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"Water Festival" Pokémon GO Event starts today


leave the light on
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 17,315
    This event is amazing and so much better than the past events! That means uncommon Pokemon like Lapras will spawn more frequently, which gives a chance for people like myself to catch one this time!
    I've seen increased spawnrates for Squirtle, Psyduck, Poliwag, Tentacool, Slowpoke, Krabby, Goldeen, Staryu, Magikarp, Omanyte, Chinchou, Marill, Wooper, Qwilfish, Remoraid and Mantine.

    Unfortunately haven't seen any Totodile, actually zero. And also no Kabuto, maybe these are only spawning in certain locations. Omanyte seems to only spawn at work so today I went back to where I found Kabuto but no luck. Was hoping Totodile would at least spawn more everywhere but it's actually decreased from about 1 a day to zero.

    At least there's shiny Magikarp, though I'm expecting it to flee if I find it.
    Well that was great! Managed to get loads of Poliwags and Horseas to get my Politoed and Kingdra at long last! Also caught 2 Lapras, loads of Mantine, Remoraid, Octillery, Chinchou, Lanturn and Qwilfish, and a solitary Totodile.

    Weirdly, Omanytes were literally everywhere, couldn't move for them, but I never saw one single Kabuto. Did they forget that it's also a Water type and not increase the spawn rate for it? Or were the two fossil Pokémon split into different areas for the week?

    Caught loads of Magikarp but still not quite enough to get a Gyarados yet. I don't understand where all these people with dozens of Gyarados found their Magikarp before this event, because even during the event I still couldn't get enough candy to evolve my first Gyarados. Also, no shiny Magikarp. :(
    Well thanks to the event I was able to find a wild Feraligatr. Well it might have been the event, since it was only one it could have spawned without the event. The starters usually take me months to complete so it was nice to find a final evo, my first one.

    I still need a couple more candies to evolve to Croconaw, Totodile actually disappeared once the event started, I was finding maybe one a day before the event started but none since.

    Omanyte's only had increased spawnrates at my job, none appeared in my hometown or surrounding cities. Which is where they usually spawned before the event. No Lapras either though I got one in my 4th 10km egg.

    Probably the biggest disappointment of this event was the lack of Kabuto, only have one and only needed one more since I can walk for candies. But zero. Also 3 Mantine's in a row in eggs. Did they increase water Pokemon in eggs? If so then that really sucks.

    I did get 400 additional candies for Magikarp during the event, but no shiny Magikarp. Probably won't be getting one now.