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News: VGC 2020 events cancelled


To this day, he still can't beat Air Man...
  • 923
    In an unsurprising turn of events, the remainder of future events for VGC this year have been put on hold until the next season, with all invitations and Championship Points being put forward to 2021.

    Following a move put forward earlier this month where the European International Championships have been cancelled, this is most likely a result of health concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic. What are your thoughts on this?
    Not surprising since if they would've kept it going, people would've thought they were insane.

    Hopefully they have a safe one next year.
    Personally I think they made the right move. Right now it is no where near a safe enviorment for events such as this and who will know when it will be safe for the forseable future. Heres hopeing that if the championships again next year have to be cancelled either because a vaccine still has not been found or the state of the world after the pandemic economic and social wise that they will be able to find a way to have the championship safely
    Personally I think they made the right move. Right now it is no where near a safe enviorment for events such as this and who will know when it will be safe for the forseable future. Heres hopeing that if the championships again next year have to be cancelled either because a vaccine still has not been found or the state of the world after the pandemic economic and social wise that they will be able to find a way to have the championship safely

    Hard agree. It sucks to see events we wanted go away for now, but the alternative is much worse. And if I'm honest, I think the fact that we're all pitching in and giving up some stuff is... kind of refreshing. We're all in this together, I like that we're acting like it.
    I was expecting this but it is still a little heartbroken to hear that it got cancelled.