i pushed on to my journey and caught a oddish in route 5, then named it Weed,(not the stuff you smoke, stuff like dandeloins) then went onto route 6 to defeat all trainers and catch a meowth that i named Rufus. went to digglet's cave and caught a digglet that i named Mole then Plant almost got killed by a level 29 dugtrio.(thank god it didn't get a magnitude 8 or 9) proceded to route 11 and was beating most the trainers over there until someone's raticate got a hyper fang in Mouse and was killed. i was spazzing out then i destroyed raticate with Plant. R.I.P Mouse... i am currently preparing to defeat the gym in vermillion and then going to lavender town

what i killed and caught each area

Current Team


Pokemon Silver Nuzlocke

Update 5

LT. SURGE solo'd by OINK (52), Earthquake spam
ERIKA solo'd by JESSICA (52), Wing Attack spam
JANINE solo'd by ETHAN (53), Psychic spam
SABRINA solo'd by ETHAN (56), Bite spam
SNORLAX (50) killed by OINK (52)
BROCK solo'd by KANAKO
MISTY defeated by NICOLE (52), JESSICA (55) and KANAKO (58)
BLAINE solo'd by NICOLE (55), Surf spam
BLUE defeated by NICOLE (56), ETHAN (58), JESSICA (55) and KANAKO (58)
LUGIA (50) killed by NICOLE (58)
HO-OH (70) killed by KANAKO (59)
RED's Snorlak (75) killed OINK (53) and Clara (54)
RED's Blastoise (77) killed NICOLE (58), JESSICA (57) and ETHAN (60)
KANAKO (60) finishes RED's Blastoise (77)

The Kanto part and Red were a bit disappointing. I haven't played the Gen II for quite a while, but the Kanto part was really boring and the Gym Leaders were too easy. Even Red was no challenge (although his Snorlax and Blastoise managed to kill five of my Pokemon).

Now to the next challenge~ Pokemon Sapphire Nuzlocke. I'll probably start tomorrow.

Encounter List



Honorable Mention

Update 2:

Well this is a sad update. I trained a little before challenging Whitney. While training MindFreak he fainted to Bug Catcher on Rt. 35.

Togepi evolved while training it on Rt. 34.

Caught a Nidoran female on Rt. 35 as well. Trained Nidoran until it evolved into Nidorina. Nidorina evolved into Nidoqueen thanks to Mom buying me a moon stone.

Challenge Whitney and lost half my team to her. Togetic killed off here Clefairy using Metronome which use Explosion.

Rocky and Weed fall prey to her Milktank. Nidoqueen manged to beat her and win the badge.

Now in Euretek City training my pokemon.

Encounter Pokemon

Boxed Pokemon


R.I.P Pokemon
Update 3:
Grinded all of my pokemon to mid 20s.
While training Wiggles evolved into Arbok.
Went back to Goldenrod and got an Eevee from Bill.
Train eevee to level 30 which it learns Bite.
Challenge Morty and won thanks to Eevee.
Beat all of the trainers in the following Routes.
Made it to Olivine City and capture a Magnemite in the process.
While training Blaze he died battling a Sailor in the Light House.
Took out Magnemite and trained him while on my way to Cianwood City and it evolved into Magneton.
Beat Chuck easily thanks to Magneton and Arbok.

Got back to Olivine City and beat Jasmine.
Later evolved Eevee into Vaporeon and renamed him Aqua-Man.

Now heading toward Mahogany Town.

P.S. I love this challenge so much Im thinking of doing an Ultimate one once im done with Silver. Do I have to resubmit an application?

Encounter Pokemon

Boxed Pokemon


R.I.P Pokemon
Pokemon Sapphire Nuzlocke

Starter: CASEY ♂ the Torchic, Adamant nature

-MAY defeated by CASEY (Lv. 8)
-FOSTER (Lv. 15) killed by ROXANNE's Nosepass's (Lv. 15) Rock Tomb
-ZIGGY (Lv. 13) finishes ROXANNE

I spent most of the time raising CASEY's and LORAN's Speed EV. While doing that, ZIGGY and FOSTER (RIP) gained some experience for themselves too and leveled up. I'll continue raising it on low level Pokemon so I won't gain much exp from them. CASEY and LORAN are useless if I don't wanna use them in battle.

Encounter List:



I'm doing my first Nuzlocke run. I'm playing SoulSilver and only using the basic two rules (fainted Pokemon go in PC [I don't have the heart to release them] and you can only catch the first Pokemon you see in each location). I'm not using any rules like Pokemon Center or item limits, no legendaries, no evolving, quicksave-only (no turning the game off to resume from a saved point if you don't like what's happened to you), etc.

I have one gym badge and one Pokemon: Chikorita. I'm sure you know what happened to the others. If only I'd grinded longer.

If you're not using the quicksave-only rule, SAVE OFTEN. I had a level 10 Geodude and I thought it'd be safe from that level 3 Bellsprout until the latter busted out a Vine Whip. I turned my game off, forgetting how long it'd been since I'd saved, and there I was, outside Dark Cave with no Geodude. To add insult to injury, this happened a SECOND time. I'm learning this lesson the hard way.
Username: Ivy Selene
Game: FireRed, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, White
I'll be using emulators for FR, C, E, and Pt, and using the speed button (I'm terrible, I know).
Optional: Nicknames, No Legendaries. Also, I won't be resetting to "save" Pokemon, if they die, they die.

Well, this is interesting...

Team right now:


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Update 2.3 since it might be quite a ways (read: lots and lots of GRINDAN) until my next Gym. Also, something big DID happen. Rest in peace, Jingler.... In other news, Geodude evolved. Is there anyone willing to trade-evolve him?

Current Party:

First Encounters:

Boxed and Deceased:


(Does anybody actually read these?)

@emberjed: I've also forgotten to save several times, although nothing as major as losing a Pokemon - just losing several grinded levels....
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Update 4:
Went to Lake of Rage Capture Gyarados.
beat Pyrce for my 7th gym badge and beat Team Rocket was in for all.
Went to BlackThorn and Beat Clair, while fighting Clair Aqua-Man died.
Now Im in Dragon Den and later going on to the Elite Four.

Encounter Pokemon

Boxed Pokemon


R.I.P Pokemon
Pokemon Sapphire Nuzlocke

Update 2

-LORAN evolvee to Lombrero on Route 102
-EDDIE evolved to Beautifly on Route 103 (East Side)
-BRAWLY solo'd by TED (Lv. 17), Wing Attack spam
-ABRAHAM evolves to Kadabra on Route 102
-ZIGGY evolves to Linoone on Route 117
-WATTSON solo'd by CASEY (Lv. 24), Double Kick spam

While the update is really short, the gameplay was pretty long. Defeating 700+ wild Pokemon is a feat, even with speeding. And of course, occasional 300+ runs from unwanted Pokemon. At least I got CASEY and LORAN's Speed EVs maxed. I also maxed CASEY's Attack EV. All that's left now is Loran's Sp. Attack EV (Ralts was too rare, so I'm waiting for Numel). I really have no idea why I was doing that, but I'll probably transfer them to Emerald for the Battle Frontier one day.

Encounter List




Well I hope it's not just me. I always read what everyone's posting. It's around three posts a day with each being only few sentences long.

Also, where's the challenge if you soft reset after losing a Pokemon? I thought the challenge was beating the game AFTER losing your precious team mates, and that's the main rule (main trait) of the challenge. Unless you lose all six of them. Then it's game over, as it's pretty long and boring training weaklings again. Better off playing the game again from scratch. At least that's what I did when I lost my first Blue Nuzlocke. And I even managed to lose to Rival in Route 22 just before E4. I've also lost twice in Silver (didn't even have time to record it, as I died at second gym once, and against Rival after that gym). My first run of Sapphire was a trainwreck too. Lost to May on Route 110. And all 4 times I started back from scratch. Of course, switching to turbo since it would really be tiresome playing it all again at normal speed. But I've always respected the dead. I play carefully, and manage my party well, so I don't lose Pokemon too often. But when I lose them, I release them. That's why I sometimes get too carried away while grinding. With all party members being as strong as the next gym leader is too much power, since regular trainers are often weaker than that said gym leader.
Update 5:
Umm pretty much a short update here.
Beat everyone on Victory Road and before challenging the Elite Four trained all of my pokemon to level 50 ish. It was long and a grueling process but in the end it paid off. Got some pics of my victory against the elite four and my pokemon.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Pokemon Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Encounter Pokemon

Boxed Pokemon


R.I.P Pokemon
update 3

here comes another bad update because 5 of my pokemon died...
i went aboard the S.S Anna so i can get the hm cut and soon lost Snake to one of the trainers. i then lost Mole to ANOTHER trainer. i was not happy losing two pokemon so quickly so i was extremly careful not to lose anymore.i was doing fine until the battle with my rival. i had given Pidgen extra training so i could take out gary's pidgeotto. Pidgen had evolved and was level 21 so i was confident he could take out the pidgeotto. but then i used whirlwind.. his charmeleon got sent out and i freaked out and used whirlwind again but not before it used ember. Pidgen survived but not for long. this time raticate was sent out. i made the mistake of using whirlwind and raticate used hyper fang. i hate hyper fang. Pidgen died so Ch'ding got sent out and luckily killed raticate charmeleon was about to be sent out i had no idea what to do so Ch'Ding stayed in. charmeleon OHKO Ch'ding and my weapon against charmeleon was too hurt from a previous battle. Plant got sent out and WHOOPED CHARMELEON'S BUTT. Plant still had a decent amount of HP left so he soloed the rest of gary's pokemon. after victory i got the hm and soon beat surge. Plant did most of the work so he is becoming much stronger than the rest of my pokemon. after the gym battle i went and got hm5 flash then headed to route 9. at route 9 i caught ANOTHER spearow which i named raptor. soon Rufus's pick up ability became very useful. i have gotten 2 nuggets, 2 tm10s, and a rare candy. at route 10 i caught a voltorb named Pokeball which soon got killed form a geodude's magnitude. before that i caught a onix in rock tunnel named Boulder. i am currently in lavender town preparing for celedon city.

What i caught and killed each area.

Current Team


i did this all yesterday so there might be a few mistakes. if there are i'll fix them.
Also, where's the challenge if you soft reset after losing a Pokemon? I thought the challenge was beating the game AFTER losing your precious team mates, and that's the main rule (main trait) of the challenge. Unless you lose all six of them. Then it's game over, as it's pretty long and boring training weaklings again. Better off playing the game again from scratch. At least that's what I did when I lost my first Blue Nuzlocke. And I even managed to lose to Rival in Route 22 just before E4. I've also lost twice in Silver (didn't even have time to record it, as I died at second gym once, and against Rival after that gym). My first run of Sapphire was a trainwreck too. Lost to May on Route 110. And all 4 times I started back from scratch. Of course, switching to turbo since it would really be tiresome playing it all again at normal speed. But I've always respected the dead. I play carefully, and manage my party well, so I don't lose Pokemon too often. But when I lose them, I release them. That's why I sometimes get too carried away while grinding. With all party members being as strong as the next gym leader is too much power, since regular trainers are often weaker than that said gym leader.

I just didn't think I'd be able to go on. Geodude, whom I lost, was basically my best Pokemon. I didn't reset after losing the rest of them; I just sighed and put them in the PC.

In retrospect, I'd rather have just gone ahead with no Geodude, but I think having to raise another one (the first one was pretty well trained) was adequate atonement for the sin of soft-restarting. It's something that I avoid doing, but I hope people can cut me some slack since it's my first Nuzlocke and I wasn't thinking about just how fragile Geodude can be.

I do still save often, but now it's more about the adverse possibility of my game freezing (this has happened once so far on this Nuzlocke) than about losing a Pokemon.

Oh, and update: I'm in Whitney's Gym. Not only is my Geodude safe and healthy (and close to becoming a Graveler), but my Chikorita is now a Bayleef and I have three more Pokemon (soon to be four, as soon as that Egg hatches).
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