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Visual Basic 6.0 HEX Editing Functions - For Hacking ROMs.

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express edition, does anyone know how to create a ROM Hacking tool in this program?

It is possible, but some of the commands in 2008 are different to VB6. Your best bet is to do a google search for VB6. It's around somewhere. Then you can open up sources that come with programs to see what meakes 'em tick!:D
Thanks very much for the tutorial darthatron,it helped to me a lot.
I hope you will do more interesting tutorials like this one : D

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whats the code to copy large amount of hex data, say for example. From offset &H800000 to &H800500, after copying those, paste at &H900000 to &H900500. Which is basically copy and paste. So whats the code?:P

WriteHex LoadedROM, CLng("&H800000"), ReadHEX(LoadedROM, CLng("&H900000"), CLng("&H500"))

That should work, however I didn't test it. :)
augh, i broke my rom... I think it had to do with the code i typed in...
i would ask somebody what i typed wrong, but i file shredded those files out of anger...
or is it cus i was dumb and used a leaf green rom?

yessss 15 posts! now i can start my thread!
How do I install it?


Download it, then open the Install file..?

augh, i broke my rom... I think it had to do with the code i typed in...
i would ask somebody what i typed wrong, but i file shredded those files out of anger...
or is it cus i was dumb and used a leaf green rom?

yessss 15 posts! now i can start my thread!

If you didn't change the offsets, it's because your dumb. :) If possible try and show me your code and I'll see if I can fix it?
I download what ZDG post here, what should i install..?the file name..?
Text Editing, in games with the text right infront?

Once agian i need your wonderfull help. As you might Know I'm making md tool, But then i need to ask you, About Text Editing?
How could i make a Text editor, so i go load the text from the text part (Not hex) And then show, and you will be able to rewrite and save it.. Mainly My ask, is How does i make it as it only loads the part with the text i want to use, and not any thing else?
I can not just load all the text into a richtextbox.
Does you know how? (Sorry if it don't belong here...)
Once agian i need your wonderfull help. As you might Know I'm making md tool, But then i need to ask you, About Text Editing?
How could i make a Text editor, so i go load the text from the text part (Not hex) And then show, and you will be able to rewrite and save it.. Mainly My ask, is How does i make it as it only loads the part with the text i want to use, and not any thing else?
I can not just load all the text into a richtextbox.
Does you know how? (Sorry if it don't belong here...)

I'll write you up a Function and send it to you on MSN, and if you like I can explain what everything means. Tommorow, I'm going to bed now, BYE!!!!!