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[Challenge] Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

Captain Gizmo

Monkey King
  • 4,843
    Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

    Welcome! Tired of being restricted to one game for a certain gym leader? Never fear! That ends now. In this challenge, you can be a Unova leader in the region that started it all, Kanto. You can be your favorite Johto leader in Hoenn. Like Sinnoh leaders, but not Sinnoh itself? Have we got a challenge for you! Keep on reading, trainer, and see what adventures await!

    1. HM slaves are allowed.
    2. This challenge is for all main games. You can pick any leader in any game.
    3. Duplicate Pokemon are allowed, however no more than two of the same Pokemon.
    4. HM slaves are allowed.
    5. You may hack/trade in up to three Pokemon if the Pokemon you chose are not available to get before fighting the E4.
    6. If your leader's signature Pokemon is available in the game, whether in-game or by trading/hacking, you must use it or its pre-evolution. (ex. Jasmine using Onix if you're playing Red) They will be indicated in the list by a * next to its name.
    7. You must have a team of no less than four.
    8. Some gym leaders have more than one legendary to choose from, however you are limited to only one if you choose to use them.
    9. You may trade/hack in evolutionary items if they are in the post-game.
    10. Challenge is finished after defeating the region champion OR Red in GSC/HGSS

    The Leaders:
    I only did until Kalos because I'm familiar until gen 6, if you want to help add the rest, feel free to message me







    Sign-Up Form
    Username: Captain Gizmo
    Game: Emerald
    Leader: Juan

    Gym Leaders:
    Captain Gizmo (Juan)

    Original challenge created by Sydian
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    Hey look, an excuse for me to use Xatu outside a solo run.

    Username: BlissyMKW
    Game: Silver (was going to do Gold, but Lugia solves any potential Rock type related problems and can learn Surf even if I require 7 badges to access it)
    Leader: Falkner

    I don't know if I'll be doing all 16 gym leaders for sure, but we'll see. May also have to do some runs with altering the starter as some aces aren't available until dumb late in Johto/require trade.
    Challenge Completed!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

    Picka, the Gardevoir♀
    Level 49
    Ability: Trace
    Psychic, Thunderbolt, Double Team and Calm Mind

    [PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

    Laura, the Lapras♀
    Level 46
    Ability: Water Absorb
    Surf, Confuse Ray, Ice Beam and Body Slam

    [PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

    Lynx, the Jynx♀
    Level 47
    Ability: Oblivious
    Lovely Kiss, Powder Snow, Psychic and Ice Punch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Gym Leader Challenge

    Crystal, the Kingdra♀
    Level 46
    Ability: Swift Swim
    Secret Power, Smokescreen, Leer and Surf
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