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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

(OOC: I'm immpressed Cerberus can smell what color someone's hair is. And that he can smell someone that Thyme has never even touched before. Thyme has only been in the same room as Val once today, and she stood nowhere near the girl. Cerberus must have the nose of awesomeness.)

"I can't think if where else to go, Pala. And I need to rest a moent. As soon as Ellie and the others get here, we'll keep moving. Acting quickly is all good, but rushing around isn't going to help us find Skye. And, knowing my luck, if I just rushed off with no plan, I'd end up getting hurt. Anyways, they're here. Guys, what on earth are you doing with that Drowzy?" Bri asked as the three pokemon dragged Drowzy into the room. Drizzle started laughing.

Thyme was abruptly lifted into the air and squeezed very tightly. She gasped for air, and began to feel something dripping down her stomach. Something warm. She didn't dare say anything. She didn't want to make it worse. She didn't struggle, or move a muscle at all. All she did was hang, suspended in the air by this cruel boy's Metang. They soon arrived at the pokemon center, and Thyme looked around, hopeful to find someone to end this madness.
((Making an executive decision ^3^))
Turning to see where Gordon was, she noticed the fire Monkey was slumped against a wall, his eyes half closed and looking like he were about to throw up at any moment...oh shoot...Roselia's Poison Point...Gordon had been poisoned! Rushing over to him, Sel scooped him into her arms and looked down at him in concern.

"Vince...I have to get to the Pokemon Centre...Gordon isn't too good. If you want to find the TM room then...then I can come and find you later but I need to go right now..." she flashed him an apologetic smile before rushing out of the Dorm as quickly as she could. She cursed under her breath as another freaking Gastly floated to bar her path, sending Ryan forward with a Thunderbolt that took it out in one go.

Finally out of the dorm, Sel ran as fast as she could with Gordon in her arms, making it to the Pokemon Centre and running straight up to the counter, pushing some guy out of her way not even noticing that he was with a Pokemon who was hurting Thyme in the process and placing Gordon down on the counter. "Please! Please help him!" she pleaded, returning him to his Pokeball and Nurse Joy took him to her magic machine thing. She leant over the desk, catching her breath and resting her forehead on her arms, not even noticing that Valorie was in the foyer too.

"Miss, your Pansear is ready," came a voice and Sel looked up to find Nurse Joy holding a PokeBall out to her...Gordon! "Thank you! Thank you so much!" she rushed out, releasing Gordon and hugging him tightly. Ryan grinned at him from the Counter and Gordon glowered at him.

"Not so bad now is she?!" quipped Ryan and Gordon, quite maturely, stuck his tongue out at him. "Shut up...I could have dealt with this poisoning on my own..." he grumbled and Ryan laughed. "Yeah...like hell you-Oh my God, Thyme!" he yelped suddenly, Thyme catching his eye...she was suspended in mid air and looked in pain...he tapped Selene on her shoulder and gestured over.

"Ryan wha- Oh my...Thyme! Thyme what's going on?! Where's Br-Hey you!" she growled at the boy whose Pokemon seemed to be hurting Thyme. "You!! let go of Thyme NOW! Get your stupid lowlife Pokemon to stop whatever it's doing!" Gordon followed the commotion and let out a low hiss - Thyme was a piece of work but this was just too far. He prepared to use his Incinerate, but Selene caught the movement and held a hand out in front of him, shaking her head slowly. "No, Gordon, you could hit Thyme!" Gordon scowled up at her before glowering at the boy in front of them.
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Pala shook her head. She couldn't explain but she thought the crystal light thing knew where it's owner was. She squeaked at Ellie who waved weakly. Rama grinned. "I got a hostage," the Zorua bragged.

"When he wakes up," Ellie growled. "He can take us to Skye."

"And dont worry about it Pala," Rama added, kicking the Drowzee. "It'll work out."
Snype sighed. He never saw Duster so worried before... it must have been really serious. Snype walked to Duster and gave her a small hug to hopefully calm her down. "Hey relax. Everything will be alright. I think Mark might know where to find Valorie." Snype said. He looked up at Mark.

"What's up Snype?" Duster looked like she was really in distress. Something serious had happened... from what he saw from Snype's gestures, something was going on in the lugia white dorm. "I think Valorie is still at the Pokemon Center... thats where we were going to meet... Lets head there first. I need to get Snype healed up anyways." Mark said.

"Someone really strong? Kehehe... besides myself?" Snype joked. "Yeah Valorie should be at the Pokemon Center so lets head there first."
Duster looked urgently at Snype and began to run back to the pokemon center.
"Hurry! Let's go!" she said as she ran. She looked back at them and tripped over a rock in the ground.
"Oof!" she said as she hit the ground hard. She had no idea what was happening to Bri in there. All she knew was that Skye had been hurt, and he was tougher than Bri was. Bri in there all alone? That was just asking for trouble!

"Hey, you guys chill out! Don't take out your frustrations on him! Let him wake up, and them I'll ask where Skye is!" Bri said when Rama kicked Drowzy. He looked at the last pokeball he had. It was an ultraball. It was given to him by Dean when they had gotten their last shipment at the pokemart in Slateport. Dean had said it was an overshipment, but Bri suspected Dean had bought it just for him. He wasn't going to use it on this Drowzy. He sat and waited for him to wake up, while continuing to look through the stuff that was there. He found nothing of any use. But then again, he had that TM. That was all he needed, and Duster would be ok to come to places like this.
"would you rather I use Wake Up Slap," rama retorted, kicking him again. "we'd be at square one again."

Ellie groaned, cleaning her wounds. "Savage."

"thought you'd be on my side Ellie," Rama sneered. The Drowzee groaned, waking up. Rama stepped away, noticing the female Zorua and going to talk to her.

Pala squeaked angrily at the Drowzee, who glared at her. "Be quiet brat!" the Cubchoo whimpered, not understanding but not liking his tone. Her eyes watered with tears.

(you can bunny Drowzee nideous.)
Snype began to follow Duster and noticed She tripped on the ground. Letting off a small smile, Snype helped her up onto her feet. "Kehehe. We aren't gonna get there unless we speed it up a bit! Hop on!" Snype said carrying duster as if for a Piggyback ride. Her species were fairly light compared to Sableye so she was really asy to carry. Snype was fairly fast at running too so it would save them alot of time.

Mark looked back at Klu and waved. "I'll see you around Klu! You and Butler take care!" Mark said as he ran off to follow Snype and Duster. Mark returned Able to her Pokeball and continued to follow the two Pokemon.

After a long run, Snype eventually made it to the Pokemon Center with Duster. Hopefully they would find some familiar faces around here. Snype was actually fairly worn out carrying Duster like that but he shrugged it off. It wasn't all that bad. Mark followed behind and caught up with Snype, quickly walking into the door to look around for help with the situation.
Brogan wanted to battle, Jack had no problem with that but as he looked over at Blade he received a disapproving look from the Scizor. Blade wanted to get stronger and playing around with a girl who wasn't even confident in her own skills would be no help for him. Blade tapped Blaze's headed and signaled for him to follow. Jack could only watch as the two pokemon walk away to began there own training.

Blade was right but still he couldn't just leave Brogan here doing nothing, so a battle would be the best option. It was obvious that Brogan didn't have a real passion for battling but Jack was looking to change that A good battle can change a persons mind Brogan not having a training regiment either was surprising but Jack thought nothing of it, she must have been a good trainer if she ended up in the Suicune Dorm Or did she buy her way in Whatever the reason was she was here and she needed to make the best of it and Jack was willing to help.

"Brogan pick anyone of my pokemon to battle an we'll start" If Jack didn't know which pokemon he was going to use it might help him to think more on his feet. If Brogan decided to put him on the back foot Jack's mind would have to work harder to get a victory. The four pokemon lined up waiting to be picked.

{He couldn't be serious} After the battle they just had there was no way Jack could be thinking about letting us battle this princess. Blade tapped Blaze's head and walked off with the Charmeleon following close behind. {Somehow that Houndour was able to come close to my speed} Blaze looked at Blade confused they were by themselves with Jack somewhere over the distance battling a battle Blaze wanted to be a part of.

{Um, Blae what are w-} the Charmeleon was promptly cut off {Do you want to lose again} Blade had become serious and watched as the Charmeleon shuck his head. {Good now try and catch me with your flamethrower} Blade flew off using the rocks as springboards dodging as many Flamthrower attacks as he could. Both pokemon were looking focused Blade in an effort to get quicker and increase his resistance to fire type attacks and Blaze looking to just become generally more powerful.
Watching as Blade and Blaze wandered off, Brogan narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Did...did Jack just send off his two strongest Pokemon so they couldn't battle her?! She didn't want special treatment like that, that was ill befitting of her name!! She didn't see him give them any particular signal to leave...perhaps even his Pokemon knew she was so terrible that they couldn't even be bothered to battle her.

Cheeks reddening slightly in embarrassment, Brogan surveyed Jack's Pokemon...she gestured to Rocky wordlessly and looked back at her own Pokemon. The obvious choice would be Wartortle...potentially her most powerful Pokemon being a second stage and the type advantage...but no. If she were going down, she wanted to go down a little differently - Jack already probably thought badly enough of her as it was, she didn't want to lower his opinions any more than she had already.

Motioning with her head, Buneary ran out onto the field, both ears curled down as she looked up at the giant Onix she was facing...had Buneary ever seen a Pokemon this big before? Brogan wasn't sure...and she felt a bizarre pang of remorse for not bothering with her own Pokemon more...but then she replaced this with anger at her paid Trainers for not varying her experiences enough. Once she was out of this hell hole she would be withdrawing all scheduled bank transfers and giving them all a stern kicking...verbally of course, although she would get physical if she had to.

"It's okay Buneary...just do your best, it's all I can ask of you..." she smiled, eyes glancing down at Buneary before flicking back to Jack and Rocky steadily, her face a strange mixture of anxiety and attempted indifference.
Jack had a small smirk on his face as Rocky made his way to the makeshitft battlefield and stared down at the little bunny "Maybe shes better than she thinks" Even if Brogan didn't realise it she had the advantage in this fight. Jack had already seen the Buneary use Ice Punch and Sky Uppercut two moves that would be effective against Rocky. Jack glanced over to where Blaze and Blade had wondered out to and could see flames shooting into the sky and some distant grunts from the pokemon.

Jack turned his attention back to Brogan "I hope you know i'm not going to go easy on you" Jack then became battle focused and looked up at Rocky giving him a little nod which Rocky then returned the same nod. "Use Screech" Rocky then opened his mouth and let out a loud screeching noise directed at the Buneary.
Brogan smirked back at Jack, trying to look more confident than she felt. "I wouldn't have it any other way my darling..." she quipped before her expression turned serious. "Buneary, use your Low Kick! Keep those ears rolled down!" instructed Brogan as Buneary curled her ears down to shield against Rocky's loud Screech attack, although she could tell from Buneary's twitchy-looking face that the attack was getting to her.

Charging forward, Buneary crouched as she got close enough to Onix, sticking her leg out into a Low Kick that would hopefully send Rocky crashing to the ground if it hit, leaving Buneary to rely on her speed advantage to get safely out of the way before being crushed under his massive bulk.

Brogan hadn't ever felt so tense in a long time - she was way out of her comfort zone here. Give her a room full of Directors and the most powerful people in the business world and she was in her element - put her out in a clearing with a Pokemon battling a boy her own age and his Pokemon and she just wanted to run away screaming...or maybe just give up altogether and go shopping - PROPER shopping, for herself. No. No way - Houghton-Taylors never give up. Did her Father give up in the great crash of 2008 when HoTa Corp was suffering? Nope, he found a way to gain an advantage. And, taking a deep, slightly shaky breath, Brogan decided she would do the same.
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"Oy! Leave her alone! Or did you wanna fight me!" Drizzle said angrily. He walked over to the Drowzee. He looked Drizzle over.
"Hah, I wouldn't lose to you, shrimp," he said. Bri was getting sick of this. He limped away from the desk and sat down.
"Please, I'm trying to find my friend. Will you help me?" Bri said kindly. He looked at the Drowzee with pleading eyes.
"Hahaha! No, I won't help you! You human brats don't belong here!" he said. Bri returned his face to normal.
"Oh well. I suppose we'll have to look elsewhere. And I was so hoping you would be nicer than the pokemon that took their trainer, but I guess not. Nova, Drizzle, maybe we should go look in the other room while Rama and Ellie stay here and... keep Drowzee company," Bri said. It left a foul taste in his mouth to threaten the pokemon like that, but he couldn't think of what else to do. He didn't think that Skye's pokemon would follow through on that threat, but he hoped that Drowzee wouldn't have to find out. Drowzee was being unhelpful on purpose, and Bri didn't like it. He stood a moment to let the information sink in. He just hoped Drowzee didn't call his bluff.

Duster was surprised when Snype picked her up and ran with her. They reached the pokemon center in record time, with Mark right on their heels. Duster jumped off of Snype and looked around. The first thing that entered her vision was Thyme, help up in the air with glowing energy and dripping blood from the bandages on her chest. She had the most horrible expression Duster had ever seen on her face. It was a mixture of crippling fear and crushing dispair, and Duster never wanted to see anyone look like that. She seemed to be supported by a Metang, with a boy sitting on top of him. Standing opposite him and Thyme was Selene, with Ryan and Gordan. Duster looked back at Snype to see what he made of this, then ran out into the middle of the field.
"Put Thyme down you big bully!" she shouted, though she knew he wouldn't be able to understand her.

(OOC: And Drowzee goes back to you!)
"Now that's an order I can obey," Rama purred.

"You're bluffing human."

"Even if he is," Ellie hissed coolly. "We aren't. I hope you aren't stupid enough to think I won't let you off easy." She formed a Shadow Ball and held her control.

"I'd talk," Rama encouraged. "Nothing's more menacing than an Ellie with a badly injured Skye, especially when she has something to take out her rage on." Drowzee looked between them all, then sighed.

"346," he sighed in defeat.

"Thanks," Ellie told him and blasted him into the wall. It cracked the wall and he hit the ground.
Snype immediately noticed the trouble that Thyme was in. He was ready to take action... and thankfully he had just the move to use. He wanted to make use of it for awhile but never had the chance to make use of it. Snype held his claws out as his shadow extended. The shadow then made a physical form and popped out from underneath of the Metang, toppling it over. Snype quickly ran over to Thyme to get her out of the Psychic Grip. "Thyme!" Are you alright?" Snype said to her. He looked back at the Metang that was holding her in a psychic grip.

Mark quickly ran over to the trainer that was comanding the Metang and gripped him by his jacket. "Hey you! What's the deal? She's hardly in fighting condition and your going to just harm her more? What's wrong with you?!" Mark yelled angrily.


"Don't touch me you worm!" Calnith roared as he punched the boy who grabbed him in the face and then got back up. "Hmp I was helping the Snivy find her blonde haired girl but I see it's not truely worth my time," He added as he let Shinryu out of his pokeball. Colossus got back up and Calnith jumped back on his Metang.

"Man this group is filled with disgusting people and pokemon!" Calnith laughed as Cerberus jumped in front of Sel and her pokemon and used a Flamethrower attack to create a wall of flames. Colossus then grabbed Snype and Thyme and slammed them up against a wall.

"Next time you get in my way you pathetic Sableye I'll make sure you can't get up," He growled as he signaled Colossus to let them go. "Shinryu Earthquake and Colossus use hyper beam in the ceiling and get us out of here," He ordered as he returned his Houndoom. Shinryu at first hesitated as he looked around the room and felt bad but did what his trainer said and slammed the ground creating an Earthquake. Colossus then blew a hole in the ceiling of the pokemon center and began flying out after Calnith returned Shinryu.

"Chow talking Snivy I'll see you again sometime," Calnith laughed evilly. "Next time one of those freaks touch me I'll kill them," He said as he brushed off his jacket. "Head toward the school Colossus," He said smirking.


<Vincent forget the TMs let's go after Sel!> Shade cried as his trainer began running after her.

"I hope her pokemon is alright," Vince said to himself as he looked to his Zorua who was still on his shoulder. As he was running to the pokemon center he could feel the earth shake underneath him knocking him over onto his butt.

"What the hell was that?" Xack questioned as he got up. He then eyed a Metang flew out of the pokemon center not far from Vince.

<I have a bad feeling about that kid> Shade said as he looked at the pokemon center. <Vincey let's get going!> He cried as he jumped off Xack's shoulder and began running to the pokemon center.

"Wait up!" Vince called as he ran after his Zorua.
Thyme hit the ground hard. She was now bleeding profusely from the wounds she had taken in the forest. Everything started drifting to black. She could hear some people talking, but wished they would shut up.
"Heh, one heck of a place to die huh?" she muttered to no one in particular. She began coughing up blood and fell to the ground completely.

Duster was rocked by the Earthquake. She stumbled to her feet and was dazed and confused.
"What did I get hit with?" she mumbled. She shook her head and looked at Thyme and Snype. They were both on the ground, and Thyme was coughing up blood. She ran over to them.
"Hey! We need help over here! He hurt Thyme really bad! Hey!" Duster shouted.

"If you had told us the first time I asked, she wouldn't have done that. Drizzle, use Pursuit!" Bri said codly as Drowzee got back up and prepared to attack Ellie. Drizzle blasted the dark energy from his paws and knocked him out. Bri picked up Pala and began walking back to the stairs.
"I can tell you they took Skye through the ceiling again," Nova said as Bri limped his way up the stairs as fast as he could. He reached a window and saw someone flying somewhere on a Metang. Well, he wasn't headed this way, so Bri wasn't worried too much at the moment. He reached the third floor and began walking down the hall. He reached room 346 and had Drizzle bust the door down to reveal that it was...
"Empty!? He lied to us!?" Bri said angrily. This was a new one for him. He was not used to being lied to. He sat down on the bed. He was begining to fear he would never find Skye! Nova began sniffing the air.
"He was in here. Not too long ago! They must have moved him while we were fighting with Drowzee!" Nova said as he tracked the scent. Bri slowly got to his feet. He looked through the room, but all he found were old books that didn't really matter. He felt someone watching him and whirled around. He could have sworn he heard a gasp. He looked at Nova.
"Where is he?" Bri asked. Nova sniffed around.
"I can tell you! But I don't want to!" a voice said. Bri whirled around again and his leg twinged painfully. Nothing was there.
"Who's there? Will you help us?" Bri asked hopefully, and a little scared.
"I'm here! And I don't know if I want to help you," the voice said with a slight giggle.
Ellie snarled. "No I did it for kicks!" She followed Bri and sniffed the room. Again! THey kept moving him. Her nose hit something wet and slightly metallic. Her human was bleeding. Her fur fluffed up as she growled at the voice. "You will tell us," she growled. "Or so help me, I will make you regret staying here after you died."

"Should listen to her," remarked Volca's slow, easy voice as he climbed inside from the window. He had been in the Pokemon Center, having gone to get medical supplies for Skye after putting his bag back in his room. He had seen what that boy had done to Thyme but decided to keep it quiet. He didn't think it was Skye was more important but the kid here looked stressed enough. He hadn't gotten involved either. He was wounded himself and on a ceiling. But he made a note to mention the kid to Skye, as someone to watch, and if necessary, beat the heck out of. "Ellie's very persuasive when she wants to be."

"Thank God, I was going to have to hunt you," Rama muttered. Ellie nodded and Pala blinked.

Volca shrugged and glanced at Bri. "Painkiller?" He threw a bottle at him.
"Thanks!" Bri said as he caught the bottle. He pulled out his water and took two pills, the recomended dose for him. It would be a few minutes before they would work. He stashed the bottle in his bag and began putting the stuff Volca had in his bag too.
"This way you won't be weighed down in a fight. The only thing I'm good for here is using this stuff. Speaking of which, Ellie, how are your bandages doing after that fight?" Bri asked. He hadn't stopped to check them out, and he trusted her to tell him the truth.
"I don't want to help you! Your mean! Meany Meany Meany!" the voice said. A dark shape floated out of the floor in front of Ellie and laughed at her before drifting lazily, but rapidly, into a wall before any of them could do anything. The whole time keeping up her 'Meany' chant.
"Please! You have to help us! My friend is hurt!" Bri said.
"I might help you! But not her! She's a meany!" the voice said. It sounded like a little girl's voice. And she sounded like she was having a good time. Bri sat back down on the bed and she rushed out off the pillow.
"Boo!" she said with glee, and lauhged as Bri fell to the floor. She took refuge in the wall again.
"That wasn't funny!" Bri said angrily. She just laughed and resumed her chant. Bri thought about it a moment, and realized he knew this pokemon. She was a Misdreavus.
"Please Misdreavus. We need your help!" Bri said.
"Honestly," Ellie started. "Terrible, but Volca can help me. String Shot me buddy." The larvae obeyed and wrapped the wounds in warm string. Ellie turned to Misdreavus. "I hope you don't like me. And meany is a compliment thank you very much."

"You and that Snivy are very similar when you're angry." Rama snickered.

Ellie rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You, Misdreavus, help Bri then. I don't care. My human could be dying right now you understand? I kind of like him alive."

"Hey for once we all agree on something!" Volca muttered dryly, nodding at Bri.
"Meany Meany Meany! Dying?" Misdreavus said. She floated out of the ceiling upside down and looked at Ellie.
"Dying? They said he was alright," she said as she floated around Ellie, still upside down. Bri looked sadly at her.
"Whay do you think we're so desperate to find him?" Bri asked. Misdreavus looked at him, still upside down.
"We took him to a secret place! A secret room!" she said. Bri sighed. What was going on in her head?
"Can you tell us where?" Bri asked patiently. Misdreavus nodded. She began rotating in the air, but remained silent.
"Will you tell us where?" Bri tried again.
"Yeah!" she said excitedly. Bri was losing his patience.
"When are you going to tell us?" he asked.
"When you ask me!" she said, still spinning around.
"But I just did ask you! Twice!" Bri said.
"No, you asked me if I could tell you, and then if I would!" she corrected. Bri put his hand over his face and shook his head.
"Where is he!?" Bri asked loudly, startling her. She floated back and began to cry. Bri was baffled by her response.
"Um... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. But I need you to tell me where he is, ok?" Bri said soothingly. Misdreavus nodded and looked at him.
"First floor. Kitchen. There's a room in the back of the pantry. You need someone that can go through walls to open it," she said still sniffling a little. Bri reviewed his pokemon. None of the ones he had could go through walls.
"Would you open it for us?" Bri asked. She nodded and floated off. Bri got up and began to limp out the door, with Nova and Drizzle hot on his heels.

(OOC: Midreavus is another fun one to write. :3)