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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

"Snype! It'll be really fun! I promise!" Misdreavus said happily. Frost grumbled.
"Scaring people half to death is not fun! And I like pulling pranks that help me work on my stealth skills. Not jumping out at people!" Frost said angrily. Misdreavus stuck her tongue out at him.
"Chicken! Anyways, here's what we're gonna do! I'll use my Psywave to really mess with the people in the front room. Like this!" Misdreavus said. Her eyes started glowing and cabnets and draws started flapping and closing really fast. Bri looked around nervously. She was starting to creep him out. They stopped when she stopped using the move.
"Then you do a nice scary moan! I would do it myself, but I can't do that at the same time as Psywave! What do you say? It'll be really fun!" Misdreavus said. Thyme was sick of this. She grabbed Brian's Ultraball and shoved it into his hand.
"Catch her and leave her in the box to calm down!" Thyme said.
"Not if she doesn't want to be caught," Bri said fiddling with the Ultraball. Duster gave Thyme a reproachful stare.
"Come on, it's not like we'd hurt anyone!" Misdreavus said.
"Hah, yeah right. Humans are too easy to scare!" Frost said.
"Shut up! My trick will cause less harm than what you've got set up Mr. Bucket-of-goo-over-the-door!" Misdreavus said.
"Hey, that stuff washes out!"Froat said with a sly grin. Bri found himself tuning out the conversation. Normally, he would not be pleased with the current discusion. But his head was spinning, and he was very tired. He closed the book and leaned back to rest his head.
Skye awoke groggily and instantly hated it. They had sedated him. That always made him wake up slowly and unaware of his surroundings. He was going to murder the nurse who had done that to him and enjoy it greatly. Wait... nurse? Oh. Skye vaguely remembered floating in and out of consciousness outside of the Dorm. His last conscious moment? Probably about the time that Haunter appeared and messed with his head. He honestly didn't want to think about it; it brought up memories that were flat-out depressing. Skye hated being depressed or for that matter, any extreme emotion other than curious or relaxed. They brought out bad decisions, which was probably why he was likely under the itchy stitches of a hospital bed.

He let out a soft groan and heard a distinctly female scoff. Oh great... please let me be hallucinating. Skye opened his eyes to see a young nurse standing by his bed, observing him coolly. "Congrats Flyboy," she snapped. "You've officially ruined my day again. Can't you be left by yourself for a day without ending up in my sights in a hospital bed?" The woman was pretty, like a typical redhead maximizing puberty' wealth, god Skye knew that all too well, and was dressed as modestly as everyone else who worked here, but right now she was giving him an ugly look like he had killed her cat. Skye always got those looks from Leanne, even though she was at least five years older than him.

"Whuh-hy are yuh-you here?" he asked her. "I thuh-though you weh-ere at med-medical school."

"I was," she replied. "Until your brother begged me to intern here instead of Indigo. Now I know why. What is wrong with you Flyboy; are you trying to kill me early?"

"Ih-hit's not luh-like I wuh-wanted to do thuh-hat!" he protested quietly. "The guh-guh-ghosts duh-don't ah-ah-act like that nuh-hormally."

"In case you haven't figured it out yet, stupid, this place probably isn't!" she told him irritably. "I've only been here a couple of days yet I've had so many patients it's ridiculous, even for a Pokemon Trainer's School! I thought your mother would have told you to be careful!" She snorted. "Wait you wouldn't listen. God I'm glad I left Nacrene when I did, I would have killed you otherwise."

"Whuh-hat's stopping you nuh-now?"

"A paycheck," she retorted coolly as she reopened his door. Pala squirmed from next to him as he sat up. LEanne stepped back as Ellie literally flew onto bed, nearly smacking Skye in the chest. He coughed. The woman calmly lifted Ellie away from his body as Rama and Volca made their way over, both calmer. "Okay, no affectionate tackles, kitty," Leanne told Ellie coolly, ignoring the glare. "His ribs are bruised, and your leg is pretty bad. Also, be careful with your left arm. And don't talk for a while, you've aggravated your throat again. I know you can't tell unless it's really a pain. Just passing it on. In a couple hours I'll be back. By then, you should be getting about three phone calls if I know this right." She left.

Ellie purred and hummed, looking relieved. Then she paused. "We should go thank Bri. HE got cut up and a concussion." Skye's eyes widened and he looked guilty.

"No guilt trip," Rama told him. "He dove in the window wrong and wasn't watching his surroundings well enough. I know you're upset about having troubled your friends at all but don't be. He'll be fine, better than you anyway. You got torn up and that Curse drained you pretty bad So sit back and Ellie will go talk to them."

"Me?" Ellie cried.

"Well, Pala can't," Rama pointed out. "And you're the only who asked so go!" Ellie sighed and left the bed. She did not want to leave the others right now but Rama was right, somehow. She went into Bri's room, tilting her head curiosly at the argument.

Snype listened to Misdreavus' plan and loved the idea! Scaring people half to death was indeed fun. Snype used to do it alot back in Celedon. "Kehehe... As fun as that sounds, I dunno if a Pokemon Center is the right place to do it. After all, Alot of trainers are probobly worried for their Pokemon at the moment. No need to give them heart attacks." Snype paused and put his arm around Misdreavus, giving off a mischievous smirk. "Kehehe... I do know a better place to do it though...hehehe.." Snype said. His eyes glowing with excitement... literally. "Theres a... certain someone in this school that could use some..."waking up"... and I think a good scare would the trick. He's a pretty important person. Interested?" Snype said looking at Misdreavus with a large smile.
(OOC: I will not be held accountable for the actions of Snype and Misdreavus. :P)

"Yeah! Who is this guy?" Misdreavus said happily. Frost shook his head at the two.
"Morons," he said. He glanced again at Ellie.
"Well, if you're gonna just stand there, come on in. Get a load of this guy. What do you think of his new look?" Frost said to the Eevee gesturing at Drizzle and the crazy mustache and beard Frost had given him out of boredom, and a little spite for getting thrown through a cabnet door. Bri snored lightly. Thyme glanced at him before her eyes zeroed in on Ellie.
"You! What do you have to say for yourself!? How dare you talk to MY human like that!?" She said angrily.
"Calm down Thyme. It probably doesn't even bother him," Duster said soothingly.
"It bothers me!" she said resolutely.
"Thyme!" Duster said jumping up on the bed.
"Fine, I'll calm down. Only because it hurts to be angry right now," Thyme said giving in. As soon as she was better she was going to teach that little rat a lesson.
Ellie shook her head at Frost and sighed at Thyme's words. "Fine I won't thank him for helping Skye, yeesh," she muttered. "And I apologize for being rude, but... it calmed him down didn't it? Not all criticism has to sound nice ya know? Honestly, I think you are more prickly than I am."

"Shut up Ellie," Rama commented as he walked in. "Seriously, don't even try that stunt. And Thyme, before you ponder homicidal thoughts over my teammate, remember she could very easily kick your butt without type advantage because of your hot temper. Ellie stop picking fights."

"Why, you get to do it all the time," she shot back with a snort.

"I'm supposed to do that," he told her, pawing up to Frost. "Word of advice: don't go into the make up business or become an artist. That is some ugly work." Ellie rolled her eyes.
Grinning at Valorie, Selene nodded, ready to go and get her training on. Bidding farewell to Mark once more, Sel turned and walked in the direction of the Icy Plains, pulling her jacket on as she went. She was wearing jeans, boots and her coat, so she figured she was adequately dressed...and she could always have Gordon warm her up with his breath if she got too cold...but either way, that wasn't even the point. They needed to train - ALL of them - so the movement would surely keep her warm.

"This...I'm oddly looking forward to this," said Selene brightly as she zipped her coat up, stuffing her hands in the pockets as they strode along, her hair falling around her ears almost as natural ear muffs. "It will be good to just train for a while without distractions...without having to think about anything else..." she was saying this more to herself than anybody, but obviously she was talking to Valorie too - if anything, she was hoping that Valorie would use her response to reassure her that what she was doing was right, and she wasn't a bit mental. But then, Valorie didn't seem to pick up implied hints very well, so hopefully she wouldn't sense the slight vein of anxiety in Selene's voice.

Finally arriving at the Icy Plains, Selene gestured for Ri, Ryan, Gordon and Blu to line up in front of her, releasing Sharpay and Cat to join them. Standing in front of them, she shrugged off her coat - being at the edge of the Plains, it wasn't too cold here - and removed her boots, replacing them with a pair of sneakers that she had in her bag. Sel instructed her Pokemon to follow her as she stretched her muscles, working from the head down until she was knelt sitting on her heels, stretching out even the soles of her feet.

"Guys...I've been thinking, and we're going to be doing some Capoeira today. It will help the overall fluidity of your movement and flexibility, which if everything goes to plan, should help your agility," Ri and Ryan looked excitedly at each other - Selene used to always begin training sessions in the Sevii Islands with Capoeira - she'd been studying the martial art - dance hybrid since being a young girl, it was a tradition practically on her island, she'd been taught by her own Grandfather, then even her Mother! She looked over at Valorie with a smile, "Feel free to join in! I don't know if you've done Capoeira before but it's really useful..."

"This is the basic Ginga movement," she instructed, moving from side to side crouched low. She knew Capoeira inside and out, it being the popular form of Martial Art for the Sevii Islands. Moving around her Pokemon, she corrected Ryan and Gordon's stances and instructed Sharpay to follow the movements with her wings and tail, Blu to follow the movements in the air and for Cat to move whilst levitating. As they progressed through the instruction, leaning various Au's, the Negativa, the Troca and defensive Esquiva moves, Selene sat down and watched her Pokemon practice, taking a deep drink of water and catching her breath.

Ryan and Ri, of course Ri, were absolute naturals – Ryan's natural agility helped his fluidity of movement, and Ri was just perfect in every single stance. Gordon, being the least experienced of the group, had a good fluidity that he was working on, but Selene had to re-correct a couple of his stances during the Au rounds. Sharpay was stuggling somewhat, and Selene assumed that she needed to build up the strength in her wings to be able to move, and wondered if she would find it easier in the water...tomorrow they would practice at the beach, the sand providing extra resistence for them all and water for Sharpay. Blu and Cat were excelling in the air – of course Blu with his amazing flight skills, and Cat who had struggled to maintain her levitation previously, had succeeded in passing from Au to Esquiva moves seamlessly without losing balance or height in the air.
Snype looked over to Frost and gave off a large smile. ¨Kehehe... aw comon Frost! Its in my blood! I cant resist an opprotunity to give a good scare to someone!¨ Snype said cheerfully. He turned his head toward Misdreavus who his arm was still around. ¨Your gonna love this... This is gonna be big! We could go give the principle himself a scare. Sneak into his office and everything. Like you said, it'll be fun!¨ Snype said cheerfully, pulling Misdreavus closer to his side. ¨Whaddaya say? Interested in giving the big cheese himself the scare of a lifetime?¨

Selene looked dedicated for some hardcore training... Mark wanted to become an efficient battler himself but was more focused on classes. After all, Snype liked all of the company. That and Mark had quite alot of friends around the school. Valorie was going with Selene as well it seemed.

"Well Val, I hope you and Sel have fun out there. Just be careful on your Journey eh?" Mark said giving off a smile to Valorie. "I'd like a rematch when you get back. Next time I promise it'll be different. I'll be doing some training of my own in the academy.¨
"Hmph, I don't have a hot temper. It's very cold, trust me. And she would not beat me again! And Ellie, before you start to criticise someone, make sure it's warranted," Thyme said. But she did calm down when Ellie said she was sorry. She lay back down and rested a little. Frost gave Rama a grin.
"Of course it's bad! I did that on purpose after what that little punk did!" Frost said. He hoped on the ground and walked over to Snype and Misdreavus.
"You two are nuts!" Frost said. He could get into it though. Sacring people wasn't really his thing, but the man needed to keep this place safe. Maybe if he thought he was in danger he'd make things a little better for the students. Though he figured most of them would hate it. But at least no one else would get hurt for no reason.
"I want to do it! It sounds really fun!" Misdreavus said happily.

(OOC: I'm going to have Bri catch her soon, but no real chance has come yet.)
"haha! Great!" Snype said happily as he let go of Misdreavus and jumped for joy. "All we need to do is think of a clever approach... any ideas miss? Your the expert here." Snype said to her giving off his large smile. He was growing to really like Misdreavus' playful personality. It was something he could really get used to easily. Scaring the principle seemed like it would really make him pay attention.
"He could have been hurt worse that way, being consumed by fear like that," Ellie countered softly. "And then where would he be? A person needs courage to fight accepting your fear. Besides, at least I said it and not someone else, someone aiming to actually hurt him." she pawed at Rama, who snorted and knocked her over.

"Your drawing skills suck though!" Rama mocked playfully.
"I get that. But still. Oh well, Duster's probably right. He probably won't even think about it," Thyme mumbled. She was tired of this conversation. She was just tired in general. She leaned her head back and looked at the ceiling. Bouncy had finally stopped pestering her and fallen asleep. It was about time. She gazed back at the two ghosts and Duster sitting near the door.

"I don't know. I'm the one that thought of it. You have to think of how to do it!" Misdreavus said happily. Scaring the principle would be so awesome! Then she had a really wicked idea.
"Hey, there's a thing that makes it so you can hear him talking all over the school! What if we turn it on first?" she said with a fiendish smile on her face. She hoped he knew what she was talking about. That would be really awesome!

Frost smirked at Rama.
"Buddy, don't go to sleep around me," he said with a grin as he brandished his marker at the Zorua. He was only kidding. He wasn't going to do anything. Well, maybe not. Rama hadn't made him mad, yet.
Rama shrugged. "Good luck with that." Ellie nudged him and he waved a paw at the group before Ellie dragged him out by his tail. "Mother hen," he scolded playfully, ignoring tue laughter of being dragged by his rear. It almost hurt but it didn't. Ellie released him to walk over and plop next to Pala, who was playing with a small pile of snow. Volca carried in Skye's backpack, confirming it's safety. Rama sighed. Would have been a pain to explain that.

"Halt!" Calnith said with a firm voice which made his pokemon stop growling and retreated back to their trainer. The red haired trainer grinned as he watched Jack walk by. He smiled even bigger when he noticed the Charmeleon he had beaten earlier was growling at his pokemon.

"Jack makes a point though going in deeper into the cave will give us a chance to fight stronger pokemon which would be fun," Calnith said still smiling. His pokemon then started running deeper in the cave past Jack all hoping to fight stronger pokemon. "Shall we go?" He suggested with a friendly smile.


Vince smiled and blushed when Sel hugged him and made sure he would come back fine. He headed back to his room and put on a pair of black boots, gloves and winter coat. He then headed to the Icy Plains with Blitz walking next to him and Shade on his shoulder.

"Hey you kid right there let's fight!" A voice shouted at Vince as he ran up to him. It was a skinny kid with blonde hair with a Growlithe running next to him. Vince let out a small sigh he didn't want to fight but it still would be good training.

<Yay!> Shade cried which shocked the boy he'd never seen a talking pokemon. <I want to fight Vincent I want to fight!> The dark pokemon said enthusiastically. He then jumped of his trainer's shoulder and then smiled and waved to the Growlithe.

"Alright let's have a six on six battle!" The boy exclaimed as he gestured for Vince to follow him to a battlefield.

"Alright fine," Xack said as he and Blitz followed Shade and the boy. "Let's go," Luna said sounding a tad depressed.
Snype's eyes glimmered once more. Not only could they scare the principle, they could scare the whole school! This was too good! Even if he ended up getting in trouble for it, the whole thing would be worth it! Oh the anticipation! Misdreavus was amazing with these ideas! He loved it! "Hahaha! Not only the principle, but the whole school will get scared by us with the intercom! We're gonna make history!" Snype said excitedly. "That... what was his name... Professor Gary Oak? Kehe. He's going to have such a scare!" Snype said happily.

"Kehehe! Everyone will go off spreading rumors like....
"The school is haunted!" Or, "There's ghosts in the school!" Or something! Ohhh this is going to be great!"
(OOC: I wonder if Snype knows how to work a PA system.)

"Later guys! Come back any time! We'll probably be stuck here for a while!" Duster said happily. She turned back to the ghosts and frowned at them.
"Come on you guys. That wouldn't be funny," Duster said.
"If either of you scare Brian, I'm going to kill you myself! He's been through enough!" Thyme said, her voice deadly.
"Oh, you guys are so boring! And you're a meany Thyme! Meany Meany Meany!" Misdreavus said. She floated up to the roof and began circling Thyme with her Meany chant.
"That's right! And I'm proud of it!" Thyme snarled. She coughed a little and lay back. She kept forgetting that it hurt to get angry.
Snype jumped up onto the bed between Duster and Thyme. "Aw comon, Just warn Bri beforehand and hopefully it won't be too much of a scare! If anything, It'll get the Principle's attention to the stuff that has been happening recently! It'll be funny, AND be for a good cause!" Snype said. "Aw you'll see! The whole school we'll know our names! We're gonna be legends!" He said standing up on his feet and holding his fist up to the sky.
Misdreavus floated out of the bed under Snype, lifting him into the air. Duster couldn't help but laugh at their little pose they had going.
"Someone will need to warn Skye. I don't know how he'd react to it, but getting a fright like that can't be good for you when you're hurt," Duster said with a laugh.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Misdreavus said happily, slowly whirling around, causing Duster to laugh even harder. Thyme didn't think it was that funny. She lay back in Brian's arms and rested there peacefully. She didn't care what they did, but if it hurt or scared Brian, she'd be out for blood.
Snype looked down at his feet as Misdreavus was lifting him up from below the bed. He simply let off a small chuckle. She seemed as excited as Snype was. When She began whirling around Duster, he lost balance and fell down to the floor on his feet. Duster was having a good laugh at both of their behavior. "I should probably tell Mark about what we're doing before we head up to the office. Don't want him to take the blame for anything he didn't do." Snype said. He hopped onto the bed and poked Duster's belly. "Aw we'll warn Skye on the way. We aren't aiming to hurt anyone! It's a harmless prank, and a fun one too! Too bad you guys don't wanna come. Though I guess you all want to keep an eye on Bri anyways so I won't hold it against you" Snype said, laying on his back, arms crossed behind his head. He looked up at Misdreavus who was floating above them. "Ready to go when you are miss! Oh... um... just wondering if you perfer another nickname. Miss was all I could really come up with." Snype asked politely.
"Oh um... Back before I died and became this I was called Leena!" Misdreavus said as she floated around. She floated near the ground and bobbed back up into a graceful backflip.
"Leena? Isn't that a human's name?" Thyme asked. Leena simply spun around happily.
"Hey! Pay attention when I'm talking to you!" Thyme said angrily.
"Yeah. I was a human before. That's how I can talk like this!" Leena said in the human language. Thyme shook her head. Humans couldn't become pokemon. That was crazy.
"Let's go Snype! This is gonna be really fun!" Leena said impatiently, waiting on him. Thyme was still puzzled. Why did she have a human name? What the the signifigance of it? And why the heck did she keep hanging around here? Wouldn't she be happier at the Lugia dorm?
"W-w-w-w-what?! You were a human?!" Snype said suprised. That was the last thing he expected to hear. So many questions went through his head... though if he asked them all, they would never get to the Principles office. He could ask her along the way... Snype was fairly interested in Leena.

Alrighty then! Let's go!" Snype said happily as he dashed out the door. Along the way he stopped by Skye's room and peeked into the room. "Hey guys! Goin off to give the Principle a scare! Warn Skye beforehand because we're gonna haunt the whole school! Kehehe..." Snype said happily. He headed on out the doors and waited for Misdreavus to follow, giving off his usual Large Smile as he always did when he was excited.