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The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

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Type: Fighting
Challenge: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed for now, will figure out the rest as I go along

Ultimate Fighting Monotype Challenge FireRed Update #1

Name: Huggs
Rival: Muggs
Starter: Champ the Charmander (to make things easier for me down the road against my rival)

-Blahblahblah caught Snowball the Mankey on the route west of Viridian
-I'm also just catching as many mons as possible so I can get the Itemfinder later on
-Brock fight was simple (no screen)
-Misty took a couple tries, because Starmie kept getting lucky with confusion hax
-Snowball evolved into a Primeape on Route 6
-Lt. Surge was simple since we're getting pretty overleveled at this point
-Used the move tutor in Rock Tunnel to teach Everest Rock Slide
-Also taught him the TM for Return
-He also evolved into a Machoke on Route 8
-Got the Tea in Celadon, then went straight to Fighting Dojo
-Snowball took down the whole place with Aerial Aces and we got Eddard the Hitmonchan as a reward
-Eddard Ice Punched his way through Erika's gym


[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Snowball the Primeape ♀, Lv. 37
Ability: Vital Spirit
-Aerial Ace
-Cross Chop

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Everest the Machoke ♂, Lv. 31
Ability: Guts
-Rock Slide

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Eddard the Hitmonchan ♂, Lv. 31
Ability: Keen Eye
-Comet Punch
-Ice Punch
-Sky Uppercut

HM Slaves:
CH'DING the Farfetch'd: Cut, Fly
Pikachu: Flash
Weeeeell, this bug monotype isn't too terrible after all now that I've gotten past the first gym (stupid rock types!). I had to compensate for the lack of bugs by catching THREE Wurmple and training them. Took 5 tries to beat Roxanne for obvious reasons, heh. Zigzagoon is lovely, because he gives free money. Yay, money!

Current team:
Nincada Lv. 18
Dustox Lv. 17
Dustox Lv. 17
Beautifly Lv. 17
Zigzagoon Lv. 2 (HM slave)
Wingull Lv. 4 (HM slave)

I'm starting a normal monotype on SoulSilver too, yay!
I decided to take it upon myself to make new userbars for this challenge, since the old set don't quite seem to match each other in style. So here's a prototype Bug Userbar I made to demonstrate the style I have in mind:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Let me know what you think!
Sorry for my inactivity, I'm still working on my grass monotype in Pearl and I still need to get through Victory Road (I'm just training atm). Black 2 and Minecraft have been taking up most of my time. I will get an update ASAP.
Got two more:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Enjoy my fellow Challengers! If I find time I'll start updating the progress and Champions on Christmas. Otherwise Wednesday is my other day off.
Heres update #1!

  • Started game,chose male character,named Razor.
  • Talked to mom,and went to lab.
  • Chose starter as chikorita,no nickname.
  • Went back to mom and talked.
  • Trained chikorita to level 8 in route 29.
  • Continued to cherrygrove and got map card with running shoes.
  • Went to mr.pokemons house,got mystery egg and pokedex.
  • Went back to cherrygrove and healed.
  • Battled rival,grew chikorita to level 9.
  • Went back to lab and named rival Soul.
  • Saved game and closed(duh)
I was going to wait until I had more made before posting Userbars again, but this one came out so well I had to show someone, and I figure I may as well show you guys:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Well it's been a long while, but I finally am going to start finishing my monotype challenges! My last update was in the old thread back in the end of April, lol.

Started Psychic on White 2 a couple weeks ago. Right now I have 1 badge and started with a hacked Bronzor since there are no early Psychic types unlike BW. Will have a more complete update later for you guys!

Glad to hav u back. Btw, you can get a Woobat before the third badge even in B2W2.
Name: TrollShammy80
Ultimate or Single: Hmm..Ultimate
Challenge: Water
Game: Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green *need to see which I have on the lappy* /Complex Crystal/Expert Emerald/Sol Platinum/Blaze Black

Will start this weekend...on Fire Red :)

PS: Great User Bars I like them alot and MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL
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I did several more Userbars! I don't feel like doing more tonight so I'll just post them up:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

can you make a psychic userbar?i wasnt looking when i took the user bar of psychic and now i have got an ultimate challenger userbar in my signature.
Hey guys, I'm back with another update on my Poison Leaf Green challenge!

Since last time:




I wasn't able to c/p in pictures. Trust me, I tried. Whenever I pasted, it would do nothing. But no matter. As you can see, I am going rather slowly, because I am not using VBA. If I were, I would just use the speed button. But I wanted to make things authentic and, well, legal. Anyway, that's all for this time. See you soon!
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can you make a psychic userbar?i wasnt looking when i took the user bar of psychic and now i have got an ultimate challenger userbar in my signature.

I was going to wait until I had more made before posting Userbars again, but this one came out so well I had to show someone, and I figure I may as well show you guys:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
This one was I think the second one I made. Maybe third, my memory sucks. It's actually one of my favorites.

So I've done a lot since my last update. I now have 5 badges:
-Bought Pinsir at Game Corner
-Cleared Celadon Gym
-Defeated Erika
-Cleared Rocket Hideout
-Cleared Pokemon Tower
-Woke Snorlax on Route 12
-Caught Venonat on Route 12
-Venonat evolved into Venomoth
-Cleared Route 12
-Cleared Route 13
-Cleared Route 14
-Cleared Route 15
-Woke Snorlax on Route 16
-Cleared Route 16
-Cleared Route 17
-Cleared Route 18
-Cleared Silph Co.
-Got beat by Rival's Charizard
-Cleared Fuchsia Gym
-Defeated Koga


I have gone through the 1st 10 pages and examined the post history of everyone who signed up in those pages. 15 pages left. this is taking less time than I expected.

Last 3 Userbars. I have added them all to the first post:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge
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Finally's here's me with a more in depth update. Thanks to Samurott01 ruining my Bronzor fun reminding me of the Woobats in Relic Passage, I ended up boxing him and going it alone with my starter until then.

Update on Ultimate Monotype Challenge (Psychic).

Update #1 on White 2.​

Name: Psy
Rival: Ren
Starter: Snivy

  • After I got two badges and reached Castelia City, I caught Tootsie the Woobat in the Relic Passage.
  • Trained her up at the Battle Co and a bunch of Audino in the city, then challenged Burgh.
  • Couldn't beat his Dwebble at all, so I rode my bike tons and tons and eventually Toostie was happy enough to evolve into Swoobat!
  • Defeated Burgh pretty easily after I got past Dwebble.
  • Moved north through Route 4, and Colress was a huge pain with Magnemite and Klink.
  • Arrived in Nimbasa City, and immediately went to Route 5 to catch Limey the Solosis.
  • Backtracked to the Desert Resort, where I caught Nazca the Sigilyph.
  • Trained them both up on all the trainers I skipped earlier in Route 4 and 16, then went to the gym.
  • While battling the gym trainers, Limey evolved into Duosion!
  • Elesa wasn't too hard thanks to Duosion's great bulk.
  • Moved on to Route 5, crossed the bridge to Driftveil City.
  • Beat Rood of the old Team Plasma, then took on the gym.
  • Clay took a couple tries because of my lack of effective moves, but I was able to crit my way to victory.
  • Won the Driftveil Tournament at the PWT, then went into Relic Passage to Relic Castle, where I caught Astrodoll the Baltoy.
  • I am saved in the Relic Passage.

Team Psy:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Astrodoll the Relaxed Baltoy - L31 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Extrasensory, AncientPower, Bulldoze, Power Trick
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Limey the Modest Duosion, ♀ - L36 @ Eviolite
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Psyshock, Recover, Hidden Power (Dark), Future Sight
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Nazca the Quirky Sigilyph, ♀ - L36 @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Psybeam, Reflect, Air Cutter, Hypnosis
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Tootsie the Adamant Swoobat, ♀ - L29
Ability: Unaware
Moves: Air Cutter, Fly, Heart Stamp, Calm Mind

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Servine - Cut, Flash
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Darumaka - Strength, Dig

I got nowhere in my bug monotype because SoulSilver is too awesome <3

Onto my normal monotype! Got defeated in Falkner's gym because I didn't expect a Pidgeotto (he cheated). Ended up training in Sprout Tower for a while. Normal moves vs ghost 'mon = bad...usually. But two of my 'mon had Foresight so it made for an easy grind. Hypnosis sucks though, bad. Grabbed and hatched Togepi afterwards and went to fight Bugsy after a couple more levels of grinding. Scyther uses U-turn and OHKOs one of my FLYING pokemon, so it's reset and back to training.

Current team:
Rattata Lv. 15
Togepi Lv. 12
Furret Lv. 15
Pidgey Lv. 16
Hoothoot Lv. 15
Totodile Lv. 11 (filler for now, might become HM slave)
Type: Psychic

I guess I'll have to start over again. However, if it had changes anything, I had already cleared up to the Hoenn games in the last thread.I was just starting Platnium. If I have to start over, I can live with it, but if I can pick up from platnium, that'd be great too. Just let me know, okay?
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The thread is officially up to date! I will probably be doing my weekly updates on either Tuesdays or Thursdays (or Wednesdays if my schedule get's changed, as I suspect it might). Have fun everyone and Merry Christmas!
Type: Psychic

I guess I'll have to start over again. However, if it had changes anything, I had already cleared up to the Hoenn games in the last thread.I was just starting Platnium. If I have to start over, I can live with it, but if I can pick up from platnium, that'd be great too. Just let me know, okay?
I have no problem letting you continue from the place you left off in the old thread. It would be nice if you could link me to the last post you made in the old thread. If you can't, I'm plenty willing to take your word for it!
Ultimate Fighting Monotype Challenge FireRed Update #2 (FINAL)

-Got the PokeFlute, beat up a Snorlax, got the Super Rod
-Went back to Cerulean then to Route 25 where we fished up Davos the Poliwag
-Davos evolved into a Poliwhirl on the Cycling Path. Immediately gave him a Water Stone to evolve him completely into a Poliwrath and taught him Brick Break
-Got to Fuschia, did the Safari Zone, got Surf, taught it to Davos
-Trained up in Silph Co., after which I taught Davos Bulk Up and made Eddard a SubPuncher
-Bought enough coins to get Davos the TM for Ice Beam
-Koga was actually pretty tough, mostly because that Muk is a pain in the butt
-Eddard SubPunched most of his way through the Sabrina fight, with Everest coming in to help at the end
-VBA Link evolved Everest into a Machamp
-Davos washed away Blaine with no issue
-Did Sidequest Island for the experience
-Davos washed away Giovanni even easier. Taught Eddard Earthquake
-Grinded everyone to around Lv. 52, went through Victory Road, then took on the E4

-Lorelei wasn't hard, but she was annoying, with both Slowbro and Jynx putting everyone to sleep
-The whole team helped take out Bruno
-" " " " " " Agatha
-Lance didn't go too badly. Davos did most of the work
-Muggs' Alakazam can go suck my butt. Took too many items to get through.


[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Snowball the Primeape ♀, Lv. 53
Ability: Vital Spirit
-Aerial Ace
-Cross Chop

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Everest the Machamp ♂, Lv. 54 @ Leftovers
Ability: Guts
-Rock Slide

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Eddard the Hitmonchan ♂, Lv. 56 @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eye
-Focus Punch
-Sky Uppercut

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Davos the Poliwrath ♂, Lv. 56
Ability: Water Absorb
-Bulk Up
-Ice Beam
-Brick Break

HM Slaves:
CH'DING the Farfetch'd: Cut, Fly
Pikachu: Flash, Strength, Rock Smash
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