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The Pokemon Adventure: Buhar Region

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Vibing with the music
  • 45
    Lucciola was happy that he'd cute that Yanma because they looked like pretty cool pokemon but he thought that he may have to find a place to stop and rest his pokemon, because Yanma would be useless if it wasn't up to fighting strength so he continued down the muddy path till he found some land. At least what he hoped to be land because it did have a strange feel about it "This don't feel right, too soft" commented Lucciola to no one in particular, but after slowly feeling around the area with his feet he was content that it was safe he leaned against a tree and slid down to the ground.

    Once he'd sat down he reached for his pokeballs and pressed the buttons on the pokeballs and Trapinch and Yanma were let out in a bust of steam "Hey guys, time for a rest" expressed Lucciola as he laid back on the tree, Trapinch looked at his trainer then to the recently caught Yanma and seemed puzzled since he was fighting the bug only moments ago and even growled a little. But Yanma seemed shocked most of all because she was looking all over the place and still seemed exhausted "You want some food" asked Lucciola and both pokemon perked up, so Lucciola rustled through his bag and pulled out some food.

    He broke equal parts off and gave each pokemon a piece and leaving the last piece for himself and laid back on the tree to enjoy the food while Trapinch and Yanma enjoyed their meals, "Well after our meals and a bit of rest we'll continue on to the next city" informed Lucciola with a smile resembling a taste for adventure and the unknown.


  • 788
    To Ice: Its fine. You are accepted with a Chimchar! Get your SU on the OOC page and get crackin on catchin up!
    To Zeta Dimentio: Very nice. Quite the hectic battle scene. I love how Ralts is one cynacle Pokemon!
    You caught a Male Level 5 Magikarp!
    To Lucciola: Eh. An ok in between post. Good though with Trapinch being confused why Yanma was with them.
  • 1,788
    Once the quivering ball ceased its...well, quivering, Lucian smirked. It seemed that, just like almost every other task, capturing Pokemon wasn't terribly difficult. Lucian carefully walked over to the Pokeball and picked it up. He looked at the muck on it, and then produced a hanky from one of his pockets. Elekid walked up next to Lucian while he wiped the Pokeball clean of mud and dirt. Elekid looked up and waited, until Lucian sat Magikarp's Pokeball back in his bag. He then looked down at his Elekid.

    "Excellent job Elekid," Lucian said. "I expect you'll help me out greatly in the future. Now..." Lucian grabbed Elekid's Pokeball. His Pokemon stayed still, eyeing it silently. Lucian paused with a slight frown. "Well...I suppose if you'd like...how about you take a walk with me just this once? No more after this though, because I'm afraid I will not always have the patience."

    "Ree bee!" Elekid said enthusiastically.

    Lucian smiled tightly and put the empty Pokeball back in his pack. Lucian and Elekid continued on through the marsh, side by side.

    Nothing else too exciting happened. Lucian did see a few Pokemon, but once he paused and identified them he realized that he honestly didn't want to battle with them. Lucian sighed. It was becomming hopeless, getting to the city. It had been at least a few hours, and they were still not clear of the horrible marsh. By now Lucian's toes were exceedingly cold, especially in the boot that had gotten wet. His boots were also coated in a fine layer of mud that went up to his ankle. Elekid was in worse condition. The little electric type had mud clear up to his chest, but he didn't seem to mind. Lucian, however, was another story. He minded the mud covering his boots. In fact, he minded it quite a bit.

    "This is absolutely repulsive," he snarled under his breath. Elekid paused in his tracks and looked back at his trainer. Lucian glanced at him. "Not you, I mean this place. It's horrid. Look at all of these...these...ugh." Lucian could even describe it. He sighed and huffed sharply. Then he turned his glare to the sky. "Bah. Stupid people looking to their precious god. If there was such a thing, I would have better luck than this," Lucian snapped to the sky. Elekid cocked his head to the side, most likely wondering if his trainer was sane or not. When Lucian continued cursing the sky, Elekid decided that he was most definitely not sane.


    "Oh, do not worry Elekid," Lucian said heavily. "It's not like things can get much worse, right?" The question was almost a desperate plead. Elekid trotted over to his master and cautiously patted him on the thigh. "Thank you," Lucian replied, patting his Pokemon on the head. "Well, at least it didn't get worse, huh?"

    That was when it got worse. Suddenly the sky came down, almost literally. There was a loud crack of thunder and then it began to pour. Lucian's face went from moderately alright to one of blandness. He was going to kill the next person he saw. Elekid looked up at Lucian with worry. His trainer's hair was soon flattened to his head in thick, heavy curls. Elekid felt a bit sorry for his trainer, but decided not to touch him. Lucian looked like he was about to scream some more anyway, so Elekid didn't see any point.

    "You might want to get back in your Pokeball, you know," Lucian commented angrily as he began to walk once more. His shoes began to squelch-squish instead of just squelch. Elekid shook his head heatedly, and then began to talk in Pokemon chatter that Lucian obviously couldn't understand. "Alright, alright. Suit yourself," Lucian grumbled, stuff his hands in the pockets of his coat and glaring ahead. He was having a very foul day indeed.

    Lucian wanted to cry (sort of) when he saw the close exit of the marsh. He almost started to run, but then decided that was peasant like, and he was most certainly not a peasant. Elekid was still hopping along ahead, looking positively happy go lucky in the downpour. Lucian vaguely wondered what was wrong with his Pokemon, but then shrugged it off. It didn't matter. There was food and shelter in the town. Maybe even less fog and mud too. And, if Lucian was very lucky, maybe when he finally exited the marsh it would stop raining. That would make his day much, much better. Lucian brightened at the thought, even though he was chilled almost to the bone and his nose was beginning to run. Sniffling, Lucian tried his best to keep his hopes up.

    That was when Elekid stopped in the middle of the path. Lucian almost tripped over his Pokemon, and was about to berate him when he saw a person. Said person was lying in the middle of the road, shirt off and mouth open. Lucian blinked slowly, wondering what the hell was wrong with the boy he saw before him. The boy wore torn trousers, so that led Lucian to believe that the boy was a farmhand or something of the like. Lucian carefully walked up to the boy, and nudged him with the toe of his boot. The boy's eyes popped open, startling Lucian and making him take a step back.

    "Who're you?" the boy asked, quickly getting up from his lying down position.

    "Lucian Aridale. You are...?"

    "Tom Chuck," the boy said. He had an odd accent that Lucian couldn't quite place. The boy stuck out his muddy hand, and Lucian simply glanced at it. The boy frowned and dropped his hand to his side. "So...what brings ya to these parts. I see yah've got an Elekid. Are you a trainer?"


    "Great! I've been waitin' for traveler's all day! Would ya do me the honor of havin' a battle?"

    "What sort of battle?" Lucian questioned, though he was raring to go internally.

    "A double battle. I've got two. Do you?"

    "Yes, yes I do," Lucian responded in affirmative. "So shall we do this then?"

    "Of course, sir," the boy, Tom, said.

    Suddenly he was ready to go. He produced two steaming Pokeballs and two Pokemon Lucian wasn't familiar with appeared. Lucian brought his own out, and then quickly thumbed through his journal. He finally found them. One was called Marill and the other was called Vulpix. Lucian smirked; the fire type wouldn't like the rain too much. Tom frowned slightly as if he realized this too, but then shook his head and took note of Lucian's Magikarp and Elekid. He chuckled a bit, but other than that he didn't make too big a deal out of Magikarp. Lucian silently told Tom to watch out, because Magikarp was going to play a key role in his strategy he was planning.

    "Elekid, attack Marill with leer. Follow with quick attack. Magikarp, you just stay there and...er...prepare," Lucian commanded, though he did falter a bit on Magikarp's orders. He wasn't going to have Magikarp use splash unless he had to.

    Elekid nodded swiftly, and then began another leering gaze. Marill seemed to shrink in size, obviously not liking the look. Magikarp flipped its tail, flopping slightly but other than that not doing anything. Just as Elekid was about to slam in for a good quick attack, Tom ordered for Vulpix to use ember. The fire attack hit Elekid, but because of the rain it didn't do nearly as much damage as it normally did. Vulpix didn't like this, because it began to growl angrily. Tom called for Marill to use tackle on Magikarp. Elekid, though he was ultimately heading for Marill, swerved his path to intercept the water type's attack. They met in a slamming sound, both Pokemon getting knocked back away from each other rather quickly. Lucian frowned. Tom was biting his lip.

    "Alright, nice start guys," Tom complimented his Pokemon. Lucian, in the meantime, was thinking of things he could do. "Alright Vulpix, go in and attack Magikarp with ember! Marill you come up from behind and guard Vulpix. If you need, use tackle to fend off his Pokemon."

    Vulpix charged in, apparently going with a bit of a closer ranged ember attack. Elekid dashed in as well, intent on blocking the attack from hitting poor Magikarp. However, Marill slammed into his side, knocking him away and sending him skidding in the mud. Vulpix unleashed the fire attack, and it hit Magikarp dead on. Sure, the attack didn't do much, but it still hurt. Lucian frowned and glanced at Elekid to find that he was getting up. Elekid glared at Marill angrily, and then charged in. Lucian let him do it, because Lucian was going to have him use quick attack on Marill anyway.

    "Dodge it Marill! Then use tackle on Elekid!"

    Lucian stayed silent. He finally had a plan, but for it to work, he would need Elekid to be closer to Magikarp. Marill rolled away from the harsh quick attack, and then whipped around and slammed Elekid in the stomach. Elekid howled in pain and then glowered at Marill. Marill looked rather satisfied with itself. Even Tom had begun to relax. Lucian silently told them that they shouldn't be so relaxed, because he had a card up his sleeve that would probably knock Vulpix right out of the park.

    "Elekid, go pick up Magikarp," Lucian calmly declared. Elekid peered over his shoulder, almost as if to make sure he had heard Lucian correctly. Lucian nodded once, curtly. Elekid seemed to shrug, and then walked over to Magikarp and picked up the fish. Elekid tottered a bit, but finally balanced himself out. "Now use quick attack to help you throw Magikarp at Vulpix."

    "Ree...bee?" Elekid said unsurely.

    Shrugging it off, Elekid sprang into a quick attack. Tom was squinting at the field as if he was trying to discern what was about to happen. Halfway through the attack, Elekid flipped around and let go of Magikarp. Magikarp let out a loud, "KAAAARRRRPPPP!" as he was sent through the air. Finally he slammed into Vulpix, who was pretty much unsuspecting of how the attack would work. Vulpix and Magikarp tumbled through the mud, and then Magikarp began to flop. Vulpix slowly inched up, shaking itself off of mud and other wild things. Lucian smirked, and then told Elekid to go in for the kill with a quick attack.

    "Watch out Vulpix!" Tom called, but it was a little too late.

    Elekid slammed into Vulpix's side before Vulpix could dash away. The little fox hit the ground, slumping in the mud. Tom frowned and then recalled Vulpix. He ordered Marill to attack Magikarp with tackle, which Marill charged right in to do. Lucian wasn't even able to issue a counter attack before Marill slammed into Magikarp, knocking him into a small puddle. Magikarp flopped hopelessly, and then just lay still in the puddle, fins flipping about. Lucian frowned, feeling sorry that his Pokemon couldn't do much save for flopping. He sighed and then focused on Elekid.

    "Use quick attack. We'll do a combination if this doesn't finish off Marill," Lucian explained to his Pokemon.

    Elekid charged in once more, hitting Marill dead center. The little blue Pokemon got sent flying backwards, and ended up slamming into a tree. It skidded down and winced, then fell in a small pool of water. Magikarp flopped. Thunder boomed lightly in the distance. Tom sighed. Marill was down as well. It was done and over.

    "That was a good battle. Congrats," Tom complimented as he recalled Marill. "So where ya headin'?"

    Lucian wordlessly pointed in the direction of the city. Tom nodded silently and then plopped down once more in the mud. Lucian glanced at him, then recalled his Pokemon and moved on.


  • 788
    To Bond of Flame: Haha! Great job using Magikarp as a baseball. Great post!
    Elekid grew to Level 6!
    Magikarp grew to Level 5!
    To Everyone: As soon as we have one more person complete Marsh Road, the next chapter will be up.


    I Never Asked For This.
  • 1,370
    Odette and Naveen had steadily made their way through the marshy road. Odette had definitely learned from her previous experience and stayed very close to Naveen, careful not to fall into any puddles. She was cold and wet, by the puddle and by the clinging fog, and she was overall a mess.

    "Hey Jude?" Came from Naveen.

    "Yes?" Odette said, a bit sharper than intended.

    "Don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better." He whispered to her, and she smiled. "Every time you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain, don't carry the world upon your shoulder. For well you know it's a fool who plays it cool, by making this world a little colder."

    Odette giggled, it was a song Naveen often sung to her, but now he was picking lines out of it, trying to make her feel better, and she was loving it. "Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better," she told him softly and kissed him once, quickly.

    The rest of the road was spent by them softly whispering lines from the song to each other while holding hands. And before they knew it, the soft yellow lights of the city were already in their view. Then a voice started them apart very quickly.

    "Hey, you over there!"

    Odette whirled around to the sound of the voice, guilt to be read on her face. She was very happy for the cover of the fog right now. In front of her stood a tall and skinny man, maybe of middle-class decent with dark hair and a bit of a tattered suit. He raised her eyebrows quizzically, a smirk on his lips. "Where are you two lovebirds going?

    Naveen took the lead, as Odette was stunned into silence. "Just to the city, sir, if you don't mind."

    "I mind? I mind? Well, why ever would I mind, young man?" Then he seemed to get a good look of Naveen, and his expression turned to one a bit of disgust. "Oh, you're of them lot, ain't you?" He gave the word 'them' a nasty twist, and they both knew what it meant. It meant that Naveen had darker skin than those pale aristocrats, which meant he wasn't worth talking to according to some nasty people, Odette's mother included.

    "Yeah, he is one of them people, do you have a problem with that, sir?"Odette told him, and another quizzical look appeared on the man's face. Naveen turned to her and gave her a quick stare that said enough. She had spoken too much like the Lady she was, with her accent and all, it was hard to mistake it. But she didn't get how it matter, she already looked the part anyway.

    But wait… She didn't! She looked dirty, wet and completely tattered. Her dress was ripped and completely covered with mud on the bottom, and the dirty water had stained it everywhere. Her hair was hanging down in dirty and wet curls, even the expensive make of the dress wasn't distinguishable anymore. They looked like two peasants crossing the marsh, now if only she wouldn't talk so fancily, and then everything would be fine.

    But that also meant that Odette had to act peasant, something she had no clue how to do.

    She looked at Naveen, who avoided looking the man in the eyes most times out of respect, and she looked down too. Naveen took the word. "If you don't mind, sir, me and my wife would like to get to the city before nightfall and get ourselves a nice warm bed."

    Another glare from the man. "Might I ask what you are doing, wandering the marsh in the first place?"

    This time Odette spoke, ignoring the warnings from Naveen. "I wanted to be a creature trainer, good sir, but Will here wouldn't let me go alone," She spoke in as much of a lower-class speak as possible, slurring her words a bit and surprising her accent. Naveen looked at her with a puzzled look before adding to their story.

    "I couldn't let Mary go alone, who knows what would have happened to her, but she couldn't be convinced otherwise! God knows this one's as stubborn as a horse! Anyway, the adventure didn't look to be quite as she expected and we'd just like to get some shelter from the bloody fog, it's clinging to me everywhere!" He was playing the part perfectly.

    "A trainer you say," The man said thoughtfully, and Odette nodded. "How about I challenge you to a battle? Afterwards I will escort you to the city, I know quite the quick route to get there, quicker than walking straight through the marsh blindly. How does that sound?"

    Naveen was about to object, but Odette, who had had more than enough of the mash, didn't think it was such a bad idea. "Sure, why not?"

    "It's settled then, a double battle. I'll even allow old Will over there to help you, God knows you'll need it, women…" the man snorted at a joke he had made while Odette tensed. Naveen grabbed her shoulder and squeezed hard, reminding her of their position. "Gentlemen, win this for me please." He released two Pokémon, a wildly hissing Ekans and a little Pidgey.

    "Give me the Steamers," Naveen quickly whispered to her, and Odette passed him the balls behind her back. He released them quickly, having Mau land right in front of Odette, and the Feebas landed in a deeper puddle that happened to be on the chosen battlefield.

    "Keeper of the keys, hm? Right you are, lad! Let's see, Ekans attack the fish with a poison sting, Pidgey take the Meowth on with a gust." The man said it so calmly, Odette found her temper flying, she simply had to beat this guy. Mary or not.

    Before Naveen could say anything she ordered her Pokémon to move. "Mau dig your claws in so you won't fly away and leap up to scratch the bird. Feebas, swim around the stingers, don't get hit!" Her Pokémon listened to her completely. The Ekans rose up on its tail and spewed white stingers at Feebas, who avoided them by swimming around them in the water.

    Meanwhile the Pidgey flapped his wings sending a gust of wind toward Mau, but she had her claws deeply dug into the dirty soil, and held on for her dear life. When it was over she used her momentum and strong hind legs to jump into the air and bring down her claws, getting Pidgey with a deadly scratch attack. The bird cried out in pain and surprise and fell half-way to the ground before regaining his bearings and flying upward againm, slightly agitated this time.

    "Are you going to let your wife order the Pokémon around like that?" The man said in that tone that drove Odette nuts.

    Naveen shrugged. "Mary wanted to be the trainer, not me, so she should be the one to battle. I'm keeping my nose out of this." The man huffed, but he didn't inquire any further.

    "Alright, let's show this woman who is boss. Pidgey use peck on the cat and Ekans I want you to reach into the water and wrap yourself around the fish, get it out of the water!" The Pidgey dove low toward Mau while Ekans slithered closer and closer toward Feebas' puddle.

    "Mau use growl and then scratch again, Feebas wait until he's close and then use the meanest splash you've ever used!" Mau waited until Pidgey was close before she let out a very deep and menacing growl. Pidgey hesitated, seemingly afraid, for just a moment, but long enough for Mau to jump up and slap the bird to the ground. The bird flapped his wings uselessly for a moment before Mau let him go and he flew fearfully up in the sky again. Ekans slithered to Feebas' pool, but just before he could get himself in there to get the fish, she sprung up, fins wildly going everywhere and slapped Ekans hard in the face with them. But the snake recovered quickly and managed to her his tail around Feebas and pull her onto the land.

    Wrong move, though Odette. "Feebas, I give you permission to go wild on the snake, Mau I want you to jump up and take that Pidgey down with you, once and for all!" Feebas got a very dangerous glimmer in her eyes as she heard her command. She started to splash, up a little, up a bit more, every splash got higher.

    The man and his ekans were watching Feebas with a big smile, ridiculing her, but just as she got a bit higher than the Ekans self, she completely flipped. She started to spazz everywhere, hitting the Ekans countless of times with her fins. She used a tree to bounce against as she was getting further away from the snake and went further berserk. Before the snake's brain had even completely registered what was going on, it was unconscious, completely defeated by a fish. Feebas fell down and relaxed on the ground, hind-fin wagging like a dog in content on what she had just accomplished.

    [i[Scaaaary,[/i] thought Odette, but it had worked. That was one killed fish to be reckoned with. In the meant time Mau had been watching Feebas, but now that the action was over, she carried out her command. She used her hind-legs to propel her up and slammed both of her front paws down on the bird, bringing it down with her as they both fell. When Mau came down she landed on her feet, like all cats did, but Pidgey wasn't so lucky. He got slammed into the dirt and didn't get up again. The battle was over.

    The man was red in the face. "You… you…" Use your words, was what Odette thought, but she didn't voice that opinion. "You insolent woman, you cheated didn't you?"

    Odette changed her face to a look of complete innocence. "But sir, you were the one who insisted on a battle, I am sorry if I did anything wrong! I must be off now, we find a room in an inn somewhere before they are all filled for the night, thank you for your kindness." She did a curtsy, recalled her Pokémon, and turned around off toward the city.

    "You are crazy, absolutely, bloody crazy! Do you have any idea how bad that could have gotten?" Naveen told her, voice full of disbelief. "You should have never agreed to the battle!"

    "He deserved it," was all Odette would say on the matter as they continued toward the city.


  • 788
    To Lugia-a: Although "Hey Jude" wouldn't possibly be around, thats still awesome that its in there! Very nice post!
    Mau grew to Level 6!
    Mau learned Bite!
    Feebas grew to Level 6!

    Chapter 3: Fishing Outpost
    Number of Posts: 1​

    Description: A hardy little village that is situated between the Scorched Plains and Marsh Road. It is a place for travelers to rest and resupply. The river that flows out of Hatchery Village now flows away from the Outpost. A cluster of wooden buildings is all that make this a town.

    Places of Interest:
    Trading Goods Store: A place to barter and purchase supplies. Potions, Parlyze Heals, Antidotes, and Pokeballs are all the store has to offer.
    Inn: A place for travelers to rest their tired body's…for a price. However they do heal Pokémon for free.

    Zeta Sukuna

    Descendant of the Inchlings
  • 1,728
    (OOC: Here we go. It's short, but I had intense WB for this chapter.)

    Chapter 4: The Fishing Outpost

    Kyle growled as he pushed through more brush. "I just had to go off the path... this **** is just too annoying." Groaned Kyle as he pushed a branch out of the way. However, he accidentally let go, causing it to hit him in the face, knocking him down to the ground. "Grrr...this is pissing me off."

    Kyle got up and ducked under the branch, and with one final turn, he saw the fishing outpost... and it was almost exactly like the previous town. "You have to be kidding me, another fishing development? Well, I guess I should have expected this." Said Kyle as he walked out of the route. It looks like he was the first one out, somehow, despite his incredible trouble with the hive-minded Yanma and beating himself up trying to catch something known as the 'weakest pokemon'. "Well, I should find an inn soon." Kyle looked closely at the buildings, and they were largely the same as before.

    The buildings were all worn-down shacks that are lucky to have been able to stand. The stench of fish was stronger here then back in Hatchery Town. "Oh, Arceus... the horrible stench. Well, I'd better get somewhere before I throw up." Kyle then swallowed his spit, and began to walk into the town.

    After about a minute, he found an inn, it was fairly large, and in better condition then most of the buildings in the town. It was two-stories, and actually looked somewhat-stable. 'Well here we go.' Thought Kyle as he pushed open the door.

    (5 minutes later)

    Kyle landed on the ground, face-first, having been thrown out by the owner. "Geez, who knew he was so sensitive? I mean, his wife was hideous." Said Kyle before pulling out his locket. "Nothing like you. Hopefully I can get back to you soon, my beloved." He put away the locket and got up. "Well, maybe I can get some supplies."

    Kyle ran over to the Trading Goods store, looked at the prices of the items and walked back out. "Man, this is going to be really tough... maybe I can get some money from a trainer somewhere... who knows, I mean... no one's around here, so I'm going to have to get some by the time I get to the next town."

    Kyle looked out towards the exit and smiled. "Heh, something tells me that this is the beginning of something radically different... looks like I have to go hunting." Said Kyle as he began to walk out of the town.


  • 788
    To Zeta Dimentio: Nice way to end the chapter with some suspence!

    To Everyone: ALOT of people are not posting as they either have lost intrest, lazy, or have not been on. Therefor Im making a list of people who are being warned they should be activly particaping, those who are fine, and those who will be booted.
    People Who Will Not Be Kicked Out
    Zeta Dimentio
    -Posts often and keeps up
    -Posts often and Keeps Up
    VIII.Bond of Flame.XIV
    -Keeps Up
    People Who Are On The Verge Of Being Kicked Out
    -Mostly keeps up but has not posted for awhile and has not been online for a few days
    Damn Swifty
    -Dosen't post often but is a friend
    People Who Are Kicked Out
    Honey and Clover
    -Despite saying you will post the only thing I have seen from you is an SU. While you are a friend I have seen nothing from you.
    -Has not been on the site for over a month without telling me you would be gone.

    If you have been kicked out or been warned you can make only ONE appeal to me on the OCC thread on why you have not posted. I don't want to be the hard ass here but you guys are leaving me no choice. If you wish to drop out let me know or if you think this is lame or you have ideas for the RP also let me know. If you wish to question me why I kicked you out or not satisfied with the answer I gave you please take it up with me by PMing or VMing.


    "I AM A MAN!"
  • 17
    I had asked previously about the apparent vacancies, so I hope that this meet expectations. Thank you for giving me a shot.

    Name: Robin Finger (Get Back)

    Age: 19

    Appearance: Robin is someone who appears very rough around the edges. His hair is rather untidy, a mess of black tresses that he tries to even out on occasion, but hardly remembers to. His face is unshaven, and he has more than his share of a few cuts and bruises that are rather noticeable. Particular his hands are the most evident signs of his lifestyle, with some actual scarring, though he generally keeps them wrapped in padded cloth. Perhaps his most prominent physical characteristic is his height; standing at 5'4", he generally sticks out on the side of a city street, a fact that many unsavory characters point out to him.

    His style of clothing is rather informal, further proof of his care for appearances. His outfit typically consists of a white-collar shirt, usually worn button down, with a black bow tie. A pair of gray trousers is held by black suspenders, typically worn rather loosely around his frame and is perhaps a length too long. The bottoms of his pant legs are rolled up, revealing some plain stockings and an old pair of black spats. He sometimes wears a grey frock coat and linen sporting cap, though these are typically removed when Robin feels the need to roll up his sleeves and engage in some bare-knuckle brawling.

    Personality: Robin is a tough little cuss, filled with blood and vinegar, or at least in his own opinion. He typically behaves, as one would perceive someone of the lower class, being very informal and often rude towards other. At his very worse, he is very aggressive and confrontational, a trait he has carried with him since the time he was a small child.

    As a boy Robin could be angered very easily, generally being picked on by others, and would not be afraid to fight them if need be. However, he does his best to try and keep his temper down, though it is often noticeably apparent to others.
    Though he is not without his faults, there are qualities of Robin's character that are particularly enduring. While not one for higher levels of learning, as his brother William is, he is still a fairly clever individual and often does his best while thinking on his feet. His quick-wit and improvisational methods, coupled with his natural fighting talent, make him a fierce competitor in the ring.

    And even he is not without a softer side. Robin is fairly mindful of the problems facing families in the lower class, and will not hesitate to help those he sees in need. He can be considerate towards other people, specifically towards small children. And above all, he will never purposefully strike a lady, someone from behind, or those that can't defend themselves.

    History: Robin Finger was born the youngest son of Ted Finger, and brother to William Finger. His wife having passed on due to illness, Ted did his best to raise his two boys, even when though they bordered in the middle-class of society. Taken notice of the abilities of both his children, William's passion for learning and Robin's boundless energy, he vowed he would not let them grow up without nurturing their individual talents.

    Robin was a very physical and energetic child, with a habit of getting into fights with other boys. To steer him in a much more positive use for his prowess, Ted encouraged his youngest son in sports, while also helping to lead his eldest William in the pursuit of his own academic goals. As their father worked tirelessly to put them both through school and prepare them for their futures, both sons grew more determined to pass. By the time he had reached adulthood, William eventually sought higher education and left to study at a university. Robin was not so fortunate, as by the time he himself came of age, Ted Finger passed away.

    Finding himself suddenly orphaned, Robin was left unemployed in the big city. One night he had gotten involved in a fight with a group of men outside of a local gym. A man who had witnessed him fighting found him later in the early morning, battered and bruised from the scuffle. He introduced him as Dixon Creed, the owner of the gym and an accomplished heavyweight boxer, and having seen his natural talent offered to take Robin in as his charge. In a year's time, Creed had imparted all of his teachings on him and the young man was soon strapping on the gloves, claiming many victories in the prize ring circuit.

    Although his time in the boxing ring had been good to him, Robin had felt needed something more, a new challenge to test his abilities with. While doing a bit of soul-searching, he received a letter from his brother William, working at a university in the Buhar region, requesting his presence about a job he was offering, in a field of biological studies.

    RP Sample: (I'll confess I've never done a Pokémon RP before, and games I have done have been a bit more lax in terms paragraph length. Though that's to say I'm not willing or have been trying to step up my game. Here's something I had wrote for a Transformers-game that I had recently played. If it isn't satisfactory, I'll write up another sample. Enjoy!)


    Starter Pokémon: Chimchar


  • 788
    To GDark08: Allright pretty good! You are accepted with a Chimchar! Post your SU on the OOC page so you can keep track of what Pokemon you have and what Items you have. Look at the other ones on the page to get an example.


    "I AM A MAN!"
  • 17
    (OOC: Here we have it, my first post! Hope it's not too long.)

    It was another day in Hatchery Town and the thick, pungent smell of fish caked the area. It carried across the fields and through the streets, wafting onto the path of a carriage traveling down the dirt road. It made its way through open windows and into the passenger's area. Robin Finger soon found himself gagging on the sudden change in odor and covered his nose in displeasure.

    While doing his best to keep his nostrils closed and breathe through his mouth, he looked over to his elder brother William who didn't seem to mind the terrible smell. He sat there with a pleasant smile on his face that, to Robin, didn't make this situation anything but. He didn't have any idea what was in store for him, and he hated having to guess.

    When he had received William's message at the gym, Robin wasn't sure what to make of it. He hadn't seen his brother since their father had passed away and he never wrote him, least of all what he did at that fancy university he attended. All the young prizefighter knew was that is was something about a "job", offering few details as to what it was. When he had then met his brother at the ship they would be traveling on to the Buhar region, he was given no answers then either, leaving him to further stew silently in frustration.

    After having traveled by carriage for several days, Robin asked for about the hundredth time, "You mind tellin' me what you're draggin' me into, for once?"

    "I thought I told you," William politely answered, "it's about a job."

    Robin retorted, "Yeah, but you never told me what's what. You've been stringing me along since you suddenly decide to pop back up after all this time, and I've gone along with it. I think I least deserve to know why you had me leave the ring."

    "You never were very patient, were you? Care to engage in some small talk first?" William said, but looked that his brother was not terribly amused. "Fair enough."

    William leaned in towards his brother and said, "I had overheard at the university about a professor who lives in this town. He's a man who has done great research into the fields of biology, and a collector of some unique specimens. He had recently announced he would be offering positions to new trainers."

    "Trainin', for what, like animals?" Robin responded, "What's this got to do with me?"

    "I'd like you take on the position for me," Before his brother could protest, William continued, "I had been very excited when I heard the news, but the work involved would take the trainer across the region. With my work at the university, I cannot afford the time for it."

    Robin spoke out, "So you want me to do this for you? That's just bull, Bill. Why should I do anythin' just 'cause you dragged me out here for-"

    "I had thought this would be a good opportunity for you, a new focus to direct all your energy into. I've seen how hard you've had to fight back home, to keep yourself stable and make use of what he gave us. I want to help you, Robin; this could be the start of something wonderful for you!"

    Robin furrowed his brow, but still he listened to what his brother had to say. He had a passion for fighting but after the time he'd spent in the circuit, he felt like there was something empty about it. In reality, he'd only ever scraped by on a bare minimum of what his managers' paid him, he didn't want to have rely on others for so little. William was offering him way out, from his point of view, and he was family, the only one of his kin. Why would he ever lie to him?

    After a brief moment of silence, Robin looked back up, "I'm tellin' ya this right now, I ain't
    good with pets."

    William smiled again, "I think you'll change your mind when you have to see- right now."

    At that the carriage came to a slow stop. The driver stepped down from the front and opened the door for Robin. The young man looked out of the cabin to the top of steep hill and the house that was sat at its very summit. His attention was shifted back towards William, who handed him an envelope and a small journal.

    "Here are some funds to help keep you afloat on your journey. It's not much, so spend it wisely. I would like to you keep a log of your travels, so I may look over your progress.
    If you ever need to contact me, my address at the university is written on the front cover." William explained, without pause for a breath.

    Robin looked back him confused, "What are you talkin' about? And what are we doin' here for?"

    "That is the laboratory of Professor Cotton, the man I was telling you about," His brother answered, "he'll be the one you want to see and will prepare you for your journey."

    "Journey? What the hell do you mean-"

    Before he had a chance to respond, William spoke out again, "It wouldn't be a personal experience if I gave you all the answers, little Robin. I wish you best of the luck, brother."

    With that, his brother closed the door to him and the carriage took off down the dusty road, leaving a confused Robin to ponder what had just happened to him.

    "… the next time I see him, I'm gonna force-feed'm a knuckle sandwich, extra fist." He muttered to no one but himself.

    With nothing better for him to do, the young man started the climb up the hillside, eventually reaching the house at the top. As he prepared to knock upon the door with a padded-wrapped hand, it flung open to reveal a strange old man on the other side. He was nearly eye-level with Robin, staring him right in the face behind a large pair of spectacles and considerable tuft of a moustache.

    "Who are you?" The old man demanded, "Are you deaf? I'll say it again; who are you?"

    Robin was slightly taken back by his abrupt appearance, but he then answered, "… er, m-my name's Robin."

    "What? Speak up? Don't mumble, I can't hear a word you are saying." The old man berated him.

    "My name is Robin Finger," Robin said loudly, "are you Professor Cotton? My brother William told me-"

    The old man interrupted him, "Oh yes, right, William. You're his brother now, are you? He told me you'd be coming by. I'd thought you'd be taller."

    Before Robin had a moment to retort about being 'taller', the old man walked back inside of the house, "Well what you're standing out there for? Come in, come in, there's no time to dawdle."

    Robin followed the old man into his home, taking a look around. Having looked small on the outside, it's inside seemed almost miniscule with the amount of clutter and objects that were crammed into it. Huge bookcases towered over the place, filled with hundreds upon thousands of collected tomes. Many others were piled about in large clumps, forcing the young man to carefully sidestep around precarious corners of large texts, not to mention desks of papers, test tubes and other scientific equipment Robin had no knowledge of even existing. Most prominent were the large clouds of steam that seemed to be everywhere, obscuring Robin's vision. He nearly jumped from out of his spats and into a case behind him when the old man had suddenly popped up from when he had disappeared into his mess of a house.

    "To answer your question, yes, I am the Professor you've been told of. Your brother had told me about you, believe you'd be capable of being a fine trainer. Here, take this," The professor then took Robin's hands and placed a large, red-and-white ball in his palm. It had a round button in its center and four small holes on its body. "Press the button."

    Robin looked at the object he was handed over and could not determine what it was. Following the professor's instructions, he pushed the button in the center. Jets of steam then poured out of the ball as it then opened up and a small object was let out and grew into form. After the vapor had cleared and he could see again, Robin was flabbergasted at what he was then witness to. The thing released from the ball continued forming until it became a small, orange-furred, humanoid creature!

    "What? How? When did- what?" Robin stammered, trying to find the right words to express his disbelief. They never came to him.

    Professor Cotton sighed, "Your brother's description was rather accurate… because you have no prior knowledge, allow me to explain. This creature is called a Chimchar, a fire ape. Note the flame produced on its rear. There are many creatures like Chimchar, with many different and extraordinary powers. Many men capture these animals and train them, make them do battle with others, in contests of skill. Those like myself perform research to learn about and discover new information about them, for the benefits of society. I am currently giving potential candidates creatures to own like these and become trainers themselves."

    After listening to the ramblings of the old man, Robin slowly formed a response, "… and, and that's why you wanted me here? You want me to train this little… monkey? To teach it to fight?"

    "Yes, as I had explained before," The professor retorted, "must I repeat myself? Now, you must also take these." He then forced into Robin's hands more of the red-and-white objects and a humongous, leather-bound book.

    "Those are devices you will use to capture creatures, which are called Pokeballs. You open them by pressing the round button, which emits the steam from inside and keeps your creature inside." He explained. Before Robin could ask how, he continued on, "The book you are holding is a complete record of all encyclopedic knowledge pertaining to the many different creatures on catalogue. I call it a Pokedex. Now that's all been settled, you may go."

    Robin just stood there dumbfounded, completely at loss of what he was doing, with Pokeballs in one hand, Pokedex in the other, journal cradled under his arm, and a flaming chimp at his feet. The professor shouted, "Well what are you waiting for? I cannot give you any other directions, I have important work to do! Now out! Out, out, out, out!"

    Professor Cotton quickly pushed Robin and his belongings through the door and out of his laboratory, with Chimchar following close behind him. Slamming the door, the young man was left to pick himself up off of the ground. He sighed heavily and muttered, "Thanks there, Bill, Professor… how'd I'd get involved in this mess, anyway?"
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