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Ultimate Monotype Challenge

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i would like to start an electric one please. does anyone remember off the top of their head whether electabuzz is available on red or blue?
Red, editing for my update in two minutes

Okeco evolved into Sceptile
Defeated Aqua in Weather Institue
Defeated May again
Defeated Winona

Okeco M @ Miracle Seed
*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Lv 37
-Leaf Blade
-Quick Attack

Argaw F @ Mystic Water
*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Lv 40
-Ice Beam

Moleb M @ Silk Scarf
*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Lv 38
-Mega Drain
-Sky Uppercut
-Leech Seed

Nilaf F @ Quick Claw
*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Lv 37
-Poison Powder
Player: Rew
Badges: 7
Game : Platinum
Type: poison
Update: 3

- beat galatics that have stollen dawn's pokedex
- caught a burmy for heart scale
- moved to pastoria
- Caught Croagunk,spent some time training it
- gave some tms to it
- traded heart scale for giga drain on roselia
Rival Barry(4):
Send haunter,curse + confuse ray staravia
Switch to croagunk,revenge way prinplup
Switch to haunter,OHKO ponyta
Switch to croagunk,dig way roselia

Crasher Wake:
Send haunter and 2HKO gyarados with shadow ball
Switch to croagunk and revege/randow moves way floatzel
Swith to roselia and OHKO quagsire with giga drain
- croagunk evolved
- moved to celestic town
Master of Universe Cyrus:
He used all hax from his new world
Took 3 tries,first lost due to frezze and confusion hax and the second due to critical hit hax

Toxicroak OHKO sneasel with revenge
Haunter 2HKO golbat and put a curse on murkrow,he kod me
Toxicroak was OHKO due to critical hit hax
Roselia stun spored it,them I healed until curse kill murkrow
- moved to canalave city
- caught tentacool,then evolved it
Rival Barry:
Tentacruel 2HKO staraptor and OHKO rapidash with surf(choice specs)
Haunter OHKO heracross with critical shadow ball
Toxicroak OHKO magneton with dig
Tentacruel OHKO steelix and OHKO bastiodoon with surf(I was holding chice specs)
Roselia 2HKO empoleom and roserade with shadow ball
after confusion and sleep

- got shiny stone,roselia evolved
- moved to lake valor

Haunter 2HKO golbat with shadow ball
tentacruel 2HKO bronzor with surf
Now the hax:
Toxicroak x Toxicroak
I used dig then took a mud bomb,accuracy lowered
Then dig missed two times in a row and Saturn got a critical hit.
Sent roserade,shadow ball them died to a critical poison jab
Sent tentacruel to finhish it with surf


Same thing on bronzor and golbat
Toxicroak OHKO purugly with revenge

- moved to snowpoint

Tentacruel OHLO piloswine with surf
Haunter OHKO frosslas with shadow ball
Toxicroak OHKO sneasel with revenge and 2HKO abomasnow with poison jab

- got some and used good tms
- beat galatics

Lord Cyrus:

Tentacruel 2HKO sneasel with surf + poison jab
Haunter 2HKO crobat with thunderbolt and did 90% damage to honchkrow,who kod me
Tentacruel finhished it with ice beam

Tentacruel ice beam golbat and surf bronzor
Toxicroak got his revenge,dig then poison jab way

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ rose insence
Calm, Lv 46
- petal dance
- sludge bomb
- stun spore
- shadow ball
Now she is very good.

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ spell tag
Timid,Lv 46
- thunderbolt
- Curse
- confuse ray
- shadow ball
No longer that powerfull,but with thunderbolt it became good again

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ poison barb
Hardy, Lv 47
- revenge
- poison jab
- earthquake
- sucker punch
Funny to use
I wish it could learnt a better fighting move by level up

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ splash plate
Modest, Lv 46
- surf
- ice beam
- barrier
- poison jab
It is Okay,counter things that the others can't counter
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my pikachu has no effect on brocks pokemon yet so i'm gonna use my starter for now.


Finally caught a pikachu in the forest, lousy weedles.

Defeated all the bug catchers. Getting ready to challenge brock at the pewter city gym
Aetheria's Monotype Ghost Challenge (Johto Part 1)

This is going to be a very brief update. I haven't updated in a while for reasons that should be apparent by what happened.

1. Started with Totodile. Weaker rival, like last time.
2. Waited until night and caught a Gastly.
3. Realized that I could do nothing to hoothoots or any of the first gym so I started grinding.
4. Got Gastly up to lvl. 16 to learn curse.
5. Finally finished Sprout Tower.

Now I am standing in front of the gym ready to curse/hypnosis my way to victory. Just glad I can finally continue. I hate grinding.

EDIT: Just beat the gym, forgot to record so you'll just have to believe me. It was terrible anyway. Hypnosis never hit so it was curse/potion. Barely scraped by.
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Defeated Brock with Charmanders ember

Now I can just focus on my pikachu

"image removed"
lvl 17

quick attack
thunder wave
mega punch (from tm)

Currently at Cerulean
Aetheria's Monotype Ghost Challenge (Johto Part 2)

Much MUCH larger update this time...

1. Saved some Slowpokes.
2. Defeated Bugsy - Video
3. Rocked my rival. Zubat was scary, otherwise very easy.
4. Played tag with a farfetch'd.
5. Lincoln evolved into Haunter.
6. Spent hours at the game corner thinking I could get thunderbolt. (You can't...)
7. Defeated Whitney - Video
8. Squirted some water on and destroyed a tree.
9. Beat the Kimono girls and got surf.
10. Fell in a hole. Some genius I am.
11. Beat Morty - Video
12. Climbed the Lighthouse and found a sick pokemon. OH NO!
13. Sailed for like a million years.
14. Hah hah hah. Chuck... - Video
15. Beat Jasmine through sheer luck power - Video

Things are getting a little more difficult in Johto than they were in Kanto, but Lincoln and I will get through it just fine.
There is my last update for my Mono-grass challenge in Hoenn:
- I beat te eighth badge
- I train my team

There is my champion team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Tropius - Amulet Coin
Adamant - Chlorophyll
- Body Slam
- Solarbeam
- Fly
- Steel Wng

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Sceptile - Soft Sand
Careful - Overgrow
- Leaf Blade
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Dragon Claw

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Cacturne - Black Glasses
Careful - Sand Veil
- Faint Attack
- Needle Arm
- Pin Missile
- Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Breloom - Silk Scarf
Lax - Effect Spore
- Sky Uppercut
- Strength
- Mach Punch
- Iron Tail

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Ludicolo - Sea Incense
Bashful - Swift Swim
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Waterfall

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Vileplume - Miracle Seed
Modest - Chlorophyll
- Solarbeam
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder
- Sunny Day

Now, I'm going to begin my Mono-grass challenge on my Pearl version.
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Chapter 1 : My New Beginning !

I had to restart my Fire Mono Challenge D: -->Only this time, in FireRed .<--
Here we go again !
I name myself David . (Big shocker, right ?)
And my Rival is Nick . (He is my real life best friend, it's my way of flattery .)
I get my trusty Charmander, yay !
And that douche bag Nick get's a Squirtle D:<
And guess what !?!
He wants to battle -_-
So I do, and I beat his ass...ROYALLY .

Chapter 2 : What am I ? A Flippin' Delivery Boy !?!

After my little battle with Nick, I decide to little my hometown .
I get a potion, yay ;D
Then, I get the Parcel, and take it back to Prof . Oak and get my PokeDex .
It's now time to grind my Charmander for a bit and beat Nick's ass for the second time ! (:
Time to get grindin' !
Aetheria's Monotype Ghost Challenge Johto (Part 3)

Or should that just be Gen 2 now... Eh, I'll leave it for consistency. I must say, for having harder gym leaders than Kanto the Johto Elite Four was a huge joke. I mean, sure, the Dark Type was a bit frustrating, but overall it was significantly easier.

I don't have my usual notes for this part due to a computer error so I'll be changing up my style for this one.

I beat Pryce - Video
Did a lot of rocket killing and then they disbanded without even a proper fight. Weak...
I beat Clair - Video
Made my way to the Elite Four.

Ahh the elite four... To start off. Part 1 / Part 2 / Champion

Part 1 - We start out with Will and that was just a Shadow Ball Massacre. Next was Koga, I didn't exactly fight this battle optimally and wasted a lot of time. His Forretress held me for a long time by using protect over and over and over. Other than that this was another joke battle. Next was Bruno and well, that was a joke also. Scariest thing in this battle was chip damage from sandstorm.

Part 2 - This part is entirely Karen. The combination of her having super effective attacks, return being my only form of attack and me only having Lincoln made this seem impossible. A last ditch effort hypnosis against her Houndoom was the only thing that got me through this battle. Had it missed I was screwed. Another battle won with amazing luck power.

Part 3 - Lance. Eh. After Karen this was entirely forgettable.

I then sailed over to Kanto, saved some little girl, and beat Lt. Surge. I have a video of the Surge battle, but I haven't added music and uploaded it yet. Being lazy.
Since I want to be the first one to finish the Ghost challenge, and Aetheria moving fast, I was tempted to start from where I left off. I started Sapphire, named self Terry (that's the default name for my game), did stuff, beat Roxanne, did stuff, reached Dewford, caught Sableye, reached Steven blindly, and now am standing in front of Dewford Gym.

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Sableye @ Oran Berry
Level: 12
Nature: Timid (aka horrible since Shadow Ball is physical, but who cares about natures ingame?)
Ability: Keen Eye
~ Scratch
~ Night Shade
~ Foresight
~ Leer
Since I want to be the first one to finish the Ghost challenge, and Aetheria moving fast, I was tempted to start from where I left off.

Hah hah, the race is on. =P Being a college student with no life and a bottomless cup of coffee helps, I assure you. I played 17 hours straight yesterday.
There is my first update in the Shinnoh region:
- I choose Turwig as starter
- I capture a Budew
- I get my first badge
- I beat the Team Galactic
- I buy honey and spread it
- I come back later and find 4 pokemon.
- I capture a Cherubi and a female Burmy

My team:
Cherubi - Lv 10
- Tackle
- Growth
- Leech Seed

Burmy - Lv 12
- Protect
- Tackle

Turwig - Quick Claw - Lv 15
- Tackle
- Withdraw
- Absorb
- Razor Leaf

Budew - Lv 23
- Mega Drain
- Growth
- Water Sport
- Stun Spore
Player: Rew
Badges: 8
Game : Platinum
Type: poison
Update: 4

- beat galatics
- gone trought distortion world

Cyrus King of Universe:
Hoondoom and Hunchkrow were OHKO by surf/ice beam from tentacruel
He sent Gyarados.Switch to Haunter
Used thunderbolt and he survived with 1hp then OHKO me with waterfall
Send Toxicroak and used Poison jab while cyrus heals gyarados
Used poison jab again and it survived with about 1hp left again -.-,took a earthquake and finished him with poison jab
He sent crobat,I switched to tentacruel
After some flinchs and heals I KOd him with ice beam and heale toxicroak before it
Switch to toxicroak and OHKO weavile with revenge

- moved to sunnyshore city

Roserade 2HKO jolteon and raichu with sludge bomb
Toxicroak 2HKO luxray and eletrivire with earthquake/sucker punch

- moved to indigo plateu

Yanmega: OHKO by thundebolt from haunter
Scizor: 2HKO by surf from tentacruel
Heracross: 2HKO by Toxicroaks poison jab
Drapion: See heracross
Vespiqueen: Repeated thunderbolts from haunter

wishcash,hippowdow,golem: OHKO by petal dance
Gliscor: OHKO by ice beam
Rhyperior: OHKO by surf

Hoondoom: Tentacruel set a barrier,then 2HKO with surf
Infernape: Same as above
Magmortar: Destiny bond
Flareon: Healed,barrier then 2HKO with surf
Rapidash: OHKO by surf

This guy was a pain
Mr.Mime: OHKO by critical hit shadow ball
Espeon: Haunter Did good damage with shadow ball,then was OHKOd by the same move.
Switch to toxicroak,poison jab while lucian healed espeon then finhished with sucker punch
Bronzong: Switch to roserade,revived haunter,sacrificed roserade and destiny bonded with haunter
Alacazam: critical hit sucker punch
Gallade: Revived haunter while it OHKO toxicroak then destiny bonded it
(Tentacruel was still alive)
------ gave toxic tm to tentacruel


Spíritomb: 2HKO with petal dance
Togekiss: Failed to stall it with tentacruel due to a critical hit.Send haunter,revived tentacruel then destiny bonded
Milotic: Send tentacruel,toxic,barrier x 3 and stall it to death
Garchomp: 2HKO by ice beam,took 2 earthquakes with + 6 defence
Roserade: Healed tentacruel,gave critical ice beam with frezze.Cynthia healed,and I 2HKO it with ice beam(last one got a critical hit)
Lucario: Switch to toxicroak then OHKO with revenge

*image removed*

Final team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ rose insence
Calm, Lv 53
- petal dance
- sludge bomb
- stun spore
- shadow ball
2nd Mvp
Give good damage to many things after get her final moveset

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ spell tag
Timid,Lv 53
- thunderbolt
- Curse
- destiny bond
- shadow ball
Lvp,can't take a hit,not enough powerfull
but destiny bond helped me a lot on elite four

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ poison barb
Hardy, Lv 53
- revenge
- poison jab
- earthquake
- sucker punch
3rd MvP
Hardy nature sucks,but he still has good offence

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
@ splash plate
Modest, Lv 55
- surf
- ice beam
- barrier
- toxic
Being bulky,fast and a water type helped me a lot

It is finaly over.

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
*bulbagarden.net image removed**bulbagarden.net image removed**bulbagarden.net image removed**bulbagarden.net image removed**bulbagarden.net image removed*
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge



Fun facts:

- Had only 3 physical sweepers(Nidoking,crobat and toxicroak)
- On Platinum,my pokemons had pokerus on almost entire game(after floaroma)
- My only poison moves were toxic,sludge bomb and poison jab.
- tentacruel was a filter on Platinum,but became the Mvp.Also he was allways the last pokemon that I have caught

EDIT: uploaded all sinnoh videos:
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Chapter 3 : Here Comes Nick...Again .

I finally get Justin (My Charmander) to Level 10 ;D
Then I decide to go to fight my Rival Nick .
I 1HKO his Pidgey with a lucky Ember before he could do that Sand-Attack bullcrap D:<
Squirtle gets sent out, so then I prep myself to get pwned .
But wait !
He doesn't use Bubble for some odd reason o.o
So Justin Scratches him like 5 times, and he's down...
Yay !
Next up, Viridian Forest !
Chapter 4 : This Place 'BUGS' Me .

Well, to put it lightly...I kick major ass in Viridian orest .
Thank you Justin's Ember ;D
Every single thing went down with a single blow .
Which was kickass .
I did some major leveling in here (:
So much so, that I got a Charmeleon now ! Whoo !
I moved on from here pretty quickly .
Pewter City up next !

Chapter 5 : The 'Rock Jock' .

Here comes my very first Gym battle ;D
His little grunt was no problem for Justin !
Since in FireRed&LeafGreen they're nice enough to give the Fire starter Pokemon a steel move ;DD
So I kicked ass in here [:
At first, Brock almost KO'd Justin, but he stuck in there .
But I was lucky enough to 1HKO BOTH of his Pokemon ! YAY !

My Team So Far :

Justin (Male)
Lvl . 18
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
-Metal Claw
I've been grinding Larvitar today, and had to sell every item I had and then some to get him in the first place. Not fun, I assure you. I'll do a proper update when I beat Red.


It is finaly over.

[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
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[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Ultimate Monotype Challenge



Did you only use Gloom in the whole of Emerald?
Chapter 6 : I'm Gonna hate This Part...

I really hate Mt. Moon, like no joke .
It's tedious&has the same Pokemon in it over&over .
The only part I like about it is that Team Rocket is introduced ;D
The only 2 things that are note-worthy are that I got the Dome Fossil and that I was Lvl . 24 when I got out .
It wasn't completely miserable, I guess (:

Chapter 7 : My 'Watery' Way !

I finally arrive in Cerulean City, and heal up my Trusty Justin .
First things first, I gotta go fight Nick again !
His Pidgeotto gets benched with just 2 Embers .
Then I 1HKO his Squirtle with a Mega Punch, yay !
His Abra&Rattata were too easy to mention .
That's all for my Rival for awhile !
The Nugget Road was short, but sweet .
Finally...I get my Nugget !
Bill, here I come !

Chapter 8 : I Help Bill Out .

After a few battles along the way, I finally get to Bill's .
Turns out I need to lend him a hand .
Afterwords, after get a Ticket for a cruise...
I decide to go turn Misty's Gym upside down >=D
This'll be by far, the hardest Gym for me in Kanto .

My Team So Far :

Justin (Male)
Lvl . 26
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
-Mega Punch
-Steel Claw
Beat Gold ages ago. Just didn't have the time to update

Sandslash lv 81

Graveler Lv 59
Rock throw

Rhydon lv 50
Tail whip
Fury Attack
Scary face

Marowak lv 74
Bone club
Bone rush

Hm Slaves:
Hoothoot-Fly, Flash
Gyarados-Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Strength

On to Ruby Version.
Hah hah, the race is on. =P Being a college student with no life and a bottomless cup of coffee helps, I assure you. I played 17 hours straight yesterday.
...being a School student with a brother who doesn't let you play much (I have to play when he's not at home) doesn't help, does it?
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