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FireRed hack: Zelda: Sacred Paradox (DOWNLOAD)

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Haven't been here long, but lately I've been obsessed with Pokémon hacks and this one looks amazing. I'm truly excited for the potential of this project. In haven't played it yet, mostly because I'm still catching up on the best hacks of 2011, lol...but seriously. (I just started the Ruby Destiny series...)

Anyway, in the meantime, does anyone here know of any other good crossover hacks like this one? I apologize if it's already been discussed on this thread. I just think the idea of a Pokémon crossover game is really exciting.

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to play a playable version of this hack. Seriously, looks awesome.
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So Are You Saying That The Demo You Released Will Now Not Be Used In The Final Version.
Is there a download link for Android so I can play on my phone thats the only way how I can play and I wanna play really bad
The heck? Meowth in the Rom Hacking section? In 2014? Clearly a lot has gone down in the past 5 years that I missed out on.

I like the idea, but I do have to ask for clarification: are you a monster tamer? I mean, it's not completely unlikely that one of Link's incarnations would drop the Master Sword for the Master Ball, but I do wonder how that would work out.

holy crap. i'm giving this game a try.
just a question, which type of pkmn fire red rom do i patch?
This thread can be locked... and here's the reason:

As previously stated, the project is getting a fresh start. There will be a new thread when the time comes, don't worry. As you can see, I'm no longer known as Meowth here on PC... it's all part of the fresh start.

What you can expect in the future:
The game will be goind under the name "Project Zeldamon" for quite a while. It's quite a large task to tackle a project of this size and nature, and I don't want a name to get in the way of progress. I am looking for volunteer spriters, scripters, and anyone who might want to help. Please message me and I can add you to the Discord server for the project.

It's not dead guys... it's just time for a new beginning, more thought out and hopefully with a team. Remember, it's dangerous to go alone. Stay tuned.
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