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Danger on the S.S. Anne [SU+OOC]

Can I just clarify there are still spaces for this? And if so may I reserve one?
If I get an answer within the next couple of hours my sign up will be completed within half an hour after that, if not, I will Sign up as soon as I see a reply when I wake up (Currently on 1am UK Time, tend to go to sleep no earlier then 4, perhaps as late as 7, and wake up usually between 12-2pm

Many thanks ^_^
Yes, there are still spaces… sign up quick because there's no reservations any more though!

Can't wait for this to start!!! :3

@SwiftSign: Oh my god! You're a ninja?! o_0
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Just gonna drive the Mrs home and then I'll make a start! (Don't wanna be disturbed if I'm gonna do this right =P) so I reckon an hour at the most and I'll be all signed up

I look forward to it Baker!

4am?! It's 2am now and I'm calling it quits.

@Drunk I'm only a ninja part time :3
Sign Up

Full Name: Link James Hunter

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Hometown: Lavender Town


Personality: Link is very short tempered, and for that reason he keeps himself to himself. There is no greater insult to him then stupidity, he doesn't like it, he doesn't have time for it, therefore he tries to stay as far away from it as possible. His worst trait? He hates pokemon, any and all, including his own; though this trait goes triple for water types. He does however love to battle, it's just about the only time you will get a smile out of him.

Biography: Links story is an unfortunate one. He was originally born on Cinnabar Island where he was a very happy child; he lived with both his parents and was always surrounded by friends and the Pokemon that belonged to them, as well as those that wildly frequented the island. More special to him then any of these was a Sandshrew that had been caught and belonged to his brother Michael, who was 8 years older then his younger brother, and had travelled through many regions of the Pokemon world on his own journey, aiming to one day become a Pokemon master. He had caught the Sandshrew, but never having any real use for it in his team, left it at his parents house as he had noticed that Link had taken a liking to him.

Link had never desired to go on a Pokemon journey, nor had he ambitions to become a Pokemon master. He was perfectly content to stay exactly where he was, all he needed was Sandshrew.

When Link turned 16, a disaster occured;
Link had finished his school day, and was on the beach of the island near the water where he was playing with Sandshrew. His mother called out that it was time for dinner, but Sandshrew with wide gleaming eyes and a smile had expressed a desire to stay and play in the sand, so Link had left him there.
After dinner, Link returned what couldn't have been more then 15 minutes later, but instead of finding Sandshrew playing happily in the sand, he found only a Golduck and a Poliwhirl standing just where he had left Sandshrew. Link shouted at them, asking if they had seen a Sandshrew anywhere, upon which the two shared a look of amusement, and sneered at Link before both firing a powerful Hydro Pump at him, sending him crashing to the floor and knocking him out.
When Link gained conscientiousness, being woken by his mother, Link immediately jumped to his feet and looked everywhere for Sandshrew, but he was gone...

Link knew that the two water Pokemon must have had something to do with it, and spent every day of the next year searching for them, and Sandshrew, but to no avail.

Link fell deeper and deeper into fear that he would never see Sandshrew again, that fear turned to anger and hate for all Pokemon, especially water types.
When his brother returned home for a visit and heard the story, he advised Link to find another Sandshrew, but Link didn't want to know.

Over the next two years things only got worse, his mother turned ill, his father lost his job, and his brother became more and more distant, his visits less frequent. It was decided that Link would be best to move in with his grandparents who lived in Lavender Town where he now resides.

Now the owner of three Pokemon of his own, Link travels the Kanto region, training. He doesn't take on gym leaders, or enter competitions, he merely trains the three Pokemon he has, but the way he treats them is no better then the way he treats all Pokemon, with hate and disgust. So why does he travel the region, exploring the same places over and over again and making his Pokemon stronger? Who knows...



Nickname None

Gender: Male

Ability: Insomnia

Level 35

Perish Song
Double Team
Faint Attack
Wing Attack

Short Bio: Murkrow was the first Pokemon Link ever actually caught, but it wasn't through fair battle. Link never begun a pokemon journey through traditional senses, so was never given a basic starting pokemon. After moving to Lavender Town Link spent a lot of time in Lavender Tower, looking at pokemon graves, and there had always been a Murkrow that perched itself high up on the bleachers, staring down. Whenever Link was there he noticed that the Murkrow would stare intently at him, and he could have sworn that sometimes at night when outside the tower, that Murkrow would follow him and look on from a distance.

One night as Link was entering the tower, he found Murkrow lying on the floor just in front of the door, breathing, but motionless. After much consideration he picked him up, and took him back to Links grandparents house where he gave it water and food. Link wasn't sure exactly why he was doing this, after all, he hated Pokemon, and this stupid Murkrow was no exception, however he knew that if he wanted to catch more Pokemon then he would need somewhere to start, and this Mukrow already looked fairly strong, so; stealing an empty Pokeball of his Grandfathers, he threw it at the motionless Murkrow, who suddenly sprang to life, flying up and into the pokeball, being sucked into it in a flash of red light.
The Pokeball did not shake at all upon capture, it was almost as if this was exactly what Murkrow wanted...


Nickname None

Gender: Male

Ability: Sand Veil

Level 30

Thunder Fang
Ice Fang
Fire Fang

Short Bio:
After moving to Lavender Town, Link was visited by his brother Michael who took him on a month long trip to various regions of the Pokemon world. During this time he visited the Hoenn region where he confronted Gliscor in a forest. Having previously ignored catching any other Pokemon, Link was fascinated by Gliscor and after engaging and beating it in battle with Murkrow, decided to catch the Gliscor. Twice the Pokemon escaped the pokeball and attempted to flee, but Link was persistent and sent Murkrow to follow it. After an hour long game of cat and mouse, Link succeeded in catching the stubborn Pokemon.

I would like to make a plee for Gliscor to be able to to use ''Cut'' as a basic move in the category with things like ''Tackle'' etc. I believe it to be plausible considering its sharp claws.


Nickname None

Gender: Male


Level 33

Thunder Fang

Short Bio:
Similarly to how Link caught Gliscor. Krokodile was met by him when just a Sandile when visiting the Unova region. What attracted Link to the Sandile the most was that it was Sandile that picked a fight with him. At first Link sneered and ignored the Pokemon. But the Sandile proved to be just as stubborn and continued to show up and follow the trainer and his brother over the next two days, eventually forcing Link to admire its spunk, especially considering that at the time it was only a low level Pokemon, but this did not stop it from putting up a hell of a fight against Murkrow, but inevitably it lost, and Link decided to catch it.
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Full Name: Lucas Harding

Age (16+):



Lucas stands at 1.7 meters tall, and possesses a lean build. He is quite pale, and his sharp features are framed by dirty blonde hair and unshaven chin. He is often seen wearing a thick black jacket over a green shirt (he has several) and black jeans. He constantly carries a backpack, and can sometimes be seen with a pair of bird-watching binoculars around his neck. His Swablu, Atlus, is perched on him so often that she might as well be classified as an article of clothing.

Personality: Most of the time, Lucas is incredibly casual and laid-back, preferring to lounge around and not commit himself to much. He isn't always very chatty, preferring to keep his words to himself if possible and answer questions briefly. When he does feel like talking, though, he is prone to going off on bizarre tangents, making puns and sometimes overacting just to see what provokes others. He'd happily classify himself as a follower and not a leader, but will never violate his own principles.

When he does feel like doing something, he will stop at nothing to accomplish it, sometimes sacrificing essentials such as food and sleep to obtain them, often even ignoring all contact with the outside world.

He loves bird watching and bird pokémon in general, and will often spend hours at a time gazing at the skies and watching their inhabitants. He often brings food, such as Lavaridge's specialty (Lava Cookies) along with him to get up close to them and attempt to befriend them.

When it comes to battles, Lucas will usually attempt to weasel his way out of challenges, as he considers himself somewhat pacifist. If he has to battle, he prefers trickery and abstract strategies over brutal offense.

Lucas was born in Lavaridge town to Alexis, a local who had lived there for some time, and Jeremy, a man who had recently moved from Fortree at the time. While tourists came and went, the actual community was fairly concrete, and everyone knew each other.

When he was 6, his parents divorced and his mother, Alexis, left for Slateport. As a result, he was rapidly integrated into the town as 'Ol' Jeremy's kid', and was taught out how to bake the town's specialty, the Lava Cookie, to keep traditions running and hopefully his father from returning to Fortree.

On his twelfth birthday, he was gifted a pair of professional bird watching binoculars and a trainer's license, but his father was unable to afford a starter for him. So instead of training pokémon, he took up bird watching. It was difficult, due to living in a mountain ridge, so one day a few months later his father took him on a long trek, out to the route southeast of Fallarbor Town. It was there he met and befriended Atlus the Swablu, and caught her with a pokéball his father had prepared for such an occasion.

Some years later, Lucas' father announced he was leaving the town for Kanto. Saddened by this eventuality, the townspeople tried to convince Lucas to go on a journey, pooling all their money together to get him a second pokémon: A Minccino. They then managed to make him face the town's Gym Leader, Flannery, in combat. She was coerced into limiting her team to two, to match Lucas', and he emerged victorious, gaining his one and only Hoenn badge before leaving.

After moving to Kanto, he lived a relatively simple life in Celadon City until receiving a ticket for a certain cruise…


Species: Swablu

Nickname: Atlus

Level: 26

Gender: Female

Ability: Natural Cure

Moveset: Peck, growl, Sing, Fury Attack, Roost and Safeguard.

Personality: Atlus is incredibly cheery. A curious, somewhat rebellious and naïve soul, she is often found perched atop Lucas' head. She can be little dim sometimes, but is surprisingly skilled in combat considering how rarely she participates. Humble yet confident, she prefers to confound foes with a variety of status problems, and then let Swish finish them off. She absolutely loves lava cookies, and at first this was the reason she got along with Lucas.

Short Bio: Atlus was Lucas' first pokémon, caught when her flock was roosting in preparation for a migration from route 114 to route 115. Lucas attracted her to him using a lava cookie as bait, before going in for the catch. She didn't particularly care, apparently, as the pokéball didn't shake once.

From then on she was his companion, almost constantly kept out of her pokéball and well known among Lavaridge Town's population for stealing food. When Lucas challenged Flannery before leaving for Kanto, she led the charge, putting the Gym Leader's Slugma and later her Torkoal to sleep, each time returning so that Swish could inflict some solid damage.

When they reached Kanto, Atlus' roaming suddenly became far more restricted due to changes in social structure – not everyone knew her, and it was far more likely for her small acts of thievery to land them in trouble. As a result, she became more mischievous in other ways.


Nickname: Swish

Level: 21

Gender: Male

Ability: Skill Link

Moveset: Dig, Swift, Encore, and Doubleslap.

Personality: Swish is almost the polar opposite of Atlus. Snarky, moody and savvy yet obedient, he prefers to stay out of his pokéball but unlike her does not really care if he is stored in it, as long as he gets some fresh air every so often. He also refuses to eat Lava Cookies, apparently finding them too spicy for his liking. He is also rather arrogant, believing himself to be above others, and like his trainer, loves to exaggerate and overact, revelling in melodrama.

Short Bio: Swish was bred by a professional Breeder, and then handed over to Lucas after the people of Lavaridge Town handed over a decent-sized sum of cash. From the get-go, he saw himself as Atlus' rival, constantly competing. Atlus disagreed, but that didn't stop him from trying to outperform her in every way. The two occasionally got into fights, but it was manageable, thanks to his respect for authority.

When Lucas reached Kanto, Swish suddenly started being let out of his pokéball more open. Surprised by this change, but none the less fairly accepting of the change, his ego grew even more. This in turn caused him to grow more careless in the few battles that he entered in, slowly warping the team's perception of him.
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Link and Lucas are accepted!!

Which means... :o NO MORE SPACES!

I'm afraid it's now a waiting game for the IC thread to be posted, but once it is the first event is typed up and ready to start.

In the mean time feel free to use this thread to voice ideas and/or possibly plan meeting characters your trainer might get on with! :) Can't wait.
I hope I don't get booted from this rp, we had a really bad storm and I'm at the local hospital to charge stuff, not sure when I'll get power back, they said by July 8th
I hope I don't get booted from this rp, we had a really bad storm and I'm at the local hospital to charge stuff, not sure when I'll get power back, they said by July 8th

Hey Genevieve, what I'm planning for the time limits for events is 10 days per roleplay day. Assuming that the IC goes up in the next few days that should mean that you guys have until July 11th-14th to make a post. Hopefully in that time your internet is back.

If not, and you arrive back later still interested, I will work out a way so your character can join at one of the scheduled stops (maybe Fuchsia City).
alright thank you. This storm was just terrible, my whole city and surrounding cities haven't had power in three days now
^ Sorry to hear about your power cut! 3 days?!?! If you're anything like me you'll have been going crazy within an hour!
Unfortunately I bite into the sterotype of society just not being able to function without technology!

Can't wait to get started on this! My writers pen (Keyboard) is itchy!

So will the idea be that we start already on the ship? Or making our way there? or just about to board?

Or is this information that we will have to wait for? xD
So will the idea be that we start already on the ship? Or making our way there? or just about to board?

Or is this information that we will have to wait for? xD

The first event is boarding the ship yes :3 But you can include as much/many backstory/side characters as you want on the lead up to getting on the S.S. Anne.

Just thought I'd say that so anyone who wants to can plan ahead.
I can already see several big character clashes, just browsing through the signups. Anyone want to engage in a planned grudge?
I can already see several big character clashes, just browsing through the signups. Anyone want to engage in a planned grudge?

Same here, some of these characters wouldn't get along with mine. I would plan a rivalry with yours, but honestly, yours wouldn't bother mine because he's a "follower, not a leader" and that is pretty much the kind of people my character likes. Haha. Can't wait for this to start, though!
Well Night's character Eve, as well as with Doronjo's Gloria. So, I would be interested in seeing what either of you two could do with Sarah.
I'd be interesting to see how Nadia reacts to Gloria. I'm not sure if she would view her as a rival or as more of an...idol...seeing as she's gone on tour and stuff. Maybe they'd be more like...frenemies xD Or something lol
I'd be interesting to see how Nadia reacts to Gloria. I'm not sure if she would view her as a rival or as more of an...idol...seeing as she's gone on tour and stuff. Maybe they'd be more like...frenemies xD Or something lol

Frenemies is my new favourite word. I like all this planning guys!

Skymin said she'll (hopefully) be putting some threads through soon, although it's getting quite late in Aussie time so might be tomorrow I guess ><.

is there anyone who wants to bump into Ayame at the beginning of the RP? :P

@Miss Doronjo- what kind of rivalry? :3 maybe our characters can share one :P since Ayame can be pretyy cold-hearted sometimes it could become pretyy funny how to react on each other XD
is there anyone who wants to bump into Ayame at the beginning of the RP? :P

@Miss Doronjo- what kind of rivalry? :3 maybe our characters can share one :P since Ayame can be pretyy cold-hearted sometimes it could become pretyy funny how to react on each other XD

My character, Dee Dee, can board the boat with yours :3
My character being a grumpy sod is gonna keep himself to himself xD
But I reckon I'm gonna start it off by having stayed in the local pokemon center if anyone wants to have a brief encounter?