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The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

I'm gonna have to try that Mystery Doors! {XD} Good solution btw!

Well I'm finally happy with all the rules, thanks for your input and sorry for the messing!

Three more Strange Endings from Honey...


Heracross vs Heracross!


Not sure if I'll head to Hoenn straight away, I'm really enjoying this movie lark! I really want that Bronze statue! :)
Well, this is about the time I usually update, huh? Truth is, I haven't gotten much done, Grinding and TM's took way longer to get then I thought. ~_~ I'm set up to do the rest of the Movies, I just haven't yet. I've done Brycen-Man and Red Fog 1 and 2. I'm too lazy for pictures right now, so I'll just post all 8 at once.

For... Reasons... I won't be able to post updates tomorrow and maybe the day after. Just thought I'd let you know.
Honey just couldn't wait to get to Hoenn!

Me and Honey, all psyched-up for our final challenge!


Congratulations, Honey! Hoenn adores you!

Wow, can't beleive we've come to the end of our adventure together! Though who knows, perhaps there's a whole new Region just waiting for a Superstar like Honey! Kalos Queen has a nice ring to it! ^^
Congrats to you and Honey! Good Job! ^^

Spark and I finally finished shooting all 8 Films. Here they are.

Spark seems to be a bit bored of Movies for now, so let get back to contests! I'm sure the people of Hoenn could use some excitement!
Finally the Movies are all done! It took really long, mostly due to aforementioned busy IRL stuff. But here they are!


Well, I suppose this is it, Unova. You've been a great crowd. But we gotta get Hoenn in on this action!

...Gotta hurry up and transfer Rex before my Pokemon Bank year ends... October 16 {D:}
Spark and I did it! When we first got to Hoenn, I lost so much and was wondering why people said this was so easy. Then, I realized there was no "Sheen". Once realizing that, I maxed out all of his stats but Cute (Ran out of Berries). Then proceeded to destroy the competition.


With all the ribbons, That guarantees us a spot in the PokéWalk of Fame!


I'm kinda sad it's over. If a new contest dome decides to appear, you better know that Spark and I will be there!
I might've had some down times here and there, but I wasn't about to let that stop both of us! Rex never disappoints, and I certainly won't either! To the Contest Hall!
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

Rex turns up the heat in Master Beauty!
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

Just look at how far we've come!
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

Great job, Rex! We shall finally be known as one of the great stars in Pokemon history!
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

This challenge was great fun, I'm glad I got the chance to participate! It gave me the chance to really dig deep into the Contests and Movies, which I had done very little of in the past. Here's to hoping there's even more fame to be gained in Generation 7!
Well, Spark and Rex, it's time to get your paws mucky because you've earned the right to make your mark on the PokeWalk of Fame! ^^ Thoroughly well deserved, boys!

And thanks guys for taking part, I'm glad you enjoyed it, having people playing it at the same time made it a lot more fun for me too! I have a Pikachu who wants in on the action so once I have enough money for Poffins it's time to make another superstar!
I'd love to sign up for another, It is way more fun doing it at the same time! Before, I didn't want to fall behind, so I kept playing. I do know a certain little buddy of mine that would like some time in the spotlight... But sadly I do not have the time. I think I have 3 different playthoughs going on right now. I will soon though, I don't want this challenge to die, It's my favorite. :D

Oh right, Mods will see this as spam if I don't do something relating to the challenge... So, uhh...
Is there any Pokemon not allowed? Like Legendary Pokemon?
Something struck me as I was deciding who to use for another go at this...

What about Pokemon that don't have arms or are Quadrupeds? They wouldn't be able to win the Musicals! Because I was thinking about using Bayleef next, soooo...

We probably should've thought of that sooner, but better late than never, right?
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No banned Pokemon as such but the Pokemon must be bred so that rules out certain Pokemon including Legendaries with the exception of Phione.

Hmm, that's a thought. I'm pretty sure I remember winning with Serperior back in the day but can't be sure. I'll have to do some testing...

I'm stoked that you both want to do the challenge again btw! It'll probably be a wee while til I'm ready too.
No banned Pokemon as such but the Pokemon must be bred so that rules out certain Pokemon including Legendaries with the exception of Phione.

I didn't think of that! Forgot it needed to be bred. Anyway, I think I'm done growing berries... time to sign up again!

Username: Drackos_Flare
In-game name(s): Austie
Pokémon: Bash the Wartortle

ORAS has spoiled me, having to think about what I feed it, If it good enough, how many I can feed it, sucks. Though know I'm gonna master Cool, I don't know about the other.

Oh, and have you noticed how this challenge is now one of the "HOT" ones? Woohoo! ^^
I didn't think of that! Forgot it needed to be bred. Anyway, I think I'm done growing berries... time to sign up again!

Username: Drackos_Flare
In-game name(s): Austie
Pokémon: Bash the Wartortle

ORAS has spoiled me, having to think about what I feed it, If it good enough, how many I can feed it, sucks. Though know I'm gonna master Cool, I don't know about the other.

Oh, and have you noticed how this challenge is now one of the "HOT" ones? Woohoo! ^^

Yay! Hot stuff!

I like the name Bash, really suits a Wartortle and sounds like a star already!

I really need to make some money fast so I can join you! Actually, it might be interesting to see how far I can get without Poffins!
I guess this means it's time to get back on to the scene!

Username: SonicZ16
In-game name(s): Tywie
Pokémon: Renma the Sandshrew

I haven't even started the breeding yet, though. :P And since Sandshrew's sprite looks like this:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

...I'm a little bit worried about how the accessories might fit on her. (She is a girl by the way!)
But I'm pretty sure we'll pull through regardless. :)
I guess this means it's time to get back on to the scene!

Username: SonicZ16
In-game name(s): Tywie
Pokémon: Renma the Sandshrew

I haven't even started the breeding yet, though. :P And since Sandshrew's sprite looks like this:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

...I'm a little bit worried about how the accessories might fit on her. (She is a girl by the way!)
But I'm pretty sure we'll pull through regardless. :)

I think I may have to dash Renma's dreams of stardom! ;-; I tried the Musical with a Slowpoke today and came last. She looked great with props on both ears, her head and face but because she couldn't hold any props she didn't get the chance to shine or disrupt her competitors.

That's so disappointing but good job you thought of it before anyone got that far! I'll make a note of it in the OP.
Ah, but have no fear! I recently checked in White 2, and Sandshrew can indeed hold props in both hands! It just looks so darn adorable, the way she holds things! ♥

...But I'm still breeding back in Sinnoh. I've been breeding for 4 straight hours and still haven't got it yet, not to mention my save file (which had Rex's run on it) was corrupted! Luckily, I had an extra completed save on standby, from a Blaziken Solo run I finished a few days ago. I switched over to that save, which also means I have to get the scarves again and I have no Berries. I guess that means we're going with shop bought this time!
Ah, but have no fear! I recently checked in White 2, and Sandshrew can indeed hold props in both hands! It just looks so darn adorable, the way she holds things! ♥

...But I'm still breeding back in Sinnoh. I've been breeding for 4 straight hours and still haven't got it yet, not to mention my save file (which had Rex's run on it) was corrupted! Luckily, I had an extra completed save on standby, from a Blaziken Solo run I finished a few days ago. I switched over to that save, which also means I have to get the scarves again and I have no Berries. I guess that means we're going with shop bought this time!

That's awesome! Can't wait to see her in action! Where does the name Renma come from btw, it's really nice!

I'll introduce Lightning tomorrow but we've been doing quite well despite the lack of Poffins! Doubt it'll last much longer though!
Where I got Renma from... It's a long and weird story.

The short version: It comes from the combining of the words "Rex" and "Denma". Both of these come from a Japanese only GBA game called Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2. It's a game similar to Pokemon, Rex is the starter monster's default name, and Denma is the game's "Mana" or "MP" system that's a staple in RPGs.

Now, how about that progress... I think this picture says it nicely.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]

Still haven't got "the one" yet. I'm so done with breeding after this... :|
Now that's a lot of Sandshrew! Don't worry, she'll be worth it!

Haven't really got any progress to report but would like to introduce you to Lightning!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Superstar Pokémon Challenge! [Gens 4, 5 & 6]
