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Trading Shop (BTW I'm new help is appreciated :D )

  • 1
    • Seen Sep 23, 2009
    Shiny Trading Shop (BTW I'm new help is appreciated :D )

    Okay so what i have is a few shiny's that im willing to trade, they are UT unless stated otherwise, they are:

    Lumineon LV 37 Naive
    Tentacruel LV 27 Docile
    Buizel LV 9 Relaxed
    Ariados LV 52 Quiet
    Hippowdon LV 54 x 2 Naughty
    Onix LV 44 Hardy
    Geodude LV 5 Naughty
    Snover LV 34 Gentle
    Octillery LV34 Sassy
    Skuntank LV 51 Careful
    Golbat LV 45 Careful
    Magikarp LV 4 Calm
    Golduck LV 53 Careful
    Absol LV 25 Hasty
    Beautifly LV 13 Modest (been trained for evolution)
    Luxray LV 43 Quiet (been trained for evolution)
    Torchic LV 1 Quiet
    Bulbasaur LV 1 x2 Naive
    Goldeen LV 16 Naughty
    Eevee LV 17 Impish
    Wooper LV 18 Impish
    Magby LV 22 Mild
    Larvitar LV 1 Adamant PKRS
    Dratini LV 15 Adamant
    Bagon LV 18 Quiet PKRS
    Rayquaza LV 70 Serious
    Finneon LV 16 Lax

    What I want:
    Shiny Dialga
    Other then that nothing in particular , so just offer...i do like shiny starters though..

    I have a few more pokemon so just ask and i might have them. :)
    I can CLONE. :)
    I can give PKRS to any pokemon.:)
    And I'll happily give the pokemon I'm trading you a Rare Candy :)

    Anyways thanks for looking :)
    Last edited:
    can you list the natures of them, in the origanal post??
    do you know the ivs for shiny Larvitar LV 1 Adamant PKRS?
    did you have a iv battle to get the stats?
    CMT for the shiny Larvitar LV 1 Adamant PKRS.....
    it dosent matter with me its what you wont.....but remember that i have 2 different shiny riolu's
    ok i'll be back in like 15 min....then i'll send my fc...
    ok im ready can you host the trade
    my fc 1032 7555 4018
    whats your fc?