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Treath of Shadows: Journey into the Darkness (Adopter RP)

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Random Plushie

Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    The Omanyte didn't even notice the Meowth walking up to her, being slightly surprised at his words. Reacting naturally, she crawled a bit into her shell before realizing that he had merely asked an innocent question.

    "Oh.. I'm th-thinking about.. That Voltorb.. Thing.." She replied softly, crawling back out of her shell a little.

    "I'm thinking.. It might have been.. A machine.. Maybe controlled by something.. I don't know." She said, saying nothing more afterwards.

    OOC: Whoa, blanked out there, forgot how to spell 'innocent'. XD

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Why am I not surprised? XD


    Kuro blinked as Snail withdrew a bit into the safety of her shell. As far as he could remember, no-one had ever recoiled in fear of him before. This Omanyte was obviously very cautious by nature.

    "Machine?" Kuro asked, tilting his head, his tail flicking back and forth in a manner which suggested that he was feeling very curious "What's a machine?"

    "A creation of humans..." Kindle interjected in a low voice, now properly turning her attention to the conversation "They use them to kill each other, I hear." she turned to face Snail, staring down the Omanyte in a rather fierce manner "Where did you learn about machines and why do you think it is one of them that we found?" she inquired in a demanding voice, fixing Snail with a stern glance.


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: I'm back! For an hour or so. ^^; Wow... lots of posting happens when Plushie's here. X3 And hooray for you getting ideas Minako!

    Needles & Miyako

    "How come you didn't scout ahead Miyako?" asked Needles, wondering aloud.

    Miyako looked at him silently. She didn't really want to admit that it was because she was tired. Today had been nothing but walking and talking, and yet she was tired. Meeting new people she supposed. That always took a great deal of effort.

    "I do what I want," she said shortly, then continued to watch the frustrated Kindle. She knew how she felt. Staying behind always made Miyako feel like a useless member; like she wasn't good enough to do anything of worth. As Miyako thought this, she began to feel her energy come back.

    She wasn't worthless. She really wasn't even that tired! She flapped her wings a few times and took off into the air.

    Needles gasped, "Miyako! Where are you going?! Hey wait! It's getting too dark! How are you even going to find your way back?!" He paused for a moment, and sighed when no return came.

    "Huh... she gets kinda weird sometimes...," he concluded, and hoped she would stay safe.

    That's when he turned his attention back to the others and their conversation with Snail. Machines? That was a strange word to Needles.

    "Machines sound bad to me... just the word gives me the shivers," he said, mocking a shiver.

    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    OOC: I dunno.. You should be surprised! XD


    Snail stared at Kindle for a bit before answering.

    "Memory." She said simply, although she really couldn't find a reason that explained why she thought this thing they had found earlier was a machine.

    When she had said memory, she was referring waaaay back, back to when the Pokemon had been with humans. It was obviously quite vague because of the time span, but she could still remember it nonetheless, because it stood out from all her other memories. It was something honestly incredible, to say the least.


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709

    Needles & Miyako

    Miyako flew higher until she could make out the land below her; though it was barely possible in the covering darkness. She then noticed a tiny light up ahead of her.

    "What in the world's that?" she wondered, staring off at it. She swooped in closer to it and realized it was the party of the others that had gone scouting ahead.

    'Are they insane?!' she thought to herself, 'They're going to attract the attention of every pokemon in the whole forest! Not to mention worse things....' She closed in on it, hoping she hadn't been too late, when she noticed that Boudicca was there, already snapping at Puuri to turn off her light.

    She landed softly on the ground next to them. "Find anything yet?" she asked, looking a bit winded. That flight was a bit tiring.


    "Memory? You mean you remember humans?! That's incredible!" awed Needles, looking even more surprised than he had all day. All of these things to do with humans were both scary and exciting, and he had never remembered when he had felt so energized.

    "But... how did something from the humans get here?" Needles asked, looking confused, "You don't suppose there are any here, do you?"

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    "Memory? What nonsense is that?" Kindle inquired, impatience now evident in her voice. This had been a very tiring evening and she was in no mood for riddles. At the back of her mind, the Torchic wished that she could just have taken the easy path like Miyako and just flown away from these lunatics she had gone and associated herself. "You didn't answer my question." she continued "Where did you learn about machines and why do you think it's one of them that we found?"

    Kuro's eyes widened in awe however as he realized what the Omanyte was getting at. "You..." he said slowly "You were alive at that time, weren't you? You've seen these...these machines! Have you...seen a human?" the Meowth's voice was now overwhelmingly curious, his tail flicking back and forth in excitement and his eyes glowing. "What are they like?"

    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    "Never seen a human..." Snail began, searching for the right words.

    "The Old One.. Called it a machine.. Made by humans.." She said, again falling silent as she tried to find the best way to describe it...

    Twilight shifted her attention to Miyako as she flew down to land with the scouting group, asking them if they had found something.

    "No, we didn't have enough time.. And now we are to return to the main group. I guess.." Twilight trailed off, wondering if the others had anything to say.


    [O n d i n e]
  • 582
    • Age 32
    • Seen Oct 3, 2008
    Puurii jumped when she heard a voice come from beside her. She hadn't even noticed Miyako land...

    "We're... Getting there," she said, nervously.

    "I myself am starting to think the light's a bad--" Na-Na began to speak, only to be cut off by a loud hiss of wind and a crash of leaves behind him. Spinning around, he looked to find... Nothing, except the brush behind them tattered and demolished on the forest floor. "What... ?" A chill ran up his spine, both his and Puu's hair standing on end. This was exactly what they had hoped wouldn't happen...

    [ooc]: I'm evil... D:]

    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    OOC: The person above me claims to be evil.

    At the crashing noise, Twilight seemed to either have a flashback, be simply surprised, or both, leaping into the air. As she stumbled to an awkward landing, she twirled around, trying to find the cause of the noise. Her tail was snapping wildly now, biting the air in random locations, constantly moving about, trying to find what it sensed.

    OOC: Brain = Dead for this part. XD

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    "Go on..." Kindle said "What was the purpose of this 'machine'?"

    "Come on, don't rush her, sis." Kuro said, smiling kindly at the Omanyte "Give her some time to think."

    "Do you presume to order me?!" the Torchic flared up, glaring at the Meowth in front of her.

    "Of course not," Kuro replied, confident that the fire pok?mon wouldn't harm him "I'm just asking you to give her some time. These are old memories, it figures that they take time to bring back..."

    Kindle let out a disgruntled noise but didn't comment, allowing Snail to take a little thinking time.


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709

    Needles & Miyako

    "Old memories... you must know a lot," Needles said, thinking to himself about the Omanyte. "What does it matter what the humans used it for anyway? I mean, there aren't any around right now, so...," he trailed off, feeling confused again.

    Why did everyone keep talking like a human was going to pop out at them any second?


    "Is there someone there?" Miyako said in a hoarse whisper. She didn't know what was going on here, but whoever was hiding in the dakrness was at an unfair advantage.

    "Turn out your light!" she hissed at the Mareep, "At least the odds will be even then!"

    All that could be heard was a silence and the grass blowing in the wind... or was that rustling something more than just the wind?? Miyako strained to hear, but Taillow didn't have very good hearing.

    OOC: Meh... gotta go... -_-;; Though, I suppose I'll check back in when I get home.

    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    OOC: Have you all guessed what Snail remembers? ^^


    Snail remained silent for a bit longer, then finally she was able to explain the memory fully.

    "I lived in a clan.. J-Just Omanyte and Omastar." She began, leaving a little pause for more effect. "At the ocean floor. I-It was one day.. After feeding time. A large shadow passed above, blocking our light. It didn't move all day." The Omanyte paused again.

    "But it made... Vibrations, in the water. Like a Water Pulse. The Old One swam up to it... And he said it was made of something really hard.. Harder than my shell.. But it wasn't made of rock.. O-Or coral... But after that, the shadow swam away, faster than anything we had seen before.. The Old One said that it was a machine.. Made by humans.." Snail paused again.

    "He said it was made by humans because it wasn't made of.. Um.. I think he said.. It wasn't made of natural material.. And.. That thing.." She said, pausing to gesture towards the general location of the Voltorb stuff. "Is not made of.. Natural material." She concluded, falling silent again.


    [O n d i n e]
  • 582
    • Age 32
    • Seen Oct 3, 2008
    Puu stopped charging her tail, nervously stepping closer to Na-Na. As soon as the light went out, the forest was pitch-black. It was impossible for Puu to see anything in front of her. Na-Na was a little better off, though, because of his heightened sense of sight in the dark. Not knowing what was going on, Puurii had no idea that there was something creeping up on her back.

    Sniffing the air, Na-Na's eyes widened as he caught scent of something... A little too late.

    "Look out--" he screeched, before the loud hiss came from amidst the group. Feeling her fleece charge up with her fear, Puurii let out a startling jolt of electricity, shocking whatever was behind them. With the rush of light, it was possible for all to make out thier attacker... A Seviper.

    [ooc]: It's okay if anyone wishes to shoot me now... XD]

    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    OOC: That Seviper pwns j00 all, just so you know.. Sevipers rule.. XD


    Twilight screeched in fear, (Yes, I meant to say screeched XD) backing up several steps, crushing many a twig in the process.

    It's okay.. It's okay.. Calm down.. Twilight thought, closing her eyes, repeating those thoughts over and over again in her head. Without releasing it, she was using Calm Mind.

    "Gah, go away, you!" She said, stamping one of her hooves, as if threatening to Tackle.


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: *is back* Oh, Minako, I dun wanna shoot you! *clings*

    EDIT: Forgot about Needles... ^^;

    Needles & Miyako

    'Seviper?' thought Miyako, her feathers bristling, 'We should be good enough to take on that thing.' She flapped her wings a bit.

    "I wouldn't dream of it girlie," a hissing voice came forth, sounding as if it had come from all around.

    "You're outmatched wherever you are. Best leave us alone and you'll save your hide," Miyako said sternly, looking to the darkness.

    Suddenly three pairs of red, glowing eyes cropped up in the darkness, there appeared to be a triumphant glare in their eyes, and Miyako found herself losing her courage.

    Okay... there were three of them. This was going to get tricky.

    Miyako looked over to Twilight. She could easily take care of one of them with her bulk... Puuri and Na-na could easily get another, and Boudicca and herself could get the last.

    "Come on Boudicca, you're with me; Twilight, you take one, and Puuri and Na-na, you take another as well. Looks like we've got to fight," she said, fluffing up.

    After momentarily using a quick Focus Energy, Miyako flew up into the air and then straight down at the head of the Seviper on the left. She sped down as fast as her wings and gravity could carry her, and then with a hard crunch, she made contact with the Seviper.

    It fell to the ground, dazed, but soon righted itself. Miyako was a bit dazed too, she was already tired from earlier, and now she was dizzy as well.

    Hopefully the others could hold their own.


    Needles sat with his mouth hanging open. "A machine...!" he said slowly with awe, imagining seeing a large shadow covering the sky above him, "But... this little thing couldn't make a huge shadow, could it?"

    Such a small thing looked like it was incapable of that. Maybe it had another job, another task to perform for humans. Needles shivered. Humans seemed like they were much smarter than pokemon. At least, in that respect.
    Last edited:

    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676
    At first Twilight didn't like the sound of fighting one of them on her own--she hardly ever battled--but soon she shook herself together, eyes glowing with a weird lavendar color as she looked up. Within a few moments, it had vanished, however. It was a mere Future Sight now, but it would become useful later.

    "Just go away now!" Twilight exclaimed, although she still remained unsure of herself. She padded the ground one more time before galloping off towards the middle set of eyes.

    Soon she had slammed into the Seviper that stood there, rebounding back a bit from the force. A fierce hiss came from within the darkness, and soon a pair of fangs had embedded themselves within the Girafarig--a Bite attack.

    "Augh!" Was all Twilight could manage as the pain surged through her, especially since it was super effective.


    "Well.. Um.. That Voltorb.. Thing.. I don't know what it's for.. I guess it just looks like a machine to me.." Snail said, finally falling silent, saying nothing more.

    The Omanyte heaved a sigh. She had never talked so much at once before. As if the action of talking had worn her out, she withdrew into her shell again, hiding all the way this time.

    OOC: Bah, I cannot post for another twenty-four hours unless I wake up at 3 AM. D:

    Darn education requirements.


    [O n d i n e]
  • 582
    • Age 32
    • Seen Oct 3, 2008
    Taking Miyako's direction, Na-Na snarled violently at the one Seviper that had not been attacked yet. It's responsive glare was followed with an evil chuckle that seemed to linger in the air around them. "Shadow Pok?mon..." the Skitty hissed, arching his back by instinct. "Shadow Pok?mon, good-for-nothing terrorists..." There was no doubt in his mind... This trio could be nothing else. Darting forward at his fastest speed, Na-Na rammed himself against the snake's forhead, causing it to fall backwards and crash into the ground. The Seviper, though, was much larger and stronger than he, and succeeded in throwing Na-Na off and rising up again. Na-Na, enfuriated, repeated the process he had at the start.

    Puurii, however, fled to a remaining bush nearby, waiting for Na-Na to pin the opponent down. Once he had, she began charging up. Her fleece, glowing with electricity, was enough signal for Na-Na to get out of the way. Releasing the Shock Wave attack, Puurii had successfully stunned and brought down the weakened Pok?mon... For atleast a moment. It seemed to be paralyzed.

    [ooc]: I have writers block. T___T I'm sorry for taking too long to post again guys XD

    +clings to Melissa and Plushie+]


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: Wow... I'm surprised that no one's posted for a while! Although, that's kinda good for me, I don't have a ton of reading and catching up to do.

    Miyako & Needles

    "Oh please," the Seviper that Miyako had hit spat, "We're not mere forest pokemon! We are indeed Shadow Pokemon, and we aim to make you both our dinner and our entertainment!"

    Miyako's eyes widened, so Na-Na was right. They were Shadow Pokemon. Miyako felt a small bit of fear trickle down her. She had only ever defeated a Shadow Pokemon on her own once before, and that was luck. She was good, but Shadow Pokemon were tough. They could stun them and escape... but that might lead them right back to the others. No, they would have to be dealt with.

    "You have no idea who you're messing with," Miyako said to the Seviper, who was now sizing her up, readying to bite, "I didn't train all of my life just to be eaten by the likes of you!" She flew upward again and evaded his bite, then tried something new by slashing at his face with her clawed feet. The Seviper was only getting angrier though, and its bite attcks began to get more frenzied.

    Miyako tried to lean in quickly to get some good pecks in, but the Seviper sensed that she was coming, and she soon found a pair of deep crimson fangs in her face. Luckily, she darted up and the fangs only made contact with her tailfeathers. A sharp pain jabbed at her as the feathers were pulled out, but she was unharmed otherwise. Though, with her tail gone, she could no longer fly very well, and had to ground herself immediately.

    To give herself a small energy boost, she decided to use an ancient technique known as Refresh. It usually healed her quick when she was sick, but she noticed that it also gave her a small energy boost. She concentrated for a moment and her whole body felt a small surge through it. She opened her eyes and decided that mere attacks alone would not stop these Seviper. They needed a strategy. Miyako decided to try an old trick.

    She walked up to Boudicca, "Boudicca, when I distract the Seviper, can you attack it? I think then we'll win and be able to help Twilight." Twilight had been lying on the ground in pain, and the Seviper that had been attacking her had been attempting to find her. Though, he had also been distracted by Na-Na and Puurii's win against their Seviper. He was a bit torn-- get the others that were about to defeat them, or finish off Twilight.

    Miyako nodded to Boudicca, and then called out, "Catch me now!", leaping into the air. Though it would be difficult with no tail, she could pull it off. She beat her wings as hard as they would go and skirted over to land on the Seviper's tail. She taunted him a bit but he just smiled evily.

    "That stupid trick won't work on a smarter pokemon like me, I'm not dumb enough to bite my own tail, you silly little bird," he said in a hissing voice.

    Miyako's beak turned up a bit into a bird-like smile, "That wasn't the trick. Stupid."

    Now it was Boudicca's turn.


  • 1,186
    {ooc| catch up time... xP}

    Boudicca watched Miyako leap into the air, a feeling of foreboding heavy on her chest. Without tail feathers, she doubted the taillow could keep going for very long. She was gutsy, but inner strength was no match for phsycal hinderance.

    Boudicca's eyes fell on Twilight's injured form. In an instant, the absol's calm persona had gone; she was snarling, her back arched and her fur on end. For a second, she looked ready to leap...
    Dropping into a crouch, Boudicca closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were glowing, and sure enough, a wild wind ripped up around her in sharp, jagged waves. Almost like swords... She rose again, and allowed herself to be engulfed in them as they gained speed. For an instant, she flashed white, and then she emerged, looking far more ferocious and dangerous than before. Sword Dance had it's uses.

    She charged forward at the seviper, darting infront of him while his head was turned, her claws readied for a slash attack. She lunged.


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: Yay! Someone else besides me is here! ^-^

    Oh, and I forgot to thank you Charon about the nice comment about my Yugi avatar. ^-^ And that's kinda funny, I started watching Yugioh after Duelist Kingdom ended. ^^;

    Miyako & Needles

    Miyako was looking a bit worse for wear, and she knew that keeping this up was quite futile. Luckily though, the Seviper was caught off guard by Boudicca's lunge, and it writhed and spat under her attack. It was kocked back, and landed on one of the rough rocks surrounding the area. It wasn't moving.

    Miyako flew up and landed with a small crash on the ground next to Boudicca.

    "Ugh... that took it out of me...," she panted, feeling more tired than she had felt in a long while, "Birds just aren't cut out to fight snakes...." She looked over to Twilight. Hopefully she would be alright.

    And hopefully Na-Na, Puurii, and Boudicca could handle the last one without her... because slowly, and resisting it all the way, Miyako fainted. At least she'd get to rest.


    "Well, I wonder how the others are doing," wondered Needles, laying down, "Miyako's been gone for quite a while. Do you think they've run into any trouble?"

    He certainly hoped not. He had this bed feeling that something had happened. Knowing Miyako, she would put herself right in the middle of it too. She was a funny person; she acted like nothing mattered to her, but when things began to happen, she was the first to help out, or the first to get the job done.

    That's when he heard a small scream and some yelling. In the silence of the night, you could hear many things throughout the forest. It sounded like a struggle, and it wasn't hard to guess who it was concerning.

    "Oh no!" Needles said worriedly, jumping up, "What should we do?"
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