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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Mark continued to brainstorm this entire dream scene. The more they thought it up, the more excited he got. This all sounded almost too good to be true but this could win any girls heart for sure! Mark just needed to say the words to Valorie... and make a good long lasting impression on her when the day finally came. They just needed the perfect location. More of Bri's Pokemon were popping out and talking with Brian possibly making suggestions.

"Should I dress all fancy? I'd like to look good for her but I'm not sure where to start with that. Haha..." Mark said bashfully. He glanced over to where all of the students were gathered. It looked like the situation was under control but Mark was still sort of tempted to at least give it a look. There's been alot of strange happenings in the academy as of late...

Snype quickly remembered Leena. They pranked the whole school before after all! Heck helped with that huge halloween prank involving Gary Oak's ship! Snype was surprised they were never caught for that. Snype grinned back at her.

"Hey Leena! Never got to thank you for that Halloween prank! It was a complete success! They don't even know that we did it!" Snype snickered.

Len nodded as well. A spot outside would do nicely. They were both acting strangely with each other and Len wasn't even sure if this was natural behavior for them... Len lead Diana right outside of the Cafeteria and sat down. He was unsure of where to begin...

"Um... are you... feeling ok? You've been acting strange lately... though... I guess I've been acting kind of strange myself... sorry about that." Len said, scratching at his back a bit nervously.

Able giggled at Tyro and backed her face away from his. She finally got off of Tyro and sat beside him and nudged him lightly.
Shawn thought about Andy's question. "I think its nearby the other dorms. Whether its boarded up or not, I don't know. Either way, I'll find a way to get inside." Shawn finished his food, seeming more confident than before. An abandoned dorm...ghosts floating around...sounded like a lot of fun to him.

Fortunately, Zapper was still at full-strength. If he had to battle a pokemon there, at least electricity would be very effective. He looked go Kiki, remembering their battle. Shawn started blushing and looked away, trying to change his thoughts.

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Valorie Ryder - Infirmary
Valorie stopped when Drake asked her where she was going to. As a teacher, she owed it to him to listen. Or at least, that was how she saw it. She seemed slightly shaken up from the entire ordeal, but was otherwise standing pretty well... Valorie hesitated to answer. Kilik asked them to go on without him and Valorie resisted the urge to take the moment to challenge him to a battle. There was a time and place for everything, but not now. She glanced at Mana and her expression became slightly concerned. "Well--I wanted to go to the dinner and get some food..." she said in an ever so slightly meek tone, her gaze turning back on Drake. "I'll be fine..!" she claimed, cupping her hands lightly behind her and smiling awkwardly at the group. "You guys don't want to stay /here/, do you?..." she asked. At first she was baffled, but then it occurred to her. Would they have really stayed there just to keep her company?

...That was a really sweet thought.

She was admittedly also still a bit confused and interested in Mana. She didn't know what to think there, as Mana hadn't confirmed Kilik's suspicion.

Brian's head was spinning and Thyme could tell by his expression he was getting flustered. She scowled at Lucia and grabbed the girl in her vines, just to get her attention.

"Hey! Quit it, you're asking Brian to do too much! Forget even asking, you're telling him! He's not your servant you brat!" she said in an annoyed voice, letting her go. She crossed her arms. If Brian wasn't going to stick up for himself then she was. She could tell from Drizzle's and Leena's expressions that they were on her side.

"Thyme... It's ok, I really don't mind it..." Brian said after staring at the snivy for a little while. He blin ked and turned back towards the commotion by the door but ultimately decided to stay where he was. That kid had enough help as it was.


Kiki grinned. Finding the dorm was no problem! It had to be near the other two right? Of course it did! She smiled happily and looked at Andy and Shawn, seeing Shawn had a distant, far away look.

"Shawn you ok?" she asked with a happy smile when she caught his expression, ever curious. She put her fork down and rested her hand genltly on th table near his, smiling.


Drake nodded slowly. She did look a lot better. Maybe it was time to get out of here. He glanced at the others catching their expressions and held in a sigh.

"Alright, let's go get some food. Kiyoko you should stick close to your trainer, Mana, Killik, if you guys have no other plans then I guess you can come too." he said. He just wouldn't feel right making them be alone for Thanksgiving. This was a time for family and togetherness. Ok, Valorie might not like them tagging along, but really, he just couldn't leave anyone out like that if they had no alternative.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Academy Cafeteria​

As the vines whipped out to Lucia several different things happened. First off there were what seemed to be a white and red blur in the room. Second, the Snivy would see she hadn't entangled Lucia, rather Roberto. Third, there was an angry Scizor pointing a pincer with a Hyber Beam armed and ready point blank right at her face and that there was the other pincer locked tightly around her throat. Fourth, and finally, there was an equally tensed up Absol right behind her with his Flamethrower all ready ready to go in his mouth and the flames were just lightly brushing against the back of the Snivy's head.

Roberto narrowed his eyes, "You dare to attack my charge like that again... I don't care who you are. I will decapitate you with this Hyper Beam right now." He said as he squeezed her throat for emphasis. "I have a tight enough grip and force of the blast alone will knock your head clean off." He hissed angrily.

Samuel was next to speak, "And your body will be turned to ash with all of these flames in my mouth. Understand that plant?" He hissed, his calm and relaxed nature far gone now. "Lower you vines or you die here and now, that I will guarantee." His eyes turned to the boy as he kept his mouth right on the grass types head, "Boy. If you have a problem, say it! Lucia has no idea what this suicidal plant just said! Say no for one in your go****n life! Your pokemon can't speak for you all the time!" He snapped.

Lucia frowned at Brian as she saw what took place. "Brian, is this too much? You have to tell me if it is! I don't know what you are capable of, we just met! At least do me a favor and say no if you can't do it!" She brushed back her hair. "Alright, mountains will be out for now. Hm... Mark. What else does Valorie love? What will make her come no matter what it is? We have to throw dragons out definitely unless someone around the school will lend us a dragon for a short time. We need something that will sway her off her feet and give the right impression! And yes, you should dress up. Nothing too fancy, but this is something you consider important right? If you want to show her you really care about this then wear something nice. Like I said, not too formal but something that shows you are willing to be a bit more formal than usual."

Tyro had quickly stood up and formed his hands into fists as the Snivy had attacked, but he still stood tense there, not really responding to Able's nudges as his readied his own flames in his mouth.

Diana blinked at Len and glanced down, "Yes, I mean... I think I am. I guess, I haven't really talked to other pokemon before and it's refreshing you know?" She heard the voices outside and frowned, but didn't say anything.

Brian frowned, looking very angry right now. Thyme humphed and blasted a Leaf Tornado, showing that she was not in fact as weak as Lucia's pokemon had assumed, opening Roberto's claw and dropping to the ground. Drizzle stepped in front of Samuel and smirked a bit, as Leena laughed, floating around Thyme.

"Mwehehe, Thyme's mad now!~" she laughed merrily, as if she found the situation funny, but she would back up Brian's other pokemon without hesitation. But Thyme was indeed furious.

"Ssso... You think I mean to attack sssome defssslesssss human brat? Ssstupid bug. I protect my trainer like you protect yoursss..." she hissed furiously.

"Alright, calm down here people... No one is going to fight right now." Drizzle said calmly. "Thyme meant no harm, but you guys gotta relax. Ok?" Drizzle added. Brian crossed his arms.

"Thyme, Drizzle, Leena, return..." he said, calling them back to the pokeballs. Thyme gave him an annoyed look but let him return her, knowing she would say something else or do something else to cause a fight in the mood she was in. Brian closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry, but this is too much, I can't help you at all..." he said, not adding that he wasn't going to help mainly because of the pokemon's extremely over the top reaction to Thyme standing up for him. After all, they would have done the same thing she had, he could tell. With that he turned on his heels and limped away from them both.
"Thyme wait!" Snype said as she was about to use her vines. He knew that was going to lead to trouble and boy it did! Everyone in Lucia's party had their guns aimed at Thyme. Snype simply held his hands up with an apologetic look on his face. Oh Thyme...

"Woah woah woah! Calm down a sec! She didn't know! Let her go! She's had a long enough day as is!" Snype snapped. Though it was too late. Thyme was attacking and was extremely angry now. Darn it all..

Mark was surprised at how things went as well! Cripes everybody had it in for Thyme all of a sudden! Whatever she said, they sure didn't appreciate it! They were very reliable body guards that's for sure. Mark wasn't sure how he was going to step in. He wouldn't dare mess with a Pokemon and all. Snype had it handled and if he had to, he'd battle out of this mess. Mark was thinking of what else would impress Valorie. He wasn't sure what else she truly loved... he pretty much stated everything.

"...well she's competitive and loves battles. But after last time I don't think I want to get into one of those. I'm not rea-" Mark was interrupted quickly. Thyme was already fighting back and this was going to lead to alot of Drama. Mark wasn't really sure how to react to the situaition yet.

Able just sat there as Tyro had her eye on Thyme. She was honestly surprised at how quickly he reacted. He acted like a little kid toward her but as soon as Lucia was threatened he suddenly got alot more serious!

Len nodded to Diana. "Y-yeah! That makes sense. I mean... I was kinda like that too when I started talking with someone... haha... that probably could be it..." Len looked at Diana, but glanced away for a moment blushing. Was Len in love? He honestly wasn't sure what, or if Diana felt the same. This was a weird crush for Len's species to have...
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Shawn blushed a little more, hearing Kiki's question. Did she know? He tried to hide it, but its tough when your face tints itself to look like a radish. He looked down to his plate, calming himself down.

Seeing her hand close to his (almost as though she was testing him), he looked back up to her. Their eyes locking together, he simply smiled and put his hand on top of hers, squeezing it gently. "I'm ok," he said simply before retreating his hand and quickly grabbing his water, his throat suddenly dry. Taking a big drink, he looked at the others. "I'm gonna head outside. I gotta get some air."

With that revelation, Shawn stood up and headed for the door. His head was swimming, though whether it was from what he did or from the crowd of people, he didn't know.

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
James "Jay" Rybak
I took two, deep breaths to calm the rapid pulsing of my heart while I closed my eyes in the comfort of the scenery. The sunlight of the sinking sun felt warm on my face like the warmth of a mother hen. The breeze was nimble on my skin. The scent of fresh seawater and a hint of wildflowers were still in the air similar to previously at the cove.

"That was some pretty amazing running Jay!"

Evie's voice could be heard along with exhausted breaths. I snapped out of my daydream, and I cracked open an eyelid to see a worn-out Evie.

"Where'd you learn to run like that?" the tired girl queried.

I am fast, but I've never expected people to think I was just that fast. I never made it to the regional track meets. I was too slow to qualify for the regional track meets. The only team member in my track team who used to usually make it to the regional track meets was David. I was amazed by how some people think I am truly fast.

I smiled, "Thank you Evie. I've never thought of myself as that fast. I may be able to run fast on my track team, but I never made it to the regional track meets," a pang of envy wormed into my mind as I tried to keep my smile consistent, "Try imagining people running faster than me. There are many people in the world who are faster than I am. I guess I am able to run swiftly since I used to practice at my track team to build up strength in my legs. But, I owe it to my coach, my team, and my friends for helping me become a sprinter. "'

Evie chattered with Wyatt as Orange arrived at the boardwalk; Orange asking, "So, does anyone know the way back to the academy? Because I know I'm gonna get lost."

"I think I speak for all of us when I say Jay has the speed of a superhuman, "said Wyatt before answering Orange's inquiry, "We're about halfway there. It's not much further so I guess we could walk it."

Once again, Wyatt threw his Pokéball up high before catching the ball. I held out my two index fingers to Nalafari and Samuel to perch upon me with Emil. The Starly gazed at me with dullish-looking eyes filled with boredom, most likely wanting some action. The Pidgey and the Swablu were waiting patiently on my shoulders. I just stood on the boardwalk, waiting for someone to do something.
Jimmy Vincent

The rebellious-looking teenager was sitting in the lobby, holding a can of soda pop while humming a rockabilly tune. His Houndoom was inside his Pokéball, and the girl he was holding was being taken care of by a doctor or nurse, so the eyes were no longer on him. So there he was, relaxing and taking sips of his beverage. All of a sudden, somebody approached him.

"Your friends awake and free to leave once she drinks some water. She had a bad case dehydration. So I suggest you keep an eye on her to make sure she drinks enough. She's in room 193" the woman said.

Jimmy replied with a nod, as a way of saying he got that. He finished what was left of the soda pop in the can and got a move on to room 193. On the way, he saw a rubbish bin, so he crushed the can he was holding and threw it away there. Following the signs, the rebellious-looking boy found the room that the woman had mentioned before. The door seemed to be already open, so he got inside the room. He saw his friend lying there in bed, and seemed to be recovering.

"Hey." he said, "Some doc just said you were, like, dehydrated."

Alice Crenshaw

Wow! A battle? It had been a while since Alice's last battle. She remembered her first battle, against a boy with a Quilava, who wiped the floor mercilessly with her. She recalled how she had to rush in the middle of the battlefield to stop Jello from getting more harmed. Alice looked at Whitney. Well, she looked less fierce than the other kid, and besides, it was a training session, right? Nothing to worry about!

"Um, sure, Whitney, a battle would be nice."

She swallowed some saliva, glancing at Jello, who looked excited about the battle for some reason.

"But, um, I'm not very good at it, so please, d-don't go too hard on me..." she added, shuddering at the thought of her first battle. She was starting to get nervous...again.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Mana Murasaki
The Espeon girl
At the Infirmary

*image removed**image removed*​

Mana doubted for a second when Drake asked her and Kilik to along with him and Valorie to the thanksgiving dinner. The whole school will be there. If she made ONE wrong movement the thing Drake was afraid for would happen. But she didn't want to be alone for thanksgiving again…

Mana was thinking about the possibilities that could happen. After awhile she got an idea and trew a Pokéball yp in the air. Out of it came Fox, her Glaceon. "I'm coming… but i'll have Fox in case I get into my… "kitty" mode…" Mana felt a little bit ashamed for it. She turned to Fox and bent down to his length. "Please use Ice Fang on me if I get into kitty mode." Mana commanded him. He was a little confused, did these people know about her secret? Fox glanced at the other trainers, then nodded at her.

Mana gently patted his head and whispered a soft "Thank you". Mana turned to Kilik after she stood up and smiled at him. "I hope you're coming as well, you shouldn't be alone at thanksgiving." Mana said.

Kayla Makihatayama and Holly Amarosa

Kayla smiled. She held onto Holly's hand and ran faster. Holly frowned. "It's getting dark, Kayla... Are you sure that we won't get lost?" she whispered. Kayla giggled and petted Primrose. The mouse pokemon squeaked and held onto Kayla's head. Kayla smiled and looked down at Holly. "We won't get lost! Not as long as we have Lucas as our guide! He did help us get out of that creepy forest, so he's good for something!" she said happily. Holly sighed and petted Molly on her snout. "But Amy's probably waiting for us by now... And you'll finally get the chance to apologize to your brother for whatever prank you pulled on him," she whispered. Kayla frowned and stopped running. She looked down at the ground. "He's not going to forgive me, and I don't want him to anyway."

Academy Infirmary

Chapter Two: Part Six
Cries for Attention

... Huh. People really didn't seem to respond to Kiyoko. How rude. For some reason, though, he felt something of respect for the guy. Valorie seemed to hold him to high respect, and that couldn't be for no reason, right? Anyways, he suggested that Kiyoko stay near his trainer... Trainer? That sounded funny. She really wasn't here to train him, was she? That's what R men did! They were turning him into an evil weapon! Valorie wouldn't let that happen, would she? She was... Well, his guardian! She was here to protect him... Right...?

This thought didn't sit well with Kiyoko. Nonetheless, he found himself seeking some sort of comfort from her. If she pays any attention, she may notice an increase in clingy motions and gestures, and probably longing gaes with questions unanswered. He took a rather unrealistic-looking leap from the edge of the infirmary bed to land and hang onto Valorie's back, wrapping his tiny hands around her neck to keep him held up. Someone needs a carrying case!



Chapter One: Part Nine
An (Un)Safe Arrival!

"Easy? Ha!" Whitney grinned; not menacingly, but more excitedly. "Easy's not in my dictionary!! Give it your all, and I'll give it mine! I havn't used Pidge for battle before, especially not since her recovery, but I think she's ready to battle, right Pidge?" A might war cry chirped from the Pidgeotto, who glided down onto the ground and stamped her talons on the ground, as if to intimidate the Solosis. "Ready? Your move first!"

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Evie giggled as Wyatt compared Jay's running to that of a superhuman before she nodded to Orange. "Don't worry, I think I know the way " she grinned, nodding to him before turning on her heel and beginning down the wooden panelled path which lead back to the academy.

The in the gloom of the eve, where blood orange bled into the sky, the lights in the distance began to light themselves, giving off soft tones of yellow which pooled around in them in a golden aura lightening up the path which lead back to the dorms.

Leka now trotted at his master's side as they strode back towards their home for the evening. The prospect of food was a promising thought as they drew closer and as the distance closed, passing through the forest of spiky sand grass, the smell of cooked food greeted the keen Pokémon's nose. The heavy delicious scent slipping into his lungs as warm as honey.

Tweaking his ears in reaction, he glanced up his trainer with kind eyes, wagging his tail slightly, before trotting out in front, to lead the silver haired girl to the source.

As time trickled by, path under food soon changed to the gravel grey surface of tarmacked pavement. A welcome changed from the uneven, rickety wooden boards which had made Evie now and then stumble. Here the shy girl glanced over her shoulder to check if the others were following. Tucking back a stray curl behind her one ear as she did so. The buildings here, at this point on their trip back, loomed up on the not so distant horizon and so, when sure the boys were following Evie turned back and continued her trip back.

Her feet almost itched to go on her skateboard which was tucked into the straps of her bag, but the shy part of her won over the eagerness to play. She hated skating in front of people. It wasn;t that she was bad, if anything she was pretty good but she hated people watching her doing anything, even draw.
Regardless of this however, the girl soon found herself at the entrance to the cafeteria. People trickling in and out of it's open doors which emitted a warm promising glow. The sound of chatter drifted out in a gentle hum, every now and then laughter spiking the levels with mirth.

"See, told you I knew the way." She grinned, glancing over her shoulder at the guys. "so who is hungry then?"
Lucas McGuire - Forest Exit

Lucas turns around to notice Kayla looking at the ground. Lucas puts Aipom on Heracross's horn and walks over to the girls. "Is everything okay girls?" he notices that it has gotten quite dark, but with their efforts all day they are finally at the foot of the mountain before the volcano. He walks over to Aipom and takes out a sitrus berry that was in his bag. He snaps it half and gives half to each of his Pokemon. Aipom springs off of Heracross and begins bouncing on it's tail. He continues bouncing towards Kayla and stops in front of her. With it's tail it begins tickling Kayla in order to cheer her up. Lucas shyly smiles to await Kayla's reaction.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Academy Cafeteria​

Both Sameul and Roberto grunted as they were pushed back a bit and the Snivy hissed at them. Sameul narrowed his eyes at the plant, "Yes, not attack her when clearly you were throwing your vines out to entangle her you idiot!" He snapped at her, the flames still licking around his mouth. As Snype came in though Roberto glared more intently at him, "You all, stay back now!" He snapped. Samuel eyed the Buizel as he talked and slowly pulled away his flames. "Fine. But threats will not be taken lightly!"

As the three were recalled out and Brian walked out Lucia groaned and stomped her foot angrily. "That just went sour." She muttered. "Okay, apparently something went down, but still..." She shook her head. "Fine. We'll go without him. Okay, we go with simple plan. Find a nice room, sit you two down and get a good dinner going. Afternoons are always romantic so maybe lunch instead." She began to pace. "We probably can't ask anyone else though so to make this work we'll need a very good plan. Extremely tight nit." She said with a nod.

Roberto watched the trainer walk out and muttered to himself. "B***h Snivy." He then leaned back against the same wall he had been leaning against before and continued to glance about the room.

Diana blushed a bit too and glanced down quickly. "Y-Yeah, could be that...."

Tyro slowly let his fire die down as the boy walked away and turned to Able once more in a happy mood. "Soanywayyeahwouldn'tburnyabutI'llbelikeI'llburnyandwe'lllaughaboutitandthenwhenI'maBlazikenI'llbeevenmoresuperamazingawesomeness!"
Snype sighed. Thyme was always like this and every time it got her in trouble. Snype didn't think any less of her for it but darn it, he wished he could help her with the whole temper issue. Things got way out of hand. Bri had unfortunately left them, being fairly upset and such. Mark didn't want to take sides and if he did, he didn't want to state it immediately but it was sort of uncalled for coming from Thyme and such...

Mark sighed. "Yeah. Hey maybe tomorrow we can scout around town and see if theres anywhere we can get? Or just find a location to set a table down at or whatever." Mark said, looking over to Bri as he left. He turned to Lucia again. "...Sorry about him. He usually never gets like this. I swear he's a really nice guy! But I guess it was just a bad time..." Mark said.

Len was silent for a moment, still blushing. Now what? It was clear that there was more to this whole thing... but he wasn't sure. He just had to ease through it... Diana was blushing too! Maybe... "...u-um..." Len was twiddling his thumbs around. "...Hey Diana... what do you look for in a mate...?" Len couldn't help but ask. He felt like he would screw up majorly if he said the wrong thing.

Able blinked at how quickly Tyro went back into his hyperactive self. "W-wow! You sure changed quickly! You looked so different when you were protecting Lucia there. It was kinda cool!" Able said.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Academy Cafeteria

Lucia frowned, "If you say so... still, anyway yeah that can work. We just need to find the perfect location, something that will make her say wow or bring back good memories. Every little thing helps!"

Samuel glanced at the others as he sat back down and continued to eat what was left of his meal with grace.

Tyro happily bounced up on his feet. "Yeahit'sjustsomethingyouhavetodoyouknowandit'sjustokaywithmebutyeahIdothatallthetime!"

Diana blushed a bit more, "Well... I would want dedication, someone who will be there for me you know? Also, a tough fighter who won't go down with one hit, someone who will brush it off and flex and then run right at the enemy and give them twice as much hurt!" She began to smile a bit, "Someone who is just amazing you know?"
Mark smiled and nodded. "Right! Whatever the case we'll get this to work. All that's left is to find Valorie. If she stays bitter with me then this whole plan is going to be pointless..." Mark said. Last thing he knew, Valorie would be walking right through those doors and be right in plain sight. That would be awkward! Mark wouldn't really know what to do so soon but hopefully Lucia would help with that. She was a girl after all! She had to know these things... right?

Able smiled, somewhat impressed with Tyro. She thought about Mark again... he never would figure that she'd do something like that... she was still kind of unsure about Mark. Hrm... "...Hey Tyro, what do you think about that kid in the Purple Shirt? Mark? If you've seen him battle at least. I'm undergoing a bit of... unique training right now." Able said.

Len tensed up a bit as she explained what she wanted in a mate. "...w-well... for me... I guess just someone that will stick with me... listen when I just want to sit and talk... someone who's a good fighter... something like... that..." Len looked at Diana in the eye. Still blushing. He didn't glance away this time.

"D...do you think... I'm...amazing?" Len finally asked.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Academy Cafeteria​

"Indeed, we just need to plan for the best thing to happen. But don't give up already! Just think positive and positive things will happen!" She said with a nod. "Now, what we need to plan for is for the right time to find her and get her to the designated area without any problems!"

Tyro cocked his head at her, "Hm... Ihaven'tseenhimbattlebeforebutheseemstolikeLuciaalotsoIguesshe'scoolbutareyoudoingthatweirdtrainingtoo?" He asked curiously.

Diana was about to answer the question, but the thought hit her and she glowed a bright red suddenly. "Oh... y-you mean..." She blushed even brighter, "Uh... w-well..." She clawed at the ground with her right front leg, "...y-yeah..." She croaked out.