Polished Map is a map editor for the pokecrystal or pokered disassembly projects. It was inspired by the now-outdated crowdmap and the binary hack tool Advance Map.
Download version 4.7.1 on GitHub and follow the instructions to install it.
Polished Map can open maps from pokecrystal, pokered, and various hacks using those bases, including Polished Crystal v2, Red++ v3, Orange, and Prism. All these projects have only slight differences in their file locations and formats, which is why they're all compatible.
Polished Map can edit blocks, tiles, roofs, collision data, color palettes, and events (NPCs, warps, signs, etc). It cannot view map connections.
A few tips:
Download version 4.7.1 on GitHub and follow the instructions to install it.
Polished Map can open maps from pokecrystal, pokered, and various hacks using those bases, including Polished Crystal v2, Red++ v3, Orange, and Prism. All these projects have only slight differences in their file locations and formats, which is why they're all compatible.
Polished Map can edit blocks, tiles, roofs, collision data, color palettes, and events (NPCs, warps, signs, etc). It cannot view map connections.
A few tips:
- Before you open a project, set the Options menu. pokered needs "Monochrome" to be checked; hacks like Orange need "256 Tiles".
- Options→Tile Priority is checked for projects where you can use priority tiles, which appear over sprites. This tutorial explains how to enable tile priority.
- Options→256 Tiles is checked for projects where you can use 256 tiles in a tileset. (pokecrystal skips tiles $60 to $7F and does not use tiles $E0 to $FF.) This tutorial explains how to extend tilesets.
- Polished Map does not update the .asm files that define a map's size and tileset; you have to do that if you change those. For example, pokecrystal defines the width and height in constants/map_constants.asm and the tileset in data/maps/maps.asm. You can also put the size and tileset in the filename, e.g. NewBarkTown.10x9.johto.blk for a 10x9 map with the johto tileset.
- Right-click a block in the sidebar, or an event on the map, to open a dialog for editing them.
- Middle-click and drag to scroll the sidebar or the map.
- Shift+click a warp event to open the map that it warps to.
- Read the Help file and the GitHub docs for more details, including mouse-controlled features that might be harder to discover than menu items and toolbar buttons.
- If you are using Windows, right-click install.bat and click "Run as Administrator". This will install Polished Map to your account's AppData folder and place a shortcut on your Desktop. You will also be able to double-click a .blk file to open it in Polished Map.
- If you've made changes to your project that make it incompatible with Polished Map, you can probably edit config.h and config.cpp to add support for custom file locations.
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