When I was young, and used Yahoo Mail (today, I use Gmail. Yay.), I had to come up with a username. I was really young at the time (and sorta stupid) so I picked zeldalover929. All because I liked Zelda (And I still do.).
Then, I joined the AIM scene. I needed an account for that, so I chose thezeldalover. (Very creative, younger self.) Then, as an alt. account, I made the thesoniclover. (See previous.)
Then I joined the Nsider forums (back when they weren't a technical support forum but a community), I needed a username for that, also. (Duh.) So I chose zelda929 as a screen name. ("zeldamc" was my username, I didn't know the difference between the two. The MC comes from Minish Cap, a game in the Zelda series.)
Then, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess came out.
I found out about the word Twilight from that and absolutely loved it.
Thus, eviltwilight was born. (It's my Youtube username, mainly.)
I later joined the forums "Digibutter.nerr.biz" as Black Twilight. Why? It was a variation on eviltwilight, and it had a space in it.
So I now use those last two a lot. Occasionally, I use the shortened form of them, "EvTwi", "BlkTwilight", "BlkTwi", etc.
My newest username (not the one on this forum) is That Awesome. Why? Because I could say "I'm That Awesome" and always be right.
(I really need to stop using parentheses.)