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Yugioh decks

  • 5,616
    • Seen May 15, 2023
    so. With a new format on the way, one that won't have an OMG huge impact due to limited amount of cards in the beginning, I'm delving back to the roots of dueling in a sense.

    I've had fun with forceful aggro decks like Armed Dragon and Six Samurai decks. I did my time with control decks like Twilight Dragon and Macro Monarch. I even had a little side deck for swarming with Harpies some long time back.

    I think its time for a new deck style. I plan on keeping and constantly updating my Twilight Dragon deck what with the Lightsworn starter deck coming out later this year >=3 but I want to start with something new.

    Are there any really fun decks with simple starter builds? What I mean is, it has the core cards in it but has a lot of extra feature cards that can be replaced as I see fit to better mold it to my style of play. Like...if I were to buy it out of a starter set and improve upon it.

    I know a few decks I'm interested in trying are Ghostrick, Bujin, Sylvan, and Artifact. Does anyone know any good starter builds for these decks?

    Are there any Deck ideas you like that you think I may be interested in? If so please share the deck. I tend to not copy decks 100% as I try to be creative so if you could, feel free to post the entire deck.
    Noooooo, not bujins. It's an auto pilot deck :(

    I'm not exactly one hundred percent sure I understand what you're asking, though. You mean a deck that you can easily change around?
    Dakota;bt97721 said:
    Noooooo, not bujins. It's an auto pilot deck :(

    I'm not exactly one hundred percent sure I understand what you're asking, though. You mean a deck that you can easily change around?

    Many decks in todays meta are considered Autopilot decks XD

    Essentially, what I', asking is for a basic structure for a deck that has room for altering. Like if I had bought the deck from a store as a Starter deck, I could use what I already own to craft my own strategy. For a lot of the decks I know its not really possible since they use a specific strategy.

    For one instance I'm looking into eventually trying a Disaster Dragon deck and there are like 10 variations to the deck depending on who your side focus is on. You can keep the core of the deck the same, the staples, and change out the extra cards to completely change how the deck runs.

    I actually did this once with an Armed Horus deck where the Core cards were Dragon summoning and protection cards with Armed Dragon and Horus the Black Flame Dragon being the side cards that could be changed out creating two decks in one just by siding out who my main monster was.

    I almost top 8'd with that deck the year I made it.