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Transparent textbox for Fire-red


  • 535
    Hello everyone,

    Today I am gonna share a method to make the textboxes transparent in Pokemon FIRE RED
    and you can activate it any time you want ... ;)
    You can even use a complete costum textbox
    for intro, menu etc. without messing them up. This tutorial just requires basic knowledge of
    scripting and hex-editing: maybe also palette understanding.

    Well I am just sharing it here but the original codes for this hack are by Mr. Epic!

    !!! We need to compile and insert the three sets of asm codes !!!

    1st Routine!!!
    Enables transparent Msgbox to make it look transparent (Obviously)

    Asm code:

    Hex codes:

    Where ZZ YY XX is the pointer to the third routine below...

    2nd Routine!!!
    Disables transparent Msgbox.
    If not disabled, when entering a warp the game crashes.

    Asm codes:

    Hex codes:

    3rd Routine!!!
    Modify the palette to you see the msgbox or not will look like
    [PokeCommunity.com] Transparent textbox for Fire-red

    Hex codes:

    Process to insert the routines
    Well these are only my suggestions but you can insert it any way you like... :)
    1. insert the third routine any note the pointer (for eg:750000)
    2. insert the first routine just below the third routine and change the xxxxxx to the pointer above (as previous example it will be 20 00 75 )
    3. insert the second routine below the first routine
    4. note all the pointers for the routine ***VERY IMPORTANT***

    activating the hack with script
    This hack of transparent textbox will not be activated itself but we will have to activate it..
    for that we will have to add some codes to the script we are making (need to be done with every script you want to be seen in transparent textbox)

    all we have to do is
    callasm *\Pointer_to_first_first_routine + 1\* enable the transparent textbox for msg written at @something
    msgbox @something 0x2
    callasm *\pointer_to_second_routine + 1 \* Disable the transparent textbox effect

    It works great with Yes-no box and show pokepic as well :)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Transparent textbox for Fire-red

    [PokeCommunity.com] Transparent textbox for Fire-red

    ~ the images are of the owner, I just used them here, but they do work :)

    Well that was all of this Tutorial...
    Give credits to Epic for these codes as he is the one who did it,
    and I was the person to share it with you.

    If you have any question regards this,
    make replies below... I will try to help you :)
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    nice work man i didn't try this yet but when i'm ready ill have to give this a go it looks really usefull :D
    nice work man i didn't try this yet but when i'm ready ill have to give this a go it looks really usefull :D

    Well thanks for that!!!
    but the actual credit goes to Epic who is the one who actually did it, I somehow only managed to provide the codes :)
    How come you're posting routines as hex strings? I understand wanting to help out the process by assembling them, but I'm sure someone in the future would be interested in seeing source code. If the original had source code, linking the original would help too.
    How come you're posting routines as hex strings? I understand wanting to help out the process by assembling them, but I'm sure someone in the future would be interested in seeing source code. If the original had source code, linking the original would help too.

    Actually I too dont have the source code... seems like Mr.Epic hasnt made it public...
    Actually there was a patch earlier for it, and that used free space from 0x8750000 which was less convinent for hack in progress....
    I searched around a lot of rom hacking sites and atleast found these compoled ones, so posted them thinking that at least they can be used in hack in progress.... :)

    EDIT: well I actually found them So I am gonna edit the OP. :)
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    Actually I too dont have the source code... seems like Mr.Epic hasnt made it public...
    Actually there was a patch earlier for it, and that used free space from 0x8750000 which was less convinent for hack in progress....
    I searched around a lot of rom hacking sites and atleast found these compoled ones, so posted them thinking that at least they can be used in hack in progress.... :)

    EDIT: well I actually found them So I am gonna edit the OP. :)
    btw here's your original thread, and it is very easy to disassemble a routine if entirely necessary, so a source is still entirely preferred~
    btw here's your original thread, and it is very easy to disassemble a routine if entirely necessary, so a source is still entirely preferred~

    WELL I too realize that mr. Epic has already this thread...
    so if my thread is unnecessary Mods can delete it :)