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The reason why Platinum entries haven't been flowing out at normal pace


S P A R K of madness
  • 8,401
    I know some people are wondering why it's been so long since my last update, and don't worry, I've got the content and all that jaja, just have to organize it.

    Anyhow, reason being is that I've been really sick the past couple of days. Sinus infection that has lead to migraines and fever. D: Yeah, not fun, at all. <_<; It's mainly the eye pain though. ;/ I've had some medicine since my mother came home, but that was just as effective as a grass attack at Heatran. >:

    So yeah, that's why the entries haven't been popping out like usual. Hopefully things will calm down.
    I know how you feel, I was ill for almost two years with the same thing. I had a sinus infection which lead to daily migraines for that duration. Had to have them drained...

    Anyways, get well soon old chap. What ho!
    T_S: Thanks. XD

    Deano: ...Two years? o_o Oh Arceus, please don't let this last that long. DX And thanks.