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  • 422
    "What's up"? Mira asked as John raised his head slowly.
    "Oh... It's just that I think we should help people, right"? John asked carefully.
    "Anyways, while I was taking my walk, I accidentaly ventured to Viridian border and saw two people fighting over a breeding center. A man named Oser insisted, that his wife should give up on that center and throw all of the eggs away, before Polgeist finds out". John said and took a break and threw the steak Mira abandoned to Star and Makuhita, who started fighting over it.
    "Of course the wife, May, refused and they started to argue, until a Kangaskhan -apparently May's- broke the fight and Oser retreated.
    As Mira was about to say something, John opened his mouth again.
    "He retreated, but not before threatening to tell officials about the center. If we dont help May, she and the Pokémon are going to get killed"... Said John and ended his speech. After Mira had said what she was about to say, John decided to go to sleep.
    Before that, however, he did something he had never done before: he put Makuhita and Star in Pokéballs. As John had no sleeping bag, he had to sleep on the moist grass. That night, John had some trouble to sleep...

    Next day:
    John woke up, because of some annoying rumbling sound. He got up and started to laugh, as Makuhita was trying to climb a tree, to get some berries for breakfast. "Apparently he doesn't like to be in a Pokéball" Thought John as he got up and helped Makuhita. As cooking wasn't John's strongest skill, he just ate the berries raw, which resulted in an instant stomach ache. He started packing and released Star from his Pokéball. The excited bird Pokémon started to instantly wrestle with Makuhita, which resulted in both Pokémon tumbling down a hill. As John was done with his packing, he decided to watch those two fight, until Mira was ready to go.


    restless spirit
  • 1,748
    John looked up at her, still seeming somewhat caught up in his thoughts.

    "Oh... It's just that I think we should help people, right"? John asked carefully. Mira nodded and got into a more comfortable position, feeling a mini-sermon coming on. "Anyways, while I was taking my walk, I accidentaly ventured to Viridian border and saw two people fighting over a breeding center. A man named Oser insisted, that his wife should give up on that center and throw all of the eggs away, before Polgeist finds out. Of course the wife, May, refused and they started to argue, until a Kangaskhan -apparently May's- broke the fight and Oser retreated. He retreated, but not before threatening to tell officials about the center. If we don't help May, she and the Pokémon are going to get killed."

    Mira sat in silence, digesting what she had just been told. She evaluated the possible options for going about this.

    "The way I see it, there are three options," Mira said. "One, we can move on with our lives and go about doing what we were told to do as soon as possible. Two, we become May's personal bodyguards against anyone who attempts to attack her or we could ask her to come with us. Or three, we go to her breeding center and take all her Pokemon with us."

    Mira shook her head. "None of these seem very likely to happen, John. If we want to do what Professor Oak sent us out to do, we can't go around taking risks at every turn. Life just doesn't work out that way."

    She stood up and walked over to her sleeping bag and slid inside. She turned to look at Riolu.

    "Do you want to go into your ball tonight?" Mira asked.

    Riolu stared past her at John and his Pokemon and let out a low growl. Mira laughed and patted her Pokemon on the head. She took out a thin blanket, which Riolu wrapped around himself several times before curling up beside Mira and the two quickly fell asleep.


    Mira woke up to find John sleeping on the bare ground, shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably. He could very easily get sick sleeping out in the open like that, and the last thing either of them would want is to have to stop because one of them couldn't keep traveling. She would have to remind him to buy something to sleep in when they got to another town.

    Mira went to go prepare her breakfast and then took a walk, looking for Spinarak. The Pokemon rested in a nearby tree, looking content within the branches. Mira felt guilty taking the Pokemon from its home, but she knew that it would be necessary if she was going to stand a chance the next time they had to fight.

    Spinarak caught sight of Mira and scurried down the tree, following her back into the clearing. Mira ate her breakfast and she and Riolu quickly stretched their muscles, not wanting to suffer from soreness after they walked. She rolled up her sleeping bag and put away all her things. Riolu poured dirt on the fire and filled in the hole.

    "Ready to go?" Mira asked, turning to John.


    S to the o
  • 182
    After the battle Sergio watched as kaiser easily defeated his opponent, Sergio knew that mime jr was strong but this was way above what Sergio thought. After the fight the trainers said that they were so impressed that they gave us both an egg, Sergio's egg was yellow, while kaiser's egg was red.

    Sergio walked through route 1 with Snorunt and kaiser and mime jr. After a half an hour walk they got in viridian city and entered the pokemon centre. "Hello nurse joy, can you please heal our pokemon", Sergio asked as he handed both snorunt as mime jr's pokeball over. "Sure just wait a moment."Nurse joy said as she took the pokemon to the back where she threated all the other pokemon.

    Sergio and Kaiser were just sitting on the bench having conversations about all the different pokemon, and also about mechamon, when they overheared a conversation of to boys. "I have a mechamon", one said. "me too, i have a snorunt", the other said he was wearing a blue t-shirt. "I have a mime jr", The boy in purple said. The conversation lasted a tiny bit, when sergio got the best idea. "Kaiser, those people have the exact same pokemon as us only they have mechamon, lets show them that pokemon are the best", Sergio said and he stood up, his shyness was fading away every single moment he was wit Kaiser. "Yo boys, how about a pokemon battle, me and my partner versus you and your friends", Sergio suggested. "Sure", the boy in blue said.

    "Sergio, your pokemon are fully healed ', nurse joy said as she was holding the two pokeballs. Sergio walked up to the counter and thanked nurse Joy He gave kaiser mime jr's pokeball and they left the pokemon center and went to the secret spot where the battle would take place. The two trainers were there with their mechamon ready to battle.


    Non-legendary Pokemon FTW!
  • 485
    After the battle and receiving their Pokemon eggs, Kaiser and Seirgo decided to go into Virdian City then entered the Pokemon Center. Seirgo took both his and Kaiser's pokeballs to Nurse Joy. "Thanks for the help, but I would have done that myself. I guess this is what to be expected from my partner. Next time we go to the center, I will take the pokeballs to Nurse Joy." Kaiser said. He still praised Seirgo for the battle and how easily he eliminated Electabuzz. He was impressed that his Snorunt had the power to knock out such a powerful Pokemon. He was starting to wonder just how powerful Seirgo and Snorunt could be as they traveled together.

    Kaiser had nothing to do, but wait for his Mime Jr. to finish healing. So he grabbed his egg and began polishing it so that it could shine. "I can't wait for you to hatch. I can finally put my breeder skills to the test when you arrive. I will make you stronger than any other mechamon. Then we can show other trainers just how powerful the heart of a real Pokemon can be. However, i have to wait for you to hatch." Kaiser said still polishing his egg. He felt it shake just a little then hugged it, "Hatch soon my baby!" he said.

    While he was polishing, Seirgo was talking about all the different pokemon, and also about mechamon, when they overheared a conversation of to boys. "I have a mechamon", one said. "me too, i have a snorunt", the other said he was wearing a blue t-shirt. "I have a mime jr", The boy in purple said. The conversation lasted a tiny bit, when sergio got the best idea. "Kaiser, those people have the exact same pokemon as us only they have mechamon, lets show them that pokemon are the best", Sergio said and he stood up.

    Kaiser looked up at his partner, "Sure why not, we can show them the true power."

    Sergio walked to the counter and then gave Kaiser his Pokeball with Mime Jr., then they went to a secret spot to battle. Kaiser released his Mime Jr. and Sergio released his Snorunt. Each Pokemon locked eyes with their mechamon counter parts. "Okay Mime, be careful, we don't know just how different these mechamon are from us...." but before he could finish sentence. Mime Jr. had already started to use her tickle on the mecha Mime. However, both Kaiser and Mime Jr. were shocked when they saw tickle had no effect.

    Mime Jr. quickly ran back to Kaiser with tears in her eyes ready to cry. "I know you're upset that you can't be silly in this battle, but that's what I tried to warn you about. These mechamon are not so easily effected by tickle like real Pokemon." Mime Jr. looked up at kaiser and saw a grin on his face. She knew what was coming next. "Looks like we will have to use my own battle style." Kaiser laughed. Mime Jr. started to sulk, as she knew her fun time was over and Kaiser's had just begun.

    "Alright Mime Jr., take the spotlight!"

    Stan the man

    A true gentleman
  • 202
    omega drags the captin to a place where people will see him the he sat back on the boat.
    "onward slaves." comanded Finn, and they started heading back to where be bet/fled fraid.
    "ok guys im kind of warn out. what about you?" asked Finn bubbles apeared from bellow finn
    "ill take that as a yes." Finn sighed then lay back what are you doing here? your useless you cant help Finn frowend what are you going to do? your weak pathetic. "SHUT UP!" yelled Finn startling ledyba and magikarp.


    "sorry guys...." said Finn after a while "it just..." ledyba chirped "thanks." then a sharpedo riped threw the middle of his boat. Finns brain went in to over drive "ledyba bug buzz magikarp tackle." the two attacked the oncoming shark it bit down on magikarp "Flail."
    the magikarp started floping around in its mouth. the used a take down on ledyba the two sailed above Finns head.

    ledyba used a tackle at the same time as magikarp sharpedo flew upwards then landed on top of a rock and knocked it self out. They hit land Finn hoped off returned magikarp and started walking in to the forest then he saw a short kid he he ran up to him "tarly!"


  • 422
    "Ready to go?" Mira asked, turning to John.
    "Oh yeah, sure". Answered John as he snapped out of his thoughts.
    He went to the two Pokémon, broke their fight and put Star in his Pokéball.
    John walked to the remains of the camp and took his bag without stopping.
    As they started to walk, John yawned as he told Makuhita to use Vital Throw. Again... And again... And again... Until he mastered the move.
    For the whole trip, there was an awkward silence between John and Mira, until they got to the border.
    John's heart did a cartwheel when he saw a muscular police heading towards the center, with an Arcanine Méchamon by his side.
    "Do whatever you want, but I'm helping May". Said John with an anoyed voice to Mira, as he bolted towards the center, Makuhita jumping besides him.
    John somehow managed to get in, without the police notiving him.

    He gasped as he saw the interior of the center: walls full of eggs, and... A couple of angry Kangaskhan...?
    As the Kangaskhan were about to attack, May stepped in to the room.
    "Who are you, and what do you want"? She asked, dropping his Pokémon food basket in shock.
    "No time to explain, tell those Kangaskhan to start packing those eggs, Oser has told the Police about this place". Said John as he called Star out and told them to help the Kangaskhan.
    "Wow, she's strong, said May to John, while pointing at Star".
    "Yeah... She's what??? I thought she was a he"... Said John as he blushed.
    The Kangaskhan were almost done packing, as the crystal decorated door bursted open...


    The original DarkHeart
  • 1,020
    Taryl was annoyed. he had gone through the jungle/forest several times and still he had seen no one. the foot prints had vanished in a large clearing and there had been no branching off or backtracking, it was as if the person had vanished.....VANISHED! that was it, a ghost pokemon had been here, which could only mean one thing, polgeist or one of his grunts had been here! Taryl turned to chill and said "chill, can you pick up a scent of whoever made these foot prints?" chill nodded and began sniffing around in the clearing. this went on for about ten minutes untill chill stopped at the last set of footprints. chill turned to taryl and said,(translation)"there is a scent here Taryl, but it is very weak, i will try to remember it the best i can." Taryl nodded and turned to Serith "can you detect anything we cant?" Serith shook his head and sighed. he just wanted to get this over with.

    The trio made their way back to the beach. Taryl was putting Chill back in her pokeball when he heard finn shout "TARLY!" Taryl turned to finn and smiled. "Hey Finn, it's good to know that you're okay. oh and my name is TARYL." Taryl turned to the forest and then back to Finn "have you seen any of Polgeist's minions?

    Stan the man

    A true gentleman
  • 202
    Finn looked at him "yeah tarly got it, Umm I saw a misdrivis?" "if thats what you mean"
    Finn sat down. "Oh yeah remember this guy?" said Finn releasing magikarp who floped around.

    Finn looked at the sky geez i am lucky to be alive. "so what have you been up to?" asked Finn.

    ((sorry its short i could'nt think to day))


  • 422
    "For crying out loud! I lost them again"! Yelled Fraid, while sailing 30 feet off the island. That's when he saw them.
    "That tall brat and that short dude with a Shiiiinyyy... Magikarp"! He yelled by himself as he started so get closer to the shore.
    As he got to the shore, he jumped out of his ship and tied a rope on it, so that it wont sail away.
    Fraid walked towards the kids with a smirk in his face. "I've finally caught you"...!
    He threw Misdreavus' ball in the air and a thin beam of light shot out of it.
    The kids turned to Fraid, shocked.
    "I finally found you, brats... Bwahahahahahaaa".... Yelled Fraid as he gave commands to Misdreavus.
    "Use Mean Look and the Shadow Ball"!! He shouted, as the battle finally started.


    restless spirit
  • 1,748
    The group started walking, silence oppressively closing in around them, only broken by John's Pokemon attempting to master a move. John didn't decide to do anything stupid until they got to the edge of the woods.

    She saw the figure of a third person out of the corner of her eye. Mira spun behind a tree and quickly returned Spinarak. She was about to take out Riolu's ball when she noticed something was with the person. It was a Mechamon.

    "Do whatever you want, but I'm helping May," John said, racing off back into the woods.

    "Wait! Mira hissed.

    But John had already disappeared between the trees.

    Rage burned inside Mira and she turned to Riolu with a nod. Riolu immediately raced after him. Mira turned with a dark scowl and caught sight of the person she now realized to be a Police Officer. He was moving rather slow, so Riolu would be able to catch up to John much sooner than the man and his Mechamon. Even so, Mira wanted to buy them as much time as possible.

    Taking a deep breath and saying a silent prayer, Mira hid all of her PokeBalls in the toe of her boot and rearranged her bag so that her berries were all on top (though her potions could just pass off as regular vitamin supplements). She silently raced forward through the trees until she was well ahead of the officer and then stepped onto the path and began walking toward him. Mira forced herself to give the man a smile as she passed.

    "G'morning, Officer," she said brightly.


    A building finally entered Riolu's vision. Assuming that was the breeding center the male Trainer had been talking about, Riolu raced forward and threw the door open. A girl and the male Trainer looked at him in shock, surrounded by Pokemon who were hurriedly moving boxes around. Riolu ran over and grabbed as many items as he could carry before racing out the door, motioning for them all to follow.


    The original DarkHeart
  • 1,020
    "So what have you been up to?" Finn asked.
    Taryl stared at him blankly and sidestepped revealing serith. "umm lets see.."said Taryl "I was blown far away from the wreckage by the explosion. I then was attacked by this guy" as Taryl pointed to serith "Chill saved my life, but was then pulled to the bottom by him. i saw a scuba bouy an swam towards it, went under water, caught serith and then had him swim me to this island. i followed a set of foot prints till they disapeared, literally. and then i came back out here and found you, does that answer your question?"

    And that's when Fraid came in.

    Taryl Glared at Fraid, giving him his own mean look. Fraid faltered a bit and it distracted him enough for Finn to counter the attacks. Finn looked at Fraid and asked, "what exactly do you want?" Fraid smirked at Finn and wagged his finger. "if you wan to know what the boss' plan is, then i cant tell you, but what i want right NOW is to eliminate you twerps!" Fraid continued to monolouge, not paying any attention to anyone except himself. Unfortunately for Taryl, Fraid's misdreavus was a little more observant. at least, that's what the misdreavus thought. but even the misdreavus didn't notice chill creeping up behind it as it kept a close eye on Taryl.

    The attack was launched, but not by chill. the misdreavus charged at Taryl just as chill clamped down. but the misdreavus was already at Taryl, holding him in a death grip. Chill's eyes widened, and she leaped at misdreavus with her mouth wide open. she clamped down, hen she and Taryl were thrown to the ground, out cold.
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  • 422
    As the door burst open, John prepared to battle.
    But all John saw was... Riolu.
    Riolu rushed to help the Kangaskhan as they raised their speed.
    When every single egg was packed, John made a question to May
    "Is there a back door out of here"? He asked as May was packing her Pokémon food and tea kettle's.
    "Umm... Yea... Yeah. Just go straight to the hall and then turn left two times. You should see a brown door that looks really heavy". She answered in a hurry as she put her bag on and headed towards the hall.
    That's when a beam of fire shot through the door, hitting one of the Kangaskhan straight on. The Kangaskhan slowly fell over, and never got up again.
    May rushed to the Pokémon, took medicine from her pocket and started to sniffle.
    John thought about the situation for a split second.
    "I guess I can control Riolu as Mira isn't here... I think I need all the help I can get... Well... Here goes nothing"!
    He raised his head and gave commands to the Pokémon as Kangaskhan barely got up.
    "Makuhita, Vital Throw. Star, use Gust to power the throw and Riolu, use"... John stopped in the middle of the sentence as Mira ran across the hall.

    Mira gave commands to Riolu as Makuhita threw himself through the door, hitting the hard Pokémon dead on.
    Arcanine flinched and then used Extreme Speed, sending Makuhita fainted on John's arms.
    John smiled as he saw that May had already left.
    Riolu finished his attack and John pointed direction to Mira.
    John toppled a bookcase on the shredded door, called Makuhita back and started to run towards the back door, proud of himself.
    As they got out, they saw May waving to them, pointing the direction towards the forest.
    They ran... And ran... Until they got to a little cottage, which had a sign on the door that read: Only for emergencies. John ran in and saw May already settling in the cosy little house.
    "How can I thank you enough young ones"? She asked with tears on her eyes.
    She however didn't let John to speak, as she opened her mouth again
    "I know, I'll give you whatever egg you want! That's the least I can do for you" She continued and shot John with a smile.


    restless spirit
  • 1,748
    (OOC: sorry, filler post before we get moving ;))

    "How can I thank you enough young ones?" the woman said as soon as they reached safety, tears filling her eyes. "I know, I'll give you whatever egg you want! That's the least I can do for you."

    "You don't have to do that," Mira said, sitting cross-legged on the floor with Riolu in her lap. "This is your life, and I can't ask you to give up any part of it. I'm just sorry that you have to be afraid of being harmed because of it."

    Speaking to the officer hadn't gone well. He had dodged every attempt Mira had made to stall him with conversation, intent on going through with his work as soon as possible. Mira was soon forced to let him go and slip back into the woods to attempt to reach the cottage before he did.

    Mira placed the PokeBalls back into her bag and took out a small packet of powder, walking over to John.

    "Give this to your Pokemon," Mira said, handing John the packet before returning to her bag. She slipped out her PokeDex and examined the circuitry for damage but mostly just for lack of something better to do. They would need to get moving soon, but they wouldn't get very far with injured Pokemon.


  • 422
    As Mira said she didn't need anything in return, John's heart jumped.
    "Aww... I would've really wanted an Eevee egg"... Thought John by himself.
    "Umm... May, would it be rude to ask you for an Eevee egg"? He asked and May's eyes brightened.
    She took some sort of little red capsule from her pocket and threw it to John.
    "Press the button on it". She said as John was about to open his mouth.
    John pressed the tiny button on it and the capsule started to morph into an egg.

    "My Eevee bred this egg a while ago, but got angry everytime I tried to sell it to someone, as she is really paranoid about unfamiliar people. But I'm sure you take a good care of this egg". She said and smiled.
    John grinned and thanked the breeder, as Mira gave him a bag of some weird powder.
    "Give this to your Pokemon," she said and John did as she asked.
    His Pokémon got better in seconds.
    John then recalled his Starly, said Mira that it's time to leave and opened the door.
    The cold evening breeze tickled his face as he stepped in the darkness of the Viridian Forest...


    S to the o
  • 182
    "GO snorunt show them that pokemon are the best", Sergio said while he was releasing his snorunt. Sergio looked at kaiser's battle, it seemed that stats decreasing attacks don't work this will be a battle of power. "Snorunt use your headbutt at the mechamon", Sergio commanded his pokemon, snorunt ran toward the mechamon and headbutted it the mechamon was a bit hurt but snorunt was lying on the ground he was overwhelmed by the pain of the metal. "O no snorunt are you okay", Sergio asked worried. "Snorunt sno", Snorunt said while standing up. "Okay snorunt use ice beam", Sergio said, Snorunt blasted a blue beam out of his mouth freezing the mechamon snorunt completely.

    "Pathetic, break free mecharunt", mecharunts trainer said, in one move it was free. Sergio was startled and was quite surprised, he thought that it would be easy to kill a machine but it was not, he looked over to kaiser, he was also having a bad time. "Mecharunt use your headbut.", Mecharunts trainer said, it started to run toward snorunt in a ridicioulus speed. "Come back snorunt", Sergio said, seeing his pokemon was going to get really hurt. He looked over to kaiser they both nodded to each other and they both grabbed their bags with their egg in it and they started running away from the battle that they thought was an easy win, apparently there was no messing with the mechamon.

    "Hello, is this the pokemon alert line", mecharunts trainer said through the phone. "Yes it is what is the alert", The person on the phone said. "There are trainers with pokemon heading to the viridian forest", mecharunts trainer said. "Thanks for the info", The person said through the phone.

    (ooc: so k9 if it is okay there are polgeist grunts coming after us in the viridian forest with real pokemon)


    Non-legendary Pokemon FTW!
  • 485
    After the failed tickle attack, Kaiser wondered if this battle could really go in their favor. He hoped that Sergio was making some progress with his battle. Kaiser watched as Sergio and Snorunt used their Heabutt and Ice Beam combo. "That combo defeated Electabuzz, so I know it can take down that mechamon." Kaiser was soon surprised as he watch the mecharunt shake off both attacks. With each of them knowing the situation, they nodded to each other and ran with their Pokemon and bags. "I didn't know that they would be so tough. I underestimated the steel." Kaiser thought while he continued to run into the forest. However as they ran, Kaiser could hear a voice in the distance. It was the mecharunt's trainer's voice. "I don't like where this is going. Did he just sell us out to the other guys?!" Kaiser thought. He couldn't slow down and worry he had to move as fast as he could. "Sergio, we can't look back now. We have to get as far away from this place as possible and find a refuge. I know Pewter City is coming up soon, we can rest in there." Just as Kaiser said his idea a Dark Pulse came from the sky. He grabbed Sergio and dodged the attack. "If you wanna get me with my guard down, you gotta try harder than that. Show yourselves and save us the trouble."

    Soon Kaiser heard laughter coming from the trees in the forest. The laughter soon stopped but another attack came from an unknown direction. Kaiser couldn't identify where it was coming from and who was shooting. "This isn't good under the cover of trees. They have us in a spot where we can't move or we get hit. Not only that we can't hit, when he can't move. We are the rats in a trap." Kaiser said turning to Sergio.

    "Partner, I need you to cover you and Snorunt to help me find them."


    The original DarkHeart
  • 1,020
    Taryl woke up in a dark cell. he looked around and realised at once what was missing. CHILL! Taryl examined every inch of the cell with anguish. there was no way out. Tary sobbed for his missing pokemon and then he remembered where serith was. Taryl emptied out his shoes revealing five turquoise pokeballs. he took serith's and let him out. "serith, can you wrap the bars and get them to bend?" Serith nodded and slithered over to the bars. he squeezed through and wrpped himself around them. even struggling, he could only move the bars about a centimeter. Taryl collapsed to the bed thinking all was lost. then serith asked "would you like me to go look for the keys?" Taryl shook his head. "no. i do not want to lose you as well." as Taryl lied down, he began to think of oak. the man that had done so much for him and- Wait! Taryl reached into his back pocket praying they had mistaken it for a vitamin powder. it was a vitamin, just not for humans. he saw "protein" barely visable on the pouch. Taryl motioned serith over and asked him to open his mouth. Taryl poured the contents of the pouch down serith's glullet. serith swollowed smacking his lips. it was orange flavored. Taryl smiled and said, "now we wait."

    Half an hour later, serith was ready. serith squeezed through the bars and wrapped around them, contracting his muscles. bit by bit the bars gave way although the strain clearly showed on serith's face. once the bars and been pulled apart wide enough, serith oozed off the bars collapsing to the ground. taryl smiled at serith and said, "good job." returning him to his pokeball.

    Taryl ran through the halls, his wildness enhancing his senses. he listened at every hallway, searching for chill. Taryl came upon two large metallic doors with flashing lights and a panel with buttons near the side. Taryl pulled out his pokedex(HE HAS ONE?) and plugged it into the panel. Taryl silentley prayed. oak had given him this thing and had explained all of its interesting features. Taryl not really caring for technology hadnt paid attention. he watched a cute GIF image of oak scratch its chin. Taryl was getting frustrated, he had no idea what was going on. the oak snapped its fingers and grinned, then the doors opened. Taryl peered inside. he heard two male voices having a conversation. "This is perfect, two specimens for the mechamon project!" (voice 2) "yea, now we will be able to make mecha eggs, using this poke egg the boys found in the forest. What kind of breeder was that? she didnt even fight back! And we have a larvitar to model mechamon after!" Taryl gritted his teeth and stepped in silently. there we two men wearing white coats at a table inside. Taryl looked to his side and saw two prototype mecha eggs. Taryl picked them up and threw them at the mens' heads. they were right on target. Taryl ran to where their bodies were and saw what was going on. there were two tanks with chill and a poke egg floating inside. there were cords attached to chill's body. Taryl enraged shattered the tanks with the mecha eggs waking up chill and starting a shrill alarm. Taryl placed the egg in a spare pokeball, grabbed chill and ran. he had to get out of this place!
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