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[Tutorial] How to change the first intro

  • 42
    • Seen Feb 1, 2021
    For those who are hacking Ruby / Sapphire, do not follow this tutorial, I am looking for how to do it in Ruby (it's in hex) of the first intro (see image below). If someone knows how to find / insert it, tell me, please.

    Hello everybody, I do this tutorial for making your hacks a bit better (and custom), and, together, we could prevent the sale of illegal roms.

    Some people have done this in their own hacks (Koder in Pokémon Caps, Alexmad in Pokémon Mitic Island), but haven't tutorial, therefore, I pledge to do so:)

    Everytime (or rather, every time you open a Pokémon rom), you'll see a screen like this, or similar:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    And most of those who have have edited this, has only edited the letters. But it's very little, and in my case, I want it to be totally different (I would avoid selling my hack, and customize a little more). We will use these tools:

    -Our imagination (not a tool, but it is very important if you want to do things without using my resources (below is the download of my resources)).

    -A Emerald, Fire Red or Leaf Green.

    -Microsoft Paint (yes, that is included in all Windows installations (MSPaint.exe): I recommend the Windows Vista/XP/2000 paint ... but not the new of Windows 7, it's uncomfortable.

    -FreeSpaceFinder (FSF) or Thingy32: To search for available space.

    -Cyclone / NamelessTileMapEditor or (NTME): To create the tilemap.

    -GBA-unLZ: To insert the image and tilemap.

    -AdvancePalletteEditor (APE) or another palettes editor.

    VisualBoyAdvance: To test if it works.

    Then we should begin to work!

    STEP 1: Make our own screen in paint.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    I made my template with the background of the second screen in a battle, in Pokémon Platinum, and I use the fonts.

    Many will think that insert this template is impossible, but it's not, follow the tutorial and see how it works.

    STEP 2: Remove the tiles wich are repeated in the image, and remember, use the eraser to the size of 8x8.
    In MSPaint, it's like this:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    After erasing all the tiles repeated, we must sort (or disorder), but get more empty space. If there are empty spaces, fill it, or leave as is. (REMEMBER: It can only have 16 colors)

    Remember: In NTME flip images, so if a tile that is the same if flip it, you can remove the other.

    After having done these things, it should be something like this:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    Very messy, no? : P

    Now we have to index the image and save it in .GIF

    Mine is indexed, and to be in. Png, and for those who want to know how I did, here are the steps:

    1) Open the image with MSPaint.

    2) Save it in .PNG

    It's easy, no?

    STEP 3: Open any editor tilemap, although I recommend NTME, because you can flip images and so you save more space (and bytes). Build the image as you did. This is mine:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    [important] The height and width of this tilemap must be 32x32 (if not, it doesn't work) and always starts at the top left. Used to adjust the "+".

    STEP 4: Save the tilemap, and it is time to see how big is the tileset. Find the tileset, right click -> properties and look for "Space" (I think (size is in English)), we can see how big your tilemap, to use the FSF (FreeSpaceFinder).

    In my case, it's 2512. There is no need to see how much the RAW weighs, because it should always be 2048 bytes (2kb).

    STEP 5: Open the FSF (FreeSpaceFinder) and start searching for 2512 bytes. Copy this address.

    Open unLZ, load the rom that you want to use. In my case was FireRed.
    Remember, usually the tilemap (. RAW) images are from the address just after the image.

    -Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire:
    Image of the intro: 1635
    Tilemap (.Raw) of the intro: In hex.

    -Pokémon FireRed / LeafGreen (in my case)
    Image of the intro: 207
    Tilemap (. Raw) of the intro: 208

    -Pokemon Emerald
    Image of the intro: 2540
    Tilemap (. Raw) of the intro: 2541

    Go to the direction of the image. In this direction, select import image, select Write To ROM, and in "image offset", paste the address of the FSF get (must be 8 numbers, and if you have only 6 or 7, add one or two zeros (0)).
    Select everything except "Export Pallett (that would be Export Image, New Image Auto Abort if Bigger and Automatically fix pointers), select OK. REMEMBER: Id doesn't matter if the image is bigger.

    When you import the image in the box below you have the pallettes in order (I mean that when you go to insert the pallet should be in the same order). I recommend to make a screenshot (screenshot) of the screen, paste in paint, so you can more easily use the color picker in APE.

    After importing the image, go to FSF, search for 2048. Copy the address, and in the unLZ, go to the direction of Tilemap (.Raw). When you're out there in the menu bar, go to File - "Load ...", and select the RAW tilemap you created. Select open. Write To ROM, as before, paste the address of the FSF, adding zeros are required (must end up with 8 numbers), select Export all Pallett. Select OK.

    STEP 6: Go to VBA, and see how the image has been (though this is optional):

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    (Pokémon Emerald inserted with the background).

    Since there is not much, but of course we have to change the palletes, so let us begin.

    Go to APE, find the pallets intro (down) and replace the order they were in the unLZ.
    Offset of the pallets of the introduction:

    -Ruby/Sapphire: I don't know.
    -FireRed/LeafGreen: 00402260
    -Emerald: 00DC3D54

    After changing the pallettes, it'll be as wanted.


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    I've left the resources that used for those who want to make their own images. Putting credit or thanks is optional.

    I recommend you to change it as this avoid sale of illegal ROMs.

    For those that are vague, the tutorial seems very long, but for those who are satisfied with my contributions, with about 10 minutes you have plenty of time, if you understand how.

    I hope that the tutorial have helped you!
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    Well if you want an anti-pirate screen, this thread can help you out with that. The patches available there will insert a screen before the screen that you edit here so that you can have a message telling people not to sell the hack and have a copyright screen.

    Well this is a nice and simple tutorial, easy to follow and it's got pictures (always a plus^^). Very helpful, thanks!
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    I saw this in your hack thread and I wondered how to do it. Thanks for this! It's very informative and easy to follow with pictures.

    Although, the patch that colcolstyles pointed out is a bit better because it doesn't use the boot screen (I may be wrong) and it uses a screen before the boot screen.
    Nice Tutorial but its a bit complicated and I like the image you made can you provide a download link so all I will need to do is insert it.
    I have a question for you, do you give me autorization to translate your tutorial in french for my forum please ? I you want, can you answer me by MP please.

    Thank you !
    could you make a patch for that intro or others u could make, for people like me who cant be bothered making there own please?
    Well I will wait for a tut on how to edit the intro for pokemon ruby!
    It isn't working for me. I deleted the copy I used it on, so I have no screenshots. It shows parts of the screen I used, but not in the right order.
    After importing the image, go to FSF, search for 2048. Copy the address-
    Not enough free space found. My tile(set?).gif was 3189, I guess this is too big
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    I guess I'll never be able to use this for my team rocket hack, no matter how good or bad it turned out to be:
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Tutorial] How to change the first intro

    I spent so much time on that .raw image too.

    I give up
    yea you can, you just got to convert it to a tileset first, then ..you know what, go look at the vid in NTME's thread ;)
    This is a useful little [TUT]. Do you think you could add editting to the screen with "Game Freak" and their logo behind it, I haven't found it anywhere and this was a really nice Tut so I figured you could.

    Also I would like to help make your Step 1 easier...Download Sphere v1.5, open the 'editor', [File]>[Import]>[Image to Map]. Set to 8 and 8, ok for deleting duplicate tiles. Double click the created file, it will open up in sphere with a window that has a Tilemap, hit key: Prt Sc, Paste intp MS Paint and essentially crop the tile map and whatever the first tile is will have to be changed because there will be a pink box around it (which commen sense can fix in many ways).
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