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The Plug.dj Charts with Rabinov! Part Deux

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 9,063


    Let us unite! It's that time again.

    So today I whacked on the old Plug playlist to find a rather interesting selection of songs at the top of it. A fair few obscure and fascinating tracks which I thought need to be introduced to yourselves.

    So come on then, let's get going!


    Novela - Dream the Paint

    If you have heard of these guys I will personally fly to your house and deliver several......biscuits. Novela were a Japanese Progressive Rock band throughout the 80's and 90's who apparently have now removed all traces of themselves apart from a few songs on Youtube.

    The song 'Dream the Paint' is as 'out there' as the name suggests. A completely different take on the Progressive genre than the bands you hear nowadays, this song is extremely mellow even at its climax. An extremely laid back song, even for Novela (compared to the likes of Reverie and Illusion, for example). I really like the usage of an almost synth-exclusive with the louder vocals to offset it and not turn it into a pure ballad. Definitely not my favourite song by these guys but a good one nevertheless.

    If you manage to find albums or songs by these guys, I would definitely recommend a listen!


    Cloudburst - Huminal

    This is actually song on Soundcloud, provided by [user]Radix[/user] who popped into my channel! From what I can see this is a song made to feature the Chromaphone 2 and it does this extremely well.

    What a great opening! It flows really well and has a real nice ambience; it sets the mood and pace for the rest of the song. As it is a showcase it is fairly short compared to a normal song of this genre, but I think for what it is the 2:11 is just enough for it. Definitely looking into this further on and I will be adding more of these to my playlist, thanks Radix!


    Sabrepulse - The YN Raid pt. 2 (Terror Squad)

    From the album 'Famicom Connection', this is a song exclusively uses synths and the SID that was mentioned in my previous post. As a result it is completely different to what I normally listen to but it is a very exciting and awesome change to the norm!

    It contains the same features as your typical DubStep and sub-genres in that there is the inevitable buildup into a breakdown.....except there is no breakdown. Instead it explodes into this symphony of nostalgia and funkiness, as you suddenly realise not only does the song sound great, but it's using sounds from your SNES/GBC/NES that you played on many a moon ago (or on emulators if you were not around back then, but you get my point!!)

    In general, this is one of my favourite songs in this genre and one of my favourite artists. I DEFINITELY recommend giving Sabrepulse a listen!



    Yes that's right, there's more! You see, Pokécommunity's General Entertainment section is currently in the middle of its Summer Collaboration. Users are providing up to 3 songs to add to a community playlist for everyone to listen to! As a result I will be continuing with this but involving songs from that playlist!


    So entries will be a little slower hitting the press pre sé but more content I promise!

    Until next time, PC
