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The Shiny Hunter Challenge

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    The Shiny Hunter Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Shiny Hunter Challenge

    [a id]aa_news[/a id]

    1. You must complete the game only using shiny pokemon. You must soft reset for your starter as your first shiny. A second shiny should be obtained before you challenge the fourth gym in your chosen game. A third shiny should be obtained before challenging the 8th gym.
    2. No hacking, use of action replay, or pokesav to obtain shiny pokemon.
    3. RNG abuse will be allowed, though please specify if you're using this to obtain your shinies -- it will be noted on your challenger/champion entry.
    4. No trading in shinies from other games you own or other players.
    5. Non-shiny HM slaves are allowed but may not be used in battle.
    6. The challenge ends when you have defeated the Champion of your chosen game.
    7. Please update us on your progress as regularly as possible! Optional things to include would be shinies you are currently hunting, number of soft resets for a certain pokemon or number random encounters since your last shiny (if you're counting).

    Optional Rules:
    ✦ Obtain a shiny before challenging each gym.
    ✦ SR for shinies of all stationary pokemon in your chosen game.
    ✦ Obtain 6 shinies before challenging the Elite Four for a shiny Hall of Fame team!


    [a id]aa_ids[/a id]

    ✦ Paulthagerous
    - SoulSilver: 4 Shinies

    [a id]aa_ids[/a id]

    ✦ Kitori
    - Platinum: 0/8 Badges 1 Shinies

    ✦ Soulsilver10112
    - SoulSilver: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    ✦ Janske
    - FireRed: 0/8 Badges 2 Shinies
    - SoulSilver: 0/8 Badges 2 Shinies

    ✦ Koopafan29
    - Diamond: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    ✦ TheShinyEevee
    - HeartGold: 0/8 Badges 1 Shinies

    ✦ Kirozane
    - Platinum: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    ✦ FishyFins
    - SoulSilver: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    ✦ Dyl-icious
    - SoulSilver: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    ✦ Brickbusterx
    - HeartGold: 0/8 Badges 2 Shinies

    ✦ Cheesecake(GlassTheDragon)
    - HeartGold: 4/8 Badges 8 Shinies

    ✦ SubVirus
    - Liquid Crystal: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    - Platinum: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    - White 2: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    - HeartGold: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    Water Gym Leader
    - Platinum: 0/8 Badges 6 Shinies

    - Silver: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies
    - FireRed: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies
    - Emerald: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    - SoulSilver: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    - Gold: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

    - FireRed: 0/8 Badges 0 Shinies

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    I'll join since I have that shiny charmander in the bag haha. I'll be doing it on fire red;).

    Currently 1k random encounters exactly for shiny nidoran male. I do hope I don't get jigglypuff or spearow since I already have them (transferred on another file lol). I have a feeling it will take very long:(.

    I dunno how much you'd like me to fill you in but I won't bother you with less than 1k random encounters haha xD. Also I defeated brock so I have my 1st gym badge. But I won't proceed to the 2nd gym until I find nidoran (or another shiny) :D.

    How many SR's did you do already? Or you don't count them?:p
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    Wow this looks pretty good I will join thank you
    Username: Koopafan29
    Currently just a little over 2k RE's and no shiny (nidoran) yet:(. Oh well guess I can't stop until I find one xD.

    Does anyone know the odds of finding a shiny by RE? Yes I know its 1/8192 lol, but I wanted to know the average of finding a shiny averagely speaking. I think I remember once I read something in the lines of:

    Under 1k RE's 10% of people find their shiny
    By more or less 5800 RE's 50% of people find their shiny

    But I can't remember exactly where I found it or if it is accurate. Also I calculated my amount of RE's per hour and I think I can do between 250-300 RE's depending on how distracted I am lol. Is that considered a good, average or bad rate? Worst case scenario it means if I really do encounter a shiny at 8192 I'll be around 30 hrs of searching xD...awwtch:(

    Oh and @ Kitori, the stationary pokemon, do the pokemon in the game corner also count? I also thought of an additional idea, though it's entirely up to you and I won't feel offended if you tell me euhh no wtf xD. Anyway, we have to get at least a 3rd shiny before battling the 8th gym correct? What if you make it like you have to have at least 6 SHINY pokemon in order to fight the E4 (champion) with those 6 shinies only? Hall of fame would be entirely shiny:D.

    And I know I could be a bit silly but how can we check if a person is being honest or not? (I know I am but everyone can say whatever they want lol). Do we have to put pictures as proof or something? Or you take our word for it:p?

    Phew that was it haha xD. Good luck in finding your shinies people:)
    I've only done like 200 SRs for my challenge, I have finals next week and I've been doing a lot of work for my business. @_@; Soon it will be vacation and I will have a ton of time, though!

    Everyone who has signed up has been added to the list, by the way.

    Does anyone know the odds of finding a shiny by RE? Yes I know its 1/8192 lol, but I wanted to know the average of finding a shiny averagely speaking. I think I remember once I read something in the lines of:

    Under 1k RE's 10% of people find their shiny
    By more or less 5800 RE's 50% of people find their shiny

    I'm not sure that's correct? Sure it's possible to get shinies under 10% and under 50% of the actual chance of finding one but chances are the next one will be above the average. I mean, if you took everyone who ever found a shiny's data in a 1/8192 senario and found the average of that it should be right about 1 shiny in every 8192 SRs/REs/etc. Some would be higher than 8192, some would be lower, and some would be average.

    Also I calculated my amount of RE's per hour and I think I can do between 250-300 RE's depending on how distracted I am lol. Is that considered a good, average or bad rate?

    I've never actually paid attention to my REs per hour, so I don't know. @_@; Maybe I will next time I have a solid hour to play. lol

    Oh and @ Kitori, the stationary pokemon, do the pokemon in the game corner also count?

    Game Corner can also count if you want it to! If you don't want it to then it doesn't have to. Haha. The optional rules are basically just additional things you can challenge yourself with. Getting the Game Corner pokes shiny would be another badge of honor for yourself, I guess. ^_^; When I made the rule I mostly meant Legendaries and other pokemon you see on the game screen and you interact with them to fight (Like Snorlax in R/B FR/LG).

    Anyway, we have to get at least a 3rd shiny before battling the 8th gym correct? What if you make it like you have to have at least 6 SHINY pokemon in order to fight the E4 (champion) with those 6 shinies only? Hall of fame would be entirely shiny:D.

    That's a great idea! I added it to the optional rules. I think it's a little much to ask people to do in the official rules, though. I think 3 shinies will be a lot as it is for some people. ^_^

    And I know I could be a bit silly but how can we check if a person is being honest or not? (I know I am but everyone can say whatever they want lol). Do we have to put pictures as proof or something? Or you take our word for it:p?

    I basically had just intended it to be by honor system... I mean the other challenges don't require you to post pictures to prove you've beaten the game with all the constraints. It'd be hard to take a picture of that anyway. I guess taking a picture of your Hall of Fame team would say a lot, though?

    I'd love for people to take pictures of their shinies and post them as they get them, though! I like to look at them and I like to post pictures myself as "proof" even though I don't think anyone would accuse me of lying. (except my first two shinies on W2 I got within a day of each other... so that is kind of suspicious I guess haha.)
    Finally signing up to this!xD

    Username: TheShinyEeeveee
    Games: HG & SS (is it ok to hunt on two for one badgequest?)

    I'm at 9900 starters seen so far!~
    Finally signing up to this!xD

    Username: TheShinyEeeveee
    Games: HG & SS (is it ok to hunt on two for one badgequest?)

    I'm at 9900 starters seen so far!~

    I think it's fine to hunt on two while looking for your starter but once you get it are you going to stick to just the game you found the starter on? If you kept playing both I would count that as doing two separate games. I could list you for both if you want to do that. ^^ But I wouldn't consider finding a shiny on HG and a shiny on SS as two shinies for the same challenge. Does that make sense?
    @ Kitori; Wow I can't believe you put so much effort into answering all my questions haha thanks xD. I might get a camera and take a picture if i have a shiny encounter or of charmander, just cause pictures are always nice xD?

    I have no idea how to show/upload a picture with a post though lol, I mean I only signed up 4 days ago:D. But if you could tell me it would be very much appreciated:D.

    Oh and only 200 SR's :O? You're quite the busy type aren't you:P? But I know what you mean though I have the same :(. Never stable work hours, early shift night shift, weekend shift etc. But at least I love my job lol. One of the best I have had so far:D.

    And I knew the statistics were off lol. I guess it was just a percentage of people finding a shiny in a certain forum/thread. Like for example in that forum 10% managed to find 1 under 1k, 50% under5.8k and the rest 40% took more than 5.8k. I mean as far as I canr remember lol.

    And 2 shinies in a day on BW2? I never even had one in gen V haha xD. You really are a lucky one I guess :P

    @ TSE; Wow 9900 encounters? That's so unfortunate:(. I hope you get it soon really. I think you can hunt for 2 at once before the 1st gym. I mean Kitori only said u needed to have 2 before the 4th gym. She didn't tell us we couldn't have already 2 before even getting there haha :D. But she can correct me if wrong of course and I hope if Im wrong I don't get beat up or she uses a hyper beam on me haha xD. --> EDIT: It is allowed haha, yaay I don't get hyper beamed :D!
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    getting quite annoyed as i can't really sr coz of distractions ugh right now at 293 sr's
    getting quite annoyed as i can't really sr coz of distractions ugh right now at 293 sr's

    Don't you even worry man, patience is always key in this. I was fed up of seeing PROF OAK's lines over and over and then Gary claiming his Pokemon etc etc xD. But just get through with it;). Sooner or later you will have it. I am not lucky with my second shiny yet either lol. But think of it like this, If I stop now and don't get a shiny, I wasted 293 SR's for nothing lol. Might as well go ahead xD.

    Good luck, you can do it;)!

    EDIT: Guys I found another shiny!! A shiny spearow! I really wanted this one the least since I already have a spearow transferred from fire red of another save file once, but hey a hiny is a shiny xD! I got this during break at work too haha xD. It took me 2467 RE's. Funny fact this is the 2nd shiny that was in the 2400. Charmander at 2412 SR, now spearow at 2467. I am still going to try just once more for nidoran lol xD (stubborn xD), but if then I get another spearow or another pokemon, I will just go on and try to find me a shiny oddish or so lol.

    About the stats/nature, I have to say the nature sucks:/ Bold.. better than modest or quiet etc but still, a hindering attack nature isn't nice but what can you do xD. I will still invest 252 EV in atk and 252 EV in speed regardless. AS for the IV's here is the outcome so far:

    HP: 4 - 19
    Att: 0 - 13
    Def: 7 - 23
    SpA: 22 - 31
    SpD: 5 - 21
    Speed: 27 - 31

    At least it has good speed lol, though I fear his attack IV to be 0 haha xD bold nature 0 attack IV would be a disaster haha please no xD.

    I'll try to post pictures tomorrow evening too;).

    Good luck everyone on your hunts:D!
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    I've been SRing alot, getting tired of the intro of the professor and Lucas. I am at about 100 SRs for a shiny turtwig (no luck), and I decided to multitask by resetting for Rayquaza and hunting shiny mareep at the same time.
    I know most, if not all, of the people participating are new to this section and how it runs, so I just wanted to adress this real quick:

    And I know I could be a bit silly but how can we check if a person is being honest or not? (I know I am but everyone can say whatever they want lol). Do we have to put pictures as proof or something? Or you take our word for it:p?

    I've found that no one really lies about it, and if they are, it doesn't really matter too much. To some, completing a challenge is a sense of honor for them. For others, they don't really care, and if they don't care and choose to lie, then whatever. That's their prerogative. If they're caught in that lie, they can be taken off the challengers list easily. But I think people that frequent the challenge forum have more pride and integrity than to lie about a video game. And also, pictures and videos are not a requirement in this forum.

    So yeah. Just clearing that up for anyone wondering or concerned about it. :) Like I said, if for any reason, someone is caught in a lie, Kitori can disqualify them and take them off the challenger list. If they try to fight it, they'll deal with me. I have never had that happen though, so it's nothing to worry about.

    Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying this fantastic challenge! Kitori is doing a great job running it and I'm so happy to have new people in here. :) If you have any questions, please let me know!
    I know most, if not all, of the people participating are new to this section and how it runs, so I just wanted to adress this real quick:

    I've found that no one really lies about it, and if they are, it doesn't really matter too much. To some, completing a challenge is a sense of honor for them. For others, they don't really care, and if they don't care and choose to lie, then whatever. That's their prerogative. If they're caught in that lie, they can be taken off the challengers list easily. But I think people that frequent the challenge forum have more pride and integrity than to lie about a video game. And also, pictures and videos are not a requirement in this forum.

    So yeah. Just clearing that up for anyone wondering or concerned about it. :) Like I said, if for any reason, someone is caught in a lie, Kitori can disqualify them and take them off the challenger list. If they try to fight it, they'll deal with me. I have never had that happen though, so it's nothing to worry about.

    Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying this fantastic challenge! Kitori is doing a great job running it and I'm so happy to have new people in here. :) If you have any questions, please let me know!

    Yeah you may be right haha xD. Are you taking this challenge as well:)? And omg do you like/play yugioh too:O? If so awesomeness!! If not, hey at least you play pokemon haha xD. Are you hunting for anything in particular? And could I add you to friends? I try to add everyone in this challenge to chat while I feel down thinking I will never find another shiny again xD. But of course there is room for other stuff to talk as well lol, especially in my case xD. I hope I didn't bore you with all my questions? (I should really stop talking so much, once I start I just never seem to quit haha). I also ask way too many questions lol, I mean that poor Kitori had to reply on all of my "annoying" questions lol. Oh well I guess that's just me xD. Oh and I often sound as a little kid but I am totally not lol (surprsingly xD). If you think I asked too many questions let me know lol and ill try to drop them the next time:P. Good luck on hunting if that is what you are doing :D

    I've been SRing alot, getting tired of the intro of the professor and Lucas. I am at about 100 SRs for a shiny turtwig (no luck), and I decided to multitask by resetting for Rayquaza and hunting shiny mareep at the same time.

    Don't even worry;). 100 SR's arent too much yet at all, though I understand the intro and the dialogue is way more depressing than just soft resetting lol. Multitask can be very helpful as u can just press A on the dialogue while running around with the control pad on the other one lol:D. I do hope you get one soon though:). Good luck;).
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    Looks a bit hard.
    When it comes to my luck, I'm HORRIBLE at it.

    Dont u worry;) Just try it out, in fact only I have obtained 2 shinies since this challenge started. The other ones (as far as I know lol) have found none yet themself. So you arent behind at all lol. Id say just give it a shot, see what you think;). I do one know one thing though, and that is you will ALWAYS get a shiny if you keep on going. Might take you even 10000 random encounters or SR's, but you will get it.

    I hope you'll take this challenge and good luck to you if you do so;).
    Wow... I have had a lot of luck with shinys in the past, but I just can't take on this challenge. I SR'd a heatran one time and I was soooo frustrated. I'll never do that again.

    Still, this looks like an exciting challenge. I wish you all luck and I will keep an eye on your progress.
    Wow... I have had a lot of luck with shinys in the past, but I just can't take on this challenge. I SR'd a heatran one time and I was soooo frustrated. I'll never do that again.

    Still, this looks like an exciting challenge. I wish you all luck and I will keep an eye on your progress.

    You should join us pinta77 :), its a lot of fun really:D. No one here has found a shiny yet but me so you arent behind at all :D. Never quit an SR even if it takes you ages lol, maybe the next SR was a shiny and you missed it:P? thats how I like to think at least haha xD. Also SR is easier than RE for example. Though RE goes quicker, it requires more attention, especially when counting. With SR all you have to do is just click A A A A A A A till u see the pokemon and reset if not shiny. U can easily watch tv or so while SR lol. Trust me, it helps xD.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me (or Kitori of course since she knows even more than me about this challenge:D) but just so you know that the optional rules arent necessary. In fact you only need to get 3 shinies to complete the challenge. Hard? yes it is lol. Undoable? No xD.
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    I'm the worst challenge runner ever! xD I still haven't had time to SR. Final exams are almost over, though! Yaaaay. I have Thursday off but I will be packing for my vacation and then driving so... maybe sometime this weekend I'll get some in. ^^; I'm not sure how my internet access will be while I'm on vacation. I have my phone but it can be hard to type posts on it so I might be a little scarce the next two weeks. (But hopefully I'll come back with shiny news!)

    Janske said:
    I have no idea how to show/upload a picture with a post though lol, I mean I only signed up 4 days ago:D. But if you could tell me it would be very much appreciated:D.

    You can make an account at https://photoshop.com and upload images there. ^^ Then you just hit the "insert image" button above the text box when making a post and copy and paste the image url.

    Janske said:
    Guys I found another shiny!! A shiny spearow!

    Grats! I'll add it to your entry. ^^

    SoulSilver10112 said:
    I've been SRing alot, getting tired of the intro of the professor and Lucas.

    I KNOW, right?! I think we picked the worst gen to do it on. xD You can save after their intro (if you haven't) but then you still have to sit through them leaving and your rival talking before you can battle to see if it's shiny. So annoying. u__u;

    Sydian said:
    Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying this fantastic challenge! Kitori is doing a great job running it and I'm so happy to have new people in here. :)

    Thanks, Sydian! ^_^
    You can make an account at https://photoshop.com and upload images there. ^^ Then you just hit the "insert image" button above the text box when making a post and copy and paste the image url.

    Grats! I'll add it to your entry. ^^

    Oh! You "have" to make an account:O? There is no other way xD? If not I guess I'll just have to make one haha:D.

    And thanks a lot :3c ^^

    PS: You certainly are NOT the worst challenge runner ever haha, I mean look at you replying to all my questions and answering everyone in need of you:p. Sure a bit late xD... but I know you are busy and I don't think anyone here will hold it against you:p.

    I remember a year and a half ago I was just like that too lol, studying my ass off, fearing the exams, doing weekend jobs, etc etc, so I know what you are going through xD

    Have fun on your holidays and good luck with your exams;)

    EDIT: 5400 RE later and still no shiny to show for. This is just insanity lol. I know it isn't uber long yet but still, it is my longest hunt so far and I am kinda losing my patience:/. I'm so annoyed right now you guys don't even know:p. I will honestly rage if i DO get a shiny and it is another spearow lol. I'll try to reach to 6000 today and hopefully by then I will have one to show for, but I honestly doubt it:(.

    MORE EDIT: 6500 RE and still nothing! Man this is taking forever :(. I hope before 7k it sparkles lol, I'll even take a spearow again haha xD.

    May your luck be better than mine:)
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