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[Approved] Video Games Trivia

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 9,063


    What is Video Games Trivia?

    That's right, Leon! Los Illuminados have decided to take it easy for a few weeks, answering as many video game trivia questions correctly as they can. Think of it as a break from Ashley's constant whining.

    Each day I will be posting a series of video game questions, ranging across all sorts of topics and challenges and alternating between trivia rounds and music rounds. These will run up to the 26th August, to give me time to close off the event on the last day of the Get-Together. The points will be as follows:

    VG Trivia 1st Place - 150 Points
    VG Trivia 2nd Place - 100 Points
    VGM Trivia 1st Place - 150 Points
    VGM Trivia 2nd Place - 100 Points

    Let's get down to business

    Throughout the event, to try and create clear leads etc. for teams, there will be an internal scoreboard. Each question correctly answered will net you 5 points, with a full set giving you a bonus 5 points. In the event of a tiebreaker, the winning team will receive a further bonus 5 points. Some rounds may feature some bonus points, just to try and stop the event of a tie even further. I will specify when this is the case.

    Each day will start at around 19:00 EDT, depending on my schedule. Anything submitted after 19:00 will not be counted, it is on you to manage your timezones, not me. This also goes the same for taking note of any answers you do have - to put it bluntly I will have enough to manage throughout the Get-Together without also having to try and manage each team sending their answers to me; recording them, etc.

    This event will be hosted mainly on the Discord server, so it would be advised if you could join there and join in the chat with your teammates, submitting a set of answers as a team to me via Discord (Username: arcaneum). However if you are adverse to this, you are more than welcome to contact myself here via DM, and I will use your answers to pad out any gaps that the Discord people do not get.


    Let's do the twist!

    Yep we're featuring something new and exciting yet again this year! Well, new and exciting to this event anyway.

    I am going to feature two rounds of something very similar to GuessTheGame. For those unaware each day a game is chosen, with 6 images as clues, and you have to guess the game of the day. However there is one catch - you cannot see all 6 images at once. You will guess based on the first image and if you do not get it correct, you then move onto the next image (which is supposed to be a little more informative) and so on until you (hopefully!) get it correct. Just thought I'd add a little bit extra to try and break the event up a little!

    Do not panic however, I still am going to be hosting the Defeat the Quizmaster round, so get those thinking caps on and see if you can beat me this year!


    A few closing notes - in the spirit of the competition, please try not to look up the answers! Use existing knowledge to answer these questions - there's a wide range of games, eras and genres mentioned so that there's something for everyone. That said, you are more than welcome to look up something if you for example know what it is but just cannot think of the name. This does NOT mean however you can go and listen to every single Final Fantasy track, because it sounds like it 'might' be in a Final Fantasy game. If you have any questions at all regarding how the event is run, don't hesitate to post here, on Discord, or message me.

    I will be once more trying to avoid duplication of games and series, or at least doing so a minimal amount.. This doesn't mean I won't be completely avoiding the same SERIES and such, but for example I will try to avoid using 3 FF9 questions when I could ask a question about FF1, FF4 and FF11 for example. Please see below a list of genres and some series for people to expect, as I will bias towards some areas naturally, as I mostly make this from the knowledge that I have. These are:



    The event itself is of course competitive, but the setup is made so co-operating will net you better results, so make sure to liaise with your team regularly, to have a better chance of winning!

    And most importantly...kick back, relax, get your game on and have fun!


    Team 1 - Points
    Team 2 - Points


    So we had these as Achievements last year:

    Top 1[00]% of Rattata - Score 100% in at least 7 rounds - 10 Points
    Nineties Kid - Have an average score of 90% throughout the whole event - 20 Points
    Speedrunner - Answer a round 100% correctly within 12 hours of a round starting - 10 Points
    Smokin' Sick Style! - Score over 90% for at least 5 rounds in a row - 10 Points
    P for Perfect - Obtain 100% correct answers for the whole event - 50 Points

    I think some of these are a tad too unrealistic, so looking to use the below instead:

    Top 1[00]% of Rattata - Score 100% in at least 5 rounds - 10 Points
    Final Fantasy 8 - Have an average score of 80% throughout the whole event - 20 Points
    Astral Chain - Get 100% on a trivia and music round back-to-back - 10 Points
    Smokin' Sick Style! - Score over 90% for at least 5 rounds in a row - 10 Points
    P for Perfect - Obtain 100% correct answers throughout the whole event - 50 Points
    Toby Fox - Score 100% in all music rounds - 20 Points
    Shigeru Miyamoto - Score 100% in all trivia rounds - 20 Points