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Type Game (revived)

Houndoom (Dark/Fire)

My brother's fave pokemon...but I can kill it with my Crobat anyday...
Crobat vs Houndoom... interesting match. With the right moveset crobat should win easily

Marcargo (fire/rock)
Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying)

I just showed my brother your last comment and he started to punch me pretending I was you :P
Crobat wins big time if it's 1vs1

Crobat- confuse ray, toxic, fly, (something)
Houndoom- solarbeam, sunnyday, crunch, flamethrower

Well i'll just take the most common moveset for each of the Pokemon. If houndoom is toxic, it'll take damage. If it's confused too, then it can't exactly hit Crobat as fast as it could have. With fly for extra regeneration and to help a bit with damage, Houndoom is DOOMED.

Regi-Rock, the king of rock types! (Rock/--)
frostweaver said:
Crobat- confuse ray, toxic, fly, mean look
Houndoom- solarbeam, sunnyday, crunch, flamethrower

yeah, Crobat has a huge advantage...now I feel like making a topic where I name two pokemon and users decide who will most likely win...

umm...Onix! the king of rock types prior to Ru/Sa...
I always thought it was Onix too, but then a while I thought it was Golem. then I was like Steelix! but then it had steel in it...*shrug*
Mr. Omega Brendon forgot to continue the game...so I will whack him with a cactus, then make my own post...

*whack's OB with a cactus*

tmbjr said:
Mr. Omega Brendon forgot to continue the game...so I will whack him with a cactus, then make my own post...

*whack's OB with a cactus*

i think whacking people with a cactuar is more effective ^_^

(now if i don't mention the types... let's see how many people makes the common mistake for this guy...)
Anorith is Bug/Rock

my turn...Butterfree (Bug/Flying)
Zapdos (Electric/Flying)

Mareep (electric/--)

A lot of people put Anorith as (rock/water) like Omastar because it can learn water attacks and doesn't look like a bug at all. It looks like Kabutops and Omastar who are both part water.
Manectric (electric/ )

actually, I think anorith looks a little like a bug...or a shrimp (which reminds me of a bug)
Electabuzz (which some ppl in Pokemon General in old PC argued that it should be part fighting... or at least it looks part fighting)
Electabuzz may look like part fighting, but I still think it is just fine being just plain electric...

Magenton (electric/Steel) let's try to move away from the electric...not very many duel-type electrics...
Crobat (poison/flying)...heheh..I just had to bring him up again...
Pidgey - an annoying flying type pokemon in Red/Blue that did not learn many fyling attacks...