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The Random Pokemon Challenge

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I will have to change the rom I'm doing this challenge on... I'm changing it to silver. This is just becuase I have replaced my vba, and the actual rom, but for whatever reason I cannot use gameshark or codebreaker on crystal right now... i don't completely understand why :(.

EDIT---- Nvm I figured out why... I forgot I set it to disable cheats a long time ago 0.0... I'm back to crystal lol
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Forum Username: Laganja
Game Version: Blaze Black 2
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: I would like if they were all different types, and one of them that can fly please!

Thanks !
Forum Username: Laganja
Game Version: Blaze Black 2
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: I would like if they were all different types, and one of them that can fly please!

Thanks !

You get Charizard, Wigglytuff, Lanturn, Flygon, Machamp, and Scolipede.
My progress so far:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Cooltrainer Jak
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Killer lv. 48
[ Dig, Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang ]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Blood lv. 47
[ Mega Drain, Wing Attack, Bite, Confuse Ray ]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Siren lv. 48
[ Sand-Attack, Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Bite ]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

RICKY lv. 48
[ Submission, Earthquake, Strength, Rock Slide ]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Giygas lv. 49
[ Surf, Blizzard, Toxic, Tri Attack ]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Hellfire lv. 47
[ Stomp, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Take Down ]

Because I didn't heal when I went to Cinnabar by mistake, I had to surf there AGAIN. This time, I fought the trainers on the way. It took me a while to find the key in Pokemon Mansion, but I managed. Leveling up at this point became a huge pain. I think I had everyone around 43-44 by the time I fought Blaine. By the way, I failed a lot of quizzes just to fight some gym trainers. I'm not really dumb, promise! After that, I went back up to Viridian City to take on the final gym leader, Giovanni. Wasn't mega easy, but I didn't die either so it wasn't difficult. And after that, onward to Victory Road! ...After a Daxter battle! With that done, I went through Victory Road a lot less painfully than the last time I played Yellow. I also killed Moltres. I mean really, what was I gonna do with it? I didn't waste any time trying to grind for the E4 because they're terrible in this game. We sailed through with flying colors and that's that! Challenge complete!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Jak la Topdresseur
Version Argent

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Jarrett lv. 9 @ Berry
[ Scratch, Leer, Rage ]

I started the game, named myself Jak, my rival is Daxter again, and I named my starter after my boyfriend. It's one of his favorites. I normally don't post when I don't have a badge, but hey, might as well let y'all know that I did get started, right? ;)
Well I have nothing to do for the next few days so I'll sign up for this.

Forum Username: kitred123
Game Version: FireRed
Number of Pokemon: 5
Exclude NFEs: No
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: None
Well I have nothing to do for the next few days so I'll sign up for this.

Forum Username: kitred123
Game Version: FireRed
Number of Pokemon: 5
Exclude NFEs: No
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: None

You get Kadabra, Gyarados, Relicanth, Manectric, and Nidoking.
Forum Username: LakeOfLotad
Game Version: Fire Red 251+
Number of Pokemon: 4
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Don't include any legendaries.
LakeOfLotad, you get: Marowak, Corsola, Hypno, and Ampharos.

Also, I has my update:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
This is how I roll!...a
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

  • Upon arrival in Castelia, went to the scientist dude in the building near the exit. Got Eviolite!
  • Gave Eviolite to Noclops, because he'd be utterly useless without it.
  • More Team Plasma nonsense. Just more target practice for Noclops 'n Otters.
  • Third gym is smooth sailing with Noclops on my side. Squished all them bugs with a rock. Since he was using Smack Down the whole time, maybe that's even a literal description...
  • After gaining access to the Desert Resort, immediately ventured out to catch my third team member: Cofagrigus. Or, Yamask for now. After an onslaught of Sandiles, finally found one. Name: Deadpie. (The deadliest flavor. Or maybe just really gross)
  • Got to Nimbasa. Team Plasma wreaking the closest thing to havoc they can muster, N with his cool-yet-creepy routine, a ferris wheel ride, you know, the usual.
  • Go to train and level up Deadpie and the others. Needed to teach Deadpie Thief so she can actually hit the Audinos, and steal some berries in the process.
  • Noclops learned Stealth Rock! That should be a valuable tool.
  • Once I'm good, go to challenge the gym. Despite the fact that I had Stealth Rock on my side, Elesa still proved to be somewhat challenging. Her constant Volt Switching tactic worked against her because of Stealth Rock, hitting both her Emolgas hard. Despite this, she managed to take down Deadpie, after she crippled all her Pokemon with Will-O-Wisp. Noclops also fainted, though he managed to take down two Emolgas before he was revenge killed by Zebstrika. Who was in turn revenge killed by a Retaliate from Otters. Ah, the irony.
  • After that refreshing battle, headed over to Driftveil. Got a few levels in on Deadpie and Noclops beating up Team Plasma in Cold Storage, and trained a little in the wild.
  • Challenged the fifth gym. Clay was hardly challenging, though he wasn't as easy as the first two. Because of bad play on my part, he managed to knock out Deadpie, (god Deadpie keeps fainting) but I just washed him away with Otters 11 after that.
  • Deadpie evolves after the fight though! Finally got my Cofagrigus; that makes 3/4 Pokemon obtained.
  • Gained access to Chargestone Cave. You guessed it; found myself a Klink. Name: Clockwork. (Call it like I see it)
  • Currently leveling Clockwork up to the level of the others, saved by the wild grass, chillin' with the Audinos.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

The team thus far:
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Update #2
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Team: (Talonflame, Espeon, Mega-Manectric, Relicanth, Garbodor, Muk)
The Roc - Talonflame LVL 66
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Flame Body
Item: Sharp Beak
Moves: Steel Wing/Flare Blitz/Swords Dance/Fly

Muk - LVL 70
Nature: Careful
Ability: Stench
Item: Black Sludge
Moves: Poison Jab/Power-Up Punch/Dig/Minimize

Manny - Manectric LVL 66
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightning Rod
Item: Manectite
Moves: Charge/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Hidden Power: Psychic

Mental - Espeon LVL 66
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Mind Plate
Moves: Grass Knot/Psychic/Dazzling Gleam/Morning Sun

Ol' School - Relicanth LVL 65
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Head Smash/Protect/Waterfall/Dive

Gladbag - Garbodor LVL 66
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Stench
Item: None (lost my only Figy Berry while grinding)
Moves: Gunk Shot/Stockpile/Payback/Recycle


Leveled all of my Pokemon to 65 (except Muk was 68) and went back to try the Elite Four again.

Elite Four & Champion:

- Klefki, Took it out with Talonflame
- Probopass, Took it out with Muk and two Power-Up Punch attacks (Earth Power didn't even phase him)
- Scizor, Mega-Manectric used Flamethrower to one-shot
- Aegislash, Used Garbodor and predicted the King's Shield every time!

- Pyroar, Took it out with Relicanth and a single Rock Head attack
- Torkoal, Took it out with Muk after going back and forth with attacks and heals on both sides
- Talonflame, One-shot with Mega-Manectric and Thunderbolt
- Chandelure, Garbodor whacked it a few times with Payback

- Dragalge, Took it out with a single Dazzling Gleam from Espeon
- Druddigon, Stayed in with Espeon and switched into Talonflame to finish it
- Altaria, One-shot with Relicanth
- Noivern, Went into Mega-Manectric and took it out with a pumped Thunderbolt

- Clawitzer, Took it out with a Thunderbolt from Mega-Manectric
- Gyarados, Stayed in and took it out with another Thunderbolt
- Barbaracle, Espeon took it out with a Grass Knot attack
- Starmie, Espeon stayed in and took it out with a few attacks (potions grr)

- Hawlucha, Took it out with a Thunderbolt from Mega-Manectric
- Tyrantrum, Took it out with a Dazzling Gleam from Espeon
- Gourgeist, Took it out with Garbodor after a long battle
- Goodra, Took it out with Relicanth and Talonflame
- Aurorus, Took it out with Muk and Power-Up Punch
- Mega-Gardevoir, Muk stayed in and took a Psychic to the face without dropping below 1/2 and landed a 1-hit Posion Jab for the win!
Forum Username: ShortyPants
Game Version:White
Number of Pokemon:6
Exclude NFEs:No
National Dex:No
Restrictions:I finished it but got bored so I want to re-challenge them with a completely new team so I would appreciate if they're catchable in game(in less its pikachu)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Hope you like this team ;) And if you can't get Zorua, you can replace it with this sweetie:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Also, here's my sign-up:

Forum Username: Janp
Game Version: Crystal
Number of Pokemon:6
Exclude NFEs:Yes
National Dex:No
Also, here's my sign-up:

Forum Username: Janp
Game Version: Crystal
Number of Pokemon:6
Exclude NFEs:Yes
National Dex:No

Alright you get Pinsir, Electabuzz, Poliwrath, Machamp, Miltank, and Qwilfish.

So here's an update on my challenge:
I hacked in Relicanth as my starter and named him Grandpa
Took down Brock using Grandpa
Caught Peasant the Nidoran on route 3
Flew through Mt. Moon
Made my way to catch Abra
Caught one that was holding a Twistedspoon (woooo!!!!)
Emulator crashed
Recaught Morgana the Abra (no twistedspoon this time...)
Misty, just like Brock, was a joke
Caught an Electrike that I hacked in to Route 6, named Dave
Got the Old Rod and caught myself a Magikarp named Sensei
Did some grinding to get these two catches up to par
Just finished on the SS Anne with me realizing that Electrike won't evolve thanks to no Nat. Dex... anybody have any fixes for this? I've been searching for over an hour for either a national dex code or a code to just find a Manectric, with nothing working out for me
I think I'll give this a shot!

Forum Username: King Tetiro
Game Version: X
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Make it a Region challenge. 6 regions, 1 pokemon from each. I pick the first Dratini (Kanto + He is always my starter). The other 5 pokemon (Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos) need to be picked.
I think I'll give this a shot!

Forum Username: King Tetiro
Game Version: X
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Make it a Region challenge. 6 regions, 1 pokemon from each. I pick the first Dratini (Kanto + He is always my starter). The other 5 pokemon (Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos) need to be picked.

You, my friend, get:
-Dratini (Kanto)
-Quagsire (Johto)
-Beldum (Hohenn)
-Combee (Sinnoh)
-Crustle (Unova)
-Greninja (Kalos)

Good luck. If there's something wrong with the team, feel free to ask for a replacement/s.
You, my friend, get:
-Dratini (Kanto)
-Quagsire (Johto)
-Beldum (Hohenn)
-Combee (Sinnoh)
-Crustle (Unova)
-Greninja (Kalos)

Good luck. If there's something wrong with the team, feel free to ask for a replacement/s.

Actually this looks like an interesting team. I notice a theme of sturdy pokemon. I look forward to having Quagsire, Beldum, Vespiquen, Crustle and Greninja! :)
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