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The Nuzlocke Challenge

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Update 6:
Beat all the Kanto Gym leaders. Spent all day today training my pokemon to level 80ish.

While battling Misty's Lighting died to here Quagsire.
Caught a Spearow later on and while training him he died.
Caught the Snorlax and he became a valuable member of the team.
Bumble-Bee died to Red's Espeon.

Beat Red and now to move on to the next game.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

On a side note: Im planning on doing an Ultimate Nuzlocke but since school starts in 2 weeks, I probably finish Blue by Tuesday? and Ruby on Saturday?
Pearl, and Black I got those on emulators which I wont be on most of the time.

Encounter Pokemon

Boxed Pokemon


R.I.P Pokemon
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Okay, well I just beat the 8th gym on Fire Red, but I think I'm going to put this challenge on hold, because I do not feel like grinding up a party for the E4.

Full Update 3, after several sub-updates of 2.... I'm going to put news in another spoiler because I can get kinda rambly on and on and on sometimes. Like this time. Also commentary (parantheses notes I usually put in the First Encounters and Boxed and Deceased sections) will also go in New Stuff.

But SHORT VERSION: Got Eevee. Defeated Fantina. And Rival. Got Chansey. Stuffed some Pokes in Daycare. Played at the Veilstone Game Corner a bunch.

New Stuff!

Current Party:

First Encounters:

Boxed and Deceased:

Current Goals....
Username: PhantomWolf
Game: Emerald
Update 3

Obtained my C-Gear healed up and pressed on, i visited the day car and battled all the little children, then Cheren thought it would be a good idea to battle me again, i defeated him quite easy and Furball evolved. I then went into the grass and caught a Pidove i nicknamed it BirdBrain. Then Bianca told me Team Plasma stole some little girls pokemon and i chased after them, before fighting them i encountered a Woobat, which i was going to kill, but the B*($H killed my Birdbrain so i caught it and named it Gale. I then beat both the plasma goons and healed up, and continued to venture to the next city, i battled a few trainers who killed Gale with a OHKO. so i saved it and turned it off.




Thoughts as of yet.
What Crap Pokemon Unova has they all die so easily. Pyro has b en really lucky holding on with like 1hp its not actually skill thats keeping him alive its just dumb luck. Furball is good but im starting to think it is one of those Pokemon that are strong at the start of the game because they are simply better than everything else available, and as the challenge progresses it will get weaker and weaker. So i honestly don't know how my team will shape i wish i had access to a POLIWAG.
Username: punkrocker419
Game: Platinum
Rules: Must nickname all pokemon, No legendaries, and no duplicates.
Whoops, kinda missed some updates, but not like anyone cares anyway! But in case anyone does, here are the latest episodes:

Engrish Emerald
Episode 8:

Episode 9:

Episode 10:

Episode 11:

Episode 12:

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

Vietnamese Crystal
Episode 7:

Episode 8:

Episode 9:

Episode 10:

Episode 11:

Episode 12:

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

I'd say we're doing pretty interestingly so far, but I'll let you guys be the judges of that! Or you guys can just ignore it which is cool too!
Pokemon Sapphire Nuzlocke

Update 3
-SAM evolves to Loudred
-EDDIE (Lv. 20) killed by Winstrate's Magnemite
-MUSCELINA (Lv. 16) killed by a Wild Spinda
-ABRAHAM (Lv. 29) killed by Archie's Mighthyena
-ARCHIE defeated at Mt. Chimney
-FLANNERY solo'd by CASEY (Lv. 29)
-NORMAN solo'd by CASEY (Lv. 33)

There were some tragic deaths, like ABRAHAM, but the first two aren't really a loss. Flannery and Norman weren't really difficult for CASEY, especially Norman due to his Normal types. Before heading to the north, I had to train SAM to evolve so he could learn Rock Smash.

Didn't really have time to update and play in the past few days, but now I'm back.

Encounter List



Username: Star Girl
Games: Leaf Green and Soul Silver

Update Number 1 for Leaf Green:

Obtained Starter, choosing Charmander. I got a girl (nearly squealed with delight when I saw the gender) and nicknamed her Ember

Numerous Rattata encounters on the first trip up Route 1 prevented me from catching anything there after getting the balls.

Delivered the parcel and got my Pokedex.

Got back up Route 1 with no encounters (weird and not funny since this is what I was hoping for during the first excursion).

Healed up, went over to Route 22 where I caught my first Pokemon a
Mankey (and just what I was looking for too!) whom I named Mickey

I headed north to Route 2 and Viridian Forest to add two new members to the team before doing some more training

With a couple of close calls here and there Wilma (my Weedle I caught in the Forest) evolved into a Kakuna rather rapidly and soon into a Beedrill.

I headed west on Route 22 and encountered Gary having my first battle. Shaw (my Pidgey I caught on Route 2) took down his Pidgey with a bit of difficulty while Mickey took care of his Squirtle.

Stocked up on some more Pokeballs, some Potions, and plenty of Antidotes for the long journey through the forest and headed north.

Made it through the forest with no problems.

After arriving in Pewter I began moving back and forth between the Pokemon Center and the Forest to train the team.

At the team at Level 14 and me feeling confident I decided to take the gym challenge.

The junior trainer for Brock provided little challenge to Mickey who K-O'd the Geodude in one move and the Sandshrew in three.

Grabbed a potion and healed Mickey before stepping up for the Gym Leader fight.

Despite my concerns about him taking on Onix a newly leveled up Mickey (he gained a level after fighting Brock's Geodude) proved no match for the Onix.

Healed up at the Center, stopped by the Mart to grab some more items and then headed west after getting my running shoes towards Mt. Moon.

Made it through the gauntlet of trainers at Mt. Moon and caught a female Nidoran I named Nora.

Went to the Pokemon Center at the base of Mt. Moon on Route 4 and paid for a Magikarp (the quicker I can get to training it the sooner it will evolve) I named Malik.

Ventured into Mt. Moon briefly to expand the team before going out to train Malik and caught a Geodude I dubbed Gigi.

I boxed Wilma for now and withdrew Gigi since she will be my main fighter for Lt. Surge.

Ember evolved into a Charmeleon and than I leveled up Malik one more time before saving and quitting at the base of Mt. Moon.

So far so good. No deaths yet. Though I had a close call with Nora when I underestimated a wild Pokemon's strength. One HP from losing her but she survived and is currently on the team.



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I just gonna highlight important parts because i've done so much since the last update there is so much to remember

beat the gyms in celadon, saffron, and about to beat the one in fuchsia city

i honestly can't remember much more

what i caught and killed each area

currrent team



i'm doing another challenge so i'm gonna take a break from the nuzlocke challenge. does anyone know a good hm slave for kanto? i know gyarados is a good one but i dont want to use the one i have know.
sorry for the bad update.
Doing a Nuzlocke Challenge for Crystal

Pokemon Caught and encountered in each area.


Current Team



Didn't take me long to lose my first Pokemon I guess.

I noticed it while training her but Nora had absoulutely horrible defense, so it wasn't the world's biggest surprise that I lost her only after having for a short while.

RIP Nora the Nidoran F Lv 6-10

The run through Mt. Moon was pretty straight forward. Stopped and picked up items along the way but nearly ran out of potions by the time I was done with the TR Grunts.

I taught Mickey Mega Kick through one of the tutors on the outside before making my way to the Cerulean City Pokemon Center.

Gary wasn't very difficult and I started the Nugget Badge.

After the second trainer I used a Rare Candy I had picked up to finally evolve Malik into a Gyrados.

A combination of a Trainer's Nidoran's critical hitting him and the infamous Poison Point caused the death of Shaw far too soon shortly after Malik's evolution. -sigh- And I was really looking forward to raising him to be a Pidgeot.

RIP Shaw the Pidgey Lv. 2-17 (so close to being a Pidgeotto)

I completed the bridge without problem after that but of course the Route 24 Pokemon had to be an Abra, and of course it wouldn't go into the Pokeball I threw at it.

And no grass types for this trainer to use because the Pokemon I ended up catching for Route 25 was a Caterpie I named Chris. -sigh- Looks like it's going to be up to Mickey and Malik to take down Misty.

On the bright side technically Chris was a level to high to still be a Caterpie so it was very short work to make him a Butterfree.

And the course of no grass Pokemon for moi continued as when I ventured south hoping to add one I ended up getting a Meowth that I named Marina. I chose to drop her off at the Day Care while I trained the rest of the team and then pick her up.

Only to make an incredibly stupid mistake while training Gigi and get her knocked out by a Bellsprout three levels below her making me return down south to pick up Marina.

RIP Gigi the Geodude Lv 7-18

On the bright side though Marina's short stay at the Day Care wasn't completely in vein as she did gain a level.

My annoyance at a lack of a grass type started to fade as I trained Marina and Chris who quickly were proving to be power houses in their own rights. I will miss Gigi, Shaw, and Nora a lot but maybe theirs a reason why those things happened. Maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have discovered the two powerhouses I now have if I still had those three.

Though the team was slightly under leveled, quick thinking, some status upsetting moves and switching Pokemon led to a victory against Misty without losing another teammate.

Anyway this will probably be my last update until next week due to personal reasons.



Okay so now for a quick update from me (and the first)!

Username: vaporeon7
Game: Red
Badges: 2
Deaths: 0

Main events:
  • Started the challenge on Red.
  • Picked Squirtle as the starter.
  • Beat the rival.
  • Got the Pokédex.
  • Evolved Squirtle.
  • Beat Brock.
  • Caught an Ekans on Route 4.
  • Helped Bill.
  • Evolved Ekans.
  • Beat Misty.

Main Team:

In Box:

Pokemon Sapphire Nuzlocke

Update 4

-SPIGGY (Lv. 21) killed by Wild Voltorb (Lv. 25)
-ZIGGY (Lv. 31) killed by Breloom (Lv. 28)
-CASEY (Lv. 34) killed by Breloom (Lv. 28)
-SANDY evolved to Sandslash on Route 120
-MELISSA evolved to Camerupt on Route 121
-LORAN (Lv. 40) killed by Winona's Altaria (Lv. 33)
-WINONA defeated by MELISSA (Lv. 34), LORAN (Lv. 40) and TED (Lv. 41)
-KATTY evolved to Masquerain at Mt. Pyre
-KATTY (Lv. 22) killed by Wild Shuppet
-DORA evolved to Gyarados at Aqua Hideout
-TEAM AQUA easily defeated in their base
-SHANA evolved to Banette on Route 127
-TED (Lv. 43) killed by Solrock
-TATE and LIZA defeated by SHANA (Lv. 46), TED (Lv. 43) and MELISSA (Lv. 41)
-ARCHIE easily defeated
-KYOGRE solo'd by SHANA (Lv. 46)
-WALLACE solo'd by SHANA (Lv. 50)

The whole run was terrible. I lost CASEY, TED and LORAN. The Elite 4 will be quite a challenge now, as I only have 3 Pokemon in my team. The ones in my Box are too weak, so I'll had to think a bit which ones to train as it'll take a bit to get them into shape. Oh well, hope it goes well. Don't wanna lose at the very end! I guess I'll pick WALTER and CHIE, as I'll need Fire and Electric addition. Now, the only thing I need are Ice attacks. It'll work out somehow. Next update is the last one probably.

Encounter List



Umm my internet went down so I cant post my progess. Im at the libary right now so yea.

Quick mini Update:
Beat my Pokemon Blue run. It took my like 3 tries because of Misty. After I defeated here everything else seem easier.

Now I started my Ruby run yesterday. My progress as of now, Im at Lilycove City and everthing is going smoothy. I lost a 2 good members but they easily got replace by some new pokes. Grinding my 2 new pokemon and going back to Slateport City to do the Magma Event.
Update 4

I journeyed on towards Nacrene city and on the way WhamShell evolved into a Dewott. I arrived in Nacrene city and pushed on immediately to the outer area of Pinwheel Forest, I ran into a Timburr caught it and named it Splinter. While training unfortunately FurBall died. I trained for about 5 minutes and saved it.




Thoughts as of yet.
Well Furball died, and it was not at the hands of Thorh, Swak or even a strong Timburr, it was a Pidove so yeah the pokemon i was the most impressed by ended up being pretty crap. Still thinking Unova has crap Pokemon so far. Here's hoping this challenge gets a bit better.
Major Events Occured Since Last Update:
Obtained the Thunderbadge, the Rainbow Badge, the Marsh Badge, and the Soul Badge.
Added Ella, Harry, Sid, Victor, Drake, Penny, Pera, Rick, Gem, Kain, Dan, Laragh, Rachel, Vina, Venus, and Rani.
Lost Drake, Mickey, Dede, Penny, Pera, Marina, Rick, and Gem.

Ember the Charmeleon Lv. 37
Ella the Exeggcute Lv. 32
Harry the Hitmonchan Lv. 36
Malik the Gyrados Lv. 37
Victor the Electrode Lv. 37
Sid the Snorlax Lv 30

RIP Mickey the Mankey Lv. 5-21
RIP Gigi the Geodude Lv. 7-18
RIP Nora the Nidoran F Lv 6-10
RIP Shaw the Pidgey Lv. 2-17
RIP Dede the Dugtrio Lv 15-31
RIP Mickey the Mankey to a Nidoran on the S.S. Anne Lv 5-21
RIP Dede the Dugtrio to a Self Destructing Koffing in the Game Corner Lv 15-31
RIP Gem the Gastly to a Goldeen Lv. 16-22
RIP Penny the Pidgeotto to another trainer's Pokemon Lv. 18-27
RIP Marina the Persion Lv. 13-35
RIP Drake the Dragonair Lv. 24-36
RIP Rick the Ryhorn Lv. 26-31
RIP Pera the Pidgeot Lv. 27-36

Boxed Pokemon:
William the Beedrill
Chris the Butterfree
Laragh the Lapras
Vina the Veronat
Venus the Vulpix
Rachel the Rattata
Kain the Krabby
Dan the Dodou
Rani the Raticate
Zenon the Golbat
Pokemon Sapphire Nuzlocke

Update 5

-VULPIX evolved to Ninetails at Victory Road
-PHOEBE solo'd by SHANA
-GLACIA defeated by WALTER and CHIE
-DRAKE defeated, but CHIE, SHANA, SABRINA and MELISSA died
-STEVEN defeated, but DORA died
-REGICE solo'd by WALTER
-RAYQUAZA defeated by WALTER, but BELDUM, BARBAR, SANDY and PELIPPER were killed in the battle

Terrible, terrible run. If only I didn't lose CASEY and LORAN. The substitution I had for the E4 wasn't really good. Even my main team wasn't that good without special training. I had to overlevel my team, and some were way over the E4's levels. And even though they were higher (like SHANA being level 70) they still couldn't do anything outside the "super effective" area. Thankfully WALTER survived. It would be pretty depressing if I lost at the very end.

After the E4 I had to catch a Relicanth to open the Regicaves. I released him right after I opened the caves. The Regi trio wasn't a big deal, as Steel and Ice were weak to Fire, and I taught WALTER Dig. Rayquaza on the other hand was a problem, as WALTER was at disadvantage. Had to use Overheat, switch out and sacrifice someone, then switch WALTER in again. But in the end, it was defeated too.

With this, Sapphire Nuzlocke run is completed. Now it's time to play Pearl.

Encounter List


Honorable Mention


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