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What if Pokemon were real??

Ha, I remember when I was 8 or 9 and me and my friends actually believed they were real. We'd look around outside all day for proof xP But yeah, it would be pretty cool if Pokemon were real. I can only imagine how different everyday life would be, with people battling and competing in contests and all that stuff. Bug Pokemon would probably freak me out, though O_O;
I think it would be awsome, life wouldnt be boring like it is now.

In response to the school problem, i can tell you one thing right now, Im a computer technition and i hardly ever use anything i learned in High school. Adding, subtraction, Multiplication division, fractions and some other stuff is all i use and i learned all that in 5-8th grade.

High school is overrated IMO, math is the only subject thats really new the rest are all repeats of the same junk you learned in kiddy school for the most part.

In a way pokemon are real, they just dont learn moves like explosion and stuff lol, think about it all the pokemon are exact look alikes from real bugs and animals in real life, well most of them anyway
In the manga wasnt fround apon? besides not everyones a pokemon trainer, its kinda of like profesional sports in a way. People still have jobs, think every one in the games/show/manga is a pokemon trainer? yea right! Greed goes far man!
In the manga wasnt fround apon? People still have jobs, think every one in the games/show/manga is a pokemon trainer? yea right! Greed goes far man!

Excuse me? What exactly are you trying to say?
I would be riding to school on a rapidash! Heated seats baby. I would wnter a pokemon tourney and go all the way. Heres my theory on where to get starters.
Kanto- North America- NYC
Jhoto- Australia-Sydney
Hoenn-Asia- Tokyo
I would travel the world on Charizard and pick up a Totadile,mudkip and turtwig!
And when I'm 45, I'll retire from Championship battling to be a pokemon reasearcher in Central America.
I have a lot of time to think of stuff like this.
It would be cool, but the world might be in danger if pokemon were real, because we would use them in war, use pokemon as bad guys. that would be too much......
LOL, I asked Mom what she would do if pokemon were real. She said, and I quote.


I said we'd never be able to go many places anymore because of their habitat.

We couldn't go back to the mountains, a Jynx or something would take it over. We couldn't go to the pool cause a Mantyke would be swimming in it, we could never use electronics if an electric type was near it. And then, we'd have a Gengar, or Darkrai, or Mismagius giving us bad dreams. We'd be too cautious to go back to sleep. We could never go to the beach, Kyogre would do something to it. And then we'd have to worry about Dialga, and Palkia fighting in space. XP

So having pokemon has it's advantages, and it's disadvantages. xD
If Pokemon were real i'd teach them to dance...even though I don't know how to or plan to learn. But honestly, could you imagine how cool it would be to see a friggin Bellsprout doing the moonwalk.

[insert cliche reply about journeying and getting badges here]
Lol, I would totally get a Bellsprout just to see the moonwalk. xD Yeah, there would be wars and stuff, but Pokemon in real life would be friggin amazing. There'd be a little Pikachu on my shoulder right now, and he could beat people up for me. But I'd have to keep pinching myself if I saw one. In like first grade this kid convinced me Pokemon were real. Boy was I dissapointed when I asked my sister about it.
*goes to see his cousin for the sole reason he could pick up cynaquil as a starter on the way :D*

Imagine the poor Bellsprout who get nicked Michael Jackson...

Seriosly if Pokemon were real, I'd be quite happy eventually, althought the adjustment would be harsh. Imagine what the average joe would think when suddenly one day instead of birds eatings the apples off your apple trees, its a small yellow rodent that can easily send you to hospital or kill a pacemaker XD
I'd be a breeder/coordinator with my roselia but i wouldn't really travel unless there was a contest closeby in which case me and roselia would wipe the floor. (i've done three posts about roselia in the last 10 miniutes!)
Jhoto- Australia-Sydney
I have a lot of time to think of stuff like this.
Lol, then I better get myself a Chickorita then! XD
Seriously though, would we want Pokemon to be 'real'?
I know, yeah, there would be the consequences. We humans could tame some Pokemon, but what about the wilder ones?? Imagine taking down an Onix which would be 2x your length? Or a Groundon or Nidoking?

And I guess the remaining Pokemon would inevitiablly destroy the environment eventually because of their vast elemental powers, drive other real animals to hide in isolated areas of the world or be 'tools' by other evil-minded people (think team rocket) or researched by scientists.
I know its an anime, but you gotta think of the relistic implications. XD

If Pokemon were real though, I would LOVE going to school with an Arcanine or at least a Mightyena and dare the other boys to touch them. XD
'Look a rare POKEMON! Want to touch it?'
"GRRROWLL!!~" *flamethrower or BITE*
'Anyone else?' (no reply) :P
real pokemon? Hmm thatts a mighty saying but I would have say hell yes. I mean try going to school with a shiny charizard and not be popular. And Shinnoh as Europe? Got a Chimchar is all I have to say.