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Jounin Ninja
  • 7
    • Seen Dec 16, 2012

    Hunt List - Anything from here will give you the upper hand in the trade!
    1. Shiny Snorlax
    2. Shiny Steelix
    3. Shiny Wailord
    4. Event Milotic
    5. Shiny Pokemon

    Gen IV
    Pokemon Soul Silver FC 2967 6827 7852

    [Shiny Male]
    Gyarados/Lv. 30 x1 (Lake of Rage Capture)

    [Non Shiny Male]
    Qwilfish/Lv. 19 x1
    Omastar/Lv. 40 x1
    Kabutops/Lv. 40 x1
    Nidoking/Lv. 30 x1
    Drapion/Lv. 69 x1
    Growlithe/Lv. 17 x1
    Sudowoodo/Lv. 20 x1
    Flareon/Lv. 71 x1
    Charmeleon/Lv. 18 x1
    Bulbasaur/Lv. 14 x1
    Licktung/Lv. 12 x1
    Poliwrath/Lv. 31 x1
    Piloswine/Lv. 34 x1
    Meganium/Lv. 34 x1
    Weezing/Lv. 33 x1
    Houndoom/Lv. 38 x1

    [Non Shiny Female]
    Rhyperior/Lv. 71 x1
    Garchomp/Lv. 78 x1
    Roserade/Lv. 65 x2
    Steelix/Lv. 35 x1
    Murkrow/Lv. 27 x1
    Arbok/Lv. 32 x1
    Kingdra/Lv. 41 x1

    [Non Gender]
    Ditto/Lv. 24 x1

    Gen V
    Pokemon White FC 0648 3996 6341

    [Shiny Male]
    Gligar/Lv. 47 x1

    [Shiny Female]
    Toxicroak/Lv. 70 x1

    [Non Shiny Male]
    Samurott/Lv. 38 x1
    Emboar/Lv. 42 x1
    Dragonite/Lv. 81 x1
    Tyranitar/Lv. 76 x1

    [Non Gender]
    Zekrom/Lv. 59 x1
    Reshiram/Lv. 60 x1
    Last edited:
    Hello! How about we trade? I'd like these...
    Gligar/Lv. 47 x1
    Toxicroak/Lv. 70 x1
    And I can offer my Event Milotic (from NecrumWarrior, but I'm unsure of distribution rights)...I also have a Shiny Snorlax too! Thanks!
    I'm interested in this one: Toxicroak/Lv. 70 x1.
    PM or VM me for offers. ;)
    Hello! How about we trade? I'd like these...
    Gligar/Lv. 47 x1
    Toxicroak/Lv. 70 x1
    And I can offer my Event Milotic (from NecrumWarrior, but I'm unsure of distribution rights)...I also have a Shiny Snorlax too! Thanks!

    I'm definately interested in the Milotic and Shiny Snorlax, but lets confirm Gligar or Toxicroak for the Milotic first. Your pick.
    For sure, I'm offering both...and I want both of those Pokemon.
    Hi! I was just wondering want would you like for your Reshiram? I could offer a Zekrom Lvl.100 with a master ball.
    Hello (:
    Is your trade still open? I'm interested in Bulbasaur/Lv. 14 x1
    I can give you a Turtwig or Chikorita in exchange... they're not shiny, unfortunately...
    I also have Torchic and Chimchar. Let me know.