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Tititienne's Good Fortune


  • 28
    What's new ?

    What am I looking for ?

    • Female Pokémon with their hidden ability/Dream World females I do not have (see "Hidden Ability Pokémon/Dream World Females")
    • Event Pokémon I do not own

    Shiny Pokémon

    (Will be cloned)

    Flawless Pokémon

    (Will be cloned)


    Dream World Females

    Straight from the Entree Forest. Caught in the Dream Ball. (Will be cloned)

    Hidden Ability Pokémon

    All the following Pokémon will be bred upon request. As such, they will all be level 1 and have their respective hidden ability. I can also infect them with Pokérus if requested. If you want a female, please specify it.

    Legendary Pokémon

    (Will be cloned)

    Event Pokémon

    (Will be cloned)

    Spring 2013 Meloetta

    Global Link Gothorita

    Ready-to-trade Pokémon

    The following Pokémon are all alone in my boxes, waiting to be loved. They are all level 1 newborns. I can infect them with Pokérus upon request. They're not shiny, they don't have their hidden ability, but they are FREE !
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    Could I have a whismur and spiritomb, Also I can donate any starter or dragon type if you need one :)
    Of course, use my White FC ! And I would make good use of a Charmander and a Treecko.

    Awesome, my FC is 1679 3211 8840, I have the treeko already, but I don't have any charmander and I don't feel like breeding them so I'm just gonna give you one of my Charizards :) She's a female too. Let me know when you can trade. Also, would you be willing to trade your Melloetta for a 2012 Event Darkrai? He's untouched
    Awesome, my FC is 1679 3211 8840, I have the treeko already, but I don't have any charmander and I don't feel like breeding them so I'm just gonna give you one of my Charizards :) She's a female too. Let me know when you can trade. Also, would you be willing to trade your Melloetta for a 2012 Event Darkrai? He's untouched

    Sure, I would love your Darkrai ! Contact me when you are ready to trade.
    Aloha! Mind if we exchange Friend Codes? I'd like to trade for your Mudkip and possibly the Eevee if it's female, please.
    OH MY FLIPPING GOSH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? That's so awesome! I've got you in my pal pad for White, my Friend Code is 3526 - 2400 - 6812. Thank you so much :'3 Are you sure your don't want me to, like, give you a Zorua or a starter or anything?
    OH MY FLIPPING GOSH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? That's so awesome! I've got you in my pal pad for White, my Friend Code is 3526 - 2400 - 6812. Thank you so much :'3 Are you sure your don't want me to, like, give you a Zorua or a starter or anything?

    Nah, I'll be fine. Just contact me when you are ready to trade :)
    Edit: By the way, use my White FC.
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    So... I'm interested in the following as DWFs (they can be clones or lvl 1 bred, I don't care either way). I realize this is a long list and I'm not sure I have enough DWFs you don't have to trade you back, but if you want to take a look at my thread and see if there's anything you want now, I can reduce the number if needed. ^^;

    Lvl. 10 Aipom (Skill Link)
    Lvl. 10 Cacnea (Water Absorb)
    Lvl. 10 Clamperl (Rattled)
    Lvl. 34 Crustle (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 10 Durant (Truant)
    Lvl. 10 Ledyba (Rattled)
    Lvl. 10 Mantine (Water Veil)
    Lvl. 10 Roselia (Leaf Guard)
    Lvl. 10 Skarmory (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 10 Snorlax (Gluttony)
    Lvl. 10 Sunkern (Early Bird)
    Lvl. 10 Tirtouga (Swift Swim)
    Darumaka (Inner Focus)
    Frillish (Damp)
    Vullaby (Weak Armor)

    Edit: There were a few that I took off that I realized I already had, they just weren't on my list for some reason. Sorry about that. ^^;
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    So... I'm interested in the following as DWFs (they can be clones or lvl 1 bred, I don't care either way). I realize this is a long list and I'm not sure I have enough DWFs you don't have to trade you back, but if you want to take a look at my thread and see if there's anything you want now, I can reduce the number if needed. ^^;

    Lvl. 10 Aipom (Skill Link)
    Lvl. 10 Cacnea (Water Absorb)
    Lvl. 10 Clamperl (Rattled)
    Lvl. 34 Crustle (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 10 Durant (Truant)
    Lvl. 25 Gurdurr (Iron Fist)
    Lvl. 10 Ledyba (Rattled)
    Lvl. 10 Mantine (Water Veil)
    Lvl. 10 Roselia (Leaf Guard)
    Lvl. 10 Scyther (Steadfast)
    Lvl. 10 Skarmory (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 10 Smoochum (Hydration)
    Lvl. 10 Snorlax (Gluttony)
    Lvl. 10 Sunkern (Early Bird)
    Lvl. 10 Tirtouga (Swift Swim)
    Cleffa (Friend Guard)
    Darumaka (Inner Focus)
    Frillish (Damp)
    Vullaby (Weak Armor)

    You actually do have a lot of DWFs I don't have, so I'll take the following ones:


    I'll contact you when your order is ready. By the way, I will also give you a DWF Cranidos.
    I'm becoming quite the regular. xD Can I trade you something for a shieldon baby? :3
    I'm becoming quite the regular. xD Can I trade you something for a shieldon baby? :3

    Sure. Do you absolutely want it lvl. 1 or can I clone the lvl. 10 from the Dream World I have ? Oh, since last time the trade was not even, I will not request something in return.
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    Sure. Do you absolutely want it lvl. 1 or can I clone the lvl. 10 from the Dream World I have ? Oh, since last time the trade was not even, I will not request something in return.

    A clone is fine~ ^_^

    la la la word count...
    Hello there ;)
    CMT for this:
    Female Shiny Spiritomb
    Level 1
    Adamant nature

    Also the following DWF pokemon( in their dreamball )

    and just to make it 6 I suppose Nidoran ^_^
    Would like to offer you these 9 DWF's:

    Trapinch - Sheer Force
    Poliwag - Swift Swin
    Croagunk - Poison Touch
    Riolu - Prankster
    Gible - Rough Skin
    Shroomish - Quick Feet
    Murkrow - Prankster
    Seviper - Infiltrator
    Zangoose - Toxic Boost

    For these 9:

    Lvl. 35 Vanillish (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 15 Wobbuffet (Telepathy)
    Lvl. 10 Shinx (Guts)
    Lvl. 10 Skarmory (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 10 Skitty (Wonder Guard)
    Lvl. 10 Shuckle (Contrary)
    Lvl. 10 Shuppet (Cursed Body)
    Lvl. 10 Pineco (Overcoat)
    Lvl. 10 Roselia (Leaf Guard)

    All of mine are UT and a mix of in Dream Ball and bred x]
    Looks like I missed you today... but oh, goodness! I need skitty too! :X I'd like to trade you something for it, though, since it's a 10,000 point DWF. ^_^

    Well, then, I could make good use of a DWF Farfetch'd ;) By the way, I will give you back a Slowpoke in a Dream Ball since I absent-mindedly asked for two (one in our first trade, and another in our second).

    Hello there ;)
    CMT for this:
    Female Shiny Spiritomb
    Level 1
    Adamant nature

    Also the following DWF pokemon( in their dreamball )

    and just to make it 6 I suppose Nidoran ^_^

    Hi ! I would trade them for the following DWF as well as this shiny Metagross, is that ok for you ?


    Metagross Lv 56
    Nature: Gentle
    Ability: Clear body
    Moves: Iron defense, Agility, Meteor mash, Zen headbutt
    Stats: 165 | 164 | 143 | 113 | 124 | 92
    Ivs: 18 | 15 | 16 | 4 | 14 | 17
    OT: Toko | ID: 51468

    Would like to offer you these 9 DWF's:

    Trapinch - Sheer Force
    Poliwag - Swift Swin
    Croagunk - Poison Touch
    Riolu - Prankster
    Gible - Rough Skin
    Shroomish - Quick Feet
    Murkrow - Prankster
    Seviper - Infiltrator
    Zangoose - Toxic Boost

    For these 9:

    Lvl. 35 Vanillish (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 15 Wobbuffet (Telepathy)
    Lvl. 10 Shinx (Guts)
    Lvl. 10 Skarmory (Weak Armor)
    Lvl. 10 Skitty (Wonder Guard)
    Lvl. 10 Shuckle (Contrary)
    Lvl. 10 Shuppet (Cursed Body)
    Lvl. 10 Pineco (Overcoat)
    Lvl. 10 Roselia (Leaf Guard)

    All of mine are UT and a mix of in Dream Ball and bred x]

    Alright, just contact me when you are ready to trade :)
    PS: Wouldn't a Skitty with Wonder Guard be awesome ?!
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